997 resultados para Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 1598-1680
Material adicional: La Guía de práctica clínica se completa con la "Guía rápida de consulta para el cuidado de personas con úlceras neoplásicas" y la guía para pacientes y cuidadores "Aprendiendo a conocer y mejorar sus cuidados. Versión para personas que padecen úlceras neoplásicas"
La décision de traiter ou non repose sur le risque fracturaired'un patient, son adhésion à la prise en charge, l'efficacité dutraitement et son profil d'effets indésirables, et sur le remboursementde ce dernier. Différents algorithmes, dont l'outil FRAX,permettent d'évaluer le risque fracturaire. Ce dernier outil aquelques limites: absence de quantification du type de fracturesantérieures, mauvaise appréciation du risque lié à une corticothérapiesystémique active, absence de validation prospective.Le seuil thérapeutique peut être fixe indépendant de l'âgeou varier avec l'âge. Les analyses coût-efficacité montrent quepour un même profil de risque, plus la personne est âgée, plusgrand est le bénéfice économique. Le jugement clinique peutnous guider dans certaines situations. La fracture non traumatique,l'âge avancé, la corticothérapie, un T-score abaissé sontles principaux facteurs de risque utilisés en pratique. Dans l'approchediagnostique, la recherche de la fracture vertébrale sousjacenteest impérative, idéalement par IVA. Les quelques exemplesci-dessous montrent les limites des algorithmes et dujugement clinique.Sans facteur de risque pour l'ostéoporose, mais avec un T-scoreà -3.2 DS, à quel âge va-t-on débuter un traitement chez cettefemme ? Avant ou après 60 ans ? Certaines situations cliniquessemblent claires et posent l'indication à traiter: la fracture de lahanche, la fracture vertébrale spontanée, la corticothérapie aulong cours. Mais si pour ces trois situations la densitométrieosseuse donne un T-score à -0.5 DS, ou si le patient a 35 ans,est-ce que chaque clinicien sera d'accord de traiter ? On saitpar exemple que le risque fracturaire sous corticothérapie aulong cours semble faible chez la femme préménopausée et chezl'homme avant 50 ans. Que faire après une fracture du poignetà 50 ans : ne pas traiter si le T-score est à -1.5 DS et traiter si leT-score est à -3 DS ? L'antécédent de fracture du poignet n'estpas un facteur de risque aussi fort de la fracture subséquenteque la hanche, la vertèbre ou l'humérus. Et chez cette femme de80 ans ayant eu une fracture de côte sur un effort de toux, avecun T-score à -2.5 DS ? Ou cette autre femme de 83 ans, sansfacteur de risque particulier pour l'ostéoporose mais avec unT-score à -3.1 DS ? Ces deux dernières femmes bénéficient d'untraitement en terme économique et le praticien respecte les indicationsau remboursement. Mais certains modèles préconisentde ne pas traiter les personnes très âgées si leur risque fracturairen'est pas très élevé.Dans toutes ces situations, le partage de la décision entre lepraticien et son patient prime sur les éventuelles propositionsissues d'algorithmes qui doivent encore être améliorés.
Introduction Vertebral fracture is one of the major osteoporoticfractures which are unfortunately very often undetected. In addition,it is well known that prevalent vertebral fracture increases dramaticallythe risk of future additional fracture. Instant Vertebral Assessment(IVA) has been introduced in DXA device a couple of years ago toease the detection of such fracture when routine DXA are performed.To correctly use such tool, ISCD provided clinical recommendationon when and how to use it. The aim of our study was to evaluate theISCD guidelines in clinical routine patients and see how often itmay change of patient management.Methods During two months (March and April 2010), a medicalquestionnaire was systematically given to our clinical routine patientto check the validity of ISCD IVA recommendations in our population.In addition, all women had BMD measurement at AP spine,femur and 1/3 radius using a Discovery A System (Hologic, Waltham,USA). When appropriate, IVA measurement had been performedon the same DXA system and had been centrally evaluated by twotrained doctors for fracture status according to the semi-quantitativemethod of Genant. The reading had been performed when possiblebetween L5 and T4.Results Out of 210 women seen in the consultation, 109 (52 %)of them (mean age 68.2 ± 11.5 years) fulfilled the necessary criteriato have an IVA measurement. Out of these 109 women, 43 (incidence39.4 %) had osteoporosis at one of the three skeletal sitesand 31 (incidence 28.4 %) had at least one vertebral fracture. 14.7 %of women had both osteoporosis and at least one vertebral fractureclassifying them as "severe osteoporosis" while 46.8 % did not haveosteoporosis and no vertebral fracture. 24.8 % of the women hadosteoporosis but no vertebral fracture while 13.8 % of women didhave osteoporosis but vertebral fracture (clinical osteoporosis).Conclusions In 52 % of our patients, IVA was needed accordingto ISCD criteria. In half of them the IVA test influenced of patientmanagement either may changing the type of treatment of simplyby classifying patient as "clinical osteoporosis". IVA appears to bean important tool in clinical routine but unfortunately is not yetvery often use in most of the centers.
El proyecto consiste en la creación de un sistema de mensajería que permita el envío y recepción de ficheros generados por el software de gestión sanitaria UNIT4 Ekon Salus. Las tareas a realizar son, por un lado, la portabilidad del sistema actual basado en Visual Basic a Java y, por el otro, la implementación de un sistema de control y notificación de errores, ya sean generados por el contenido de los ficheros o por la comunicación entre los programas de envío y recepción que constituyen el sistema de mensajería.
La memòria que ací es presenta s'emmarca dins de l'àrea de teoria de grafs. En concret es treballa la implementació d'un algorisme per trobar el subgraf comú maximal (SCM) de dos grafs mitjançant la cerca de colles maximals (CM). L'aportació principal del projecte consisteix en, donats dos grafs qualsevol, trobar el seu graf associat per tal de poder cercar la seva colla maximal (CM). I així, utilitzant funcions existents en el llenguatge de programació, poder trobar el seu subgraf comú maximal (SCM), necessari per calcular la distància entre grafs i així determinar quan d'isomorfs són.
[Traditions. Europe. Pologne]
El treball vol donar un tractament computacional a la recerca d'un determinat tipus de dígrafs anomenats "dígrafs radials de Moore". En determinats casos, els algoritmes desenvolupats donaran com a resultat una numeració completa.
The valuation of human costs is a necessity, but this task poses many problems of method. A team made of a philosopher, a psychologist and a physician has been working with economist researchers in order to look into the meaning that the preferences announced at the time of the inquiries on human costs by QALY methods could assume. These methods are often used to obtain a valuation of the impact of a health attack on people's quality of life. The methods--in the frame of the argument assumed by the economic theory on well-being--hypothesize that people's choices depend mainly on cognitive work. The qualitative interviews show that the psychological construction process for the announced preferences largely overlap this frame. In this paper the authors hastily tackle the factors which have an effect on the preferences. They conclude that the QALY methods don't seem to be able to assess the quality of life nori to valuate the damage that the quality of life could include.
For the last decade Europe has perceived itself to be under a constant threat from jihadistinspired terrorism. Terrorist organizations motivated by other ideologies are still active throughout the European Union, but the 2010 Europol annual report clearly states that “Islamist terrorism is still perceived as the biggest threat to most Member States,” and statements from the highest-ranking officials in most European countries confirm this observation (EUROPOL, 2010, p. 6). Authorities base their assessment on the extensive intelligence and investigative activities directed against jihadist networks taking place in virtually every European country. On average, in fact, European authorities arrest some 200 individuals and thwart a handful of plots of jihadist inspiration every year (EUROPOL, 2009). Keeping the global scenario in mind, European authorities deem this dynamic likely to continue in the foreseeable future.
Conservation of the function of open reading frames recently identified in fungal genome projects can be assessed by complementation of deletion mutants of putative Saccharomyces cerevisiae orthologs. A parallel complementation assay expressing the homologous wild type S. cerevisiae gene is generally performed as a positive control. However, we and others have found that failure of complementation can occur in this case. We investigated the specific cases of S. cerevisiae TBF1 and TIM54 essential genes. Heterologous complementation with Candida glabrata TBF1 or TIM54 gene was successful using the constitutive promoters TDH3 and TEF. In contrast, homologous complementation with S. cerevisiae TBF1 or TIM54 genes failed using these promoters, and was successful only using the natural promoters of these genes. The reduced growth rate of S. cerevisiae complemented with C. glabrata TBF1 or TIM54 suggested a diminished functionality of the heterologous proteins compared to the homologous proteins. The requirement of the homologous gene for the natural promoter was alleviated for TBF1 when complementation was assayed in the absence of sporulation and germination, and for TIM54 when two regions of the protein presumably responsible for a unique translocation pathway of the TIM54 protein into the mitochondrial membrane were deleted. Our results demonstrate that the use of different promoters may prove necessary to obtain successful complementation, with use of the natural promoter being the best approach for homologous complementation.
The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Path nder project got the 4 year European Research Council FP7 grant in 2010 to prove the feasibility of using CdTe detectors in a novel conceptual design of PET scanner. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the VIP project and consists of, on the one hand, the characterization of a CdTe detector in terms of energy resolution and coincidence time resolution and, on the other hand, the simulation of the setup with the single detector in order to extend the results to the full PET scanner. An energy resolution of 0.98% at 511 keV with a bias voltage of 1000 V/mm has been measured at low temperature T=-8 ºC. The coincidence time distribution of two twin detectors has been found to be as low as 6 ns FWHM for events with energies above 500 keV under the same temperature and bias conditions. The measured energy and time resolution values are compatible with similar ndings available in the literature and prove the excellent potential of CdTe for PET applications. This results have been presented in form of a poster contribution at the IEEE NSS/MIC & RTSD 2011 conference in October 2011 in Valencia and at the iWoRID 2012 conference in July 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal. They have been also submitted for publication to "Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)" in September 2012.
Este TFC es un humilde intento de encajar el software libre en el ambiente de una oficina de farmacia, configurando un entorno de intranet y desarrollando una aplicación para la actividad de formulación magistral.