996 resultados para Annaberg (Germany : Landkreis). K. Realgymnasium


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1.(1) Incorporation of Na235SO4 into acid mucopolysaccharides of intestine and colon tissue has been studied in normal, vitamin A-deficient and excess vitamin A-fed rats. 2. (2) Vitamin A deficiency resulted in a significant decrease in [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides isolated from intestines of male rats. There was no significant change in the total mucopolysaccharides per gram of fresh tissue. 3. (3) When rats are fed excessive amounts of retinyl acetate, increased [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides of rat intestine and colon is observed. 4. (4) Supplementation of vitamin K1 to rats fed excessive amounts of vitamin A restores the incorporation of [35S]sulfate into the acid mucopolysaccharides to the normal level. 5. (5) The implications of these findings with special reference to the role of vitamins A and K in the synthesis of sulfated mucopolysaccharides are discussed.


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We search for b to s\mu^+\mu^- transitions in B meson (B^+, B^0, or B^0_s) decays with 924pb^{-1} of p pbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find excesses with significances of 4.5, 2.9, and 2.4 standard deviations in the B^+ to \mu^+\mu^-K^+, B^0 to \mu^+\mu^-K^*(892)^0, and B_s^0 to \mu^+\mu^-\phi decay modes, respectively. Using B to J/psi h (h = K^+, K^*(892)^0, phi) decays as normalization channels, we report branching fractions for the previously observed B^+ and B^0 decays, BR(B^+ to \mu^+\mu^-K^+)=(0.59\pm0.15\pm0.04) x 10^{-6}, and BR(B^0 to \mu^+\mu^-K^*(892)^0)=(0.81\pm0.30\pm0.10) x 10^{-6}, where the first uncertainty is statistical, and the second is systematic. These measurements are consistent with the world average results, and are competitive with the best available measurements. We set an upper limit on the relative branching fraction BR(B_s^0 to \mu^+\mu^-\phi)/BR(B_s^0 to J/\psi\phi)


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We search for b→sμ+μ- transitions in B meson (B+, B0, or Bs0) decays with 924  pb-1 of pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find excesses with significances of 4.5, 2.9, and 2.4 standard deviations in the B+→μ+μ-K+, B0→μ+μ-K*(892)0, and Bs0→μ+μ-ϕ decay modes, respectively. Using B→J/ψh (h=K+, K*(892)0, ϕ) decays as normalization channels, we report branching fractions for the previously observed B+ and B0 decays, B(B+→μ+μ-K+)=(0.59±0.15±0.04)×10-6, and B(B0→μ+μ-K*(892)0)=(0.81±0.30±0.10)×10-6, where the first uncertainty is statistical, and the second is systematic. We set an upper limit on the relative branching fraction B(Bs0→μ+μ-ϕ)/B(Bs0→J/ψϕ)<2.6(2.3)×10-3 at the 95(90)% confidence level, which is the most stringent to date.


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Maisterin tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kevätviljojen siemenviljelyn edellytyksiä Kmaatalouden sopimusviljelytiloilla. Erityisesti oltiin kiinnostuneita kansallisen siementuotantotuen poistumisen vaikutuksesta viljeltävien lajikkeiden lukumäärään ja viljelyaloihin. Tutkielman teoriaosassa tarkasteltiin viljojen siemenviljelyä, sen erityispiirteitä Suomessa ja siihen liittyvää lainsäädäntöä, asetuksia ja maatalouspolitiikkaa. Siemenviljelyä tarkasteltiin paitsi huoltovarmuuden näkulmasta myös viljelyn taloudellisuuden näkulmasta. Lisäksi esitettiin sertifioidun ja tilan oman siemenen ¤yttöön ja laajuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja siemenen sertifiointiprosessi. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustui maaliskuussa 2010 tehtyyn lomakekyselyyn, joka lähetettiin 119 K-maatalouden sopimussiemenviljelijälle. Kyselyyn vastasi 71 viljelijää, jolloin vastausprosentiksi muodostui 60. Tutkimusmenetelminä aineiston analysoinnissa ¤ytettiin frekvenssijakaumia, keskiarvotestejä ja Kruskall-Wallisin testiä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kansallisen siementuotannon tuen poistuminen vuoden 2011 alussa ei näyttänyt vaikuttavan siemenviljelyn jatkuvuuteen tai jatkohalukkuuteen. Siementuotannon tukea pidettiin varsin alhaisena, joten sen vaikutus viljelyyn osoittautui vähäiseksi. Huomattavasti enemmän siemenviljelyyn näytti vaikuttavan yleinen maatalouden ja etenkin viljanviljelyn alhainen kannattavuus. Siemenviljelijät katsoivat, etteivät esimerkiksi siementuotannon tuki tai tuen poistuminen korvaa riittävästi tuotannosta aiheutunutta lisätyötä. Toisaalta harva siemenviljelijä aikoi lopettaa tuotannon, vaikka pitivät viljanviljelyä huonosti kannattavana. Tällaiseen näkemykseen saattoi olla syynä se, että viljelijöillä oli siemententuotantoon soveltuva kalusto, ammattitaito ja rutiini tuotantoon. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet viljelijät katsoivat lisäksi, että oma maatila soveltui erittäin hyvin siemententuotantoon. Suurimpana uhkana siementuotannolle kyselyyn vastanneet viljelijät pitivät hukkakauraa omilla tai naapureidensa pelloilla.


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Evidence is reported for a narrow structure near the $J/\psi\phi$ threshold in exclusive $B^+\to J/\psi\phi K^+$ decays produced in $\bar{p} p $ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96 \TeV$. A signal of $14\pm5$ events, with statistical significance in excess of 3.8 standard deviations, is observed in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $2.7 \ifb$, collected by the CDF II detector. The mass and natural width of the structure are measured to be $4143.0\pm2.9(\mathrm{stat})\pm1.2(\mathrm{syst}) \MeVcc$ and $11.7^{+8.3}_{-5.0}(\mathrm{stat})\pm3.7(\mathrm{syst}) \MeVcc$.


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A popular dynamic imaging technique, k-t BLAST (ktB) is studied here for BAR imaging. ktB utilizes correlations in k-space and time, to reconstruct the image time series with only a fraction of the data. The algorithm works by unwrapping the aliased Fourier conjugate space of k-t (y-f-space). The unwrapping process utilizes the estimate of the true y-f-space, by acquiring densely sampled low k-space data. The drawbacks of this method include separate training scan, blurred training estimates and aliased phase maps. The proposed changes are incorporation of phase information from the training map and using generalized-series-extrapolated training map. The proposed technique is compared with ktB on real fMRI data. The proposed changes allow for ktB to operate at an acceleration factor of 6. Performance is evaluated by comparing activation maps obtained using reconstructed images. An improvement of up to 10 dB is observed in thePSNR of activation maps. Besides, a 10% reduction in RMSE is obtained over the entire time series of fMRI images. Peak improvement of the proposed method over ktB is 35%, averaged over five data sets. (C)2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In recent years a large number of investigators have devoted their efforts to the study of flow and heat transfer in rarefied gases, using the BGK [1] model or the Boltzmann kinetic equation. The velocity moment method which is based on an expansion of the distribution function as a series of orthogonal polynomials in velocity space, has been applied to the linearized problem of shear flow and heat transfer by Mott-Smith [2] and Wang Chang and Uhlenbeck [3]. Gross, Jackson and Ziering [4] have improved greatly upon this technique by expressing the distribution function in terms of half-range functions and it is this feature which leads to the rapid convergence of the method. The full-range moments method [4] has been modified by Bhatnagar [5] and then applied to plane Couette flow using the B-G-K model. Bhatnagar and Srivastava [6] have also studied the heat transfer in plane Couette flow using the linearized B-G-K equation. On the other hand, the half-range moments method has been applied by Gross and Ziering [7] to heat transfer between parallel plates using Boltzmann equation for hard sphere molecules and by Ziering [83 to shear and heat flow using Maxwell molecular model. Along different lines, a moment method has been applied by Lees and Liu [9] to heat transfer in Couette flow using Maxwell's transfer equation rather than the Boltzmann equation for distribution function. An iteration method has been developed by Willis [10] to apply it to non-linear heat transfer problems using the B-G-K model, with the zeroth iteration being taken as the solution of the collisionless kinetic equation. Krook [11] has also used the moment method to formulate the equivalent continuum equations and has pointed out that if the effects of molecular collisions are described by the B-G-K model, exact numerical solutions of many rarefied gas-dynamic problems can be obtained. Recently, these numerical solutions have been obtained by Anderson [12] for the non-linear heat transfer in Couette flow,


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Upper bounds at the weak scale are obtained for all lambda(ij)lambda(im) type product couplings of the scalar leptoquark model which may affect K-0 - (K) over bar (0), B-d - (B) over bar (d), and B-s - (B) over bar (s) mixing, as well as leptonic and semileptonic K and B decays. Constraints are obtained for both real and imaginary parts of the couplings. We also discuss the role of leptoquarks in explaining the anomalously large CP-violating phase in B-s - (B) over bar (s) mixing.


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We investigate the scalar K pi form factor at low energies by the method of unitarity bounds adapted so as to include information on the phase and modulus along the elastic region of the unitarity cut. Using at input the values of the form factor at t = 0 and the Callan-Treiman point, we obtain stringent constraints on the slope and curvature parameters of the Taylor expansion at the origin. Also, we predict a quite narrow range for the higher-order ChPT corrections at the second Callan-Treiman point.


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The increased availability of high frequency data sets have led to important new insights in understanding of financial markets. The use of high frequency data is interesting and persuasive, since it can reveal new information that cannot be seen in lower data aggregation. This dissertation explores some of the many important issues connected with the use, analysis and application of high frequency data. These include the effects of intraday seasonal, the behaviour of time varying volatility, the information content of various market data, and the issue of inter market linkages utilizing high frequency 5 minute observations from major European and the U.S stock indices, namely DAX30 of Germany, CAC40 of France, SMI of Switzerland, FTSE100 of the UK and SP500 of the U.S. The first essay in the dissertation shows that there are remarkable similarities in the intraday behaviour of conditional volatility across European equity markets. Moreover, the U.S macroeconomic news announcements have significant cross border effect on both, European equity returns and volatilities. The second essay reports substantial intraday return and volatility linkages across European stock indices of the UK and Germany. This relationship appears virtually unchanged by the presence or absence of the U.S stock market. However, the return correlation among the U.K and German markets rises significantly following the U.S stock market opening, which could largely be described as a contemporaneous effect. The third essay sheds light on market microstructure issues in which traders and market makers learn from watching market data, and it is this learning process that leads to price adjustments. This study concludes that trading volume plays an important role in explaining international return and volatility transmissions. The examination concerning asymmetry reveals that the impact of the positive volume changes is larger on foreign stock market volatility than the negative changes. The fourth and the final essay documents number of regularities in the pattern of intraday return volatility, trading volume and bid-ask spreads. This study also reports a contemporaneous and positive relationship between the intraday return volatility, bid ask spread and unexpected trading volume. These results verify the role of trading volume and bid ask quotes as proxies for information arrival in producing contemporaneous and subsequent intraday return volatility. Moreover, asymmetric effect of trading volume on conditional volatility is also confirmed. Overall, this dissertation explores the role of information in explaining the intraday return and volatility dynamics in international stock markets. The process through which the information is incorporated in stock prices is central to all information-based models. The intraday data facilitates the investigation that how information gets incorporated into security prices as a result of the trading behavior of informed and uninformed traders. Thus high frequency data appears critical in enhancing our understanding of intraday behavior of various stock markets’ variables as it has important implications for market participants, regulators and academic researchers.


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The activity of gallium in liquid Ga-Te alloys has been measured at 1120 K using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating yttria-stabilized thoria as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be schematically represented as (−) W,Re,Ga(1)+Ga2O3(s)|(Y2O3) ThO2|Ga-Te(1) + Ga2O3(s), Re, W (+) The activity of tellurium was derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity of gallium shows negative deviation from Raoult's law for XGa < 0.6 and positive deviation from ideality for XGa > 0.6. The activity of gallium was constant in the composition range 0.73 < XGa < 0.89, indicating liquid state immiscibility in this region. The Gibbs energy of mixing and the concentration-concentration structure factor at long wavelength limit show a minimum at XGa ≈ 0.4, suggesting strong interactions in the liquid phase with formation of ‘Ga2Te3‘-type complexes


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The special magnetotransport properties of hole doped manganese perovskites originate from a complex interplay among structural, magnetic and electronic degree of freedom. In this picture the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a special role and this is the reason why short range order techniques like X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) have been deeply exploited for studying these compounds. The analysis of near edge region features (XANES) of XAS spectra can provide very fine details of the local structure around Mn, complementary to the EXAFS, so contributing to the full understanding of the peculiar physical properties of these materials. Nevertheless the XANES analysis is complicated by the large amount of structural and electronic details involved making difficult the quantitative interpretation.This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a full structural refinement of the Mn K edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3, in which the Mn ions are present only in one charge state as Mn3+ and Mn4+ respectively. The good agreement between the results derived from the analysis of near edge and extended region of the XAS spectra demonstrates that a quantitative picture of the local structure call be obtained from structural refinement of Mn K edge XANES data in these crystalline compounds. The XANES analysis offers, in addition.. the possibility to directly achieve information on the topology of local atomic structure around the absorber not directly achievable from EXAFS.