961 resultados para Article 2(4)


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Olivier Corten’s The Law Against War is a comprehensive, meticulously-researched study of contemporary international law governing the use of armed force in international relations. As a translated and updated version of a 2008 book published in French, it offers valuable insights into the positivist methodology that underpins much of the European scholarship of international law. Corten undertakes a rigorous analysis of state practice from 1945 onwards, with a view to clarifying the current meaning and scope of international law’s prohibition on the use of force. His central argument is that the majority of states remain attached to a strict interpretation of this rule. For Corten, state practice indicates that the doctrines of anticipatory self-defence, pre-emptive force and humanitarian intervention have no basis in contemporary international law. His overall position accords with a traditional, restrictive view of the circumstances in which states are permitted to use force...


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A partir do exame da formação e identificação da norma consuetudinária, consoante os pressupostos da teoria dos dois elementos, investiga-se a índole consuetudinária das intervenções humanitárias no contexto do Direito Internacional Contemporâneo, a fim de verificar se tais práticas estatais teriam se constituído em um costume internacional e, por conseguinte, se elas ampliaram o rol das exceções ao princípio da proibição do uso da força pelos Estados nas relações internacionais esculpido no artigo 2 (4) da Carta das Nações Unidas. Dada a polissemia existente para a expressão intervenção humanitária, esta pode ser compreendida como o recurso à força armada por um Estado, ou grupo de Estados, para além das suas fronteiras, conforme discricionariedade própria, ou seja, sem a autorização do CSNU, com o propósito de cessar práticas em largas escalas, persistentes e generalizadas, comissivas ou omissivas, de graves violações dos Direito Humanos e Internacional Humanitário. A partir da apuração dos elementos que conformam esse conceito estabelecido, do exame dos casos de ocorrência e das justificativas legais apresentadas pelos Estados interventores para essa prática interventiva, conjugado com a reação dos demais Estados à essa conduta, por uma considerável e persistente falta de expresso reconhecimento do caráter de direito para a intervenção humanitária, é possível afirmar que os Estados sucessivamente reafirmaram o reconhecimento do princípio da interdição do uso da força pelos Estados nas suas relações internacionais e, que nos quadros do Direito Internacional contemporâneo, a este tipo de intervenção não é um costume internacional porque carece de opinio iuris.


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L’autorisation de recourir à la force est une pratique par laquelle le Conseil de sécurité permet à des États membres des Nations Unies ou à des accords ou organismes régionaux, voire au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies de recourir à la coercition militaire. Elle est l’une des circonstances excluant l’illicéité face à l’interdiction de recourir à la force dans les relations internationales dont la règle est posée à l’article 2,§ 4 de la Charte des Nations Unies. Il est évident que cette pratique ne correspond pas clairement à la lettre de la Charte mais elle tire sa légitimité du fait qu’elle permet au Conseil de sécurité de s’acquitter de sa mission principale de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales, étant donné que le système de coercition militaire prévu par la Charte s’avère inapplicable dans la pratique. Il reste que cette pratique est empreinte d’ambiguïté : elle apparaît tantôt comme une intervention des Nations Unies, tantôt comme une action unilatérale au profit de certaines puissances capables de mener des opérations de grande envergure. Cette ambiguïté est encore exacerbée par le problème de l’autorisation présumée que certainsÉtats pourraient déduire des actes du Conseil de sécurité, pour intervenir dans divers conflits. Dans les faits, la pratique de l’autorisation de recourir à la force semble actualiser une tendance belliciste qui caractérisait les époques antérieures. Elle peut, si l’on n’y prend garde, refondre, par pans entiers, les legs du droit contre la guerre (jus contra bellum) issu du XXème siècle, droit qui a été le fruit de longues tribulations dans l’histoire des relations internationales. Le danger le plus grave est que des acquis chèrement négociés risquent d’être jetés par-dessus bord avec trop de facilité et sans délai, pour servir des visées à court terme.


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This chapter evaluates the potential for legal regulation of the resort to cyber warfare between states under the ‘jus ad bellum’ (the law on the use of force). Debate in the literature has largely concerned whether cyber warfare falls within the scope of Article 2(4) UNC. The first part of this chapter sets out this debate. It then goes on to argue that the ‘Article 2(4) debate’ often misses the fact that an act of cyber warfare can be considered a breach of a different legal rule: the principle of non-intervention. The chapter further considers some of the issues in applying either the prohibition of the use of force or the principle of non-intervention to cyber warfare, and then concludes by arguing that the debate should be reoriented to focus on another existing international legal obligation: the duty to prevent cyber-attacks.


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Drone strikes are becoming a key feature of the United States’ global military response to nonstate actors, and it has been widely adduced that these strikes have been carried out with the consent of the host states in which such non-state actors reside. This article examines the degree to which assertions of consent (or ‘intervention by invitation’), provided as a justification for drone strikes by the United States in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, can be said to accord with international law. First the article provides a broad sketch of the presence of consent in international law. It then analyses in detail the individual elements of consent as provided by Article 20 of the International Law Commission Draft Articles of State Responsibility. These require that consent should be ‘valid’, given by the legitimate government and expressed by an official empowered to do so. These elements will be dealt with individually, and each in turn will be applied to the cases of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Finally, the article will examine the breadth of the exculpatory power of consent, and the extent to which it can preclude the wrongfulness of acts carried out in contravention of international law other than the prohibition of the use of force under Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations.


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The structures of two 1:1 proton-transfer red-black dye compounds formed by reaction of aniline yellow [4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline] with 5-sulfosalicylic acid and benzenesulfonic acid, and a 1:2 nontransfer adduct compound with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid have been determined at either 130 or 200 K. The compounds are 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-phenylhydrazin-1-ium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate methanol solvate, C12H12N3+.C7H5O6S-.CH3OH (I), 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-hydrazin-1-ium 4-(phenydiazinyl)anilinium bis(benzenesulfonate), 2C12H12N3+.2C6H5O3S-, (II) and 4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (1/2) C12H11N3.2C~7~H~4~N~2~O~6~, (III). In compound (I) the diaxenyl rather than the aniline group of aniline yellow is protonated and this group subsequently akes part in a primary hydrogen-bonding interaction with a sulfonate O-atom acceptor, producing overall a three-dimensional framework structure. A feature of the hydrogen bonding in (I) is a peripheral edge-on cation-anion association involving aromatic C--H...O hydrogen bonds, giving a conjoint R1/2(6)R1/2(7)R2/1(4)motif. In the dichroic crystals of (II), one of the two aniline yellow species in the asymmetric unit is diazenyl-group protonated while in the other the aniline group is protonated. Both of these groups form hydrogen bonds with sulfonate O-atom acceptors and thee, together with other associations give a one-dimensional chain structure. In compound (III), rather than proton-transfer, there is a preferential formation of a classic R2/2(8) cyclic head-to-head hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid homodimer between the two 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid molecules, which in association with the aniline yellow molecule that is disordered across a crystallographic inversion centre, result in an overall two-dimensional ribbon structure. This work has shown the correlation between structure and observed colour in crystalline aniline yellow compounds, illustrated graphically in the dichroic benzenesulfonate compound.


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In the structure of the title compound C8H12NO+ C7H5O6S- . H2O, from the reaction of 2-(4-aminophenyl)ethanol with 5-sulfosalicylic acid, the cations form head-to-tail hydrogen-bonded chains through C1/1(9) anilinium N+-H...O(hydroxyl} interactions while the anions also form similar but C1/1(8)-linked chains through carboxylic acid O-..O(sulfonate) interactions. The chains inter-associate through a number of N-H...O and O-H...O bridging interactions giving a two-dimensional array in the ab plane.


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The structures of the anhydrous proton-transfer compounds of the sulfa drug sulfamethazine with 5-nitrosalicylic acid and picric acid, namely 2-(4-aminobenzenesulfonamido)-4,6-dimethylpyrimidinium 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzoate, C12H15N4O2S(+)·C7H4NO4(-), (I), and 2-(4-aminobenzenesulfonamido)-4,6-dimethylpyrimidinium 2,4,6-trinitrophenolate, C12H15N4O2S(+)·C6H2N3O7(-), (II), respectively, have been determined. In the asymmetric unit of (I), there are two independent but conformationally similar cation-anion heterodimer pairs which are formed through duplex intermolecular N(+)-H...Ocarboxylate and N-H...Ocarboxylate hydrogen-bond pairs, giving a cyclic motif [graph set R2(2)(8)]. These heterodimers form separate and different non-associated substructures through aniline N-H...O hydrogen bonds, one one-dimensional, involving carboxylate O-atom acceptors, the other two-dimensional, involving both carboxylate and hydroxy O-atom acceptors. The overall two-dimensional structure is stabilized by π-π interactions between the pyrimidinium ring and the 5-nitrosalicylate ring in both heterodimers [minimum ring-centroid separation = 3.4580 (8) Å]. For picrate (II), the cation-anion interaction involves a slightly asymmetric chelating N-H...O R2(1)(6) hydrogen-bonding association with the phenolate O atom, together with peripheral conjoint R1(2)(6) interactions between the same N-H groups and O atoms of the ortho-related nitro groups. An inter-unit amine N-H...Osulfone hydrogen bond gives one-dimensional chains which extend along a and inter-associate through π-π interactions between the pyrimidinium rings [centroid-centroid separation = 3.4752 (9) Å]. The two structures reported here now bring to a total of four the crystallographically characterized examples of proton-transfer salts of sulfamethazine with strong organic acids.


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Benzothiazoles are multitarget agents with broad spectrum of biological activity. Among the antitumor agents discovered in recent years, the identification of various 2-(4-aminophenyl) benzothiazoles as potent and selective antitumor drugs against different cancer cell lines has stimulated remarkable interest. Some of the benzothiazoles are known to induce cell cycle arrest, activation of caspases and interaction with DNA molecule. Based on these interesting properties of benzothiazoles and to obtain new biologically active agents, a series of novel 4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[d]thiazole derivatives 5(a-i) were synthesized and evaluated for their efficacy as antileukemic agents in human leukemia cells (K562 and Reh). The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by H-1 NMR, LCMS and IR analysis. The cytotoxicity of these compounds were determined using trypan blue exclusion, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. Results showed that, these compounds mediate a significant cytotoxic response to cancer cell lines tested. We found that the compounds having electron withdrawing groups at different positions of the phenyl ring of the thiourea moiety displayed significant cytotoxic effect with IC50 value less than 60 mu M. To rationalize the role of electron withdrawing group in the induction of cytotoxicity, we have chosen molecule 5g (IC50 similar to 15 mu M) which is having chloro substitution at ortho and para positions. Flow cytometric analysis of annexin V-FITC/ propidium iodide (PI) double staining and DNA fragmentation suggest that 5g can induce apoptosis.


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Reactions of cis-[(C6H5N)PC1]z(1 ) with the difunctional reagents HO(CH2)20H,H (CH3)N(CHz)zN(CH3)HH, (CH3)N(CH& OH, and HO(CHz)30Hi n the presence of triethylamine yield the new bicyclic 1,3,2X3,4h3-diazadiphosphetidines[( C6H5- N)PIZ[-O(CHZ)Zo-l (2), [(C6H5N)PlZ[-(CH3)N(CHZ)ZN(CH3)-l (319 [(C6H~N)PlZ~-(CH3)N(cHZ)20 (4), and [(C6H5 N)P],[-Q(CH2),0-] (5), respectively. The products have been characterized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR spectroscopic data. The structures of 4 and 5 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Crystal data for 4: monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.823 (2) A, b = 8.608 (1) A, c = 18.423 (3) A, i3 = 90.55 (1)O, Z = 4. Crystal data for 5 monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.727 (2) A, b = 8.064 (2) A, c = 19.702 (4) A, @ =I 91.31 (l)', 2 = 4. The structures have been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.028 for 4 and R = 0.050 for 5. Compound 4 is the first example of an aminoalkoxy-l,3,2X3,4X3-diazadiphosphetidine. The PzNz ring is slightly puckered in both 4 and 5 and the puckering occurs in a manner opposite to that observed for cis-[(RN)PX],structures.


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Diruthenium(II1) compounds, Ru20(02CAr)2(MeCN)4(PPh3)2(C104)(z1~) Hazn0d R U ~ O ( O ~ C A ~ ) ~(2() P(PA~r ~= )P~h,C6H4-p-OMe), were prepared by reacting R U ~ C I ( O ~ CaAnd~ P)P~h 3 in MeCN and characterized by analytical and spectral data. The molecular structures of 1 with Ar = Ph and of 2 with Ar = C&p-OMe were determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data for Ru~~(~~CP~)~(M~CN),(PP~(~la)):~ m(oCnIoc~lin,ic), n~/~cH, ~a O= 27.722 (3) A, b = 10.793 (2) A, c = 23.445 ( 2 )A , fi = 124.18 (l)', V = 5803 A3, and 2 = 4. Cr stal data for Ru~O(O~CC~H~-~-O(M2b~): )o~rth(orPhoPm~bi~c, )Pn~n a, a = 22.767 (5) A, b = 22.084 (7) A, c = 12.904 (3) 1, V = 6488 AS; and 2 = 4. Both 1 and 2 have an (Ruz0(02CAr)z2t1 core that is analogous to the diiron core present in the oxidized form of the nonheme respiratory protein hemerythrin. The Ru-Ru distances of 3.237 (1) and 3.199 ( I ) A observed in 1 and 2, respectively, are similar to the M-M distances known in other model systems. The essentially diamagnetic nature of 1 and 2 is due to the presence of two strongly interacting t22 Ru"' centers. The intense colors of 1 (blue) and 2 (purple) are due to the charge-transfer transition involving an ( R ~ ~ ( f i - 0m)o~ie~ty.) The presence of labile MeCN and carboxylato ancillary ligands in I and 2, respectively, makes these systems reactive toward amine and heterocyclic bases.


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4-Thiazolidinone derivatives were synthesized using T3P (R)-DMSO media as a cyclodehydrating agent. All the molecules were tested for their cytotoxicity against leukemic cell lines. The compound 3-(4-bromophenyl)-2-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)thiazolidin-4-one (4e) with electron donating substituent at para position of phenyl ring displayed considerable cytotoxicity against Reh and Nalm6 cells with an IC50 value of 11.9 and 13.5 mu M, respectively. Furthermore, the compound 4e tested for tumor regression studies induced by EAC in Swiss albino mouse. Both in vitro and in vivo results suggested significant antiproliferative activity of compound 4e in Reh cells and mouse tumor tissue treated with compound 4e showed multifocal areas of necrosis and numerous number of apoptotic cells. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New air-stable ruthenium(II) complexes that contain the aryldiamine ligand [C6H3(CH2-NMe2)(2)-2,6](-) (NCN) are described. These complexes are [RuCl{eta(2)-C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,6}(eta(6)-C10H14)] (2; C10H14 = p-cymene = C6H4Me-Pr-i-4), [Ru{eta(2)-C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,6}(eta(5)-C5H5)(PPh3)] (5), and their isomeric forms [RuCl{eta(2)-C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,4}(eta(6)-C10H14)] (3) and [Ru{eta(2)-C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,4}(eta(5)-C5H5)(PPh3)] (6), respectively. Complex 2 has been prepared from the reaction of [Li(NCN)](2) with [RuCl2(eta(6)-C10H14)](2), whereas complex 5 has been prepared by the treatment of [RuCl{eta(3)-N,C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,6}(PPh3)] (4) with [Na(C5H5)](n). Both 2 and 5 are formally 18-electron ruthenium(II) complexes in which the monoanionic potentially tridentate coordinating ligand NCN is eta(2)-C,N-bonded, In solution (halocarbon solvent at room temperature or in aromatic solvents at elevated temperature), the intramolecular rearrangements of 2 and 5 afford complexes 3 and 6, respectively. This is a result of a shift of the metal-C-aryl bond from position-1 to position-3 on the aromatic ring of the NCN ligand. The mechanism of the isomerization is proposed to involve a sequence of intramolecular oxidative addition and reductive elimination reactions of both aromatic and aliphatic C-H bonds. This is based on results from deuterium labeling, spectroscopic studies, and some kinetic experiments. The mechanism is proposed to contain fully reversible steps in the case of 5, but a nonreversible step involving oxidative addition of a methyl NCH2-H bond in the case of 2. The solid-state structures of complexes 2, 3, 5, and 6 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. A new dinuclear 1,4-phenylene-bridged bisruthenium(II) complex, [1,4-{RuCl(eta(6)-C10H14)}(2){C-6(CH2NMe2)(4)-2,3,5,6-C,N,C',N'}] (9) has also been prepared from the dianionic ligand [C-6(CH2NMe2)(4)-2,3,5,6](2-) (C2N4). The C2N4 ligand is in an eta(2)-C,N-eta(2)-C',N'-bis(bidentate) bonding mode. Compound 9 does not isomerize in solution (halocarbon solvent), presumably because of the absence of an accessible C-aryl-H bond. Complex 9 could not be isolated in an analytically pure form, probably because of its high sensitivity to air and very low solubility, which precludes recrystallization.


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The title compound,{(C2H10N2)(2)[Mn(PO4)(2)]}(n), contains anionic square-twisted chains of formula [Mn(PO4)(2)](4-) constructed from corner-sharing four-membered rings of alternating MnO4 and PO4 units. The Mn and P atoms have distorted tetrahedral coordination and the Mn atom lies on a twofold axis. The linear manganese-phosphate chains are held together by hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the framework O atoms and the H atoms of the ethane-1,2-diammonium cations, which lie in the interchain spaces.


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The preparation and comprehensive characterization of a series of homoleptic sandwich complexes containing diphosphacyclobutadiene ligands are reported. Compounds [K([18]crown-6)(thf)2][Fe(hapto4-P2C2tBu2)2] (K1), [K([18]crown-6)(thf)2][C(h4-P2C2tBu2)2] (K2), and [K([18]crown-6)(thf)2][Co(hapto4-P2C2Ad2)2] (K3, Ad=adamantyl) were obtained from reactions of [K([18crown-6)(thf)2][M(hapto4-C14H10)2] (M=Fe, Co) with tBuCP (1, 2), or with AdCP (3). Neutral sandwiches [M(hapto4-P2C2tBu2)2] (4: M=Fe 5: M=Co) were obtained by oxidizing 1 and 2 with [Cp2Fe]PF6. Cyclic voltammetry and spectro-electrochemistry indicate that the two [M(hapto4-P2C2tBu2)2]-/[M(hapto4-P2C2tBu2)2] moieties can be reversibly interconverted by one electron oxidation and reduction, respectively. Complexes 1–5 were characterized by multinuclear NMR, EPR (1 and 5), UV/Vis,and Moessbauer spectroscopies (1 and 4), mass spectrometry (4 and 5), and microanalysis (1–3). The molecular structures of 1–5 were determined by using X-ray crystallography. Essentially D2d-symmetric structures were found for all five complexes, which show the two 1,3-diphosphacyclobutadiene rings in a staggered orientation. Density functional theory calculations revealed the importance of covalent metal–ligand pi bonding in 1–5. Possible oxidation state assignments for the metal ions are discussed.