974 resultados para CHIRAL AZOMETHINE YLIDES


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We present a compact expression for the field theoretical actions based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups. The final formula for the action density α c becomes a bilinear form 〈(S, 1/λ), (y, m y)〉, where S is a 1-cocycle of the Lie group (a schwarzian type of derivative in conformai case), λ is a coefficient of the central element of the algebra and script Y sign ≡ (y, m y) is the generalized Maurer-Cartan form. In this way the action is fully determined in terms of the basic group theoretical objects. This result is illustrated on a number of examples, including the superconformal model with N = 2. In this case the method is applied to derive the N = 2 superspace generalization of the D=2 Polyakov (super-) gravity action in a manifest (2, 0) supersymmetric form. As a byproduct we also find a natural (2, 0) superspace generalization of the Beltrami equations for the (2, 0) supersymmetric world-sheet metric describing the transition from the conformal to the chiral gauge.


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The physical meaning of the recently proposed minimal Wess-Zumino (MWZ) term is discussed. It is shown that the only relativistically acceptable MWZ corresponds to a gauged Floreanini-Jackiw chiral boson. This leads to the conclusion that the very mechanism in action is that of closing families like it happens in the standard model, and not that of the WZ term, in the spirit of Faddeev-Shatashvilli.


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We quantize a generalized version of the Schwinger model, where the two chiral sectors couples with different strengths to the U(1) gauge field. Starting from a theory which includes a generalized Wess-Zumino term, we obtain the equal time commutation relation for physical fields, both the singular and non-singular cases are considered. The photon propagators are also computed in their gauge dependent and invariant versions. © 1995 Springer-Verlag.


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We consider a simple way of solving the flavor question by embedding the three-family standard model in a semisimple gauge group extending minimally the weak isospin factor. Quantum chiral anomalies between families of fermions cancel with a matching of the number of families and the number of color degrees of freedom. Our demonstration shows how the theory leads to determination of families structure when the standard model is the input at low energies. The new physics is limited to start below a few TeVs within the reach of the next generation colliders.


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In this work we discuss the effect of quartic fermion self-interacting terms on the dynamically generated photon masses in 1+1 dimensions, for vector, chiral, and non-Abelian couplings. In the vector and chiral cases we find exactly the dynamically generated mass modified by the quartic term while in the non-Abelian case we find the dynamically generated mass associated with its Abelian part. We show that in the three cases there is a kind of duality between the gauge and quartic couplings. We perform functional as well as operator treatments allowing for the obtention of both fermion and vector field solutions. The structures of the Abelian models in terms of θ vacua are also addressed.


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We obtain constraints on possible anomalous interactions of the top quark with the electroweak vector bosons arising from the precision measurements at the Z pole. In the framework of SU(2)L ⊕ U(1)Y chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective CP-conserving operators of dimension five which induce fermionic currents involving the top quark. We constrain the magnitudes of these anomalous interactions by evaluating their one-loop contributions to the Z pole physics. Our analysis shows that the operators that contribute to the LEP observables get bounds close to the theoretical expectation for their anomalous couplings. We also show that those which break the SU(2)C custodial symmetry are more strongly bounded. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A forward dispersion calculation is implemented for the spin polarizabilities γ1, ⋯, γ4 of the proton and the neutron. These polarizabilities are related to the spin structure of the nucleon at low energies and are structure-constants of the Compton scattering amplitude at script O sign(ω3). In the absence of a direct experimental measurement of these quantities, a dispersion calculation serves the purpose of constraining the model building, and of comparing with recent calculations in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The δ-expansion is a nonperturbative approach for field theoretic models which combines the techniques of perturbation theory and the variational principle. Different ways of implementing the principle of minimal sensitivity to the δ-expansion produce in general different results for observables. For illustration we use the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for chiral symmetry restoration at finite density and compare results with those obtained with the Hartree-Fock approximation.


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We analyze the potential of the Next Linear e+e- Collider to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions through the processes e+e-→W+W-Z and ZZZ. In the framework of SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective operators of order p4 that lead to four-gauge-boson interactions but do not induce anomalous trilinear vertices. In our analysis, we take into account the decay of the vector bosons to fermions and evaluate the efficiency in their reconstruction. We obtain the bounds that can be placed on the anomalous quartic interactions and we study the strategies to distinguish the possible couplings.


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Using an infinite number of fields, we construct actions for D = 4 self-dual Yang-Mills with manifest Lorentz invariance and for D = 10 super-Yang-Mills with manifest super-Poincaré invariance. These actions are generalizations of the covariant action for the D = 2 chiral boson which was first studied by McClain, Wu, Yu and Wotzasek.


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The long-standing discrepancy between the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the analysis of pion photoproduction multipoles is greatly diminished by use of s-wave multipoles that are in accord with the predictions of chiral perturbation theory and describe the experimental data in the threshold region. The remaining difference may be due to contributions of channels with more pions and/or heavier mesons whose contributions to the sum rule remain to be investigated by a direct measurement of the photoabsorption cross sections.


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We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions through the production of vector-boson pairs accompanied by jets. In the framework of SU(2) L⊗U(1) Y chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective operators of order p 4 that lead to new four-gauge-boson interactions but do not alter trilinear vertices. In our analyses, we perform the full tree-level calculation of the processes leading to two jets plus vector-boson pairs, W +W -,W ±W ±,W ±Z, or ZZ, taking properly into account the interference between the standard model and the anomalous contributions. We obtain the bounds that can be placed on the anomalous quartic interactions and we study the strategies to distinguish the possible new couplings. ©1998 The American Physical Society.


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We discuss how the vacuum model of Celenza and Shakin with a squeezed gluon condensate can explain the existence of an infrared singular gluon propagator frequently used in calculations within the global color model. In particular, it reproduces a recently proposed QCD-motivated model where low energy chiral parameters were computed as a function of a dynamically generated gluon mass. We show how the strength of the confining interaction of this gluon propagator and the value of the physical gluon condensate may be connected.


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In this work we study the structure of electromagnetic interactions and electric charge quantization in gauge theories of electroweak interactions based on semisimple groups. We show that in the standard model of electroweak interactions the structure of electromagnetic interactions is strongly correlated to the quantization pattern of electric charges. We examine these two questions also in all possible chiral bilepton gauge models of electroweak interactions. In all, we can explain the vectorlike nature of electromagnetic interactions and electric charge quantization together demanding nonvanishing fermion masses and anomaly cancellations. ©1999 The American Physical Society.