991 resultados para Câncer na infância
Prevalência da baixa densidade mineral óssea em mulheres na pós-menopausa tratadas de câncer de mama
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper deals with the problem of experience and its possible languages between school knowledge and practices. Its objective is to find the different possibilities of thinking the experience in the educational praxis, based on the contemporary philosophical categories of event and childhood as well as on the genres of poetic language and testimony. In order to do so, it is reconstructed a genealogy of the transformation of educational praxis into pedagogical art in its relationships with childhood whether as a government goal or as a subject, revealing the domination states that constitute them and pointing out their potential of resistance to the actual one. It is also stated that this event breaks into in the aesthetic dimension of experience and concurs in order to interrupt the order of discourse, making subjects of educational praxis think about it and causing care of oneself to become an ethic attitude put together with an aesthetics of experience. Thus, this research aims at restoring the dignity of experience among school knowledge and practices.
This article portrays pathways and studies, arising from research already completed on relationships that constitute the process of appropriation-objectification of the world of human culture by the child at the School for Children, under the gaze of Historical-Cultural Approach. The studies had been configured in accord with a theoretical look that understands the relations as propeller of the humanization process and the child as capable to learn since very small. Initially, there is deepening of theoretical issues concerning the regularities of human development between three and six years old, based on the propositions of the Historical-Cultural Approach. Subsequently, it presents results of the routes methodological that integrated observation sessions of educational practice in schools in early childhood education, involving the relationship between children, adults and objects, as well as sessions of designs and semi-structured interviews with the children. These results show the resulting analysis of the pedagogical implications of the propositions of the HistoricalCultural Approach about the humanization process, mediation and activity.
This assay recoups the original direction of infantia to question the modern ambitions of its full government by means of the pedagogical art, in modernity, and to analyze its potential of resistance, in the present time, arguing the possibilities of this if to reconvert into praxis that the care of itself requires and of that assumed being as a debt on the part of the educators. For this, we will appeal to the Foucault concepts of governmentalization and of care of itself and to the Lyotard notion of debt it stops with infancy. Of this theoretician-conceptual perspective, we wait to offer some tracks so that, as educators, let us think the care with this another one, in the pedagogical art, from critical the philosophical one to the abuses of the power and the socratics recommendation on the on the care of itself.
This paper presents the results of a University research and extension project conducted at an institution that provides support to children and adolescents in the city of Marília, state of São Paulo, in 2010. This project focuses on reading and storytelling activities to stimulate children to become readers and increase their cultural repertoire. The theoretical reflection is based on the studies of Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Benjamin. The practical activities were organized based on authors such as Bajard, Freinet and Coelho; and the choice of the literary works and stories follow the criteria described in the text. The activities were used with the purpose of motivating children and teenagers to read. We observed significant changes in participants, namely: better vocabulary and engagement in activities proposed. The data collected is presented in the text in the form of speech transcripts and in the reports of the book of life.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artigo pretende, à luz da teoria de Vygotsky e seus colaboradores, desvelar as contribuições dos Jogos de Faz-de-conta para aquisição da linguagem escrita pelas crianças. O trabalho apresentado é decorrência dos estudos realizados para elaboração da monografia de conclusão de curso, e tem como objetivos: perceber se os jogos de faz-de-conta estão presentes na rotina das crianças pesquisadas; fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o assunto, para entender o que diferentes autores pensam a respeito e discutir à luz da perspectiva histó- rico-cultural o valor que os jogos de faz-de-conta têm na aquisição da escrita pelas crianças. Cumpre salientar que os resultados apresentados são provenientes apenas dos estudos teóricos realizados, visto que fazem parte de um projeto de pesquisa ainda em andamento.
This article discusses the genesis and development of the relationship between art education and childhood. To address this issue, we highlight the virtualities of the care with childhood postulated by Rousseau and Kant, also in its genesis, as opposed to an extreme government or to the domain that has on it or from it, in its subsequent development in contemporary times. Discussed, in this way, how these virtues have been abandoned by the practices included by art pedagogical, in order to find a place for thought of Rousseau and think it in its actuality.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Breast cancer has received an increasing attention because it is one of the most common cancer type and a leading cause of morbity and mortality among women worldwide. This disease has been considered as a heterogeneous condition, demonstrating a large spectrum of clinical and histopathological variability. In the last two decades, several studies have been conducted to identify new molecular markers of cancer cells, including the alterations of DNA methylation, which is the major epigenetic mechanism associated with the control of gene expression. The hypermethylation of promoter-associated CpG islands contributes to the loss of function of several cancer-related genes, including those encoding to the estrogen receptor (ESR) and progesterone receptor (PGR). This study aimed to determine the methylation patterns of CpG islands of the genes encoding the estrogen receptor α (ESR1 gene, promoters A and B), estrogen receptor β (ESR2 gene) and progesterone receptor (PGR gene, promoter A and B) in 15 cell lines derived from breast cancer. The DNA methylation analysis was based on the “Methylation Specific-Polymerase Chain Reaction” (MSP), which provides a qualitative assessment of the methylation status of a specific CpG island. The results revealed heterogeneous data: the promoter region of ESR1A showed complete methylation in one cell line (BT549) and only two cell lines showed partial methylation (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-453), while the others lineages presented unmethylated alleles. The promoter region of isoform ESR1B was unmethylated in the cell lines BT549, SKBR3 and T47D; partial methylation were observed in the cell lines MDA-MB- 231, MCF-7 and ZR-75-30, while the others cell lines presented complete methylation. All lineages showed complete or partial methylation of the ESR2 gene. The methylation pattern of the promoter A of the PGR ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia, os meios de comunicação de massa evoluíram gradativamente. Neste cenário atual, a televisão representa um dos meios mais poderosos, visto que sua capacidade de alcance abarca milhões de pessoas, dentre elas, o público infantil. Frente aos recursos utilizados, como a exploração de imagens e sons, capazes de acionar as mais variadas emoções, observa-se a presença de um discurso ideológico que, estando aliado ao consumo, propõe mascarar as relações de fragmentação social. Tal discurso é dissipado pela televisão, e encontra-se inserido no universo infantil, denotando aspecto de preocupação. Por isso, a presente pesquisa consiste num trabalho de investigação e crítica acerca dos valores perpassados pela ideologia da classe dominante através da TV, revelando a urgência da discussão e da educação voltadas para a formação de telespectadores críticos, desde sua infância.
O Câncer é uma doença epidêmica e multifatorial. O uso combinado ou não de cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia formam o alicerce sobre o qual se assentam a quase totalidade dos tratamentos contra os mais variados tipos de câncer. Essas terapêuticas quase sempre são agressivas, o que leva a uma ameaça séria à integridade física, sabidamente associada a problemas nutricionais. Pela legislação RDC nº220, publicada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) em 21 de setembro de 2004, que regulamenta os estabelecimentos públicos e privados do país que realizam tratamento de quimioterapia antineoplásica, o farmacêutico deve fazer parte da equipe multiprofissional em terapia antineoplásica, como responsável pela manipulação de todos os antineoplásicos. Levando isso em consideração, o trabalho realiza uma descrição geral desde o desenvolvimento da doença, passando pelos principais agentes causadores e destaca a importância da terapia nutricional, principalmente no período pós-tratamento que influencia diretamente na morbi-mortalidade do câncer. Associando conhecimentos interdisciplinares entendemos que o farmacêutico possa exercer além da manipulação de drogas, a atenção farmacêutica contribuindo positivamente na equipe de saúde, visando uma maior adesão ao tratamento além do aumento da qualidade de vida do paciente oncológico. A partir do levantamento bibliográfico apresentado ampliamos a compreensão da complexidade dos mecanismos da doença, a importância da Terapia Nutricional e o Papel que o profissional farmacêutico pode desempenhar nesse campo