746 resultados para Antioxidantes


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La producción porcina se encuentra entre una de las más importantes en el continente americano. La carne y subproductos de cerdos alimentados con cereales contaminados por ocratoxina A (OTA) son también fuente de contaminación para el hombre. Esta toxina producida por diferentes especies de Aspergillus presenta propiedades nefrotóxicas, genotóxicas e inmunosupresoras. Actualmente hay un considerable interés en la industria de alimentos por las sustancias vegetales como una alternativa para la prevención de las micotoxicosis. Baccharis articulata y Minthostachys verticillata son plantas medicinales argentinas que han sido ampliamente estudiadas por nuestro grupo de investigación, demostrando propiedades antivirales, antimicrobianas, inmunomoduladoras y antioxidantes. Estudios recientes mostraron que ácido clorogénico aislado de B. articulata redujo los efectos tóxicos de OTA en linfocitos de ratas. Además, estudios in vitro e in vivo demostraron ausencia de efectos citotóxicos y genotóxicos para estas sustancias vegetales. La hipótesis planteada es: El aceite esencial y/o uno de sus componentes puros (limoneno) obtenidos de M. verticillata y los componentes mayoritarios de B. articulata, poseen capacidad para reducir los efectos citogenotóxicos e inmunotóxicos inducidos por OTA, permitiendo su utilización como aditivos alimentarios para el mejoramiento de la producción porcina”. El objetivo del proyecto es caracterizar in vitro e in vivo la capacidad de sustancias obtenidas de plantas medicinales para revertir los efectos tóxicos inducidos por OTA y su posible aplicación como aditivos biológicos en los agroecosistemas de producción porcina. Se recolectará el material vegetal y se obtendrá aceite esencial y extractos acuosos, luego se realizará la identificación y cuantificación de los compuestos puros por CG o HPLC. Para los ensayos de citotoxicidad in vitro, células Vero y PBMCs de ratas Wistar, se enfrentarán a diferentes concentraciones de las sustancias vegetales SV y OTA y la viabilidad celular será evaluada por test de captación de rojo neutro, tinción de exclusión al azul de tripán y método colorimétrico de MTT. La apoptosis inducida por OTA y el efecto protector de las SV se evaluará mediante análisis de fragmentación de ADN por TUNEL, expresión de caspasas-3 y 8 por Western-Blot, expresión de Bax, y Bcl-2 por inmunohistoquímica, RT-PCR y real time PCR y análisis de externalización de fosfatidilserina (FS) por citometría de flujo. Para los estudios in vivo se utilizarán ratas Wistar que serán alimentadas diariamente y por 28 días con diferentes dietas que incluirán el alimento balanceado adicionado con distintas concentraciones de OTA, SV o combinaciones de OTA+SV. Luego, se sacrificarán los animales y se determinará el daño genotóxico inducido por OTA y la reducción del daño por las SV, mediante el test de micronúcleos. También se caracterizará la respuesta inmune de las ratas tratadas determinando la producción de Ac por ELISA, y la respuesta de las PBMCs a mitógenos por citometría de flujo. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados preliminares obtenidos con ácido clorogénico, se esperan obtener similares resultados tanto con el aceite esencial de M. verticillata así como con los otros compuestos. También se espera que las SV adicionadas a las raciones alimentarias contaminadas con OTA, reduzcan los daños citogenotóxicos e inmunotóxicos que produce esta micotoxina. El proyecto posee un fuerte impacto sobre el sector productivo dado que, los riesgos relacionados con la contaminación por micotoxinas están presentes en todos los ámbitos del sector agrícola-ganadero, afectando la economía de nuestro país. La incorporación de sustancias vegetales, inocuas, como aditivos alimentarios para disminuir los efectos tóxicos que causa OTA aportará conocimientos y tecnología a la industria pecuaria y alimentaria para mejorar la producción porcina así como la calidad de la carne y los subproductos destinados a consumo humano


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A crescente preocupação com o bem-estar físico e a saúde tem vindo a refletir-se na forma como escolhemos os alimentos presentes na nossa alimentação. Todos nós somos consumidores mais informados e escolhemos cada vez mais alimentos saudáveis. Por outro lado, algumas doenças como os acidentes vasculares cerebrais, o cancro e a aterosclerose podem de alguma forma ser minimizados através da ingestão de alguns compostos denominados compostos bioativos ou funcionais. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo efetuar uma revisão na literatura dos estudos publicados sobre os efeitos do licopeno na saúde humana na prevenção de doenças, desempenhando assim o papel de composto bioativo do tomate. Os radicais livres atuam no organismo, podendo provocar lesões celulares que podem estar na base do desenvolvimento de alguns cancros e doenças crónicas. Conhecido como um dos melhores supressores de radicais livres, o licopeno é um dos antioxidantes mais poderosos, sendo o carotenóide predominante nos tomates, mas a sua biodisponibilidade aumenta em produtos de tomate processado, razão pela qual será o fruto abordado na presente dissertação. Fez-se uma abordagem do licopeno como composto bioativo do tomate, da sua respetiva química, da sua biodisponibilidade, do papel fundamental dos carotenoides na nossa alimentação e do seu papel na prevenção de várias doenças. Por fim é apresentada uma breve perspetiva nutricional sobre a adição de licopeno a alguns alimentos como forma de aproveitar os resíduos que a indústria do tomate origina, tornando-os nutricionalmente mais ricos.


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Os antioxidantes na dieta podem ter um papel importante na prevenção de algumas doenças crónicas em seres humanos resultantes da oxidação de lípidos e outros componentes celulares por radicais livres. Os mirtilos (Vaccinium sp.) são considerados, de entre os frutos frescos, uma das melhores fontes de antioxidantes. Neste trabalho foram estudados mirtilos Nothern Highbush, da cultivar Bluecrop colhidos no estado de maturação comercial em 5 localizações diferentes: Bouças -Sever do Vouga, Estarreja, Queirã – Vouzela, Oliveira do Hospital e Vila Verde. Foram avaliadas as características físico-químicas (ºbrix, acidez, humidade, calibre, firmeza, elasticidade e parâmetros colorimétricos) dos frutos. Para a determinação da composição fenólica e a atividade antioxidante os mirtilos foram submetidos a extrações sucessivas, com metanol (2x) e depois 2 vezes com uma solução aquosa de acetona (40% v/v), durante 1 h, com o auxílio de um banho de ultrassons. Os extratos obtidos foram utilizados para a determinação da composição fenólica (compostos fenólicos totais, antocianinas e taninos) e da capacidade antioxidante (utilizando os métodos ABTS, DPPH e FRAP). Foi ainda avaliada a influência da conservação durante 6 meses a -20ºC no teor de compostos fenólicos e capacidade antioxidante dos frutos. Pelos resultados obtidos, nos parâmetros de textura avaliados a amostra BBO revelou maior firmeza e elasticidade, e na avaliação da cor a amostra BES apresentou uma tonalidade azul mais acentuada. Os mirtilos provenientes de Estarreja eram os mais ricos em compostos fenólicos totais, em antocianinas e taninos, e que também apresentavam maior atividade antioxidante. O armazenamento durante 6 meses a -20ºC, originou diferenças significativas nas antocianinas e na atividade antioxidante. Em geral as amostras apresentavam diferenças significativas tanto nas suas propriedades físico-químicas, como na composição fenólica e na atividade antioxidante.


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A olivicultura possui uma grande importância no cenário económico mundial, devido ao facto de a azeitona e o azeite fazerem parte da dieta alimentar de muitos países, especificamente os da região Mediterrânea. A “Cobrançosa” é uma cultivar Portuguesa com muita importância na região de Trás-os-Montes encontrando-se atualmente disseminada por seis regiões de Denominação de Origem Protegida. Os contaminantes emitidos para a atmosfera atingem as oliveiras e as azeitonas através da água, do ar, das plantas e do solo. Embora a ingestão de metais pesados através da azeitona e do azeite seja reduzida, a sua bioacumulação no organismo pode resultar em toxicidade e pôr em causa a saúde pública. É deste ponto de vista, que se centra o objetivo geral deste trabalho. Assim sendo, tentou-se quantificar o conteúdo de metais (de segurança e de qualidade), tais como o alumínio, arsénio, cádmio, chumbo, cálcio, cobalto, cobre, ferro, magnésio, manganês, sódio, níquel, e zinco nas azeitonas e azeites da cv “Cobrançosa” de seis clones em dois estados de maturação, com diferentes rendimentos de produção e diferentes atividades antioxidantes. Verificou-se que todos os metais analisados se encontram de acordo com o legislado e publicado por outros autores, verificando-se neste estudo particular que a componente genética que diferencia as amostras em estudo, não está significativamente relacionada com o conteúdo em metais.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Sunscreen use is the most common photoprotection alternative used by the population, and so these products should offer improved protection with broad - spectrum, UVA and UVB protection . Vegetal substances have recently been considered as resources for sunscreen formulations due to their UV spectrum absorption and antioxidant properties. The Euterpe oleracea Mart., popularly known as açai, in its che mical composition contain polyphenols compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids , to which antioxidant properties have been attributed . The aim of this work was to develop O/W sunscreens emulsions con taining açai glycolic extract ( AGE) and to evaluate both their physical stability , safety and photoprotective efficacy. The safety of the extract was evaluated by in vitro phototoxicity and cytotoxicity tests. Emulsions containing AGE and sunscreens were formulated using different types and concentrations o f polymeric surfactant (Acrylates/C 10 - 30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer and Sodium Polyacrylate). The influence of two rheology modifiers (Polyacrylamide (and) C13 - 14/Isoparaffin (and) Laureth - 7 and Carbomer) on the stability was also investigated. Physical stability was evaluated by preliminary and accelerated studies. The macroscopic analyses, pH value and electrical conductivity determinations and rheological behavior were evaluated at different time intervals . The in vivo Sun Protect Factor ( SPF ) was determined according to the International Sun Protection Factor Test Method – 2006 and UVA Protection Factor (FPUVA), wavelength critical and reason SPF/FPUVA were performed according to the method Colipa 2011. The extract did not present cytotoxic ity and phototoxic ity . The stable emulsion containing 5% glycolic extract of açai and 1.0% of sodium poliyacrylate showed pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior . The sunscreen emulsion containing açai glycolic extract showed a SPF 25.3 and PF - UVA = 14.97. Whe n açai glycolic extract was added in the emulsion sunscreen, no significant increase in the in vivo SPF and FPUVA values were observed. This emulsion showed 1.69 of the SPF/PF - UVA ratio and a critical wavelength value of 378 nm, so may therefore be conside red a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection.


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The use of fossil fuels has been considered one of reason for the increase of pollution in the atmosphere and it may be related to the climate changes. Then, the research of the new sources of fuels will be important. Considering this, the use of biodiesel has been considered not as bad as petrol. The castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is an important oilseed, which belongs to Euphorbiaceae family, and the oil found in the seed has important characteristics for biodiesel. This plant is considered as “rustic” as it does not need so much water for its development and oil production. Due to this, this plant has been considered to be ideal in semi-arid regions, such as the Northeast of Brazil. The aim of his study is to better understand the responses to abiotic stresses (drought and salinity) from castor bean plants using morphological, physiological and molecular tools. In order to do this, the castor bean plants were subjected to salt stress (50, 100, 150 and 200 mM NaCl) in a controlled environment and drought stress (5, 10, 15 days and 10 days cyclic). After these treatments, these plants were subjected to different analyzes: a) the expansion and retention of water from leaves; b) anatomy using leaves and roots. Based on these results, we found that castor suffered decrease in leaf area with increase drought stress, however restricted water loss, probably by accumulation of compatible solutes in the leaves. The anatomy data showed modifications in the vascular system. These modifications observed suggested that castor bean plant may be resistant to stress as it was verified in 5 days of drought as well as in 100 mM NaCl. In both conditions, these plants were fine. Probably these plants keep some solutes in the cell and then maintain the cell tugor. The data obtained in this study gave a better idea how castor bean plant responds to abiotic stress conditions - drought and salt stress


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Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature and its derivative chitosan has been widely studied due to its unique chemical and pharmacological properties. However, studies show that when this molecule is used as food, drug, etc. it tends to accumulate in renal tissue and promotes an increase in calcium excretion. Nevertheless, the effect of chitosan on the formation of calcium oxalate (OxCa) crystals has never been evaluated. The formation of kidney stones (urolithiasis) is the disease that most often affects the kidneys and the urinary system. In addition, this is a disease with high prevalence and recurrence. Many molecules with antioxidant activity have been shown to decrease the potential for in vitro OxCa crystals formation. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low molecular weight chitosan and its derivatives conjugated to gallic acid (AG) as antioxidant and inhibitor of OxCa crystals formation. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed the identity of chitosan. This molecule was subjected to five antioxidant tests and showed an excellent copper chelating activity. However, chitosan did not show other significant antioxidant activity. When chitosan was subjected to in vitro crystal formation tests, it increased the number of OxCa monohydrate crystals, modified the morphology of the crystals, modified the proportions between populations of crystals in solution and increased the zeta potential of these crystals formed. Four molecules of chitosan conjugated with GA were obtained. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed that chitosan and AG were covalently bonded. However, the amount of GA liked to chitosan did not increase even when 10 times more GA was used in experiment. When these derivatives were subjected to antioxidant tests, all chitosan conjugates showed higher antioxidant potential than their precursors. However, they showed different activity between them, which indicating that the position where AG is conjugated is an important factor for chitosan-GA activity. When conjugated chitosans were submitted to in vitro crystal formation tests, a reduction in the crystals number was observed when compared with those formed in the presence of unconjugated chitosan. Chitosan has a strong capacity for inducing OxCa monohydrate crystal formation, as well as modify their morphology and zeta potential. Over all, the process of conjugating AG to chitosan led to an increase in antioxidant potential of this molecule and was also able to decrease its capacity of inducing in vitro crystal formation


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The use of plants for medicinal purposes is ancient, with widespread application in medicinal drugs. Although plants are promising sources for the discovery of new molecules of pharmacological interest, estimates show that only 17% of them have been studied for their possible use in medicine. Thus, biodiversity of Brazilian flora represents an immense potential for economic use by the pharmaceutical industry. The plant Arrabidaea chica, popularly known as “pariri”, is common in the Amazon region, and it is assigned several medicinal properties. The leaves of this plant are rich in anthocyanins, which are phenolic compounds with high antioxidant power. Antioxidant compounds play a vital role in the prevention of neurological and cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, among others. Within the anthocyanins found in Arrabidaea chica, stands out Carajurin (6,7-dihydroxy-5,4’- dimethoxy-flavilium), which is the major pigment encountered in this plant. The present work aimed to study on supercritical extraction and conventional extraction (solid-liquid extraction) in leaves of Arrabidaea chica, evaluating the efficiency of the extractive processes, antioxidant activity and quantification of Carajurin contained in the extracts. Supercritical extraction used CO2 as solvent with addition of co-solvent (ethanol/water mixture) and were conducted by the dynamic method in a fixed bed extractor. The trials followed a 24-1 fractional factorial design, the dependent variables were: process yield, concentration of Carajurin and antioxidant activity; and independent variables were: pressure, temperature, concentration of co-solvent (v/v) and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture (v/v). Yields (mass of dry extract/mass of raw material used) obtained from supercritical extraction ranged from 15.1% to 32%, and the best result was obtained at 250 bar and 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 50%. Through statistical analysis, it was found that the concentration of co-solvent revealed significant effect on the yield. Yields obtained from conventional extractions were of 8.1% (water) and 5.5% (ethanol). Through HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) analysis, Carajurin was quantified in all the extracts and concentration values (Carajurin mass/mass of dry extract) ranged between 1% and 2.21% for supercritical extraction. For conventional extraction, Carajurin was not detected in the aqueous extract, while the ethanol extract showed Carajurin content of 7.04%, and therefore, more selective in Carajurin than the supercritical extraction. Evaluation of antioxidant power (radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl – DPPH – sequestration method) of the supercritical extracts resulted in EC50 values (effective concentration which neutralizes 50% of free radicals) ranged from 38.34 to 86.13 μg/mL, while conventional extraction resulted in EC50 values of 167.34 (water) and 42.58 (ethanol) μg/mL. As for the quantification of total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteau analysis) of the supercritical extracts resulted in values ranged from 48.93 and 88.62 mg GAE/g extract (GAE = Gallic Acid Equivalents), while solid-liquid extraction resulted in values of 37.63 (water) and 80.54 (ethanol) mg GAE/g extract. The good antioxidant activity cannot be attributed solely to the presence of Carajurin, but also the existence of other compounds and antioxidants in Arrabidaea chica. By optimizing the experimental design, it was possible to identify the experiment that presented the best result considering the four dependent variables together. This experiment was performed under the following conditions: pressure of 200 bar, temperature of 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 30%. It is concluded that, within the studied range, it is possible to purchase the optimum result using milder operating conditions, which implies lower costs and greater ease of operation.


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This study aimed to extract, characterize and conduct a prospective analysis of pharmacological activities of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed Caulerpa prolifera. Seven fractions (CP-0.3/CP-0.5/CP-0.7/CP-0.9/CP-1.1/CP-1.5/CP-2.0) were obtained from C. prolifera by alkaline proteolysis followed by sequential precipitation in acetone. The physicochemical analyzes indicated that C. prolifera synthesizes a homogalactan (CP-0.9) and different populations of sulfated heteropolysaccharides. In the analysis of anticoagulant activity, all fractions except CP-0.3, influenced the intrinsic coagulation pathway. All fractions showed antioxidant activity in six different assays being more pronounced in hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay, especially CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 (which obtained 61% of hydrogen peroxide scavenging), in ferric chelation assay (especially CP-0.9 with 56% chelation) and cupric chelation assay (especially CP-2.0 with 78% chelation). With respect to immunomodulatory activity, the presence of CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 showed an immunogenic potential, increasing the production of nitric oxide (NO) by 48, 142 and 163 times, respectively. Conversely, the NO synthesis fell 73% after the activation of macrophages by LPS, incubated concurrently with CP-2.0. The anti-adipogenic activity of the fractions was also evaluated and CP-1.5 was able to reduce the differentiation of pre-adipocytes (3T3-L1) into adipocytes by 60%, without affecting the cell viability. The fractions CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-0.9 reduced the viability of the HeLa cells (human cervical adenocarcinoma) by 55% and CP-1.5 reduced the viability of the 786-0 cells (human renal adenocarcinoma) by 75%. Leishmanicidal activity and microbicide effect against Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) have not been identified. However, the viability of Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by 23.8% in the presence of CP -1.5. All fractions were able to change the formation of calcium oxalate crystals. CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-1.1 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals with a very small size (1 μm). Confocal microscopy and zeta potential data of crystals formed in the presence of the samples showed that the polysaccharides present in the fractions must interact with calcium ions present throughout the crystal lattice, affecting the growth and morphology of crystals The results described herein indicate that the fractions rich in polysaccharides obtained from the green seaweed C. prolifera present a multi therapeutic potential, and subsequent purification steps, as well as research on the mechanisms of action by which these polymers act should be investigated.


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The correlation between the type 1 diabetes mellitus and oxidative stress have been described in several studies, however its underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. The present work aimed to evaluate the effects of four weeks of streptozootocin-induced (STZ) diabetes in the redox homeostasis of rat hepatocytes. Thus, the liver of male Wistar rats from control and diabetic groups were collected and the activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes, as well the main markers of oxidative stress and content of H2O2 in these tissues were measured. The diabetes induced the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the gene expression of its mitochondrial isoform, SOD2. However, the expression of SOD1, the cytoplasmic isoform, was reduced by this disease. The activity and expression of catalase (CAT), as well the expression of glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and peroxiredoxin 4 (PRX4) were drastically reduced in the hepatocytes of diabetics rats. Even with this debility in the peroxidases mRNA expression, the content of H2O2 was reduced in the liver of diabetics rats when compared to the control group. The diabetes caused an increase of lipid peroxidation and a decrease of protein thiol content, showing that this disease causes distinct oxidative effects in different cell biomolecules. Our results indicate that four week of diabetes induced by STZ is already enough to compromise the enzymatic antioxidant systems of the hepatocytes.


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Glucans are polysaccharides with different pharmacological and biological activities described. However, there are some reports about the activities of the glucan type α (alpha). In this context, a group of α-D-glucans called dextrans extracted from Leuconostoc mesenteroides bacteria, with molecular weights of 10 (D10), 40 (D40) and 147 (D147) kDa and their phosphorylated derivatives P10, P40 and P147, were evaluated as for their antioxidant, anticoagulant and immunomodulatory potential for the first time, in order to elucidate compounds with potent activities and low toxicity. Infrared spectroscopy analysis, monosaccharide composition and chemical dosages showed that these dextrans are the same polysaccharide, but with different molecular weights, besides confirming the success of phosphorylation. None presented with anticoagulant features. The reducing power test showed that D147 was twice as potent as other dextrans. On the other hand, all six samples showed similar activity (50%) when it came to scavenging the OH radical. To the superoxide ion scavenging, only D10 had a pronounced activity (50%). D40 was the single native dextran that presented with immunomodulatory features since it double stimulated the proliferation of murine macrophages (RAW 264.7) and double the release of nitric oxide by the cells, both in the absence and presence of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). In addition, D40 showed a greater scavenging activity (50%) for the hydrogen peroxide, which caused it to also be the more potent dextran when it came to inhibiting lipid peroxidation (70%). On other hand, P147 showed the highest iron and copper ion chelation activity (~85%). P10 proved be the most effective compound to macrophage proliferation. The results point toward dextrans with a 40 kDa weight as being ideal for antioxidant and immunomodulatory use, could be supplemented with phosphorylated derivatives. However, future studies with the D40 and other similarly dextrans are to confirm this hypothesis.


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Entre las diferentes técnicas que se utilizan para la conservación de la carne se encuentra el curado, método tradicional basado en el empleo de cloruro sódico conjuntamente con sales nitrificantes (nitratos y/o nitritos). Estos compuestos ejercen un importante papel como antimicrobianos y antioxidantes, y participan en la formación del color y aroma típicos de los productos curados. A pesar de todos estos efectos beneficiosos, las sales nitrificantes pueden ser precursoras de la formación de nitrosaminas, compuestos con actividad carcinogénica, teratogénica y mutagénica demostrada. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se ha planteado la posibilidad de reducir la presencia de nitratos y nitritos o incluso evitar su utilización en los productos cárnicos. Para ello es necesario llevar a cabo estudios rigurosos sobre el impacto real de la concentración de nitrificantes en estos productos, a fin de evaluar la posibilidad de disminuir las cantidades permitidas, sin que ello afecte a su seguridad y calidad sensorial. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, esta Tesis Doctoral se planteó como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la reducción de la concentración de nitrato y nitrito (hasta en un 50% de la cantidad máxima permitida actualmente) en la evolución de la microbiota habitual de los embutidos crudos curados y en el control de los principales microorganismos patógenos asociados a su consumo, así como en el perfil de compuestos volátiles responsables de su aroma...


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El glaucoma engloba una serie de enfermedades que se caracterizan por la pérdida progresiva de las células ganglionares de la retina y la neuropatía del nervio óptico, que desencadenan finalmente una ceguera irreversible. La elevación de la presión intraocular (PIO) aparece como el principal desencadenante de esta patología en la mayoría de los casos, ya que produce una disminución del flujo sanguíneo hacia la retina y un aumento del estrés oxidativo. La estrategia terapéutica más común implica el uso de fármacos hipotensores, a menudo combinados, asociados a efectos no deseados. En este marco, la melatonina y sus análogos, como el 5-MCA-NAT, surgen como alternativas a los fármacos ya existentes, por sus propiedades hipotensoras y antioxidantes y, en el caso del 5-MCA-NAT, por su posible acción a largo plazo. El objetivo de esta tesis es elucidar los mecanismos de la acción hipotensora aguda ya descrita para estos compuestos, determinando además el receptor y las vías de señalización implicadas en esta respuesta a corto plazo. En este mismo sentido nos proponemos confirmar la existencia de efectos hipotensores a largo plazo, analizando esta respuesta a diferentes fármacos y esclareciendo si ésta se debe a la capacidad de estos compuestos como modificadores de la expresión génica de enzimas o receptores implicados en la regulación de la PIO...