996 resultados para Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948.


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Containment, as conceived by the US government official George Kennan, was an aggressive attempt to cause the Soviet Cold War empire to disintegrate. This can is demonstrated by the case study of how the USA, Britain, and France tried to instrumentalise renegade Tito's Yugoslavia as a wedge to break up the cohesion of the Communist regimes within the Soviet sphere. They supported Tito against subversion and planned Soviet-orchestrated military attack from its neighbouring states; Western plans for the support of Yugoslavia included plans for a selective use of nuclear weapons.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa en aspekt av Faluns omvandling till modern stad. Den del i denna modernisering som vidrörs i uppsatsen är införandet av elektrisk gatubelysning. Frågeställningarna i uppsatsen rör diskussionen som föregicks i stadsförvaltningen då man införde elektrisk gatubelysning i Falun och anledningarna till införandet av elektrisk belysning. Materialet som har använts för undersökningen är protokoll från stadsfullmäktige och drätselkammare i Falun under perioden 1863-1888. Gatubelysningen i Falun har sedan 1849 varit i stadsförvaltningens regi. Flera olika metoder av gatubelysning har sedan dess tillämpats och ännu fler metoder har diskuterats men aldrig kommit till stånd. Denna uppsats rör också anledningarna till gatubelysning i Falun vilka var flera utöver att få gatorna belysta för nattvandrarna. Stävjandet av brottsligheten var en av dem, estetiken en annan men även ett självändamål tycks också skönjbart. Byggandet av den moderna staden krävde moderna metoder och material. Elektriciteten som metod för belysning av gator var i högsta grad modernt och Falun var bland de första städerna som antog elektrisk gatubelysning i Sverige.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka det sociala rekryteringsmönstret bland kvinnliga elever vid Falu folkskollärarinneseminarium under perioden 1876-1948. Källmaterialet utgörs av uppgifter om faderns yrke hämtade ur seminariets matriklar. Uppsatsen syftar också till att jämföra resultatet med en liknande kartläggning av de manliga seminaristerna vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium, detta för att söka utröna huruvida den vedertagna uppfattningen om skillnaderna i socialt rekryteringsmönster mellan könen stämmer. Resultatet visar att de kvinnliga seminaristerna kom från skilda sociala förhållanden. Även om flertalet rekryterades ur samhällets mellanskikt, så hade anmärkningsvärt många jordbruks- eller arbetarbakgrund, framför allt under undersökningsperiodens tidigare skede. Vidare framkom att folkskollärarna, såväl kvinnliga som manliga, i första hand rekryterades ur vad som i undersökningen benämns som Socialgrupp 2. Vissa olikheter mellan de två seminarierna kunde dock påvisas, vilket kan förklara tidigare forsknings ställningstaganden. De mest påtagliga var, att kvinnorna oftare hade fäder som var egna företagare eller tjänstemän, medan de manliga seminaristerna i större utsträckning kom från lantbrukar- eller arbetarhem.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka elevernas sociala bakgrund på Elementarläroverket för flickor i Falun under tidsperioden 1875-1948. De källor som ligger till grund för undersökningen består av noteringar om fädernas yrke hämtade ur matriklar från flickskolans arkiv. Uppsatsen ämnar också undersöka hur undervisningsplanen såg ut och vilka flickor som, när möjlighet fanns, tog sig vidare till gymnasium eller vilka som fick avsluta sin utbildning för att återvända hem. Kartläggningen över flickornas sociala bakgrunder undersöks över tid för att se om någon förändring skett i den sociala rekryteringen. Resultatet visar att eleverna vid flickskolan främst kom från samhällets mellersta skikt något som i undersökningen benämns som Socialgrupp 2. Undersökningen visade även att flickornas fäder i första hand utövade yrken inom yrkeskategorin tjänstemän på mellannivå. När det kommer till vilka flickor som läste vidare på gymnasium var det i första hand flickor ur samhällets högsta skikt, Socialgrupp 1 som tog sig vidare till högre utbildning. De elever som avbröt sina studier förändrades över tid och varierade också med social bakgrund.


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Undersökningen syftar till att granska Högerns, Socialdemokraternas, Bondeförbundets och Folkpartiets strategier gentemot kommunisterna inför riksdagsvalet 1948. Detta görs genom en retorisk analys av negativt kampanjande i partiernas valfilmer, men också genom att granska negativ retorik i deras valmanifest. År 1948 valdes eftersom det var en uttalad unik valrörelse, mycket på grund av att det fanns djupa konfliktlinjer i den nationella såväl som den internationella politiken. Det var också det första valet efter andra världskriget. En av studiens slutsatser är att samtliga partier framställde kommunisterna som ett hot i det under-sökta källmaterialet, men Socialdemokraterna kritiserades vid flest tillfällen. Resultatet visar också att den negativa retoriken i valmanifesten inte alltid överensstämmer med valfilmernas innehåll. Studien visar även att Socialdemokraternas valfilm var den enda som inte innehöll tydlig kritik riktat mot kommunisterna, vilket kan tyda på ett ambivalent förhållningssätt. Par-tierna använde framför allt logos och pathos för att övertyga väljarna, varav den sistnämnda ges utrymme att användas i film. Två av partierna, Högern och Bondeförbundet, kan ha haft en medveten strategi att försöka övertala unga människor att inte rösta på kommunisterna. Till sist, kommunisterna var enkla att kritisera eftersom de var en del av en större rörelse och kunde därför förknippas med Sovjetunionens handlingar.


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This article investigates aspects of the production, dissemination and consumption of UNESCO’s first international touring exhibition, Australian Aboriginal Culture, in order to explore the relationship between UNESCO and Australia in the development of a key cultural heritage program. It argues that the exhibition indicates a national and international spirit of universalism that attempted to address crosscultural ignorance in a period of post-war optimism.


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Nearly eighteen years ago when I first became interested in the history and sociology of Australian immigration, I was particularly attracted by the fact and opportunity to incorporate immigration settlement, experience and accomplishments in my history teaching in secondary school. In particular it was the area of the settlement of Australia that needed a fuller understanding in the teaching of Australian history. By that I mean it was needed to show that there were many other ethnic groups besides the Anglo-Saxon group which had participated in the development of Australia since 1788. Since the end of World War II, the Australian population has doubled, the population structure and characteristics have changed and knowledge about the diverse groups forming the Australian nation is now sought. Sane ethnic groups, mainly the numerically large, have been studied and numerous reports are available. But many of the smaller groups have attracted little interest among Australian scholars. This was one of the reasons that I decided to research the behaviour of one of the smaller groups - the Czechs - to find out about their immigration history to Australia; their immigration processes such as re-settlement and re-establishment; and their community life since World War II. Because of the scarcity of written materials on Czechs in Australia, I had to rely on interviews, personal reminiscenses, letters and documents translated from the Czech language. I should like to express my gratitude to all people and officials of Czech ethnic organisations and clubs in Australia, who agreed to be interviewed and who provided me with documentary material so important for my work. Respecting the wishes of my interviewees their anonymity had to be preserved. In the course of my research, I have received substantial help and the encouragement from the Editor of the now extinct Czech language paper Newspaper Hlas domova, Mr. F.V., whose co-operation is gratefully recognised. I am also grateful to Associate Professor William D. Rubinstein for his help and encouragement in all stages of my work. The introductory part of the study is covered in Chapter One. She reasons for the need to increase Australia's population after World War II and an analysis of the development of settlement in Australia between 1947 and 1984 are discussed. The emigration of Czechs into Australia and their place in the post-war immigration scheme is introduced. To obtain an overview of how Czechs have emigrated around the world, the literature describing their settlement is compared. Also discussed in the literature on Czech settlement in Australia from an historical point of view. The studies on the concept of ethnicity and settlement in Australia are used to document the theoretical issues for an understanding of Australian society. This chapter also contains aspects of sources and research, shewing the processes of documentary research, interviews and related matters. In Chapter Two the history of Czech emigration is discussed, covering the period from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. The first contacts with Australia are highlighted, continuing into the inter-war period and finally the re-settlement of Czechs after World War II. To understand why Czechs left their ancestral country after World War II, the political situation in Czechoslovakia is analysed. The third chapter concentrates mainly in the 1948 wave of settlers, who left Czechoslovakia after the communist take-over in 1948. Their means of departure from their homeland, selection of Australia as a new homeland and their re-settlement and re-establishment are discussed. Their attitudes after their arrival and their later stages of their settlement are analysed. The formation of numerous Czech ethnic organisations which mushroomed between 1950 and 1954 led to an active community life which began to change about five years after their arrival. These charges led to disorganisation of Czech community's life. The causes of these changes which were influential for the failure of the 1948 group to establish a viable community in Australia are analysed. In Chapter Four the wave of 1968 is viewed, their arrival and settling is covered. The study of their group attitudes and formation of group institutions is the main part of this section. A comparison of my data of the two waves, 1948 and 1968, reveals the information that these two groups did not develop the harmonious relationship expected of them as members of the one ethnic group. Chapter Five discusses immigration typologies and concentrates on the differences between legal and illegal emigrants from the Czechoslovak point of view. The integration processes of Czechs and their incorporation into Australian society are discussed. The sixth chapter sums up the findings of this disertation and states the influences which were responsible for the divisions in Czech ethnic life in Australia in the 1980s.


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Australians, in the main, are unaware of the role which Australia played in the evangelization of China in the late nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Most would never have heard of the China Inland Mission (CIM), the largest of the Protestant bodies which penetrated the Middle Kingdom, and few would know of the contribution that its Australian contingent, which consistently comprised about a tenth of the CIM's numbers, made towards the Christianization of that vast country. This thesis aims to raise the level of awareness in this area. Academic researchers have not totally neglected to examine the proselytization of China, and historians of the stature of Latourette have not let it escape their attention. However, most of the studies which have not merely fleetingly focused on the subject while viewing a larger canvas, have been North American, singling out the efforts of United States and Canadian bodies in introducing Christianity to the Chinese. Here, authors like Amerding, Bacon, Creighton, Gates, Hawkes, Ho, Ko, Mensendiek, Michell and Quale have left their mark. In the case of the present thesis, the outlook from which events played out in China are viewed is firmly based in Australia rather than North America. Earlier Australian research has been scarce, and is dominated by Loane and Dixon. Loane, evidently primarily working from Australasian Council minutes, mainly concentrates on the efforts of the CIM's Home Council, examining its endeavours decade by decade against a backdrop of contemporaneous events in China, and briefly referring to aspects of the lives of a cross-section of Australasian missionaries, without providing much idea about what they actually did in the field or what they achieved there. Because of its preoccupation with the Home Council, which never admitted women into its ranks, Loane's treatise is systemically biased towards men, though the more prominent of the women, like Mary Reed and Susie Garland, are given due recognition. The current thesis looks in detail at what Australians did in the field, the level of success they achieved, and at the particular contribution of Australian women towards the evangelization of China. Dixon took upon herself the formidable task of examining the endeavours of all missions in China which contained Australian missionaries. Because of the magnitude of her task, she could not focus to any great extent on particular missions, nor pursue in any detail the work of individual Australian missionaries. Like Loane, she was unable to explore what they actually did in the field or what they achieved there. Neither could she delve to any depth into the work of Australian women missionaries, though on the basis of the information she had accumulated, she drew the conclusion that Australian women had largely only brought about some unintended feminist consequences amongst Chinese women. This sweeping generalization failed to take into account the other very real social changes for Chinese women the Australian female missionaries quite purposely helped to bring about, and this thesis makes good that omission. This thesis studies aspects of the Australian missionary endeavour which both Loane and Dixon have neglected, thereby breaking new ground, and sets out to correct erroneous impressions which Dixon's dissertation has left on the historical record. One of these impressions concerned the longevity of the effect of the Australian effort in China. She had the View, writing in 1978, that the Chinese Church was moribund (a view shared by Varg and Lacy) , and that therefore the effects attributable to the endeavours of any nationality had proved fruitless, whereas the author is able to show, using modern-day sources, that the church has burgeoned in recent years thanks to earlier missionary endeavours and later neo-evangelistic efforts like Gospel radio, and now has a complement of perhaps 50 million adherents, making it second only to the United States in the size of its Protestant evangelical population. Another impression she left was that the Australian input into the evangelization of China can be largely dismissed because no totally Australian organization emerged, leaving the direction of Australia's effort in other hands. Contrary to that impression, the author shows that the Australian impact in China was significant and that Australians enjoyed more power than Dixon ever imagined. The author also shows that Australians were accepted as the equal of other nationalities in the CIM once they had acquired the necessary field expertise, a factor which doubtless also applied in respect of other missions with Australian components in China. Marchant has suggested that it is a fiction perpetuated by mission periodicals that Christianity spread and progressed in a determined manner in China. This thesis establishes that within the CIM's bailiwick, though there was some patchiness, Christianity progressed steadily and inexorably. One mission alone, the CIM, is concentrated upon, firstly in order to render the data manageable, secondly because it was the largest mission in China and had a sizeable Australian (including female) contingent, and thirdly because it exemplified many of the problems which would have been faced by missions in that country and their Australian components. The methodology employed is multifaceted. The written testimony of the missionaries themselves, contained in CIM periodicals, Field Bulletins, Monthly Notes, Annual Reports, autobiographies, personal files, diaries and letters is used to illustrate various aspects of the CIM's work in which Australians were engaged. This approach is augmented by other sources such as China and Australasian Home Council Minutes, missionary conference reports, Candidates' Books, biographies, and other selected material from archival holdings in Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, America and Canada. Statistics, especially ratio analyses and growth rate comparisons are used to demonstrate the relative success of different missions, missionaries and genders. Also employed are reminiscences of missionaries and descendants obtained by personal interview, and these are aggregated to provide some general conclusions. Data from these various sources have been synthesized to serve the central objective of demonstrating the importance of the contribution of Australians to the penetration of China by the CIM in the period 1888-1953 with particular reference to the work of Australian women missionaries.