1000 resultados para Análise Fundamental


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The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship


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In a globalized world, organizations face an increasingly dynamic, innovative and competitive environment, so that this condition requires continuous adaptation to market developments. Intense competition requires organizations to further improve their performance, making productive efficiency a key factor for survival. A methodology that has added value to the product through a reconfiguration of the production method is the implementation of a management philosophy called Lean Six Sigma. The main objective of this work is, in the light of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy, intervene in a critical-collaborative way to develop procedures for analyzing the profitability of products in a company specializing in steel processing. To achieve this goal, were applied the method of action-research to intervene in a group of professionals for the study of the profitability of products in a auto parts industry. The interaction of practical and theoretical knowledge provided by the action-research allowed the business program was enhanced. The procedures proposed in this study were able to identify the current profitability of the product, the main causes of inefficiency and productive for solutions to reduce production inefficiencies, when the productive systems planned and actual production system were compared. The results indicate that current profitability of -3%, while the parameter provided during budget was 10%. Thus, it is concluded that the low profitability of the products may compromise the company's financial results and affect their competitiveness in the market. To address this problem, the Lean Six Sigma presents itself as a versatile and high applicability philosophy, providing relevant results for characterization and troubleshooting. It was also observed that the evidence presented in this paper can be adapted to other companies in the metal auto parts segment to identify and recover the profitability of products


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As atividades humanas vêm causando grandes pressões nos ecossistemas aquáticos continentais e nos organismos que ai vivem, sendo os peixes o grupo mais afetado. Para compreender o grau de impacto sofrido por uma comunidade é necessário conhecer como esta se encontra estruturada. Este estudo foi organizado em dois capítulos: 1) dedicado a compreender aspectos relacionados à comunidade de peixes da represa de Barra Bonita; 2) análise sobre a estrutura genética do curimba (P. lineatus) no rio Tietê, em diversos segmentos antes e depois das barragens. A estrutura da comunidade de peixes reflete a integridade ecológica do ecossistema, uma vez que diversos comportamentos dependem de determinadas condições ambientais. Por se tratar de um ambiente modificado e exposto a diversos agentes impactantes, estudos sobre a comunidade de peixes na represa de Barra Bonita (rio Tietê) se tornam essenciais para verificar as condições ambientais, auxiliando na gestão deste ecossistema. Para uma análise mais profunda das condições ambientais deste ecossistema, foi realizada também uma análise genética da população do curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), uma vez que o conhecimento da estrutura populacional é fundamental para auxiliar no manejo e conservação das populações de peixes nativos. Os resultados das análises populacionais mostraram que a comunidade de peixes encontrada é típica de ambientes represados, sendo formada por uma maioria de espécies de pequeno e médio porte, do tipo restrategistas, com desova parcelada, sedentárias e que apresentam uma alta plasticidade trófica. No entanto, a presença de espécies com algum grau de ameaça mostra que a região ainda mantém espécies sensíveis mantidas provavelmente pelos tributário que deságuam no rio Tietê. Mesmo a comunidade sendo formada por uma maioria de espécies autóctones, a presença de espécies não nativas nos faz pensar sobre a falta de valorização e conhecimento...


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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso refere-se ao estudo de um caso e está inserido ao âmbito do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Política Educacional (Greppe) que, realiza estudos e pesquisas referentes ao projeto “Estratégias Municipais para a Oferta da Educação Básica: análise de parcerias público-privado no Estado de São Paulo”. O período da pesquisa é de 1997-2006, período de vigência do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério (Fundef). O objetivo é estudar e analisar as estratégias utilizadas pelo município de Itirapina para a oferta da Educação Básica, especificamente na etapa da Educação Infantil, ou seja, estudar e analisar as parcerias (acordos) lá existentes, sua natureza e modalidade. Quais os fatores que levaram a Prefeitura de Itirapina a firmar convênio para oferta de vagas em instituições privadas filantrópicas (creches) e qual a normalização para estes convênios. Sabe-se que estas instituições já atendem as matrículas das creches e pré-escolas há muitos anos, antes mesmo do convênio formal que se iniciou em 2000. Estudar as implicações que as políticas públicas educacionais trouxeram para a oferta da primeira etapa da Educação Básica no período analisado, como a vinculação de recursos financeiros destinados a Educação e sua distribuição pelo Fundef é imprescindível na compreensão do quadro em que se encontra a Educação Infantil no município, principalmente a primeira etapa que atende às crianças na faixa etária de 0 a 3 anos em creches (conveniadas). A perspectiva de melhorias apontada pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), que, distribuirá recursos financeiros para esta etapa da educação, já tão penalizada ao longo da história, traz a certeza de mudanças, porém, ainda... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading


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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo analisar a mídia televisiva, no que diz respeito a seus interesses e programações, levando em consideração a conseqüente relação conflituosa entre esta e as crianças brasileiras, uma vez que a mídia não oferece programas de qualidade que respeitem a diversidade cultural. O trabalho analisa os conteúdos dos programas oferecidos pela mídia e compara-os com o que se propõem a Convenção da ONU realizada em 1989 Sobre os Diretos da Criança, no que diz respeito a mídia em geral. A partir de base teórica busca refletir sobre o impacto das mensagens dos programas de televisão na mente da criança e consequentemente afetando seu desenvolvimento cognitivo, moral e emocional. Sendo que percorrendo esse caminho de análise, procura-se mostrar uma possível reflexão e mudança através da educação para mídia e participação na mesma, envolvendo pais, professores, as políticas públicas e as próprias crianças.


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In the industries of wood processing (sawmills), where timber is sawn in equipment such as band saws, circular saws, trowel, thicknessers, among others, that mechanically transform this resource and use of electric motors, which are not unusually poorly scaled working or overloaded, often a factor that is not found in these industries and has fundamental importance in the production process is energy efficiency that is achieved by both technological innovation and through all the practices and policies that aim to lower energy consumption, lowering energy costs and increasing the amount of energy offered no change in generation. For both during the design of an electrical installation, both overall and in various sectors of the installation, investigations are necessary, considerations and uses of variables and factors that put into practice the theme of energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, these factors were calculated and analyzed for a wood processing industry (sawmill) in the municipality of Taquarivaí - SP, namely: active power, power factor, demand factor and load factor. Where they were small in relation to the literature, these events that occur when devices are connected at the same time and due to the conditions of processing the wood, where the engines have large variations in electricity consumption during the unfolding of the same, due to efforts with the load and idle moments between each machining operation in the equipment


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In the recent years, the use of proton beams in radiotherapy has been an outstanding progress (SMITH, 2006). Up to now, computed tomography (CT) is a prerequisite for treatment planning in this kind of therapy because it provides the electron density distribution required for calculation of dose and the interval of doses. However, the use of CT images for proton treatment planning ignores fundamental differences in physical interaction processes between photons and protons and is, therefore, potentially inaccurate (SADROZINSKI, 2004). Proton CT (pCT) can in principle directly measure the density distribution needed in a patient for the dose distribution (SCHULTE, et al, 2004). One important problem that should be solved is the implementation of image reconstruction algorithms. In this sense, it is necessary to know how the presence of materials with different density and composition interfere in the energy deposition by ionization and coulomb excitation, during its trajectory. The study was conducted in two stages, was used in both the program SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) to perform simulations of the interaction of proton beams with pencil beam type. In the first step we used the energies in the range of 100-250 MeV (ZIEGLER, 1999). The targets were set to 50 mm in length for the beam of 100 MeV, due to its interaction with the target, and short-range, and 70 mm for 150, 200 and 250 MeV The target was composed of liquid water and a layer of 6 mm cortical bone (ICRP). It were made 9 simulations varying the position of the heterogeneity of 5 mm. In the second step the energy of 250 MeV was taken out from the simulations, due to its greater energy and less interaction. The targets were diminished to 50 mm thick to standardize the simulations. The layer of bone was divided into two equal parts and both were put in the ends of the target... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The object of this study was to analyze the process of implementing the compulsory education to nine years, according to the Law 11.274/06, in Rio Claro. Thus it was established a brief analysis of the trajectory of Brazilian educational policy that began with the Law of Directives and Bases 4.024/61 and was followed by the Law 5.692/71, the 1988 Federal Constitution, the Law of Directives and Bases 9394 / 96, the National Educational Plan - Law 10.172/01, Law 11.114/05, 11.274/06 and the Constitutional Amendment. 59/2009, pointing to increase access to education that aims to expand and ensure free education and compulsory basic education for children aging from 04 to 17 years old. The research has been based on collecting bibliographical data, information and data for the municipality of Rio Claro, through official documents, semi-structured interviews, and research on government websites. The expansion of basic education to nine years has been securing the rights gained over time through education. Moreover, this expansion of education promotes a questioning about the quality of teaching and a concern for the financial contributions required for education.


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This paper deals with hypersegmentation of words that are characterized by the unconventional employment of a graphical boundary (using a white space or hyphen) within the limits of the word, as in "em bora" (“although”, using a white space), and "chama-da" (“called”, using the hyphen). In a study conducted on these data, we identified motivations arising not only from their literate nature but also from the morphosyntactic and prosodic information. We showed that there are linguistic features recurrent in these registers of word boundaries, based on the analysis of texts produced by the students who attended the last four years of elementary school in a public school in São Paulo. In this paper, we advance on this study by selecting data whose characteristics do not match those which were recurrent. We will argue that the unconventional presence of boundary within the written word limits may be interpreted as representing prosodic configurations (of intonation and rhythm nature) which contribute to the construction of the relation of meanings in the text.


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This paper analyzes unconventional segmentation of word found in texts of the sixth grade of Elementary School. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we describe the prosodic characteristics that may be motivated the hyper and hippossegmentation of words found in 27,4% of 606 investigated texts. We identified a tendency toward a more text with hippossegmentation than hypersegmentation, characteristic similar to what is reported about children’s text. Taking into account the theoretical framework of Prosodic Phonology, we argue about the relevance of prosodic word and clitic group in the description of the regularities observed in data of unconventional segmentation of word. We note that (i) in cases of hipposegmentation, it predominates the hollow of a clitic followed by a phonological word, (ii) in cases of hypersegmentation, it predominates a segmentation of a prosodic word into a clitic group. We present evidences to be the spelling of clitic elements a challenge to students analyzed. By investigating in the grammatical class that owned the clitics spelled unconventionally, we verified that they are prepositions (“em, de, com”) and pronouns (“me, lhe, lo”), a characteristic that particularize these data in relation to data from students in the early stage of language acquisition.


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This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.


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Objetiva discutir os aspectos determinantes da descentralização da Educação Básica brasileira no período pós-1988 (nova Constituição Federal), com um enfoque na municipalização do Ensino Fundamental a partir da instituição do Fundef (Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério). Investiga os sistemas de ensino de quatorze municípios que compõem a Diretoria Regional de São José do Rio Preto (SP). A partir desta amostra, busca identificar quais aderem à municipalização por meio da análise da evolução das matrículas nos sistemas municipais de ensino no período compreendido entre 1997 e 2007, visto que grande parte da literatura aponta o Fundef como um fator indutor do processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental. Os resultados indicam que uma parte desses municípios inicia um processo de municipalização das matrículas do Ensino Fundamental com a implementação do Fundef. No caso específico da Região Administrativa estudada, é no ano de 2002 que ocorre a inversão do contexto anterior, qual seja, a partir deste ano o número de matrículas nos sistemas municipais de Ensino Fundamental supera o total de alunos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino.


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This paper describes a project called “Development of educational workshops on text reading, interpretation and writing in elementary school”, which took place at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) with financial support given by the PROEX-UNESP (Pro-Rectorate of Extension). This project aimed to organize and run educational workshops on reading, interpreting and writing different genres for students enrolled at a public elementary school in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state. The analysis of the texts produced by the students unfolded the project into two essential approaches. In the first one, it was possible to identify problems and inaccuracies in language usage, which was the starting point to prepare the minicourses that would be offered. These mini-courses promoted a deep involvement of undergraduate students (in Portuguese Language and Literature) with the practice of Portuguese teaching at the school. In the second one, 5.468 texts, which were produced during the four-year project, founded researches whose goal is to describe processes in which there is a relation between speech and writing, and are based on a theoretical framework that values the multiplicity of literacies associated with social practices experienced by the students. Thus, this extension project aimed to articulate the service to the external community – in this case, public school students - to the internal community – undergraduate students in Portuguese Language and Literature.