967 resultados para Buried object detection
In the present study PCR was applied to detect leptospires in human urine. Several approaches for sample processing were evaluated to optimize the detection of leptospires in urine mixed with this bacterium. Furthermore, some changes in the composition of the reaction mix were studied. No amplification was observed in acidic urine, therefore neutralization of the sample immediately after collection is strongly recommended. PBS gave better results than Tris or NaOH as neutralizing reagents. Freezing and thawing of samples before processing yielded negative results. Elimination of epithelial cells, leukocytes and crystals by centrifugation at 3,000 rpm at room temperature increased sensitivity. In addition, both the washing step after collecting leptospires by centrifugation and the inclusion of 0.1% bovine serum albumin in the reaction mix minimized the interference of other inhibitory compounds. These modifications were useful to improve the detection of Leptospira in urine by PCR.
A ligase chain reaction DNA amplification method for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Abbott LCx MTB) in respiratory specimens was evaluated. Results from LCx MTB Assay were compared with those from acid fast bacilli smear, culture, and final clinical diagnosis for each patient. A total of 297 respiratory specimens (sputum and bronchial lavage) from 193 patients were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of LCx vs culture were 92.7%, 93%, 67.8% and 98.7%, respectively. When compared to the clinical final diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for LCx were 88.9%, 96.8%, 86.5% and 97.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of LCx MTB assay was 75% for smear-negative, culture positive samples. The results indicate that LCx MTB assay is a rapid, simple and valuable technique as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores
A digoxigenin-labeled probe was produced from the Pasteur virus strain for the detection of the rabies virus N gene. The probe hybridization was performed from amplified N gene obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and the results by RT-PCR and hybridization showed 100% agreement. The hybridization, when carried out in products amplified by RT-PCR, increases the sensitivity of this technique even more and confers specificity to the diagnosis. The technique described in this work will be useful in rabies diagnosis laboratories, once the cost is compatible with traditional rabies diagnostic techniques.
This dissertation presents an approach aimed at three-dimensional perception’s obstacle detection on all-terrain robots. Given the huge amount of acquired information, the adversities such environments present to an autonomous system and the swiftness, thus required, from each of its navigation decisions, it becomes imperative that the 3-D perceptional system to be able to map obstacles and passageways in the most swift and detailed manner. In this document, a hybrid approach is presented bringing the best of several methods together, combining the lightness of lesser meticulous analyses with the detail brought by more thorough ones. Realizing the former, a terrain’s slope mapping system upon a low resolute volumetric representation of the surrounding occupancy. For the latter’s detailed evaluation, two novel metrics were conceived to discriminate the little depth discrepancies found in between range scanner’s beam distance measurements. The hybrid solution resulting from the conjunction of these two representations provides a reliable answer to traversability mapping and a robust discrimination of penetrable vegetation from that constituting real obstructions. Two distinct robotic platforms offered the possibility to test the hybrid approach on very different applications: a boat, under an European project, the ECHORD Riverwatch, and a terrestrial four-wheeled robot for a national project, the Introsys Robot.
Mycobaterium leprae infection was investigated in armadillos from the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The ML Flow test was performed on 37 nine-banded armadillos and positive results were found in 11 (29.7%). The ML Flow test may be used to identify possible sources of Mycobaterium leprae among wild armadillos.
Eradication of code smells is often pointed out as a way to improve readability, extensibility and design in existing software. However, code smell detection remains time consuming and error-prone, partly due to the inherent subjectivity of the detection processes presently available. In view of mitigating the subjectivity problem, this dissertation presents a tool that automates a technique for the detection and assessment of code smells in Java source code, developed as an Eclipse plugin. The technique is based upon a Binary Logistic Regression model that uses complexity metrics as independent variables and is calibrated by expert‟s knowledge. An overview of the technique is provided, the tool is described and validated by an example case study.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. The effectiveness of its treatment depends on early stage detection, as well as on the accuracy of its diagnosis. Recently, diagnosis techniques have been submitted to relevant breakthroughs with the upcoming of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Sonograms and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, among others. The work presented here is focused on studying the application of a PET system to a Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) system. A PET/PEM system works under the principle that a scintillating crystal will detect a gamma-ray pulse, originated at the cancerous cells, converting it into a correspondent visible light pulse. The latter must then be converted into an electrical current pulse by means of a Photo- -Sensitive Device (PSD). After the PSD there must be a Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) in order to convert the current pulse into a suitable output voltage, in a time period lower than 40 ns. In this Thesis, the PSD considered is a Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM). The usage of this recently developed type of PSD is impracticable with the conventional TIA topologies, as it will be proven. Therefore, the usage of the Regulated Common-Gate (RCG) topology will be studied in the design of the amplifier. There will be also presented two RCG variations, comprising a noise response improvement and differential operation of the circuit. The mentioned topology will also be tested in a Radio-Frequency front-end, showing the versatility of the RCG. A study comprising a low-voltage self-biasing feedback TIA will also be shown. The proposed circuits will be simulated with standard CMOS technology (UMC 130 nm), using a 1.2 V power supply. A power consumption of 0.34 mW with a signal-to-noise ratio of 43 dB was achieved.
The objective of the present study was to estimate the frequency of infection by Cryptosporidium spp and other intestinal parasites in dehydrated children with gastroenteritis who were admitted to a pediatric hospital. Stool examinations from 218 children were performed. Cryptosporidium spp was identified in eighteen out of 193 stool samples (9.3%) subjected to safranin-methylene blue staining. Giardia lamblia was detected in ten out of 213 (4.7%) samples examined via the direct or Ritchie methods. Other parasites identified were Ascaris lumbricoides (4.2%), Blastocystis hominis (1.4%), Entamoeba coli (0.9%), Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar (0.5%), Endolimax nana (0.5%), Trichuris trichiura (0.5%) and Enterobius vermicularis (0.5%).
Vibrio cholerae has been sporadically isolated from rivers in Tucumán, Argentina, since the outbreak in 1991. The aim of this study was to determine the environmental reservoir of the bacterium in these rivers, assessing the presence of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 and O1 (the latter both in its viable culturable and non culturable state) and its relationship to environmental physicochemical variables. 18 water samplings were collected in the Salí River (in Canal Norte and Banda) and the Lules River between 2003 and 2005. Physical-chemical measurements (pH, water temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen) were examined. Vibrio cholerae was investigated with conventional culture methods and with Direct Immunofluorescence (DFA-VNC) in order to detect viable non culturable organisms. All isolated microorganisms corresponded to Vibrio cholerae non-O1 and non-O139 (Lules 26%, Canal Norte 33% and Banda 41%). The majority was found during spring and summer and correlated with temperature and pH. Non culturable Vibrio cholerae O1 was detected year round in 38 of the 54 water samples analyzed. Application of the Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there was no relationship between positive immunofluorescence results and environmental physicochemical parameters. Genes coding for somatic antigen O1 were confirmed in all DFA-VNC-positive samples, whereas the virulence-associated ctxA and tcpA genes were confirmed in 24 samples.
Part of this thesis will be published in the following: Gomes, B.C., Santos, B. 2015. Methods for studying microRNAs expression and their targets in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast cancer tissues. In Methods in Molecular Biology: Cancer Drug Resistance (Rueff, J. & Rodrigues, A.S. eds), Springer Protocols.
Diagnosis of human herpesvirus-7 active infection in transplant patients has proved difficult, because this virus is ubiquitous and can cause persistent infections in the host. The significance of viral DNA detected in leukocytes by PCR is unclear and cross-reaction in serological tests may occur. This study aimed to evaluate nested-PCR to detect human herpesvirus-7 active infection in liver transplant recipients compared to healthy individuals. human herpesvirus-7 nested-PCR was performed on leukocytes and sera of 53 healthy volunteers and sera of 29 liver transplant recipients. In healthy volunteers, human herpesvirus-7 was detected in 28.3% of leukocytes and 0% of serum. human herpesvirus-7 was detected in sera of 48.2% of the liver transplant recipients. Nested-PCR on DNA extracted from leukocytes detected latent infection and the study suggests that nested-PCR performed on serum could be useful to detect human herpesvirus-7 active infection in liver transplant recipients.
The main objective of this thesis was the development of a gold nanoparticle-based methodology for detection of DNA adducts as biomarkers, to try and overcome existing drawbacks in currently employed techniques. For this objective to be achieved, the experimental work was divided in three components: sample preparation, method of detection and development of a model for exposure to acrylamide. Different techniques were employed and combined for de-complexation and purification of DNA samples (including ultrasonic energy, nuclease digestion and chromatography), resulting in a complete protocol for sample treatment, prior to detection. The detection of alkylated nucleotides using gold nanoparticles was performed by two distinct methodologies: mass spectrometry and colorimetric detection. In mass spectrometry, gold nanoparticles were employed for laser desorption/ionisation instead of the organic matrix. Identification of nucleotides was possible by fingerprint, however no specific mass signals were denoted when using gold nanoparticles to analyse biological samples. An alternate method using the colorimetric properties of gold nanoparticles was employed for detection. This method inspired in the non-cross-linking assay allowed the identification of glycidamide-guanine adducts and DNA adducts generated in vitro. For the development of a model of exposure, two different aquatic organisms were studies: a goldfish and a mussel. Organisms were exposed to waterborne acrylamide, after which mortality was recorded and effect concentrations were estimated. In goldfish, both genotoxicity and metabolic alterations were assessed and revealed dose-effect relationships of acrylamide. Histopathological alterations were verified primarily in pancreatic cells, but also in hepatocytes. Mussels showed higher effect concentrations than goldfish. Biomarkers of oxidative stress, biotransformation and neurotoxicity were analysed after prolonged exposure, showing mild oxidative stress in mussel cells, and induction of enzymes involved in detoxification of oxygen radicals. A qualitative histopathological screening revealed gonadotoxicity in female mussels, which may present some risk to population equilibrium.
This study analyses financial data using the result characterization of a self-organized neural network model. The goal was prototyping a tool that may help an economist or a market analyst to analyse stock market series. To reach this goal, the tool shows economic dependencies and statistics measures over stock market series. The neural network SOM (self-organizing maps) model was used to ex-tract behavioural patterns of the data analysed. Based on this model, it was de-veloped an application to analyse financial data. This application uses a portfo-lio of correlated markets or inverse-correlated markets as input. After the anal-ysis with SOM, the result is represented by micro clusters that are organized by its behaviour tendency. During the study appeared the need of a better analysis for SOM algo-rithm results. This problem was solved with a cluster solution technique, which groups the micro clusters from SOM U-Matrix analyses. The study showed that the correlation and inverse-correlation markets projects multiple clusters of data. These clusters represent multiple trend states that may be useful for technical professionals.
INTRODUCTION: This was a prospective study that included women seen in the obstetrics and gynecology sector of Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás, in Goiânia, State of Goiás, with the aim of detecting rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses and astroviruses. Eighty-four women participated in the study and from these, 314 fecal samples were collected. Out of all of the women, 29 were seropositive for HIV and 55 were seronegative, and 45 and 39 were pregnant and non-pregnant, respectively. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from each woman once every two months over the period from July 2006 to June 2007, and they were screened for rotaviruses by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoenzymatic assays, for caliciviruses and astroviruses by means of RT-PCR and for adenovirus by means of immunoenzymatic assays. The astroviruses were genotyped using nested PCR. RESULTS: Among the 84 patients, 19 (22.6%) were positive for either calicivirus (14/19) or astrovirus (6/19), while one women was positive for both viruses in fecal samples collected on different occasions. Most of the positive samples were collected during the months of July and August (astrovirus) and September and October (calicivirus). None of the samples analyzed was positive for rotavirus or adenovirus. Gastroenteric viruses were detected in 13/19 (68.4%) of the pregnant women, whether HIV-seropositive or not. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the present study showed that neither pregnancy nor HIV-seropositive status among the women increased the risk of infection by any of the gastroenteric viruses studied. This study presents data on gastroenteric virus detection among pregnant and/or HIV-positive women.