984 resultados para Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim, approximately 960-1022.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made with pruning wastes from Ipê (Tabebuia serratifolia) and Chapéu-de-Sol (Terminalia catappa) trees. Particleboards were prepared with both wood species, using all the material produced by grinding the pruning wastes. The particleboards had dimensions of 45×45 cm, a thickness of approximately 11.5 mm and an average density of 664 kg/m3. A urea-formaldehyde adhesive was used in the proportion of 12% of the dry particle mass. The particleboards were pressed at a temperature of 130 C for 10 mins. The physical and mechanical properties analyzed were density, moisture content, thickness swelling, percentage of lignin and cellulose, modulus of resilience, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength parallel to the grain, accordingly to the standards NBR 14810 and CS 236-66 (1968). The particleboards were considered to be of medium density. The particle size significantly affected the static bending strength and tensile strength parallel to the grain. Ipê presented better results, demonstrating a potential for the production and use of particleboard made from this species. © The Author(s) 2013.


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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age of the ovulatory follicle on fertility in beef heifers. Ovulation was synchronized with the 5 d CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) program in heifers in Montana (MT; n = 162, Hereford and Angus Crossbred) and Ohio (OH; n = 170, Angus Crossbred). All heifers received estradiol benzoate (EB; 1 mg/500 kg BW, [i.m.]) 6 d after the final GnRH of the synchronization program to induce follicular atresia and emergence of a new follicular wave (NFW) followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha); 25 mg, i.m.) administration either 5 d (young follicle [YF]; n = 158) or 9 d (mature follicle [MF]; n = 174) after EB. Estrous detection was performed for 5 d after PGF(2 alpha) with AI approximately 12 h after onset of estrus. Ovarian ultrasonography (MT location only) was performed in YF and MF at EB, 5 d after EB, PGF(2 alpha), and AI. Heifers in MT (n = 20) and OH (n = 18) that were not presynchronized or did not initiate a NFW were excluded from further analyses, resulting in 142 and 152 heifers in MT and OH, respectively. Heifers from the MF treatment in MT that initiated a second NFW after EB but before PGF(2 alpha) (MF2; n = 14) were excluded from the primary analysis. In the secondary analysis, the MF2 group was compared to MF and YF treatments in MT. Estrous response was similar (90%; 252/280) between treatments and locations. Proestrus interval (from PGF(2 alpha) to estrus) and age of the ovulatory follicle at AI were similar for MF heifers between locations (54.6 +/- 1.7 h and 8.3 +/- 0.07 h) but were greater (P < 0.01) for YF heifers in OH (78.5 +/- 1.4 h and 5.3 +/- 0.06 h) than MT (67.4 +/- 1.6 h and 4.8 +/- 0.06 h; treatment x location, P < 0.01). However, conception rate did not differ for MF (63.8%; 74/116) and YF (67.0%; 91/136) treatments. In the MT heifers, follicle size and follicle age atAI in the YF treatment (10.4 +/- 0.15 mm and 4.8 +/- 0.06 d, respectively) was less (P < 0.01) than in the MF treatment (11.0 +/- 0.18 mm and 8.3 +/- 0.11 d, respectively), but conception rate to AI did not differ between treatments in MT. In the MF2 group proestrus interval was greater (P < 0.01); hence, diameter of the ovulatory follicle and age were similar to that for the YF treatment. Conception rate to AI did not differ between MF2, MF, and YF (61.5, 63.3, and 64.7%, respectively) in MT. In conclusion, manipulation of age of the nonpersistent ovulatory follicle at spontaneous ovulation did not influence conception rate.


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Drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a growing global threat. Approximately 450,000 people developed multidrugresistant TB worldwide in 2012 and an estimated 170,000 people died from the disease. This paper describes the sociodemographic, clinical-epidemiological and bacteriological aspects of TB and correlates these features with the distribution of anti-TB drug resistance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT) cultures and drug susceptibility testing were performed according to the BACTEC MGIT 960 method. The results demonstrated that MT strains from individuals who received treatment for TB and people who were infected with human immunodeficiency virus were more resistant to TB drugs compared to other individuals (p < 0.05). Approximately half of the individuals received supervised treatment, but most drug-resistant cases were positive for pulmonary TB and exhibited positive acid-fast bacilli smears, which are complicating factors for TB control programs. Primary healthcare is the ideal level for early disease detection, but tertiary healthcare is the most common entry point for patients into the system. These factors require special attention from healthcare managers and professionals to effectively control and monitor the spread of TB drug-resistant cases.


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A structural study of CuO supported on a CeO2-TiO2 system was undertaken using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The results of XRD revealed the presence of only two phases, TiO2 anatase and CeO2 cerianite. A trend towards smaller TiO2 crystallites was observed when cerium content increased. When the amount of cerium increased, Ti K-edge XANES analysis showed an increasing distortion of Ti sites. The results of Ce LIII-edge EXAFS showed that Ce atoms are coordinated by eight oxygen atoms at 2.32 Å. For the sample containing a small amount of cerium, the EXAFS analysis indicated that the local structure around Ce atoms was highly distorted. The catalysts presented quite different Cu K-edge XANES spectra compared to the spectra of the CuO and Cu2O reference compounds. The Cu-O mean bond length was close to that of the CuO and the Cu atoms in the catalysts are surrounded by approximately four oxygen atoms in their first shell. Copper supported on the ceria-modified titania support catalysts displayed a better performance in the methanol dehydrogenation when compared to copper supported only on titania or on ceria. © 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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Image-guided microsurgery requires accuracies an order of magnitude higher than today's navigation systems provide. A critical step toward the achievement of such low-error requirements is a highly accurate and verified patient-to-image registration. With the aim of reducing target registration error to a level that would facilitate the use of image-guided robotic microsurgery on the rigid anatomy of the head, we have developed a semiautomatic fiducial detection technique. Automatic force-controlled localization of fiducials on the patient is achieved through the implementation of a robotic-controlled tactile search within the head of a standard surgical screw. Precise detection of the corresponding fiducials in the image data is realized using an automated model-based matching algorithm on high-resolution, isometric cone beam CT images. Verification of the registration technique on phantoms demonstrated that through the elimination of user variability, clinically relevant target registration errors of approximately 0.1 mm could be achieved.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of isoflurane at approximately the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) of the forelimb of ponies as a method for quantifying anesthetic potency. ANIMALS: 7 healthy adult Shetland ponies. PROCEDURE: Individual MAC (iMAC) for isoflurane was determined for each pony. Then, effects of isoflurane administered at 0.85, 0.95, and 1.05 iMAC on the NWR were assessed. At each concentration, the NWR threshold was defined electromyographically for the common digital extensor and deltoid muscles by stimulating the digital nerve; additional electrical stimulations (3, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mA) were delivered, and the evoked activity was recorded and analyzed. After the end of anesthesia, the NWR threshold was assessed in standing ponies. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD MAC of isoflurane was 1.0 +/- 0.2%. The NWR thresholds for both muscles increased significantly in a concentration-dependent manner during anesthesia, whereas they decreased in awake ponies. Significantly higher thresholds were found for the deltoid muscle, compared with thresholds for the common digital extensor muscle, in anesthetized ponies. At each iMAC tested, amplitudes of the reflex responses from both muscles increased as stimulus intensities increased from 3 to 40 mA. A concentration-dependent depression of evoked reflexes with reduction in slopes of the stimulus-response functions was detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anesthetic-induced changes in sensory-motor processing in ponies anesthetized with isoflurane at concentrations of approximately 1.0 MAC can be detected by assessment of NWR. This method will permit comparison of effects of inhaled anesthetics or anesthetic combinations on spinal processing in equids.


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Im Jahr 1866 verfasste der damals in Breslau lehrende römisch-katholische Kirchenhistoriker Joseph Hubert Reinkens eine der ersten historisch-kritischen Studien in deutscher Sprache über Martin von Tours, in der er sich u.a. mit Martins bischöflichem Leitungsdienst befasste. Nach dem Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil (1870) wurde Reinkens 1873 der erste Bischof für die Alt-Katholiken im Deutschen Reich. Der Beitrag beschreibt den Einfluss, den Reinkens' Martin-Rezeption auf sein theologisches und praktisches Verständnis des Bischofsamts hatte.


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Fil: Rollié, Emilio Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Rollié, Emilio Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.