990 resultados para Antígenos CD
The concentration of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Ag, Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg, K and Na in molluscs Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria, Cardium glaucum, Mytilus edulis and Astarte borealis from the southern Baltic was determined. The surface sediments and ferromanganese concretions associated with the molluscs were also analysed for concentration of these metals. Species- and region-dependent differences in the metal levels of the organisms were observed. The properties of molluscs analysed which have a tendency toward elevated biological tolerance of selected trace metals were specified. The interelement relationship between metal concentrations in the soft tissue and the shell was estimated and was discussed.
Sammelrezension von: 1. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff / Stefanie Pietsch / Michael Wünsche / Maike Rönnau-Böse (Hrsg.): Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern, Ein Curriculum für die Aus- und Weiterbildung, (Materialien zur Frühpädagogik Bd. 7) plus CD, Freiburg: Verlag FEL 2011 (264 S.; ISBN 978-3-932650-43-3) 2. Susanne Viernickel / Iris Nentwig-Gesemann / Henriette Harms / Sandra Richter / Stefanie Schwarz: Profis für Krippen, Curriculare Bausteine für die Aus- und Weiterbildung frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte, (Materialien zur Frühpädagogik Bd. 8) plus CD, Freiburg: Verlag FEL 2011 (210 S.; ISBN 978-3-932650-44-)
The available technologies for publishing journals electronically are surveyed. They range from abstract representations, such as SGML, concerned largely with the structure of the document, to formats such as PostScript which faithfully model the layout and the appearance. The issues are discussed in the context of choosing a format for electronically publishing the journal: Electronic Publishing -- Origination, Dissemination and Design. PostScript is neither widely enough available nor standardised enough to be suitable; a bitmapped pages approach suffers from being resolution-dependent in terms of the visual quality achievable. Reasons are put forward for the final choice of Adobe s new PDF document standard for creating electronic versions of the journal.
Die Entwicklung der Akustik-Lern-CD hatte das Ziel, den Anwendungsbezug von theoretischem Wissen bei Regelverstärkern zu fördern. Die Studenten konnten nach dem theoretischen Unterricht zwar Hüllkurven zeichnen und Kompressionsraten berechnen, hatten aber Probleme, in konkreten Situationen wie z.B. beim Übersteuern von Instrumenten den korrekten Regelverstärker auszuwählen. Um einen besseren Wissenstransfer zu erreichen, werden bei der Lern-CD dem Lerner Situationen angeboten, in denen eigene Konstruktionsleistungen möglich sind und in denen kontextgebunden, interaktiv gelernt werden kann.(DIPF/Orig.)
Zinc stable isotopes measurements by MC-ICP-MS, validated by laboratory intercalibrations, were performed on wild oysters, suspended particles and filtered river/estuarine water samples to provide new constraints for the use of Zn isotopes as environmental tracers. The samples selected were representative of the long range (400 km) transport of metal (Zn, Cd, etc.) contamination from former Zn-refining activities at Decazeville (i.e. δ66Zn > 1 ‰) and its phasing out, recorded during 30 years in wild oysters from the Gironde Estuary mouth (RNO/ROCCH sample bank). The study also addresses additional anthropogenic sources (urban and viticulture) and focuses on geochemical reactivity of Zn in the turbidity gradient and the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) of the fluvial Gironde Estuary. In this area, dissolved Zn showed a strong removal onto suspended particulate matter (SPM) and progressive enrichment in heavy isotopes with increasing SPM concentrations varying from δ66Zn = -0.02 ‰ at 2 mg/L to +0.90 ‰ at 1310 mg/L. These signatures were attributed to kinetically driven adsorption due to strongly increasing sorption sites in the turbidity gradient and MTZ of the estuary. Oysters from the estuary mouth, contaminated sediments from the Lot River and SPM entering the estuary showed parallel historical evolutions (1979-2010) for Zn/Cd ratios but not for δ66Zn values. Oysters had signatures varying from δ66Zn = 1.43 ‰ in 1983 to 1.18 ‰ in 2010 and were offset by δ66Zn = 0.6 - 0.7 ‰ compared to past (1988) and present SPM from the salinity gradient. Isotopic signatures in river-borne particles entering the Gironde Estuary under contrasting freshwater discharge regimes during 2003-2011 showed similar values (δ66Zn ≈ 0.35 ± 0.03 ‰; 1SD, n=15), i.e. they were neither related to former metal refining activities at least for the past decade nor clearly affected by other anthropogenic sources. Therefore, the Zn isotopic signatures in Gironde oysters reflect the geochemical reactivity of Zn in the estuary rather than signatures of past metallurgical contaminations in the watershed as recorded in contaminated river sediments. The study also shows that the isotopic composition of Zn is strongly fractionated by its geochemical reactivity in the Gironde Estuary, representative of meso-macrotidal estuarine systems.
Wydział Biologii
There are various tools for monitoring the concentration of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems. Today these studies are based on biological monitoring and biomarkers. The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase and catalase as biomarkers of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster Pinctada radiata and their mechanism in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals lead, cadmium and nickel were measured in soft tissue and studied stations in four seasons. Samples were collected seasonally in Lavan stations, Hendurabi and Nakhilo (in the northern Persian Gulf) from spring 2013 to winter of that year by scuba diving. Pearl oysters are divided according to their shells size; shells separated from soft tissues and were transferred to the laboratory for analysis of heavy metals and enzymes. Moopam standard method for were used for measuring the concentration of heavy metals and for analyzing tissue concentrations of glutathione S-transferase in Clam the method recommended by Habig et al in 1974 were used. For measuring acetylcholinesterase Ellman method were used. Catalase contamination in pearl oyster in the supernatant obtained from the study based on the method homogeate soft tissue of mussels (Abei, 1974) was evaluated. The results showed that the concentration of lead has significant difference in sediments station, the concentration of lead in Lavan is significantly higher than the other two stations, This could be due to the movement of tanker, boats and floating refueling and with a considerable amount of wastewater containing oil and Petroleum into the water, and also due to precipitation and industrial discharges the lead in the region is increasing, land-disposed sewage sludge, has large concentrations of lead. Compare the results of this study with standards related and other similar studies at the regional and international level showed that pollutant concentration of heavy metals in all cases significantly less than all the standards and guide values associated. And also compared to other world research results have been far less than others, Being Less of the conclusion given in this research according that nickel is one of the indicators of oil pollution in the study area and emissions have been relatively low of oil. The concentration of acetylcholinesterase at several stations, in large and small sizes and in the seasons had no significant difference. Variations of catalase, and glutathione S-transferase were almost similar to each other and parameters, station and seasons were significantly different in the concentrations of these enzymes. The effects and interaction between various parameters indicate that following parameters has impact on the concentration of catalase and glutathione S-transferase. Stations; Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzymes related to (assuming a constant in salinity and oxygen) to age, reproductive cycle, availability of food and water temperature. With increasing temperature at warm season, antioxidant enzymes were increase, with increasing temperature and abundance of food in the environment the amount of antioxidant enzymes may increase. The presence of the enzyme concentration may indicate that the higher levels of the enzyme to eliminate ROS activities to be any healthier situation. At the time of gonads maturation and spawning season catalase activity increases. This study also indicates that catalase was significantly higher in the warm season. Due to low pollutants of heavy metals in the study area, a lower level of contaminants were observed in shellfish tissue incidents of international standards and strong correlation between the amount of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster tissue and enzymes was not observed. Therefore, we can say that the pearl oyster remains in a healthy condition and the amount of enzyme is normal.
Los avances científicos y tecnológicos en el mundo y su aplicación en las diferentes áreas del conocimiento han desarrollado una nueva era electrónica.Las computadoras y las telecomunicaciones han originado un nuevo escenario para las bibliotecas y centros de información que conduce a nuevos cambios en el uso de sus colecciones y en el incremento de sus servicios. Las bibliotecas y centros de información deben enfrentar estos cambios porque los usuarios demandan el acceso a la información en forma rápida y eficiente.El CD-ROM es una nueva tecnología que ha estado incursionando en las bibliotecas de manera muy efectiva. CD-ROM es una forma sofisticado de permitir el acceso a la información en cualquier campo; leyes, medicina, educación, agricultura, finanzas, ingeniería, etc
En la actualidad se reconoce a Helicobacter pylori como un agente patógeno involucrado en el desarrollo de gastritis crónica, úlcera gástrica y carcinoma gástrico. Lo que hace necesario realizar pruebas para detectar la presencia de la bacteria a través de diferentes métodos de laboratorio EL OBJETIVO de la investigación fué Determinar antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales de usuarios con sintomatología sugestiva a gastritis que asisten a la Unidad Comunitaria de Salud Familiar Especializada de Perquín, Departamento de Morazán. METODOLOGÍA de la investigación se caracterizó por ser: Prospectiva, Transversal, Descriptiva y de Laboratorio. Con una población en estudio de 97 usuarios a los cuales se les aplicó una cédula de entrevista para la recopilación de la información. A través de una muestra de heces se determinó la presencia de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori. RESULTADOS: según datos obtenidos, se determinó una positividad a la prueba de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori de 52.4% en la población femenina entre las edades de 15 a 75 años y un 38.2% en la población masculina entre las edades de 15 a 75 años. El síntoma que mayormente se presentó en la población que resultó positiva a la prueba fue dolor en la parte superior del estómago con un 87%. CONCLUSIÓN: Mediante resultados de laboratorio la presencia de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en heces fue de 47.4% del total de la población. Comprobándose estadísticamente que la presencia de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en las muestras fecales de usuarios con sintomatología sugestiva a gastritis es menor o igual al 40%.
Helicobacter pylori es una bacteria gram negativa capaz de sobrevivir a la acidez gástrica provocando gastritis crónica, úlcera péptica y cáncer gástrico; las técnicas empleadas para la detección de esta bacteria se dividen en invasivas y no invasivas que brindan un diagnóstico confiable a la población en estudio. OBJETIVO: Detectar la presencia de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori por el método de prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica en heces en los estudiantes de Bachillerato Técnico Vocacional Atención Primaria en Salud del Instituto Nacional de Usulután. METODOLOGÍA: El estudio fue: prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y de laboratorio; la información de la población en estudio se dio a conocer por medio de una cédula de entrevista; la población en estudio estuvo conformada por 167 alumnos que cursan Bachillerato Técnico Vocacional Atención Primaria en Salud del Instituto Nacional de Usulután tanto en jóvenes que presentaron sintomatología como los que no la presentaron, se le tomó una muestra de heces para la detección de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori. RESULTADO: 66 estudiantes de Bachillerato Técnico Vocacional Atención Primaria en Salud del Instituto Nacional de Usulután presentaron pruebas positivas a antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales y 101 resultaron negativos a la prueba. CONCLUSIÓN: la positividad a antígenos de Helicobacter pylory 39.5%, el síntoma más frecuente en los estudiantes fue reflujo gástrico con 63.2%.
La bacteria Helicobacter pylori es reconocida como el principal agente causal de la gastritis crónica activa, úlcera péptica, reflujo gástrico así como un factor de predisposición del carcinoma gástrico. La detección oportuna de ésta favorece un tratamiento adecuado y evita posibles complicaciones. El Objetivo de la investigación es determinar antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales de personas con sintomatología de reflujo gástrico que consultan en la Unidad Comunitaria de Salud Familiar Moncagua, Departamento de San Miguel y Hospital Nacional San Pedro, Departamento de Usulután. Metodología: El estudio es de tipo prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y de laboratorio. La población fue de 150 personas y la muestra fue de 133 personas para el Hospital Nacional San Pedro y 17 personas para la Unidad de Salud Moncagua, se realizó prueba cualitativa de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales, además se administró a las personas una cédula de entrevista con la que se obtuvo información relacionada con el tema. Resultados: De 103 con reflujo gástrico en el Hospital San Pedro de Usulután 50 personas (48.5%) dieron positivos a la prueba de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales y de 13 personas con este síntoma en la Unidad de Salud Moncagua de San Miguel 2 personas (15.4%) dieron positivos a la prueba. Conclusiones: El 44.8% de las personas que presentan reflujo gástrico resultaron con prueba positiva a antígenos de Helicobacter pylori en muestras fecales, por lo que se recomienda que toda persona que presenta síntoma de reflujo gástrico se realice la prueba de antígenos de Helicobacter pylori para descartar una posible infección por esta bacteria.
In this work commercial filters papers were organomodified with tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (3-APTS), aiming at the development of a new analytical procedure for in-situ speciation of labile and inert metal species in aquatic systems. Parameters that exert influence on the metal lability such as pH, chelating time, concentration and characteristics of the organic matter were studied in the laboratory using tests for metal recuperation. The results showed slower kinetics for Cu ion than for Ni, Mn and Cd in the absence of aquatic humic substances (AHS). The relative lability observed for complexed metals in aquatic humic substances using organomodified filter papers was Cu>>Cd>Ni>Mn. The pH values, structural characteristics and concentration of AHS exert strong influence on the lability of the metals. The results obtained showed that the utilization of organomodified filter papers can be an interesting and promising alternative for in situ characterization of metal lability in aquatic systems.