955 resultados para Arsenic
Die Verwendung von Metallen zur Entwicklung der heutigen fortschrittlichen technologischenrnGesellschaft lässt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück blicken. Im Zuge des letzten Jahrhundertsrnwurde realisiert, dass die chemischen und radioaktiven Eigenschaften von Metallen einernernsthafte Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellen können. In der modernen Geochemie ist esrnallgemein akzeptiert, dass die spezifischen physikochemische Formen entscheidender sind, alsrndas Verhalten der gesamten Konzentration der Spurenmetalle in der Umwelt. Die Definition derrnArtbildung kann grob als die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der verschiedenen Formen oderrnPhasen für ein Element zugeordnet werden. Die chemische Extraktion ist eine gemeinsamernSpeziierungstechnik bei der die Fraktionierung des Gesamtmetallgehaltes zur Analyse der Quellernanthropogener Metallkontamination und zur Vorhersage der Bioverfügbarkeit von verschiedenenrnMetallformen dient. Die Philosophie der partiellen und sequenziellen Extraktionsmethodernbesteht darin, dass insbesondere das Extraktionsmittel phasenspezifisch unter chemischemrnAngriff unterschiedlicher Mischungsformen steht. Die Speziation von Metall ist wichtig bei derrnBestimmung der Toxizität, Mobilität, Bioverfügbarkeit des Metalls und damit ihr Schicksal inrnder Umwelt und biologischem System. Die Artenbildungsanalyse kann für das Verständnis derrnAuswirkung auf die menschliche Gesundheit und bei ökologischen Risiken durch diernQuantifizierung von Metallspezies bei einem Untersuchungs-standort angewendet werden undrnanschließend können Sanierungsstrategien für den Standort umgesetzt werden. Mit Hilfe derrnSpezifizierung wurden Arsen und Kupfer in landwirtschaftlichem Kalkdünger und Thallium inrnkontaminierten Böden untersucht und in den folgenden Abschnitten im Einzelnen dargestellt.
Gli stress abiotici determinando modificazioni a livello fisiologico, biochimico e molecolare delle piante, costituiscono una delle principali limitazioni per la produzione agricola mondiale. Nel 2007 la FAO ha stimato come solamente il 3,5% della superficie mondiale non sia sottoposta a stress abiotici. Il modello agro-industriale degli ultimi cinquant'anni, oltre ad avere contribuito allo sviluppo economico dell'Europa, è stato anche causa di inquinamento di acqua, aria e suolo, mediante uno sfruttamento indiscriminato delle risorse naturali. L'arsenico in particolare, naturalmente presente nell'ambiente e rilasciato dalle attività antropiche, desta particolare preoccupazione a causa dell'ampia distribuzione come contaminante ambientale e per gli effetti di fitotossicità provocati. In tale contesto, la diffusione di sistemi agricoli a basso impatto rappresenta una importante risorsa per rispondere all'emergenza del cambiamento climatico che negli anni a venire sottoporrà una superficie agricola sempre maggiore a stress di natura abiotica. Nello studio condotto è stato utilizzato uno stabile modello di crescita in vitro per valutare l'efficacia di preparati ultra diluiti (PUD), che non contenendo molecole chimiche di sintesi ben si adattano a sistemi agricoli sostenibili, su semi di frumento preventivamente sottoposti a stress sub-letale da arsenico. Sono state quindi condotte valutazioni sia a livello morfometrico (germinazione, lunghezza di germogli e radici) che molecolare (espressione genica valutata mediante analisi microarray, con validazione tramite Real-Time PCR) arricchendo la letteratura esistente di interessanti risultati. In particolare è stato osservato come lo stress da arsenico, determini una minore vigoria di coleptile e radici e a livello molecolare induca l'attivazione di pathways metabolici per proteggere e difendere le cellule vegetali dai danni derivanti dallo stress; mentre il PUD in esame (As 45x), nel sistema stressato ha indotto un recupero nella vigoria di germoglio e radici e livelli di espressione genica simili a quelli riscontrati nel controllo suggerendo un effetto "riequilibrante" del metabolismo vegetale.
There are many elements which are detrimental to the current efficiency in the electrolysis of zinc sulphate solution. Fortunately the majority of these elements are easily removed in the purification process and cause no further trouble. The elements that are likely to cause trouble in ordinary plant operations are antimony, arsenic, cobalt, nickel, manganese and germanium. The following tests were made to determine the mutual effect on the current efficiency when several of the impurities were present in the electrolyte.
Mining activity in Butte, Montana has taken place, or continues to take place, within the urban residence of Butte itself. This has led to urban areas with high concentrations of toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, mercury and cadmium. Advances in protein study and gene sequencing has opened the possibility of finding molecular biomarkers whose presence, absence or morphological changes could indicate disease processes in populations exposed to environmental toxins. While in principle, biomarkers can be any chemicals or metabolites, as well as proteins and genes that are indicative of exposure to xenobiotics, this study seeks to identify changes in cellular pathways that suggest chronic (or acute) exposure to low-levels of metals associated with historical mining activities on the Butte Hill that could cause oxidative stress or other stress to the cell.
Silver Bow Creek runs approximately 25 miles from Butte to Warm Springs, where it joins Warm Springs Creek to form the Clark Fork River. This historic creek was terribly contaminated with mine wastes around the turn of the 20th century, leaving many "slickens" that persisted into the 21st century, when it became a Superfund remediation project. More than 5.5 million cubic yards of stream-deposited mine waste have been removed and 1,650 acres revegetated. Chief contaminants are copper, zinc, and arsenic, but acidic soils are often equally or more limiting to plants. The stream was relocated, and mine wastes were replaced with biologically inert cover soil. Richard A. Prodgers is currently a plant ecologist with Bighorn Environmental Sciences in Dillon, Montana.
Genetic characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) from Thailand and Israel revealed the presence of a predominant atypical clonal lineage which was not typeable by SmaI-PFGE and SCCmec typing. All the atypical isolates (n = 34) belonged to CC45 (30 ST45 and 2 ST179 isolates, 1 ST57 isolate, and 1 ST85 isolate). The isolates originated from healthy and diseased dogs and cats, as well as from the environment of one clinic. Cfr9I-pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (Cfr9I-PFGE) and dru typing permitted the further distinction of CC45 isolates from the two different countries. Microarray analysis identified genes that confer resistance to β-lactams (mecA; blaZ), aminoglycosides [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia; aph(3')-III; ant(6)-Ia], macrolides and lincosamides [erm(B)], tetracyclines [tet(M)], trimethoprim [dfr(G)], streptothricin (sat4), and chloramphenicol (catpC221). Fluoroquinolone resistance was attributed to specific amino acid substitutions, i.e., Ser84Leu in GyrA and Ser80Ile and Asp84Asn in GrlA. A novel pseudo-staphylococcal cassette chromosome (ΨSCCmec57395) element was identified in MRSP strain 57395 (sequence type ST45) by whole-genome sequencing. The 12,282-bp ΨSCCmec57395 element contained a class C1 mec gene complex but no ccr genes. In addition to the methicillin resistance gene mecA, ΨSCCmec57395 also carried determinants of resistance to heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, and copper. Bsu36I restriction analysis of the ΨSCCmec57395 element amplified by long-range PCR revealed the presence of ΨSCCmec57395 in the 33 additional isolates of MRSP CC45. The ΨSCCmec57395 element represents a new class of SCCmec and has been identified in MRSP of CC45, which is a predominant clonal lineage in Israel and Thailand.
This is an investigation into the microbially mediated processes involved in the transformation of arsenic. With the recent change in the Federal Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic in drinking water, an increasing amount of resources are being devoted to understanding the mechanisms involved in the movement of arsenic. Arsenic in drinking water typically comes from natural sources, but the triggers that result in increased release of arsenic from parent material are poorly understood. Knowledge of these processes is necessary in order to make sound engineering decisions regarding drinking water management practices. Recent years have brought forth the idea that bacteria play a significant role in arsenic cycling. Groundwater is a major source of potable water in this and many other countries. To date, no reports have been made indicating the presence and activity of arsenate reducing bacteria in groundwater settings, which may increase dissolved arsenic concentrations. This research was designed to address this question and has shown that these bacteria are present in Maine groundwater. Two Maine wells were sampled in order to culture resident bacteria that are capable of dissimilatory arsenate reduction. Samples were collected using anaerobic techniques fiom wells in Northport and Green Lake. These samples were amended with specific compounds to enrich the resident population of arsenate utilizing bacteria. These cultures were monitored over time to establish rates of arsenate reduction. Cultures fiom both sites exhibited arsenate reduction in initial enrichment cultures. Isolates obtained fiom the Green Lake enrichments, however, did not reduce arsenate. This indicates either that a symbiotic relationship was required for the observed arsenate reduction or that fast-growing fermentative organisms that could survive in high arsenate media were picked in the isolation procedure. The Northport cultures exhibited continued arsenate reduction after isolation and successive transfers into fiesh media. The cultured bacteria reduced the majority of 1 a arsenate solutions in less than one week, accompanied by a corresponding oxidation of lactate. The 16s rRNA fiom the isolate was arnplifled and sequenced. The results of the DNA sequence analysis indicate that the rRNA sequence of the bacteria isolated at the Northport site is unique. This means that this strain of bacteria has not been reported before. It is in the same taxonomic subgroup as two previously described arsenate respirers. The implications of this study are significant. The fact that resident bacteria are capable of reducing arsenate has implications for water management practices. Reduction of arsenate to arsenite increases the mobility of the compound, as well as the toxicity. An understanding of the activity of these types of organisms is necessary in order to understand the contribution they are making to arsenic concentrations in drinking water. The next step in this work would be to quantitj the actual loading of dissolved arsenic present in aquifers because of these organisms.
CLL is the most common adult leukemia in the Western World, yet very little is known about the biology of this disease. CLL cells have very high levels of NF-κB activity. Factors such as CD40 ligation and phorbol ester treatment induce NF-κB activity and also prevent apoptosis. Previous data from our laboratory demonstrated that MG-132, a proteasome inhibitor, blocked NF-κB activation and promoted apoptosis in CLL cells. These data suggested to us that NF-κB mediates survival in CLL. We examined NF-κB activity using two different chemotherapeutic agents, PS-341 and arsenic trioxide. PS-341, a proteasome inhibitor blocked NF-κB in CLL cells. This however, did not correlate with cell death. Resistant patient isolates displayed delayed Smac/DIABLO release in comparison to cytochrome c release. This suggests that IAPs are contributing to CLL cell survival and drug-resistance. Arsenic trioxide did not block NF-κB activity at therapeutic doses. However it was a potent inducer of apoptosis in CLL cells. We identified a novel mechanism by which arsenic induces increases in mitochondrial calcium to induce cytochrome c release and initiate apoptosis. Both PS-341 and arsenic trioxide are currently in Phase II clinical trials at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. We conclude that NF-κB is not critical for PS-341 or arsenic trioxide-mediated cell death. ^
Part 1: 1881-1888 On Some Points in the Etiology and Pathology of Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1881 On Certain Parasites in the Blood of the Frog, 1883 The Third Corpuscle of the Blood, 1883 On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Forms of Anaemia, 1886 Antifebrin, 1887 Case of Arterio-Venous Aneurism of the Axillary Artery and Vein of Fourteen Year's Duration, 1887 Typhilitis and Appendicitis, 1888 Part 2: 1889-1892 Annual Address - License to Practice 1889 Case of Syphiloma of the Cord of the Cauda Equina-Death From Diffuse Central Myelitis, 1889 On a Case of Simple Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy, Involving the Face and the Scapulo-Humeral Muscles, 1889 Note on Intra-Thoracic Growths Developing from the Thyroid Gland, 1889 On the Value of Laveran's Organisms in the Diagnosis of Malaria, 1889 On the Form of Convulsive Tic Associated with Corprolalia, Etc., 1890 A Case of Sensory Aphasia Word-blindness with Hemianopsia, 1891 Rudolf Virchow: The Man and the Student, 1891 The Healing of Tuberculosis, 1892 The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever, 1892 Part 3: 1893 Remarks on the Varieties of Chronic Chorea, and a Report Upon Two Families of the Hereditary Form, With One Autopsy, 1893 Note on Arsenical Neuritis Following the use of Fowler's Solution, 1893 Note on a Remarkable House Epidemic of Typhoid Fever, 1893 Cases of Sub-Phrenic Abscess, 1893 On Sporadic Cretinism in America, 1893 Notes on Tuberculosis in Children, 1893 Part 4: 1849-1895 Parotitis in Pneumonia, Case of Pericarditis Treated by Incision and Drainage, 1894 The Army Surgeon, 1894 Introductory Remarks to Course of Clinical Demonstrations on Typhoid Fever, 1894 Cancer of the Stomach with Very Rapid Course, 1895 Case of Sporadic Cretinism (Infantile Myxcedema) Treated Successfully with Thyroid Extract, 1895 Visible Contractile Tumour of the Pylorus Following Ulcer of the Stomach, 1895 On the Association of Enormous Heart Hypertrophy, Chronic Proliferative Peritonitis, and Recurring Ascites, with Adherent Pericardium, 1895 Teaching and Thinking the Two Functions of a Medical School, 1895 The Practical Value of Laveran's Discoveries, 1895 Part 5 1896 Addison's Disease, 1896 On Six Cases of Addison's Disease, 1896 Hemiplegia in Typhoid Fever Thomas Dover (of Dover's Powder) Physician and Buccaneer, 1896 John Keats The Apothecary Poet, 1896 On The Classification of the Tics or Habit Movements, 1896 The Cerebral Complication of Raynaud's Disease, 1896 Part 6: 1897 On Certain Features in the Prognosis of Pneumonia, 1897 Clinical Lecture on Mitral Stenosis - Sudden Death - Ball Thrombus in the Left Auricle, 1897 The Diagnosis of Malarial Fever, 1897 The Functions of a State Faculty (President's Address), 1897 A Clinical Lecture on The Ball-Valve Gall-Stone in the Common Duct, 1897 Pneumonia (Review of Cases studied), 1897 Internal Medicine as a Vocation, 1897 Back Notes
The Central gold belt of peninsular Malaysia comprises a number of gold deposits located in the east of the N-S striking Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. The Tersang gold deposit is one of the gold deposits in the gold belt and hosted in sandstone, rhyolite and breccia units. The deposit has an inferred resource of 528,000 ounces of gold. The geochronology of the Tersang deposit has been newly constrained by LA ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating. The maximum depositional age of the host sedimentary rocks ranges from Early Carboniferous to Early Permian (261.5 ± 4.9 Ma to 333.5 ± 2.5 Ma) for the host sandstone and Late Triassic for the rhyolite intrusion (218.8 ± 1.7 Ma). Textural characteristics of pyrite have revealed five types including (1) Euhedral to subhedral pyrite with internal fracturing and porous cores located in the sandstone layers (pyrite 1); (2) Anhedral pyrite overgrowths on pyrite 1 and disseminated in stage 1 vein (pyrite 2); (3) Fracture-filled or vein pyrite located in stages 1 and 2 vein (pyrite 3); (4) Euhedral pyrite with internal fractures also located in stage 2 vein (pyrite 4); and (5) Subhedral clean pyrite located in the rhyolite intrusion (pyrite 5). Based on pyrite mapping and spot analyses, two main stages of gold enrichment are documented from the Tersang gold deposit. Gold in sandstone-hosted pyrite 1 (mean 4.3 ppm) shows best correlation with Bi and Pb (as evidenced on pyrite maps). In addition, gold in pyrite 3 (mean 8 ppm) located in stage 2 vein shows a good correlation with As, Ag, Sb, Cu, Tl, and Pb. In terms of gold exploration, we suggest that elements such as As, Ag, Sb, Cu, Tl, Bi, and Pb associated with Au may serve as vectoring tools in gold exploration. Our new geological, structural, geochemical and isotopic data together with mineral paragenesis, pyrite chemistry and ore fluid characteristics indicate that the Tersang gold deposit is comparable to a sediment-hosted gold deposit. Our new genetic model suggests deposition of the Permo-Carboniferous sediments followed by intrusion of rhyolitic magma in the Late Triassic. At a later stage, gold mineralisation overprinted the rhyolite intrusion and the sandstone.
A 1.3.3. Data of the batch experiments with the sandy fraction of harbour sediments - trace elements