753 resultados para Aspergillus


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El trabajo presentado estudia la presencia de Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani(sensulato), F. equiseti y F.acuminatum en puntos del litoral de Almería, Alicante, Gerona e Islas Baleares (Menorca, Ibiza, Espalmador). Se analizaron tanto arenas de las playas (zonas intermareal y supramareal) como fondos marino situados a 27,9 y 7,2 metros de profundidad en Almería y a 10 m de profundidad en las Islas Baleares. Exceptuando el litoral de Gerona, en el resto de los enclaves se presentaron varias especies de Fusarium que se aislaron de las arenas de las playas, confirmando así resultados obtenidos con anterioridad. Lo más novedoso fue encontrar especies de Fusarium a diferentes profundidades marinas. En Almería F.oxysporum y F.equisti se aislaron a 27,9 y7,2 m profundidad. F. acuminatum se aisló de la muetra recogida a 27m de profundidad. En las islas Baleares, a10m de profundidad, se aislaron F. oxysporum, F. solani (sensulato), F.equiseti y F.acuminatum. El efecto antrópico, el comportamiento como "airborne" o los arrastres de aguas por las ramblas y torrentes podría explicar la presencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados. La permanencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados, especialmente en la zona intermareal de las playas y en los fondos marinos donde soportan elevadas presiones osmóticas por la alta salinidad del agua del mar Mediterráneo, permitirá estudios específicos sobre el comportamiento de estos hongos en medios muy salinos. Otros hongos aislados de arenas de playa y fondos marinos fueron: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Dreschlera, Gliocladium Humicola, Penicillium, Phialophora, Rhizopus, Stemphylium, Trichoderma, Trichocladium y Ulocladium. Muchos de ellos fueron aislados del fondo marino, testimoniando así que estos hábitats no son exclusivos de Fusarium.


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Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la microbiota fúngica asociada a la fumagina del madroño, determinándose las especies de pulgones recogidas sobre madroños muestreados en la Comunidad de Madrid (España). Las especies de pulgones del madroño encontradas en los muestreos han sido dos: Aphis arbuti Ferrari y Wahlgreniella nervata (Gillette). La especie más frecuente ha sido W. nervata cuya presencia se observó en el 80% de las muestras, mientras que A. arbuti estuvo presente en el 35% de ellas. Parecen ser especies bastante específicas del madroño, de las que no se habían recogido citas en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los análisis microbiológicos realizados sobre las hojas de madroño muestran que no existen diferencias apreciables entre las que visualmente tienen negrilla y pulgones de aquellas que están aparentemente normales. La microbiota fúngica total de las ramillas es muy semejante a la de las hojas. Sobresalen entre los géneros y/o especies Alternaria, Aspergillus, Niger, Aureobasidium, Cladosporium y Fusarium. Este último género representado por dos especies (F. dinerum y F. solari) no ha incrementado considerablemente su presencia cuando se ha utilizado un medio específico para el análisis.


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Se caracterizó la micoflora presente en las semillas de 5 cultivares de judión (Phaseolus coccineus L.) procedentes de una explotación dedicada a la agricultura ecológica de Oteruelo del Valle (Parque natural de Rascafría, Madrid) y de 5 variedades incluidas en el Catálogo Común de variedades Comerciales de la Unión Europea. Se analizaron un total de 3200 semillas de todos los lotes cosechadas en la campaña 2005-2006. Para ello se colocaron 5 semillas de cada muestra en placas de Petri con medio agar de patata glucosado (PDA) y 6 semillas por muestra en cámara húmeda, realizándose 20 repeticiones en cada caso, analizándose de esta manera al menos 220 semillas por muestra. Para conocer la presencia del género Fusarium se realizaron análisis específicos con todas las muestras, utilizando para ello medio selectivo para Fusarium realizándose lecturas periódicas y anotando el número de especies presentes en cada semilla. Se identificaron un total de 11 especies fúngicas diferentes. la presencia de los diferentes géneros varió entre los cultivares estudiados, siendo mucho menor, aunque no ausente en las semillas comerciales. Entre la microbiota fúngica aislada cabe destacar, por su potencial patogeneicidd o por su capacidad para la producción de micotoxinas o metabolitos secundarios, especies de los géneros Aspergillus, Alternaria o Rhizoctonia. En una segunda parte del estudio se evaluó el efecto que dichos hongos tienen sobre la germinación y nascencia de las semillas, realizándose pruebas de patogeneicidad sobre un total de 200 semillas de Phaseolus vulgaris variedad Calgary. Las inoculaciones se realizaron con cada uno de los dos aislados de los seis géneros de mayor importancia cuantitativa del inventario(Aspergillus, Penicillium Ulocladium, Rhizopus, Cladosporium y Alternaria) Los resultados de las inoculaciones muestran efectos negativos sobre los porcentajes de germinación en todos los tratamientos estudiados y muestran la diferente capacidad parasitaria de cada una de las especies estudiadas sobre Phaseolus vulgaris.


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Cemeteries are part of the cultural heritage of urban communities, containing funerary crypts and monuments of historical and architectural interest. Efforts aimed at the conservation of these structures must target not only the abiotic stresses that cause their destruction, such as light and humidity, but also biofouling by biotic agents. The purpose of this study was to assess the development of biofouling of several historically and architecturally valuable crypts at La Plata Cemetery (Argentina). Samples obtained from the biofilms, lichens, and fungal colonies that had developed on the marble surfaces and cement mortar of these crypts were analyzed by conventional microbiological techniques and by scanning electron microscopy. The lichens were identified as Caloplaca austrocitrina, Lecanora albescens, Xanthoparmelia farinosa and Xanthoria candelaria, the fungi as Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Candida sp. and Rhodotorula sp., and the bacteria as Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. The mechanisms by which these microorganisms cause the aesthetic and biochemical deterioration of the crypts are discussed.


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The effect of water potential ( J w ) on the growth of 15 fungal species isolated from cheeses was analysed. The species, identified mainly by analysis of DNA sequences, belonged to genera Penicillium , Geotrichum , Mucor , Aspergillus , Microascus and Talaromyces . Particularly, the effect of matric potential ( J m ), and ionic (NaCl) and non-ionic (glycerol) solute potentials ( J s ) on growth rate was studied. The response of strains was highly dependent on the type of J w . For J s , clear profiles for optimal, permissive and marginal conditions for growth were obtained, and differences in growth rate were achieved comparing NaCl and glycerol for most of the species. Conversely, a sustained growth was obtained for J m in all the strains, with the exception of Aspergillus pseudoglaucus , whose growth increased proportionally to the level of water stress. Our results might help to understand the impact of environmental factors on the ecophysiology and dynamics of fungal populations associated to cheeses.


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Until recently, cinematographic film was largely cellulose-triacetate-based. However, this material is highly susceptible to biodeterioration, thus placing historic film collections, an important part of the cultural heritage of many countries, at risk. In the present study, samples taken from several biodeteriorated color cinematographic films belonging to the collection of the Cuban Institute for Cinematographic Industry and Arts (ICAIC) were investigated. Infrared spectroscopy showed that all films were of the same composition, i.e., a gelatin emulsion coating one side of a cellulose-triacetate-based film support. The films were analyzed by environmental scanning electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to determine the degree of biodeterioration and the type of colonizing microorganisms. Significant fungal colonization was found on both sides of the films in all samples, with a higher concentration of fungi on the gelatin emulsion side. Epifluorescence microscopy of fluorochrome-dyed films demonstrated that some of the fungi were still active, indicating that the films under study, and probably others at the ICAIC, are at risk of further deterioration. Fungi were identified by molecular biology techniques. The fungi mainly responsible for the observed biodeterioration were those belonging to the genera Aspergillus and Cladosporium, although other genera, such as Microascus and Penicillium, were identified as well. In accordance with the findings described herein, the existing guidelines for the prevention and control of film biodeterioration are discussed.


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The effect of water potential ( J w ) on the growth of 15 fungal species isolated from cheeses was analysed. The species, identi fi ed mainly by analysis of DNA sequences, belonged to genera Penicillium, Geotrichum, Mucor , Aspergillus , Microascus and Talaromyces . Particularly, the effect of matric potential ( J m ), and ionic (NaCl) and non-ionic (glycerol) solute potentials ( J s ) on growth rate was studied. The response of strains was highly dependent on the type of J w . For J s, clear profiles for optimal, permissive and marginal conditions for growth were obtained, and differences in growth rate were achieved comparing NaCl and glycerol for most of the species. Conversely, a sustained growth was obtained for J m in all the strains, with the exception of Aspergillus pseudoglaucus, whose growth increased proportionally to the level of water stress. Our results might help to understand the impact of environmental factors on the ecophysiology and dynamics of fungal populations associated to cheeses.


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Telomeres are essential for preserving chromosome integrity during the cell cycle and have been specifically implicated in mitotic progression, but little is known about the signaling molecule(s) involved. The human telomeric repeat binding factor protein (TRF1) is shown to be important in regulating telomere length. However, nothing is known about its function and regulation during the cell cycle. The sequence of PIN2, one of three human genes (PIN1-3) we previously cloned whose products interact with the Aspergillus NIMA cell cycle regulatory protein kinase, reveals that it encodes a protein that is identical in sequence to TRF1 apart from an internal deletion of 20 amino acids; Pin2 and TRF1 may be derived from the same gene, PIN2/TRF1. However, in the cell Pin2 was found to be the major expressed product and to form homo- and heterodimers with TRF1; both dimers were localized at telomeres. Pin2 directly bound the human telomeric repeat DNA in vitro, and was localized to all telomeres uniformly in telomerase-positive cells. In contrast, in several cell lines that contain barely detectable telomerase activity, Pin2 was highly concentrated at only a few telomeres. Interestingly, the protein level of Pin2 was highly regulated during the cell cycle, being strikingly increased in G2+M and decreased in G1 cells. Moreover, overexpression of Pin2 resulted in an accumulation of HeLa cells in G2+M. These results indicate that Pin2 is the major human telomeric protein and is highly regulated during the cell cycle, with a possible role in mitosis. The results also suggest that Pin2/TRF1 may connect mitotic control to the telomere regulatory machinery whose deregulation has been implicated in cancer and aging.


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BIMD of Aspergillus nidulans belongs to a highly conserved protein family implicated, in filamentous fungi, in sister-chromatid cohesion and DNA repair. We show here that BIMD is chromosome associated at all stages, except from late prophase through anaphase, during mitosis and meiosis, and is involved in several aspects of both programs. First, bimD+ function must be executed during S through M. Second, in bimD6 germlings, mitotic nuclear divisions and overall cellular program occur more rapidly than in wild type. Thus, BIMD, an abundant chromosomal protein, is a negative regulator of normal cell cycle progression. Third, bimD6 reduces the level of mitotic interhomolog recombination but does not alter the ratio between crossover and noncrossover outcomes. Moreover, bimD6 is normal for intrachromosomal recombination. Therefore, BIMD is probably not involved in the enzymology of recombinational repair per se. Finally, during meiosis, staining of the Sordaria ortholog Spo76p delineates robust chromosomal axes, whereas BIMD stains all chromatin. SPO76 and bimD are functional homologs with respect to their roles in mitotic chromosome metabolism but not in meiosis. We propose that BIMD exerts its diverse influences on cell cycle progression as well as chromosome morphogenesis and recombination by modulating chromosome structure.


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Ripening-associated pectin disassembly in melon is characterized by a decrease in molecular mass and an increase in the solubilization of polyuronide, modifications that in other fruit have been attributed to the activity of polygalacturonase (PG). Although it has been reported that PG activity is absent during melon fruit ripening, a mechanism for PG-independent pectin disassembly has not been positively identified. Here we provide evidence that pectin disassembly in melon (Cucumis melo) may be PG mediated. Three melon cDNA clones with significant homology to other cloned PGs were isolated from the rapidly ripening cultivar Charentais (C. melo cv Reticulatus F1 Alpha) and were expressed at high levels during fruit ripening. The expression pattern correlated temporally with an increase in pectin-degrading activity and a decrease in the molecular mass of cell wall pectins, suggesting that these genes encode functional PGs. MPG1 and MPG2 were closely related to peach fruit and tomato abscission zone PGs, and MPG3 was closely related to tomato fruit PG. MPG1, the most abundant melon PG mRNA, was expressed in Aspergillus oryzae. The culture filtrate exponentially decreased the viscosity of a pectin solution and catalyzed the linear release of reducing groups, suggesting that MPG1 encodes an endo-PG with the potential to depolymerize melon fruit cell wall pectin. Because MPG1 belongs to a group of PGs divergent from the well-characterized tomato fruit PG, this supports the involvement of a second class of PGs in fruit ripening-associated pectin disassembly.


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A new enzyme, rhamnogalacturonan (RG) α-d-galactopyranosyluronohydrolase (RG-galacturonohydrolase), able to release a galacturonic acid residue from the nonreducing end of RG chains but not from homogalacturonan, was purified from an Aspergillus aculeatus enzyme preparation. RG-galacturonohydrolase acted with inversion of anomeric configuration, initially releasing β-d-galactopyranosyluronic acid. The enzyme cleaved smaller RG substrates with the highest catalytic efficiency. A Michaelis constant of 85 μm and a maximum reaction rate of 160 units mg−1 was found toward a linear RG fragment with a degree of polymerization of 6. RG-galacturonohydrolase had a molecular mass of 66 kD, an isoelectric point of 5.12, a pH optimum of 4.0, and a temperature optimum of 50°C. The enzyme was most stable between pH 3.0 and 6.0 (for 24 h at 40°C) and up to 60°C (for 3 h).


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.


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Type I hereditary tyrosinaemia (HT1) is a severe human inborn disease resulting from loss of fumaryl-acetoacetate hydrolase (Fah). Homozygous disruption of the gene encoding Fah in mice causes neonatal lethality, seriously limiting use of this animal as a model. We report here that fahA, the gene encoding Fah in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, encodes a polypeptide showing 47.1% identity to its human homologue, fahA disruption results in secretion of succinylacetone (a diagnostic compound for human type I tyrosinaemia) and phenylalanine toxicity. We have isolated spontaneous suppressor mutations preventing this toxicity, presumably representing loss-of-function mutations in genes acting upstream of fahA in the phenylalanine catabolic pathway. Analysis of a class of these mutations demonstrates that loss of homogentisate dioxygenase (leading to alkaptonuria in humans) prevents the effects of a Fah deficiency. Our results strongly suggest human homogentisate dioxygenase as a target for HT1 therapy and illustrate the usefulness of this fungus as an alternative to animal models for certain aspects of human metabolic diseases.


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Diversos biomateriais podem ser aplicados como suportes na imobilização de células totais de fungos filamentosos ou enzimas isoladas, visando a manutenção e o prolongamento da atividade enzimática em processos biocatalíticos. Exemplos promissores de biomateriais são a fibroína da seda e o alginato de sódio. A fibroína é um material protéico com alta estabilidade térmica, elasticidade, resistência à tensão, não sofre ataque microbiano, baixo custo de purificação e alta tenacidade, o alginato é um biopolímero versátil, devido a suas propriedades gelificantes em soluções aquosas. Assim, neste trabalho empregou-se micélios do fungo derivado de ambiente marinho, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, livres e imobilizados em biopolímeros (fibra de algodão, fibra de fibroína da seda e fibra de paina) na biorredução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação α,β-C=C de enonas α,β-, α,β,γ,δ- e di-α,β-insaturadas previamente sintetizados pela a reação de condensação aldólica. Foi possível a utilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 na redução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação dupla carbono-carbono de sistemas α,β-insaturados. A imobilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 em biopolímeros (algodão, fibroína da seda, paina e quitosana) permitiu a prolongamento da atividade celular do fungo. O protocolo desenvolvido foi capaz de obter compostos até então descritos apenas por síntese clássica. Também foi realizado reações de resolução enzimática de derivados de haloidrinas por diferentes lipases microbianas de: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida cylindracea, Rhizopus niveus e Aspergillus niger. A lipase de P. fluorescens foi imobilizada em esferas de fibroína do bicho da seda (método 1, via adsorção) e em blenda com alginato de cálcio (método 2, via encapsulação) em diferentes condições, tais como, variação de solvente, variação da quantidade de enzima imobilizada e tempo de reação. As condições otimizadas foram empregadas em diferentes haloidrinas, rendendo elevados excessos enantioméricos (ee > 99%) e alta razão enanantiomérica (E > 200) para os produtos acetilados. Foi possível desenvolver um protocolo simples, barato e prático para a síntese enantiosseletiva de haloidrina reforçando a versatilidade da fibroína e do alginato como suportes de imobilização para catalisadores heterogêneos. Também foi possível utilizar a lipase imobilizada (método 2) na reação de transesterificação para obtenção do biodiesel etílico. As melhores condições para o bom funcionamento do biocatalisador foram: 30% do biocatalisador, 20% de n-hexano, relação óleo e etanol de 1:4 a 32 ºC por 48 h em agitação magnética (400 rpm). Essas condições permitiram a formação de 42% de rendimento do biodiesel etílico. O biocatalisador apresentou algumas limitações reacionais, tais como, fragilidade frente a elevadas temperaturas (> 32 ºC) e prolongado tempo de agitação magnética. Porém, permaneceu apto no meio por 4 ciclos consecutivas. Conclui-se que os biomateriais (fibroína, alginato e quitosana) podem ser utilizados como alternativas versáteis na imobilização de micélios de fungos filamentoso e de enzimas isoladas para aplicações em biocatalíticas.


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Os ratos Wistar são amplamente empregados como modelo animal na pesquisa biomédica e o controle sanitário dos biotérios é essencial para garantir a qualidade dos experimentos. O objetivo do estudo foi a caracterização do estado sanitário da colônia de ratos Wistar em sistema de criação convencional e para tanto determinar as bactérias, fungos, virus e parasitos, bem como caracterizar as lesões anatomopatológicas do sistema respiratório. Foram utilizados 273 ratos (N), machos (M) e fêmeas (F), das faixas etárias 4, 8, 12, 16 a 20 semanas e entre 12 a 18 meses, para as determinações de peso e condição corpórea (N=273, 140M, 133F); avaliação bacteriológica de orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico (N=40, 20M, 20F); determinação de anticorpos para vírus e bactérias (N=20, 10M, 10F); exame parasitológico (N=60, 30M, 30F); identificação molecular de Mycoplasma pulmonis em amostras de pulmão (N=25, 15M, 10F), e caracterização anatomopatológica da cavidade nasal, orofaringe, laringe, traqueia e pulmão (N=106, 53M, 53F). Foram realizadas ainda avaliações microbiológicas das salas dos ratos em três períodos com isolamento de Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium spp. O peso se mostrou homogêneo dentro da faixa etária e gênero, com apenas sete animais magros (2,56%) e nove em sobrepeso (3,30%). Não foram isoladas bactérias patogênicas na orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico por cultivo. Mycoplasma pulmonis foi determinado em 72% das amostras pulmonares e em 100% dos soros testados. Em 35% foram detectados anticorpos para Reovirus tipo III e em 100% para bacilos associados ao epitélio respiratório ciliado. Syphacia muris foi diagnosticada em 91,67%, Eimeria spp. em 3,33% e Entamoeba muris em 1,67%. Lesões relacionadas a infecção por agentes exógenos foram observadas em cavidade nasal e na orofaringe, laringe e traqueia a partir da 4 semanas de idade e, em pulmão desde as 12 semanas, com aumento de frequência de ocorrência e do grau de progressão, com o avançar da idade, nos vários segmentos estudados. Concluímos que a caracterização do estado sanitário dos ratos permite conhecer as particularidades do modelo biológico utilizado e compor base de dados para auxiliar no desenho e na interpretação experimental dos pesquisadores, além de garantir uma base para o programa de monitorização sanitária de biotérios em condições similares