998 resultados para Analog-digital conversion
OBJECTIVE To assess the digital educational technology interface Caring for the sensory environment in the neonatal unit: noise, lighting and handling based on ergonomic criteria. METHODS Descriptive study, in which we used the guidelines and ergonomic criteria established by ISO 9241-11 and an online Likert scale instrument to identify problems and interface qualities. The instrument was built based on Ergolist, which follows the criteria of ISO 9141-11. There were 58 undergraduate study participants from the School of Nursing of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, who attended the classes about neonatal nursing content. RESULTS All items were positively evaluated by more than 70% of the sample. CONCLUSION Educational technology is appropriate according to the ergonomic criteria and can be made available for teaching nursing students.
We analyze crash data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation using Bayesian methods. The data set includes monthly crash numbers, estimated monthly traffic volumes, site length and other information collected at 30 paired sites in Iowa over more than 20 years during which an intervention experiment was set up. The intervention consisted in transforming 15 undivided road segments from four-lane to three lanes, while an additional 15 segments, thought to be comparable in terms of traffic safety-related characteristics were not converted. The main objective of this work is to find out whether the intervention reduces the number of crashes and the crash rates at the treated sites. We fitted a hierarchical Poisson regression model with a change-point to the number of monthly crashes per mile at each of the sites. Explanatory variables in the model included estimated monthly traffic volume, time, an indicator for intervention reflecting whether the site was a “treatment” or a “control” site, and various interactions. We accounted for seasonal effects in the number of crashes at a site by including smooth trigonometric functions with three different periods to reflect the four seasons of the year. A change-point at the month and year in which the intervention was completed for treated sites was also included. The number of crashes at a site can be thought to follow a Poisson distribution. To estimate the association between crashes and the explanatory variables, we used a log link function and added a random effect to account for overdispersion and for autocorrelation among observations obtained at the same site. We used proper but non-informative priors for all parameters in the model, and carried out all calculations using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods implemented in WinBUGS. We evaluated the effect of the four to three-lane conversion by comparing the expected number of crashes per year per mile during the years preceding the conversion and following the conversion for treatment and control sites. We estimated this difference using the observed traffic volumes at each site and also on a per 100,000,000 vehicles. We also conducted a prospective analysis to forecast the expected number of crashes per mile at each site in the study one year, three years and five years following the four to three-lane conversion. Posterior predictive distributions of the number of crashes, the crash rate and the percent reduction in crashes per mile were obtained for each site for the months of January and June one, three and five years after completion of the intervention. The model appears to fit the data well. We found that in most sites, the intervention was effective and reduced the number of crashes. Overall, and for the observed traffic volumes, the reduction in the expected number of crashes per year and mile at converted sites was 32.3% (31.4% to 33.5% with 95% probability) while at the control sites, the reduction was estimated to be 7.1% (5.7% to 8.2% with 95% probability). When the reduction in the expected number of crashes per year, mile and 100,000,000 AADT was computed, the estimates were 44.3% (43.9% to 44.6%) and 25.5% (24.6% to 26.0%) for converted and control sites, respectively. In both cases, the difference in the percent reduction in the expected number of crashes during the years following the conversion was significantly larger at converted sites than at control sites, even though the number of crashes appears to decline over time at all sites. Results indicate that the reduction in the expected number of sites per mile has a steeper negative slope at converted than at control sites. Consistent with this, the forecasted reduction in the number of crashes per year and mile during the years after completion of the conversion at converted sites is more pronounced than at control sites. Seasonal effects on the number of crashes have been well-documented. In this dataset, we found that, as expected, the expected number of monthly crashes per mile tends to be higher during winter months than during the rest of the year. Perhaps more interestingly, we found that there is an interaction between the four to three-lane conversion and season; the reduction in the number of crashes appears to be more pronounced during months, when the weather is nice than during other times of the year, even though a reduction was estimated for the entire year. Thus, it appears that the four to three-lane conversion, while effective year-round, is particularly effective in reducing the expected number of crashes in nice weather.
El ciberperiodismo ha evolucionado, desde una etapa facsimilar, hasta su estado actual en el que aprovecha mejor los recursos de Internet y se diferencia del periodismo en soporte físico. El surgimiento de la Web 2.0 supone para los medios digitales y los estudiosos de la comunicación un aprendizaje y adaptación constantes. El acelerado cambio que ha caracterizado a estas nuevas tecnologías de la información ha causado que los cibermedios comenzaran a utilizarlas sin establecer estrategias ni objetivos previos; en su lugar, los han ido desarrollando y mejorando sobre la base de la experiencia, para así explotar al máximo el potencial que ofrecen. El presente estudio comprende una investigación descriptiva de tipo empírico y de carácter cuantitativo sobre el uso de estas plataformas que ejercen los medios deportivos on-line editados en Cataluña.
En este proyecto se pretende realizar un estudio sobre la transmisión del concepto de autenticidad de la música rock a través de Internet, focalizándolo en el llamado rock urbano español en la actualidad. Para ello se estudiará la bibliografía existente sobre el concepto de autenticidad en la música popular, con el fin de determinar unas categorías generales, que posteriormente nos servirán para analizar la red y obtener correlaciones
Històricament la inserció de Colombia a les TIC i al desenvolupament que aquestes comporten va ser lenta. Tot i això, als últims anys s'han desenvolupat projectes de infraestructura i apropiació tecnològica a grans velocitats. En aquest escenari la educomunicació ha avançat de manera formidable i la web colombiana comença a nodrir-se de continguts abundants i de qualitat per a l'educació. Aquest treball examina les principals iniciatives 2.0 per a l'educomunicació i dóna un diagnòstic sobre la seva funcionalitat (progressos i carències). Finalment, dóna una serie de recomanacions per al correcte ús de les eines que ofereix la web 2.0
In recent years, many traffic engineers have advocated converting four-lane undivided urban streets to threelane two-way left-turn facilities. A number of these conversions have been successfully implemented. Accident rates have decreased while corridor and intersection levels of service remained acceptable. This conversion concept is yet another viable alternative “tool” to place in our urban safety/congestion toolbox.
A assinatura digital é um processo de assinatura electrónica baseado no sistema criptográfico assimétrico composto por um algoritmo ou série de algoritmos, mediante o qual é gerado um par de chaves assimétricas exclusivas e complementares. Tal como a assinatura manuscrita, a assinatura digital não pode ser falsificada, pelo que se adiciona uma função hash ao valor da chave gerada, para garantir a segurança do sistema. A assinatura digital permite, ao mesmo tempo, a identificação positiva do autor de uma mensagem (ou do signatário de um documento) e a verificação da integridade da mesma. Refira-se, porém, que a assinatura digital pode ser anexa a qualquer mensagem, seja esta decifrada ou não, apenas para que o receptor tenha a certeza da identidade do emissor e de que a mensagem chegou intacta ao destino. Baseia-se na criptografia da chave pública, que usa um algoritmo de duas chaves, a privada e a pública, diferentes mas matematicamente associadas: a primeira cria a assinatura digital e decifra os dados; a segunda verifica a assinatura e devolve-a ao formato original. O autor da mensagem mantém secreta a sua chave privada e divulga a chave pública, e vice-versa. A identidade do dono da chave pública é atestada pelo certificado digital emitido por uma entidade certificadora (uma espécie de notário). Independentemente da forma que assume, a assinatura electrónica, e a digital em particular, deve cumprir três funções: a autenticação (tal como acontece com o habitual gatafunho a que chamamos assinatura, apenas o indivíduo deve ser capaz de a reproduzir); não repudiação (quando o indivíduo assina não pode voltar atrás); e integridade (é necessário assegurar que os documentos assinados não são alterados sem o consentimento dos signatários).
A inclusão digital que vem sendo praticada no país tem abordado, em sua maioria, a necessidade de fazer com que o cidadão aprenda a usar as tecnologias com o objetivo de inseri-lo no mercado de trabalho. Com isso, apresenta resultados das pesquisas acerca do funcionamento e da eficiência destes programas inclusivos, com o intuito de identificar as mudanças que estão a ter na sociedade. Através dele, deu para conhecer o perfil dos utilizadores, os motores de busca mais acessados as diferentes redes sociais procuradas, os principais locais de acesso, mudança de comportamento com a utilização da internet, etc. Desse estudo também deu para constatar que os modelos atuais de “inclusão digital” refletem, na verdade, um distanciamento entre a maioria da população mundial que, por sua vez, colabora para o crescimento da chamada massa de analfabetos digitais. Nesse aspeto essas políticas públicas reforçam a dependência econômica e principalmente cultural atrelando o acesso a uma mudança de atitude social. Não basta criar mecanismos acreditando que a necessidade é puramente técnica operacional. A inclusão deve passar obrigatoriamente pelo acesso ao conhecimento antes do acesso as tecnologias, permitindo uma escolha mais livre e consciente da sua utilização. O que se defende neste trabalho é uma mudança na maneira de “ver” a tecnologia como uma política pública, não apenas como um instrumento solucionador imediato de problemas, mas um conjunto de ações integradas e abrangentes que através de uma apropriação crítica provoque mudanças comportamentais perante a própria tecnologia.
PURPOSE: As compared with natural tumor peptide sequences, carefully selected analog peptides may be more immunogenic and thus better suited for vaccination. However, T cells in vivo activated by such altered analog peptides may not necessarily be tumor specific because sequence and structure of peptide analogs differ from corresponding natural peptides. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Three melanoma patients were immunized with a Melan-A peptide analog that binds more strongly to HLA-A*0201 and is more immunogenic than the natural sequence. This peptide was injected together with a saponin-based adjuvant, followed by surgical removal of lymph node(s) draining the site of vaccination. RESULTS: Ex vivo analysis of vaccine site draining lymph nodes revealed antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which had differentiated to memory cells. In vitro, these cells showed accelerated proliferation upon peptide stimulation. Nearly all (16 of 17) of Melan-A-specific CD8+ T-cell clones generated from these lymph nodes efficiently killed melanoma cells. CONCLUSIONS: Patient immunization with the analog peptide leads to in vivo activation of T cells that were specific for the natural tumor antigen, demonstrating the usefulness of the analog peptide for melanoma immunotherapy.
Abstract We introduce a label-free technology based on digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with applicability for screening by imaging, and we demonstrate its capability for cytotoxicity assessment using mammalian living cells. For this first high content screening compatible application, we automatized a digital holographic microscope for image acquisition of cells using commercially available 96-well plates. Data generated through both label-free DHM imaging and fluorescence-based methods were in good agreement for cell viability identification and a Z'-factor close to 0.9 was determined, validating the robustness of DHM assay for phenotypic screening. Further, an excellent correlation was obtained between experimental cytotoxicity dose-response curves and known IC values for different toxic compounds. For comparable results, DHM has the major advantages of being label free and close to an order of magnitude faster than automated standard fluorescence microscopy.
OBJECTIVE: To detect anatomical differences in areas related to motor processing between patients with motor conversion disorder (CD) and controls. METHODS: T1-weighted 3T brain MRI data of 15 patients suffering from motor CD (nine with hemiparesis and six with paraparesis) and 25 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers were compared using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and voxel-based cortical thickness (VBCT) analysis. RESULTS: We report significant cortical thickness (VBCT) increases in the bilateral premotor cortex of hemiparetic patients relative to controls and a trend towards increased grey matter volume (VBM) in the same region. Regression analyses showed a non-significant positive correlation between cortical thickness changes and symptom severity as well as illness duration in CD patients. CONCLUSIONS: Cortical thickness increases in premotor cortical areas of patients with hemiparetic CD provide evidence for altered brain structure in a condition with presumed normal brain anatomy. These may either represent premorbid vulnerability or a plasticity phenomenon related to the disease with the trends towards correlations with clinical variables supporting the latter.