961 resultados para Baby foods


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Purpose: To investigate the occurrence of Listeria spp., (particularly L. monocytogenes ), in different foods and to compare diagnostic tools for their identification at species level. Methods: Samples of high protein foods such as raw meats and meat products and including beef products, chicken, fish and camel milk were analysed for the presence of Listeria spp. The isolates were characterised by morphological and cultural analyses, and confirmed isolates were identified by protein profiling and verified using API Listeria system. Protein profiling by SDS-PAGE was also used to identify Listeria spp. Results: Out of 40 meat samples, 14 (35 %) samples were contaminated with Listeria spp., with the highest incidence (50 %) occurring in raw beef products and raw chicken. Protein profiling by SDSPAGE was used to identify Listeria spp. The results were verified with API Listeria system. Approximately 25 % of the identified isolates were Listeria seeligeri , Listeria welshimeri , and Listeria grayi (three positive samples), while 16.66 % of the isolates were Listeria monocytogenes (two positive samples); 16.6 % of the isolates were Listeria innocua (two positive samples), while 8.3 % of the isolates were Listeria ivanovii (one positive sample). Conclusion: High protein foods contain different types of Listeria species; whole-cell protein profiles and API Listeria system can help in the identification of Listeria at the species level.


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Purpose: To determine acrylamide (AA) levels in different brands of commercial and traditional foodstuffs available in Syria by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometery (UPLCMS). Methods: A total of 63 samples were analyzed. Food samples were defatted by hexane and then extracted with methanol 98 % in a vortex mixer. Thereafter, Carrez I and Carrez II were added to precipitate proteins from the co-extractives and then centrifuged to obtain a clear aqueous extract that was evaporated to dryness. The extract was dissolved in 1 mL of water, eluted through a preconditioned Oasis HLB cartridge and then filtered. The filtrate was analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS to determine AA content. Results: Among the commercial foods tested, the highest acrylamide quantity was found in potato products (396 ± 3.59 – 1844 ± 5.29 μg kg−1) and the lowest in corn products (183 ± 2.64 – 366 ± 4.58 μg kg−1). This was followed by biscuits (57 ± 2.64 – 1433 ± 2.51 μg kg−1), breakfast cereals (121 ± 8.73 – 245 ± 3.60 μg kg−1), bread (119 ± 1.73 – 263 ± 3.60 μg kg−1) and then coffee (113 ± 2.64 - 64 ± 3.05 μg kg−1). Regarding traditional foods, the highest level of AA was found in AL- Mshabak (481 ± 2.08 μg kg−1) and AL-Awamat (421 ± 2.64 μg kg−1) followed by AL-Namora (282 ± 4.35 μg kg−1) and AL-Kenafa (242 ± 2.64 μg kg−1). It was also observed that the lowest amount of AA was in fried bread (230 μg kg−1), AL-Fatayer (192 ± 3.51 μg kg−1) and AL-Baqlawa (172 ± 4.35 μg kg−1) while Eid Aqras (130 ± 4.58 μg kg−1) and AL-Brazeq (167 ± 3.78 μg kg−1) contained the least amount of AA. Conclusion: The results indicate that the highest levels of AA are found in the most commonly consumed foods. There was significant difference (p < 0.05) in AA levels among different food items and within different brands of the same product.


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En la actualidad las organizaciones se encuentran inmersas en un ambiente en extremo cambiante y competitivo que las obliga a estar siempre a la vanguardia y hacer de la innovación un proceso sistemático, que se alimenta no solo de las prospectivas científico-tecnológicas y la inteligencia competitiva, sino también del potencial creativo de su gente -- Pero ¿cómo se potencializa, entonces, la innovación en las organizaciones a partir de la gestión de la creatividad con sus colaboradores? Ése fue el gran interrogante que se planteó en este trabajo de investigación y para contribuir a su solución se diseñó y validó un modelo teórico conceptual que cruza variables que afectan la creatividad y potencializan la innovación, en el marco de posturas de autores reconocidos como Kerrie Unsworth, que trabaja diferentes tipos de creatividad en las personas a través de una matriz que relaciona los problemas de las organizaciones con el nivel de compromiso de los empleados, y Teresa Amabile, con su modelo de creatividad organizacional para la innovación, que permite identificar variables como la motivación, el engagement el liderazgo y la cultura organizacional, entre otras -- Dichas posturas se constituyeron en elementos importantes por considerar para la construcción del modelo, que con posterioridad se validó en dos momentos: el primero con expertos en el tema por medio del método Delphi y el segundo en la organización Griffith Foods S. A. S., a través de una face validity con los gerentes de la compañía -- Con estas validaciones se ajustó el modelo, lo que permitió incorporar otra variable que no se había considerado, el conocimiento, y se identificó la posibilidad de aplicarlo en las diferentes unidades de negocio en la organización -- Por último, como aplicación experimental del mismo, se formularon las recomendaciones para que fuese implementado, no sólo en la organización Griffith Foods S. A. S. como objeto de estudio, sino en otras que deseen potencializar la innovación a partir de la creatividad en las personas y en sus equipos de trabajo


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Unhealthy diets are the major contributor to poor health in Australia and many countries globally. The majority of food spending in Australia occurs in supermarkets, which stock and sell both healthy and unhealthy foods. This study aimed to compare the foods advertised in the marketing catalogues (circulars) from four Australian supermarket chains with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. The content of national online weekly supermarket catalogues from four major Australian supermarket retailers was audited from June-September 2013 (12 weeks). Advertised products were categorized as (i) foods in the five core food groups (plus water); (ii) discretionary foods plus fats and oils; (iii) alcohol and (iv) other (food not fitting into any other category). Across all chains combined, 34.2% of foods advertised were from the five core food groups, 43.3% were discretionary foods, 8.5% were alcohol and the remaining 14.0% were 'other' foods. The percentage of advertised foods in the five core food groups varied between 29.3 and 38.3% across the four chains, whereas the percentage of discretionary foods varied between 34.8 and 49.0%. Australian supermarket catalogues heavily promote discretionary foods and contribute towards an environment that supports unhealthy eating behaviour. Strategies to increase the ratio of healthy-to-unhealthy foods need to be explored as part of efforts to improve population diets.


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This chapter will evaluate the European Union (EU) approved health claim related to foods with low or reduced amounts of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations, that was reviewed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2011 (EFSA, 2011). The characterisation of the food constituent, the scientific substantiation for the health claim and the conditions of use will be defined and evaluated. The wider impact of this claim will be discussed in relation to consumer issues, product development and future trends.


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A community aged care service, with the assistance of other stakeholders, initiated a qualitative practice-oriented research project to interview baby boomers about their plans for retirement and their interests in volunteering. The project looks to reshape baby boomer volunteering for our aged care services. Our findings highlight that baby boomers are looking for meaningful, diverse and flexible volunteer opportunities. This will require organisations to adapt their volunteer programs and develop the required infrastructure (improved advertising, assessment and volunteer support approaches) to cater for the volunteering needs of baby boomers. This paper highlights the process, findings, initial efforts and future challenges to engaging baby boomers in volunteer work. It is recognised that further research is required in what is not a homogenous group.


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BACKGROUND: Examining the experiences of parents making food choices for infants is important because ultimately this influences what infants eat. Infancy is a critical period when food preferences and eating behaviour begin to develop, shaping dietary patterns, growth and health outcomes. There is limited evidence regarding what or why foods are chosen for infants. OBJECTIVE: To describe the experiences of mothers making food choices for their infant children. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews with 32 Australian mothers of infants aged four to 15 months from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds. An inductive thematic analysis through a process of constant comparison was conducted on transcribed interviews. RESULTS: Mothers described many ideas and circumstances which influenced food choices they made for infants. Themes were developed which encapsulate how the wider environment and individual circumstances combine to result in the food choices made for infants. Beliefs, values, norms and knowledge were a central influence on choices. Cost, quality and availabilities of various foods were also key factors. Related to this, and combined with inherent factors such as perishability and infant acceptability, fresh fruits and vegetables were often singled out as an easy or difficult choice. Influences of time, parents' capacities, social connections and different information sources were clearly apparent. Finally infants' own preferences and how parents helped infants with learning to eat were also key influences on food choices. CONCLUSIONS: Choosing foods for infants is a complex social practice. An ecological framework depicting the multiple influences on what people eat and sociological theory on food choice regarding the role of 'social structure' and 'human agency' are both applicable to the process of choosing foods for infants. Equity issues may be key regarding the degree to which mothers can choose particular foods for infants (e.g. choosing foods which promote health).


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S’il est établi que le baby-boomer québécois francophone issu de la tradition catholique s’est distancié de cette dernière, nous observons aussi qu’il continue à s’y identifier à chaque recensement. Ce mémoire propose une démarche et des outils permettant de décrire l’expérience de foi de celui-ci. Il s’agit de la théologie de l’intime, dont la genèse et son expérimentation sont présentés dans le cadre d’une recherche conduite auprès de sujets appartenant à cette population. Cette approche s’articule à travers trois dialogues complémentaires et interdépendants : la quête de l’essence, la démarche d’incarnation et le défi identitaire. L’expérimentation démontre que le caractère pluridisciplinaire de la théologie de l’intime réussit à décrire de façon congruente l’expérience de foi de baby-boomers dont elle confirme aussi la cohérence, malgré le constat d’un décalage doctrinal avec le catholicisme. Le mémoire conclut en proposant d’autres perspectives d’application de la théologie de l’intime.


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S’il est établi que le baby-boomer québécois francophone issu de la tradition catholique s’est distancié de cette dernière, nous observons aussi qu’il continue à s’y identifier à chaque recensement. Ce mémoire propose une démarche et des outils permettant de décrire l’expérience de foi de celui-ci. Il s’agit de la théologie de l’intime, dont la genèse et son expérimentation sont présentés dans le cadre d’une recherche conduite auprès de sujets appartenant à cette population. Cette approche s’articule à travers trois dialogues complémentaires et interdépendants : la quête de l’essence, la démarche d’incarnation et le défi identitaire. L’expérimentation démontre que le caractère pluridisciplinaire de la théologie de l’intime réussit à décrire de façon congruente l’expérience de foi de baby-boomers dont elle confirme aussi la cohérence, malgré le constat d’un décalage doctrinal avec le catholicisme. Le mémoire conclut en proposant d’autres perspectives d’application de la théologie de l’intime.


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This thesis investigates the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of non-dairy L. lactis strains and their application to dairy fermentations. A bank of non-dairy lactococci were isolated from grass, vegetables and the bovine rumen. Subsequent analysis of these L. lactis strains revealed seven strains to possess cremoris genotypes which did not correlate with their observed phenotypes. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) highlighted the genetic diversity of lactis and cremoris subspecies. The application of these non-dairy lactococci to cheese production was also assessed. In milk, non-dairy strains formed diverse volatile profiles and selected strains were used as adjuncts in a mini Gouda-type cheese system. Sensory analysis showed non-dairy strains to be strongly associated with the development of off-flavours and bitterness. However, microfluidisation appeared to reduce bitterness. A novel bacteriophage, ɸL47, was isolated using the grass isolate L. lactis ssp. cremoris DPC6860 as a host. The phage, a member of the Siphoviridae, possessed a long tail fiber, previously unseen in dairy lactococcal phages. Genome sequencing revealed ɸL47 to be the largest sequenced lactococcal phage to date and owing to the high % similarity with ɸ949, a second member of the 949 group. Finally, to identify and characterise specific genes which may be important in niche adaptation and for applications to dairy fermentations, comparative genome sequence analysis was performed on L. lactis from corn (DPC6853), the bovine rumen (DPC6853) and grass (DPC6860). This study highlights the contribution of niche specialisation to the intra-species diversity of L. lactis and the adaptation of this organism to different environments. In summary this thesis describes the genetic diversity of L. lactis strains from outside the dairy environment and their potential application in dairy fermentations.


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Ulva rigida (UR) and Palmaria palmata (PP) were included in farmed Atlantic salmon diets at levels of 0-15% for 19 and 16 weeks, respectively. Quality and shelf-life parameters of salmon fillets stored in modified atmosphere packs (MAP) (60% N2 : 40% CO2) at 4ºC were compared to controls fed astaxanthin. Salmon fillets were enhanced with a yellow/orange colour. Proximate composition, pH and lipid oxidation were unaffected by dietary UR and PP. Salmon fed 5% UR and 5-15% PP did not influence sensory descriptors (texture, odour, oxidation flavour and overall acceptability) of cooked salmon fillets. Pig diets were supplemented with commercial wet- and spray-dried macroalgal (Laminaria digitata) polysaccharide extracts containing laminarin (L, 500 mg/kg feed) and fucoidan (F, 420 mg/kg feed) (L/F-WS, L/F-SD) for 3 weeks and quality and shelf-life parameters of fresh pork steaks (longissimus thoracis et lumborum) stored in MAP (80% O2 : 20% CO2) were examined. Level (450 or 900 mg L and F/kg feed) and duration (3 or 6 weeks) of dietary L/F-WS and mechanisms of antioxidant activities in pork were investigated. L/F-WS reduced (p < 0.05) lipid oxidation and lowered levels of saturated fatty acids in fresh pork after 3 weeks feeding. L/F-SD was added directly to mince pork (0.01 - 0.5%) and quality and shelf-life parameters of fresh pork patties stored in MAP (80% O2 : 20% CO2) were assessed. Direct addition of the L/F-SD increased levels of lipid oxidation and decreased surface redness (a* values) of fresh pork patties. Lipid oxidation was reduced in cooked patties due to the formation of Maillard reaction products. Cooked pork patties containing L/F-SD were subjected to an in vitro digestion and a cellular transwell model to confirm bioaccessibility and uptake of antioxidant compounds. In mechanistic studies, fucoidan demonstrated antiand pro-oxidant activities on muscle lipids and oxymyoglobin, respectively.


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We investigate the ways young children’s use of mobile touchscreen interfaces is both understood and shaped by parents through the production of YouTube videos and discussions in associated comment threads. This analysis expands on, and departs from, theories of parental mediation, which have traditionally been framed through a media effects approach in analyzing how parents regulate their children’s use of broadcast media, such as television, within family life. We move beyond the limitations of an effects framing through more culturally and materially oriented theoretical lenses of mediation, considering the role mobile interfaces now play in the lives of infants through analysis of the ways parents intermediate between domestic spaces and networked publics. We propose the concept of intermediation, which builds on insights from critical interface studies as well as cultural industries literature to help account for these expanded aspects of digital parenting. Here, parents are not simply moderating children’s media use within the home, but instead operating as an intermediary in contributing to online representations and discourses of children’s digital culture. This intermediary role of parents engages with ideological tensions in locating notions of “naturalness:” the iPad’s gestural interface or the child’s digital dexterity.


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Midwives play an important role in antenatal education and there is a need for child birth education to be delivered more effectively and in the earlier stages pregnancy. There are numerous inconsistencies existing between the theory and practice of child birth education. A new direction is needed. The evolution of child birth education needs to quickly gain pace to meet the needs of today's expectant women. Contemporary technology presents a modern approach to support and promote child birth education classes. Consequently, this recent post graduate diploma student midwife project was to investigate the introduction of the use of iPhone app technology as a valuable tool in which to deliver child birth education. The conduction of the project included several elements, beginning with an extensive literature review, ethics approval; a survey completed by thirty two midwives at St Vincents Private Hospital (StVPH) was collected and generated the foundations for the prototype childbirth education iPhone App, and B is for Baby was constructed. This was then presented back to the midwives at St Vincent's Private Hospital as a means to compliment and contribute to the traditional face to face child birth sessions.


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This report presents the evaluation of the Baby Makes 3 Plus project in the Great South Coast region of Victoria. Baby Makes 3 Plus was one of 12 projects funded by the Department of Justice and Regulation in Victoria under initiative to support primary prevention and early intervention-focused partnership projects to address violence against women and children. The project provided the Baby Makes 3 relationship education program to new parents across the region, and conducted a variety of training to increase the skills of Great South Coast early years practitioners (the Plus component of the project). The three key objectives of the project were:• To increase the capacity of first time parents to build equal and respectful relationships in response to the lifestyle and relationship changes that follow the birth of a child.• To increase the capacity of health professionals and organisations to promote equal and respectful relationships during the transition to parenthood.• To building capacity to identify women at risk of experiencing family violence through a gender equity component of in-service training.


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BACKGROUND: While it is well established that alcohol can cross the placenta to the foetus and can affect an infant's development, many women continue to drink during pregnancy. For this reason it is important to determine what information is being provided, what information may be missing, and the preferred sources of information on this issue. In order to improve prevention strategies, we sought to understand the knowledge and experiences of pregnant women and their partners regarding the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. METHODS: The current study utilised a qualitative study design in order to gain insight into the views and experiences of pregnant women, newly delivered mothers and their partners. Focus groups examined the participant's knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the sources of information on this issue, and the psycho-social influences on their drinking behaviour. Five focus groups were conducted involving a total of 21 participants (17 female). A six-stage thematic analysis framework was used to analyse all focus group discussions in a systematic way. RESULTS: Seven major themes were identified from the focus group data: 1) knowledge of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; 2) message content and sources; 3) healthcare system; 4) society and culture; 5) partner role; 6) evaluation of risk; and 7) motivation. The findings indicated that although the majority of participants knew not to drink alcohol in pregnancy they had limited information on the specific harmful effects. In addition, routine enquiry and the provision of information by health care professionals were seen as lacking. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this research provide important insights in to the relationship between pregnant women, their partners, and their healthcare providers. Several recommendations can be made on the basis of these findings. Firstly, public health messages and educational materials need to provide clear and consistent information about the effects of alcohol consumption on the developing baby. Additionally, more thorough and consistent routine enquiry for alcohol consumption in pregnant women needs to occur. Finally, it is important to ensure ongoing education for health professionals on the issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.