979 resultados para Benfica Lab


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Based on results of an evaluation performed during the winter of 1985-86, six Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauges were purchased for District use in monitoring project asphalt contents. Use of these gauges will help reduce the need for chemical based extractions. Effective use of the gauges depends on the accurate preparation and transfer of project mix calibrations from the Central Lab to the Districts. The objective of this project was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of a gauge in determining asphalt contents and to develop a mix calibration transfer procedure for implementation during the 1987 construction. The first part of the study was accomplished by preparing mix calibrations in the Central Lab gauge and taking multiple measurements of a sample with known asphalt content. The second part was accomplished by preparing transfer pans, obtaining count data on the pans using each gauge, and transferring calibrations from one gauge to another through the use of calibration transfer equations. The transferred calibrations were tested by measuring samples with a known asphalt content. The study established that the Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge yields results of acceptable accuracy and precision as evidenced by a standard deviation of 0.04% asphalt content on multiple measurements of the same sample. The calibration transfer procedure proved feasible and resulted in the calibration transfer portion of Materials I.M. 335 - Method of Test For Determining the Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method.


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Dr. Gilbert Y. Baladi of Michigan State University has developed a new device intended for reliable determination of asphalt concrete mechanical properties such as Poisson's ratio, resilient modulus, and indirect tensile strength. The device is the result of an effort to improve upon procedures and equipment currently available for evaluation of mechanical properties. A duplicate of this device was fabricated in the Iowa Department of Transportation, Materials Lab Machine Shop in 1989. This report details the results of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the device in testing Marshall specimens for indirect tensile strength as compared to results obtained with standard equipment described in AASHTO T-283. Conclusions of the report are: l. Results obtained with the Baladi device average 6 to 8 percent higher than those obtained with the standard device. 2. The standard device exhibited a slightly greater degree of precision than did the Baladi device. 3. The Baladi device is easier and quicker to use than the standard apparatus. 4. It may be possible to estimate indirect tensile strength from the stability/flow ratio by dividing by factors of 1.8 and 1.5 for 50 blow and 75 blow mixes respectively.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico argiloso e a produtividade de milho em sistemas de manejo que incluem plantas de cobertura cultivadas em pré-safra (setembro a novembro). Foram utilizadas, durante quatro anos, as seguintes plantas de cobertura: crotalária (Crotalaria juncea); milheto (Pennisetum americanum sin. tiphoydes); lab-lab (Dolichus lablab) em sistema de semeadura direta; e pousio cultivado em sistema de preparo convencional, antecedendo o cultivo de milho. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Amostras de solo indeformadas foram coletadas para determinações físicas e avaliou-se a produtividade de milho em área de 22,5 m². As plantas de cobertura no sistema de semeadura direta promoveram maior estabilidade de agregados e maior densidade do solo na camada superficial, sem alteração do conteúdo de água disponível às plantas. A utilização de lab-lab, em pré-safra, promoveu a menor produtividade de milho. A utilização de plantas de cobertura em pré-safra no sistema de semeadura direta de milho é viável no Estado de São Paulo.


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Mixture materials, mix design, and pavement construction are not isolated steps in the concrete paving process. Each affects the other in ways that determine overall pavement quality and long-term performance. However, equipment and procedures commonly used to test concrete materials and concrete pavements have not changed in decades, leaving gaps in our ability to understand and control the factors that determine concrete durability. The concrete paving community needs tests that will adequately characterize the materials, predict interactions, and monitor the properties of the concrete. The overall objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate conventional and new methods for testing concrete and concrete materials to prevent material and construction problems that could lead to premature concrete pavement distress and (2) to examine and refine a suite of tests that can accurately evaluate concrete pavement properties. The project included three phases. In Phase I, the research team contacted each of 16 participating states to gather information about concrete and concrete material tests. A preliminary suite of tests to ensure long-term pavement performance was developed. The tests were selected to provide useful and easy-to-interpret results that can be performed reasonably and routinely in terms of time, expertise, training, and cost. The tests examine concrete pavement properties in five focal areas critical to the long life and durability of concrete pavements: (1) workability, (2) strength development, (3) air system, (4) permeability, and (5) shrinkage. The tests were relevant at three stages in the concrete paving process: mix design, preconstruction verification, and construction quality control. In Phase II, the research team conducted field testing in each participating state to evaluate the preliminary suite of tests and demonstrate the testing technologies and procedures using local materials. A Mobile Concrete Research Lab was designed and equipped to facilitate the demonstrations. This report documents the results of the 16 state projects. Phase III refined and finalized lab and field tests based on state project test data. The results of the overall project are detailed herein. The final suite of tests is detailed in the accompanying testing guide.


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Over-consolidation is often visible as longitudinal vibrator trails in the surface of concrete pavements constructed using slip-form paving. Concrete research and practice have shown that concrete material selection and mix design can be tailored to provide a good compaction without the need for vibration. However, a challenge in developing self-consolidating concrete for slip-form paving (SF SCC) is that the new SF SCC needs to possess not only excellent self-compactibility and stability before extrusion, but also sufficient “green” strength after extrusion, while the concrete is still in a plastic state. The SF SCC to be developed will not be as fluid as the conventional SCC, but it will (1) be workable enough for machine placement, (2) be self-compacting with minimum segregation, (3) hold shape after extrusion from a paver, and (4) have performance properties (strength and durability) compatible to current pavement concrete. The overall objective of this project is to develop a new type of SCC for slip-form paving to produce more workable concrete and smoother pavements, better consolidation of the plastic concrete, and higher rates of production. Phase I demonstrated the feasibility of designing a new type of SF SCC that can not only self-consolidate, but also have sufficient green strength. In this phase, a good balance between flowability and shape stability was achieved by adopting and modifying the mix design of self-consolidating concrete to provide a high content of fine materials in the fresh concrete. It was shown that both the addition of fine particles and the modification of the type of plasticizer significantly improve fresh concrete flowability. The mixes used in this phase were also found to have very good shape stability in the fresh state. Phase II will focus on developing a SF SCC mix design in the lab and a performing a trial of the SF SCC in the field. Phase III will include field study, performance monitoring, and technology transfer.


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The Central Park Lake Watershed Assessment and Management Plan identified four categories where improvements are needed to remove the 23 acre lake from the impaired waters list. These include the wastewater system, runoff from surrounding lands, in-lake nutrient re-suspension and runoff from hard surfaces within the park. The lake is currently impaired for bacteria, algae and pH. Through outcomes of the Watershed Assessment and Management Plan, this proposal includes for abandonment and reclamation of the single cell wastewater lagoon site, replacement with three conventional septic systems and construction of two wetlands. One of the wetlands is located on the same site as the reclaimed lagoon and the other is located to intercept sediment and trap nutrients transported by tile lines. The prescribed wastewater system improvements are based on assessment by grab samples test by the State Hygienic Lab, development of a Preliminary Engineering Report, soil analysis and communication with IDNR wastewater officials. The two wetland sites were assessed by officials from IDALS and the Jones County SWCD. This project is part of $1.7 million lake restoration effort to reclaim the 47 year old lake. The lake has a positive economic impact of more than $7.6 million annually and supports an average annual visitation of 58,145, according to the Iowa Lakes Valuation Project, conducted by Iowa State University.


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The Iowa County Soil and Water Conservation District is applying on behalf of the unincorporated community of Conroy to construct a wastewater collection and treatment system to assist in the cleanup and protection of the Clear Creek Watershed. Conroy sits at the headwaters of Clear Creek. Monitoring of the watershed has shown consistently high levels of E.coli bacteria and chloride near the upper end of the creek. In addition, toilet paper and fecal material have been observed on numerous occasions. These are obvious health threats to the residents of the watershed. The monitoring of the watershed, coupled with lab analysis, suggest septic inputs are negatively impacting the headwaters of Clear Creek. A new sewer system for the community of Conroy will eliminate illegal discharges into the creek and be the first step in the overall protection of the watershed and the water quality therein.


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Abstract : The maintenance of genome stability is a challenge for all living organisms. DNA is regularly subjected to chemical alterations by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. If left unrepaired, these lesions will create mutations or lead to chromosomal instability. DNA crosslinking agents probably bring about the most toxic lesions. By linking covalently the two strands of DNA, crosslinking agents will impede essential cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Cells from Fanconi anaemia patients are extremely sensitive to these agents. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal instability disorder that leads to developmental defects, pancytopenia and cancer susceptibility. FA is a genetically heterogeneous disease with thirteen complementation groups identified. Proteins encoded by the FA genes work together in the FA pathway. Eight of these proteins form the FA core complex (FANC-A, B, C,E, F, G, L and -M), whose integrity is required to monoubiquitinate FANCD2 and FANCI in response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity of FA cells to crosslinking agents, which perturb the progression of replication forks, has led to the hypothesis that FA proteins play a crucial role in the response to replication stress. However, at the molecular level, the functions of the FA pathway remain largely unknown. Our efforts were first focused on the characterization of FANCD2, "the key effector of the FA pathway". Using different substrates, we found that in vitro, purified hFANCD2 preferentially binds single strand DNA and double strand DNA extremities. Concomitantly, FANCM was identified as a new component of the FA core complex. Moreover FANCM was shown to have specific branch migration activities and probably a role as a "landing platform" on DNA for the other components of the core complex. By using FANCM mutants carrying deletions within the internal domain, we investigated the role of FANCM as a DNA anchor protein for the core complex. We observed that indeed, a specific part of the internal domain of FANCM interacts with components of the core complex. Finally, in collaboration with Weidong Wang's lab we characterized two new components of the FA pathway: FAAP10 and FAAP16. As a heterodimer these two proteins show affinity for dsDNA, and anneal complementary oligonucleotides in vitro. Moreover these proteins can associate with FANCM via a part of its internal domain. We find that FANCM, FAAP 10 and FAAP 16 can co-exist on the branch point of replication and recombination intermediates, and that FAAP10 and FAAP16 stimulate replication fork reversal by FANCM. These results suggest that FANCM may function as a landing platform for the core complex. After loading on DNA, the core complex can activate FANCD2 through monoubiquitination leading to its recruitment to the site of damage. Since ssDNA and double strand breaks are intermediates that are generated as a consequence of collapsed replication forks, FANCD2 by binding to ds DNA ends and ssDNA could protect such structures from the recombination repair machinery and prevent unscheduled recombination events. Alternatively, FANCD2 could avoid nucleases from gaining access to collapsed forks, preserving the DNA in state that can be used as a starting point for resumption of DNA synthesis. The overall comprehension of the FA pathway is far from been complete. Our results unravel new aspects of Fanconi Anaemia, which hopefully in the near future will address keys questions leading to a better understanding of the fascinating Fanconi Anaemia. Résumé : Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est fondamentale chez tous les organismes vivants. L'ADN est constamment altéré par des composés aussi bien endogènes qu'exogènes. Si ces altérations ne sont pas réparées, elles peuvent conduire à l'apparition de mutations, ainsi qu'à une instabilité génomique accrue. Les lésions les plus sévères qui peuvent survenir sur l'ADN, sont les pontages inter caténaires. Des agents pontants en liant de façon covalente les deux brins d'ADN, vont empêcher le déroulement normal de processus cellulaires essentiels tels que la réplication ou la transcription. La compréhension des mécanismes permettant à la cellule de tolérer et réparer ces lésions est primordiale, notamment dans le cas des patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi qui présentent une très grande sensibilité à ces composés pontants. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétique rare appartenant à un groupe de pathologies associées à une grande instabilité chromosomique. Les patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi présentent des malformations du squelette, une pancytopénie et une forte propension à la survenue de cancer. L'anémie de Fanconi est génétiquement très hétérogène. À ce jour, 13 gènes codant pour 13 protéines FANC différentes ont été identifiés. Huit de ces protéines fonctionnent ensemble au sein d'un complexe (nommé le complexe FANC) ayant pour but de monoubiquitiner FANCD2 et FANCI en réponse à la formation de lésions sur l'ADN. L'extrême sensibilité des cellules de patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi à ces agents pontant l'ADN suggère l'implication des protéines FANC dans la réponse cellulaire suite à une stress réplicatif. Cependant, le rôle moléculaire exact de ces protéines demeure encore inconnu. Après purification, nous avons observé que FANCD2 était capable de lier l'ADN simple brin, ainsi que les extrémités d'ADN in vitro. Dans le même temps, FANCM fut identifié comme appartenant au complexe FANC. FANCM est décrit comme une translocase capable de promouvoir le déplacement de point de jonction dans des structures d'ADN spécifiques in vitro. De plus, en se liant à l'ADN, FANCM peut agir comme une plateforme pour les autres protéines FANC, leur permettant ainsi d'être adressées à l'ADN. En créant des protéines FANCM recombinantes ayant des délétions dans le domaine interne, nous avons pu observer que certaines protéines du complexe FANC se fixent à des sites spécifiques sur le domaine interne de FANCM. Enfin, au travers d'une collaboration, nous avons été amenés à caractériser deux nouvelles protéines appartenant au complexe FANC : FAAP 10 et FAAP16. Elles s'associent à FANCM par l'intermédiaire du domaine interne, et forment ainsi un hétérotrimére. La présence de FAAP10 et FAAP16 n'affecte pas la liaison de FANCM à l'ADN, mais semble potentialiser son activité de régression in vitro. FANCM semble donc fonctionner comme une plateforme pour les autres composants du complexe FANC. Ces derniers, une fois liés à l'ADN permettent la monoubiquitination de FANCD2 et son recrutement au site lésé de l'ADN. FANCD2 en se liant de façon préférentielle à l'ADN simple brin et aux extrémités d'ADN qui sont générés lors de l'arrêt et du démantèlement d'une fourche de réplication, pourrait protéger ces même fourches de réplication arrêtées, d'évènements de recombinaison aléatoires. Nos résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments concernant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'anémie de Fanconi. Enfin, l'étude de l'anémie de Fanconi permet aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par la cellule pour tolérer des lésions survenant lors de la réplication.


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The objective of this work was to determine the geographic origin of the Madeiran common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) gene pool. Phaseolin patterns of 50 accessions representing the diversity of common bean collected in Madeira, Portugal, and conserved in the ISOPlexis Germplasm Bank, were analysed using the Experion automated electrophoresis system, based on lab-on-a-chip technology. Five common bean standard varieties with typical phaseolin patterns were used to determine the phytogeographical origin of the Madeiran common bean accessions. Ninety two percent of the accessions exhibited a phaseolin pattern consistent with the one of common bean types belonging to the Andean gene pool, while the origin of the remaining 8% of the accessions was indistinguishable. The application of a similarity coefficient of 85%, based on Pearson correlations, increases the number of accessions with uncertain pattern. The analytical approach used permitted the determination of the origin of the common bean gene pool, which is Andean in 98% of the cases, and clustering of the observed variability among the Madeiran common beans.


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Status signals function in a number of species to communicate competitive ability to conspecific rivals during competition for resources. In the paper wasp Polistes dominulus, variable black clypeal patterns are thought to be important in mediating competition among females. Results of previous behavioral experiments in the lab indicate that P dominulus clypeal patterns provide information about an individual's competitive ability to rivals during agonistic interactions. To date, however, there has been no detailed examination of the adaptive value of clypeal patterns in the wild. To address this, we looked for correlations between clypeal patterning and various fitness measures, including reproductive success, hierarchical rank, and survival, in a large, free-living population of P. dominulus in southern Spain. Reproductive success over the nesting season was not correlated with clypeal patterning. Furthermore, there was no relationship between a female's clypeal patterning and the rank she achieved within the hierarchy or her survival during nest founding. Overall, we found no evidence that P dominulus clypeal patterns are related to competitive ability or other aspects of quality in our population. This result is consistent with geographical variation in the adaptive value of clypeal patterns between P. dominulus populations; however, data on the relationship between patterning and fitness from other populations are required to test this hypothesis.


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I am tremendously honored to receive the 2012 Women in Cell Biology Junior Award. In this essay, I recount my career path over the past 15 years. Although many details are specific to my own experiences, I hope that some generalizations can be made to encourage more women to pursue independent scientific careers. Mine is a story of choosing a captivating question, making the most of your opportunities, and finding a balance with life outside the lab.


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Prior to European settlement, wetland basins covered 4 to 6 million acres, or approximately 11% of Iowa's surface area. Wetlands were part of every watershed in the state, but nearly 95% of them have been drained for agriculture. As Iowa was settled wetlands were drained and developed, resulting in the loss of wildlife habitat, damage to water quality, rapid topsoil erosion, and increased incidents and severity of flooding. The condition of Iowa’s remaining wetlands is poorly known. The goal of this project was to assess the ecological condition of prairie pothole wetlands in a defined region of north-central Iowa. This project has worked to develop and establish our wetland sampling methods, while providing baseline data regarding the basic chemical, physical, and biological status of Iowa’s permanent and semi-permanent wetland resources. The baseline data obtained from our monitoring methods is mainly in the form of numerical values derived from the lab analyses of our samples. This data will be used to begin building a database to interpret ecological condition changes in Iowa’s wetlands as the sampling regime and assessment methodology are repeated over time.


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PURPOSE We have previously shown that retinal stem cells (RSCs) can be isolated from the radial glia population of the newborn mouse retina (Angénieux et al., 2006). These RSCs have a great capacity to renew and to generate a large number of neurons including cells differentiated towards the photoreceptor lineage (Mehri-Soussi et al., 2006). However, recent published results from our lab revealed that such cells have a poor integration and survival rate after grafting. The uncontrolled environment of a retina seems to prevent good integration and survival after grafting in vivo. To bypass this problem, we are evaluating the possibility of generating in vitro a hemi-retinal tissue before transplantation. METHODS RSC were expanded and cells passaged <10 were seeded in a solution containing poly-ethylene-glycol (PEG) polymer based hydrogels crosslinked with peptides that are chosen to be substrates for matrix metalloproteinases. Various doses of cross linkers peptides allowing connections between PEG polymers were tested. Different growth factors were studied to stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation. RESULTS Cells survived only in the presence of EGF and FGF-2 and generated colonies with a sphere shape. No cells migrated within the gel. To improve the migration and the repartition of the cells in the gels, the integrin ligand RGDSP was added into the gel. In the presence of FGF-2 and EGF, newly formed cell clusters appeared by cell proliferation within several days, but again no outspreading of cells was observed. No difference was even seen when the stiffness of the hydrogels or the concentration of the integrin ligand RGDSP were changed. However, our preliminary results show that RSCs still form spheres when laminin is entrapped in the gel, but they started to spread out having a neuronal morphology after around 2 weeks. The neuronal population was assessed by the presence of the neuronal marker b-tubulin-III. This differentiation was achieved after successive steps of stimulations including FGF-2 and EGF, and then only FGF-2. Glial cells were also present. Further characterizations are under process. CONCLUSIONS RSC can be grown in 3D. Preliminary results show that neuronal cell phenotype acquisition can be instructed by exogenous stimulations and factors linked to the gel. Further developments are necessary to form a homogenous tissue containing retinal cells.


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In anticipation of regulation involving numeric turbidity limit at highway construction sites, research was done into the most appropriate, affordable methods for surface water monitoring. Measuring sediment concentration in streams may be conducted a number of ways. As part of a project funded by the Iowa Department of Transportation, several testing methods were explored to determine the most affordable, appropriate methods for data collection both in the field and in the lab. The primary purpose of the research was to determine the exchangeability of the acrylic transparency tube for water clarity analysis as compared to the turbidimeter.