898 resultados para Bridges in art.
Peu satisfaite des concepts généralement mentionnés lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire sur les films réalisés en stop-motion, je propose d’analyser un corpus de quatre films réalisés par un duo estonien peu connu, les réalisatrices Jelena Girlin et Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, en ancrant mon discours dans une recherche plus large sur l’intimité et la sensorialité en art. J’effleure, par l’entremise d’une revue de littérature, le paradoxe d’animer l’inanimé et l’idée du umheimlich freudien, prégnants dans les écrits substantiels autour du cinéma d’animation en volume. Après avoir démontré que l’œuvre de Girlin Bassovskaja s’incrit dans le domaine de l’intime, j’approfondis l’analyse en m’appuyant sur les théories de la visualité haptique appliquée aux films. Je découvre le corpus à la lumière de ces théories, et évoque l’idée du regard caressant du spectateur vers le film, mais aussi de sa réversibilité. De plus, en tant que réalisatrice-animatrice de court-métrages d’animation, les théories susmentionnées outillent ma pensée afin de décrire ma volonté quasi obsessionnelle de rendre l’intimité tangible par une animation sensuelle en pâte à modeler sur verre.
Peu satisfaite des concepts généralement mentionnés lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire sur les films réalisés en stop-motion, je propose d’analyser un corpus de quatre films réalisés par un duo estonien peu connu, les réalisatrices Jelena Girlin et Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, en ancrant mon discours dans une recherche plus large sur l’intimité et la sensorialité en art. J’effleure, par l’entremise d’une revue de littérature, le paradoxe d’animer l’inanimé et l’idée du umheimlich freudien, prégnants dans les écrits substantiels autour du cinéma d’animation en volume. Après avoir démontré que l’œuvre de Girlin Bassovskaja s’incrit dans le domaine de l’intime, j’approfondis l’analyse en m’appuyant sur les théories de la visualité haptique appliquée aux films. Je découvre le corpus à la lumière de ces théories, et évoque l’idée du regard caressant du spectateur vers le film, mais aussi de sa réversibilité. De plus, en tant que réalisatrice-animatrice de court-métrages d’animation, les théories susmentionnées outillent ma pensée afin de décrire ma volonté quasi obsessionnelle de rendre l’intimité tangible par une animation sensuelle en pâte à modeler sur verre.
A partir de la dinámica evolutiva de la economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y el establecimiento de estándares mínimos de velocidad en distintos contextos regulatorios a nivel mundial, en particular en Colombia, en el presente artculo se presentan diversas aproximaciones empíricas para evaluar los efectos reales que conlleva el establecimiento de definiciones de servicios de banda ancha en el mercado de Internet fijo. Con base en los datos disponibles para Colombia sobre los planes de servicios de Internet fijo ofrecidos durante el periodo 2006-2012, se estima para los segmentos residencial y corporativo el proceso de difusión logístico modificado y el modelo de interacción estratégica para identificar los impactos generados sobre la masificación del servicio a nivel municipal y sobre las decisiones estratégicas que adoptan los operadores, respectivamente. Respecto a los resultados, se encuentra, por una parte, que las dos medidas regulatorias establecidas en Colombia en 2008 y 2010 presentan efectos significativos y positivos sobre el desplazamiento y el crecimiento de los procesos de difusión a nivel municipal. Por otra parte, se observa sustituibilidad estratégica en las decisiones de oferta de velocidad de descarga por parte de los operadores corporativos mientras que, a partir del análisis de distanciamiento de la velocidad ofrecida respecto al estándar mínimo de banda ancha, se demuestra que los proveedores de servicios residenciales tienden a agrupar sus decisiones de velocidad alrededor de los niveles establecidos por regulación.
El presente documento analiza como el Estado colombiano ha querido crear una identidad nacional en tres Exposiciones Internacionales a partir de representaciones elaboradas con un discurso entre político, comercial y cultural, generando imágenes que no siempre concuerdan con la realidad.
"Tradizione romanistica" e principi generali del diritto: Il dibattito italiano tra Otto e Novecento
Il presente lavoro verte sul ruolo svolto dal diritto romano e – più in generale – dalla “tradizione romanistica” all'interno del sistema giuridico nazionale posteriore alla codificazione civile del 1865. L'attenzione è rivolta principalmente all'art. 3 delle Disposizioni preliminari del Codice del 1865 con il suo riferimento ai 'principi generali del diritto' e, dunque, all'analogia iuris. La prima parte dello studio si concentra sull'analisi di alcune voci della scienza giuridica italiana tra Otto e Novecento, nei loro diversi approcci – laddove riscontrabili – rispetto allo studio e al recupero (in chiave moderna) del diritto romano. La seconda parte è invece dedicata all'esame della prassi giudiziaria e, più specificamente, delle Corti di Cassazione. In questa fase si persegue un duplice obiettivo: da un lato, verificare se, ed eventualmente in che misura, il diritto romano possa ancora svolgere un ruolo nella (moderna) giurisprudenza di legittimità; dall'altro, valutare la concreta possibilità, prospettata da una parte della scienza giuridica, di ricorrere in Cassazione per impugnare una sentenza asseritamente contraria ai principi generali del diritto sanciti dall'art. 3 co. 2 delle Preleggi. L'analisi prende dunque le mosse dal contenuto delle singole decisioni della Cassazione, per poi passare all'esegesi dei frammenti di volta in volta richiamati; infine, si concluderà con un'operazione di sintesi volta a valutare, per ciascun caso, la coerenza (giuridica) del ragionamento analogico.
Over the years, bridge engineers have been concerned about the response of prestressed concrete (PC) girder bridges that had been hit by over-height vehicles or vehicle loads. When a bridge is struck by an over-height vehicle or vehicle load, usually the outside and in some instances one of the interior girders are damaged in a bridge. The effect of intermediate diaphragms in providing damage protection to the PC girders of a bridge is not clearly defined. This analytical study focused on the role of intermediate diaphragms in reducing the occurrence of damage in the girders of a PC-girder bridge that has been struck by an over-height vehicle or vehicle load. The study also investigated whether a steel, intermediate diaphragm would essentially provide the same degree of impact protection for PC girders as that provided by a reinforced-concrete diaphragm. This investigation includes the following: a literature search and a survey questionnaire to determine the state-of-the-art in the use and design of intermediate diaphragms in PC-girder bridges. Comparisons were made between the strain and displacement results that were experimentally measured for a large-scale, laboratory, model bridge during previously documented work and those results that were obtained from analyses of the finite-element models that were developed during this research for that bridge. These comparisons were conducted to calibrate the finite element models used in the analyses for this research on intermediate diaphragms. Finite-element models were developed for non-skewed and skewed PC-girder bridges. Each model was analyzed with either a reinforced concrete or two types of steel, intermediate diaphragms that were located at mid-span of an interior span for a PC-girder bridge. The bridge models were analyzed for lateral-impact loads that were applied to the bottom flange of the exterior girders at the diaphragms location and away from the diaphragms location. A comparison was conducted between the strains and displacements induced in the girders for each intermediate-diaphragm type. These results showed that intermediate diaphragms have an effect in reducing impact damage to the PC girders. When the lateral impact-load was applied at the diaphragm location, the reinforced-concrete diaphragms provided more protection for the girders than that provided by the two types of steel diaphragms. The three types of diaphragms provided essentially the same degree of protection to the impacted, PC girder when the lateral-impact load was applied away from the diaphragm location.
The highway departments of all fifty states were contacted to find the extent of application of integral abutment bridges, to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutment bridges, and to assess the performance of such bridges through the years. The variation in design assumptions and length limitations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments is discussed. The problems associated with lateral displacements at the abutment, and the solutions developed by the different states for most of the ill effects of abutment movements are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure was developed and used to study piling stresses and pile-soil interaction in integral abutment bridges. The finite element idealization consists of beam-column elements with geometric and material nonlinearities for the pile and nonlinear springs for the soil. An idealized soil model (modified Ramberg-Osgood model) was introduced in this investigation to obtain the tangent stiffness of the nonlinear spring elements. Several numerical examples are presented in order to establish the reliability of the finite element model and the computer software developed. Three problems with analytical solutions were first solved and compared with theoretical solutions. A 40 ft H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was then analyzed by first applying a horizontal displacement (to simulate bridge motion) and no rotation at the top and then applying a vertical load V incrementally until failure occurred. Based on the numerical results, the failure mechanisms were generalized to be of two types: (a) lateral type failure and (b) vertical type failure. It appears that most piles in Iowa soils (sand, soft clay and stiff clay) failed when the applied vertical load reached the ultimate soil frictional resistance (vertical type failure). In very stiff clays, however, the lateral type failure occurs before vertical type failure because the soil is sufficiently stiff to force a plastic hinge to form in the pile as the specified lateral displacement is applied. Preliminary results from this investigation showed that the vertical load-carrying capacity of H piles is not significantly affected by lateral displacements of 2 inches in soft clay, stiff clay, loose sand, medium sand and dense sand. However, in very stiff clay (average blow count of 50 from standard penetration tests), it was found that the vertical load carrying capacity of the H pile is reduced by about 50 percent for 2 inches of lateral displacement and by about 20 percent for lateral displacement of 1 inch. On the basis of the preliminary results of this investigation, the 265-feet length limitation in Iowa for integral abutment concrete bridges appears to be very conservative.
The highway departments of the states which use integral abutments in bridge design were contacted in order to study the extent of integral abutment use in skewed bridges and to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutments in skewed bridges. The variation in design assumptions and pile orientations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments on skewed bridges is discussed. The problems associated with the treatment of the approach slab, backfill, and pile cap, and the reason for using different pile orientations are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure previously developed by the authors was modified and used to study the influence of different factors on behavior of piles in integral abutment bridges. An idealized integral abutment was introduced by assuming that the pile is rigidly cast into the pile cap and that the approach slab offers no resistance to lateral thermal expansion. Passive soil and shear resistance of the cap are neglected in design. A 40-foot H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was analyzed for fully restrained pile head and pinned pile head. According to numerical results, the maximum safe length for fully restrained pile head is one-half the maximum safe length for pinned pile head. If the pile head is partially restrained, the maximum safe length will lie between the two limits. The numerical results from an investigation of the effect of predrilled oversized holes indicate that if the length of the predrilled oversized hole is at least 4 feet below the ground, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile is only reduced by 10 percent for 4 inches of lateral displacement in very stiff clay. With no predrilled oversized hole, the pile failed before the 4-inch lateral displacement was reached. Thus, the maximum safe lengths for integral abutment bridges may be increased by predrilling. Four different typical Iowa layered soils were selected and used in this investigation. In certain situations, compacted soil (> 50 blow count in standard penetration tests) is used as fill on top of natural soil. The numerical results showed that the critical conditions will depend on the length of the compacted soil. If the length of the compacted soil exceeds 4 feet, the failure mechanism for the pile is similar to one in a layer of very stiff clay. That is, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile will be greatly reduced as the specified lateral displacement increases.
James Cooksey Culwick (1845-1907) was born in England. Trained as chorister and organist in Lichfield Cathedral, he moved to Ireland at twenty- one and remained until his death in 1907. Although his reputation as scholar, musician and teacher was acknowledged widely during his lifetime - he received an honorary doctorate from University of Dublin (1893) - little is known about the contribution he made to music education. This paper addresses this gap in the literature and argues that it was Culwick's singular achievement to pay attention to music pedagogy at secondary level, by recognizing that music could be seen as a serious career option for girls, and by providing resources for teachers which emphasised the development of an 'art-feeling' in pupils of all abilities. In addition, he considered Irish music as an art which had significance as music first, and Irish music second, and advocated a 'laudable tolerance' for opposing views on matters of cultural identity to Ireland at the end of the nineteenth century.
The development of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, by Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton has prompted diverse coverage from print and online media. This investigation looked at trends in news stories and commentary from 2005-10 to show how the location of a medium affected coverage. Through the author’s own observations and interviews with journalists and other interested parties, several trends emerged. Media outlets outside Arkansas portrayed the museum as trying to plunder the cultural heritage of local communities and relied partly on the museum’s association with Wal-Mart and stereotypes of Arkansas to frame coverage. Arkansas media, faced with limited cooperation from the museum’s public relations apparatus, typically played a cheerleader role, at times overemphasizing the importance of the collection in the art world and showcasing few critical voices in stories about acquisitions and other areas of the museum’s development.
Purpose - The aim of this paper is to briefly present aspects of public brownfield management policies from Brazilian and German points of view. Design methodology approach - The data collection method combined literature and documental research. The bibliography included Brazilian and German literature about brownfield management. The documental research includes Brazilian and German legislation and official documents published by CETESB, the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Furthermore, publications of German governmental research institutions have been integrated in the paper. Findings - In Brazil, despite the lack of a federal public policy, the State of São Paulo has approved specific rules to deal with contaminated sites. Topics that could be targets of scientific studies have been identified. Experiences in Germany show that it is essential to have political will and cooperation between the different political levels and technical disciplines. Partnerships between German and Brazilian universities would be welcome as there is a wide range of opportunities for academic post-graduation studies and research focusing on human resources capacitation in environmental management. Originality value - The paper makes an original contribution of exploring an area (brownfield management) that is at the forefront of discussion in academe and industry
The purpose of this study was to assess the benefits of using e-learning resources in a dental training course on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). This e-course was given in a DVD format, which presented the ART technique and philosophy. The participants were twenty-four dentists from the Brazilian public health system. Prior to receiving the DVD, the dentists answered a questionnaire regarding their personal data, previous knowledge about ART, and general interest in training courses. The dentists also participated in an assessment process consisting of a test applied before and after the course. A single researcher corrected the tests, and intraexaminer reproducibility was calculated (kappa=0.89). Paired t-tests were carried out to compare the means between the assessments, showing a significant improvement in the performance of the subjects on the test taken after the course (p<0.05). A linear regression model was used with the difference between the means as the outcome. A greater improvement on the test results was observed among female dentists (p=0.034), dentists working for a shorter period of time in the public health system (p=0.042), and dentists who used the ART technique only for urgent and/or temporary treatment (p=0.010). In conclusion, e-learning has the potential of improving the knowledge that dentists working in the public health system have about ART, especially those with less clinical experience and less knowledge about the subject.