907 resultados para Amoebaean verses
This paper registers reports about dipterans made by three Portuguese who lived in Brazil during the 18th century. Luiz Gomes Ferreira, in his book "Erário mineral" ["Mineral revenue"], wrote curious passages related with myiasis-causing flies of the genus Cochliomyia. José Rodrigues de Mello registered, in Latin verses, the folklore for curing myiases caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax in cattle. Luiz dos Santos Vilhena, in the last of his twenty letters dealing with several aspects of life in Brazil, made reference to horseflies, human bot flies and mosquitos.
De acordo com a literatura existente, as informações contábeis representam um importante estimador dos fluxos de caixa futuros da empresa, servindo, portanto, para fins de avaliação do risco de um investimento em ações. Isso porque tais informações refletem a realidade econômico-financeira da empresa em um dado período, possuindo, consequentemente, relação com o risco sistemático de um investimento, o que justifica sua utilização para fins de decisões relacionadas à composição de um portfólio de ações. Dentro desse contexto, o presente trabalho busca apresentar evidências empíricas da relação entre as informações contábeis e o risco sistemático no mercado brasileiro. Mais especificamente, objetiva-se analisar a relação entre os betas contábeis e os betas de mercado de companhias no Brasil. Para isso, foram selecionadas 97 empresas, da Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBOVESPA), de 15 setores econômicos, entre o 1º trimestre de 1995 e o 3º trimestre de 2009. Foram utilizadas 468 variáveis contábeis. Para operacionalizar a relação entre as variáveis foi utilizado um modelo de regressão com dados em painel. Os resultados evidenciaram que alguns betas contábeis podem explicar o beta de mercado e podem fazê-lo de forma antecipada, podendo, ainda, melhorar a previsão do beta de mercado quando associados a betas de mercado históricos. Por outro lado, a maior parte das versões de betas contábeis apresentou relação pouco significativa ou mesmo inexistente.
Este trabalho discute as dificuldades de um pós-graduando da área de energia na confecção da introdução de um artigo acadêmico em inglês. Duas versões do texto foram analisadas (uma após a instrução e outra após a conferência com a instrutora), comparando-as com os modelos de introdução de Swales (2004) e de Samraj (2002) ensinados no curso. O aluno apresentou os seguintes problemas: a narração como modo de organização retórica do texto, a ausência do movimento 2 dos modelos, uma escolha inadequada de léxico. A combinação desses elementos impediu que o texto apresentasse o valor cultural do gênero textual artigo acadêmico - a autopromoção. Os dados suscitam questionamentos sobre os limites da descrição empírica dos gêneros textuais e de seu ensino.
Atualização do DSPACE, implemenção de todas as funcionalidades e as novas funções da versão 3.1 Comparação das versões utilizadas do DSpace para avaliação dos benefícios no desempenho, com a adoção de novos serviços e implementações, plug-ins e integração com banco corporativo da Universidade.
A Biblioteca Digital de Cartografia Histórica da Universidade de São Paulo disponibiliza uma série de versões em alta resolução de mapas impressos entre os séculos XV e XIX, acompanhados de referências biográficas, cartobibliográficas, editoriais e históricas. Concebida para rastrear dados de outros sites similares, ela se constitui também em uma útil ferramenta de pesquisa
[ES] Se intenta explicar la desaparición de unas octavas de la segunda edición de la Tercera parte del Templo militante de Cairasco donde nombra a familiares suyos, por las desavenencias entre un miembro del Cabildo Catedral y sus herederos. Conecto esta noticia con la desaparición de otras octavas del manuscrito del Goffredo famoso, la traducción de Cairasco de la obra de Tasso, donde se nombra a otro familiar del poeta. Extiendo la nota a la pervivencia de algunos de los versos censurados en un cancionero manuscrito bilingüe portugués-castellano de distintos poetas, y su conexión con otros autores de la época.
Evolutionary processes within the bird genus Certhia (treecreepers) are investigated and taxonomic uncertainties clarified. The original seven species of the genus have Holarctic distribution, are uniform morphologically and hence difficult to distinguish. I employed four methodological approaches. 1. Molecular phylogeny using the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene largely established relationships and revealed two cryptic species. 2. Call and song recordings from all species and many subspecies were evaluated sonagraphically. The nine phylospecies outlined in Part 1 were clearly delimited from one another by time and frequency parameters. They comprise a monophyletic group of "motif singers" and a purely southeast Asian group of "trill singers". Song-character differences were generally consistent with molecular phylogeny (strong phylogenetic signals). 3. Central European Certhia familiaris in the field responded territorially to playback of verses of allopatric "motif singer" taxa, but usually more weakly than to their own subsequently presented songs. No song characters were unambiguously recognised as species-specific. 4. Standard body dimensions of nearly 2000 museum specimens characterise species and subspecies biometrically and reveal geographic trends. Lengths of bill and hind claw proved important parameters to explain the treecreeper lifestyle (climbing and feeding on tree trunks). In the Himalayas (highest species density) tail dimensions are also significant.
Il presente studio si è posto come obiettivo quello di redigere un lessico dei termini d’amore nella poesia di Orazio, e, specificamente, dei lemmi presenti nei primi tre libri delle Odi. L’interesse per la lirica del Venosino ci ha indotti ad affrontarne la lettura non solo considerando quelle che sono le tematiche diremo topiche della sua poetica ( modus, angulus, mors, tempus, cura, solo per citare quelle più significative ), ma anche quelle meno note, quale appunto il tema dell’amore, oggetto di questo lavoro. Si è proceduto così all’analisi di ogni singolo libro di ogni ode, catalogandone ed analizzandone rispettivamente tutte le occorrenze di quei termini che abbiamo ritenuto essere propri del lessico amoroso. Il commento ad ogni libro è stato supportato dagli studi di Nisbet-Hubbard per il primo ed il secondo libro delle Odi ( cfr. R.G.M. Nisbet-M. Hubbard, A commentary on Horace: Odes Book 1, Oxford 1970; R.G.M. Nisbet-M. Hubbard, A commentary on Horace: Odes Book 2, Oxford 1978 ) e Nisbet-Rudd per il terzo ( cfr. R.G.M. Nisbet-Rudd, A commentary on Horace: Odes Book 3, Oxford, 2003 ). Trattandosi di un lessico è stato altresì fondamentale il contributo dell’ Index uerborum amatorium ( Cfr. R. Pichon, De sermone amatorio apud Latinos elegiarum scriptores, Paris 1902 ) e del ThLL. Si è infine proceduto ad individuare quei termini maggiormente significativi nell’ambito della poesia d’amore in generale, il cui riflesso è presente anche nella poesia oraziana, con una particolare attenzione al rapporto che intercorre tra Orazio e la tradizione neoterica ed elegiaca e al lessico dei colori, che vanta numerose occorrenze nella poesia d’amore, soprattutto in riferimento alla bellezza muliebre e maschile e che quindi appare di rilevante importanza per comprendere l’estetica della poesia oraziana nel ritrarre la forma degli amanti che popolano i suoi più celebri versi d’amore.
In this thesis, I have chosen to translate from Italian into Arabic Canto I of the Inferno, from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) because it’s a masterpiece in both Italian and world literature. Also I have selected it for its artistic value and the universal themes that it depicts. In fact, my purpose in translating this great work into Arabic is to extol the cultural and universal aspects that can be common to human beings everywhere. My paper is written in Arabic and has six sections: A brief introduction on Dante’s life, an introduction to the Divine Comedy, a summary of Canto 1 of the Inferno and its analysis, Canto I of the Inferno in Italian, its translation into Arabic and finally a comment on the translation. The first part -a summary of Dante’s life was presented. The second part of my paper is an introduction to the Divine Comedy, the allegorical epic poem, consisting of three parts: The Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). The third part is a summary and analysis of Canto 1 of the Inferno, Dante’s most renowned verses. The analysis of Canto highlights the everlasting conflict of man– sinning and giving in to temptation but then trying to repent and search for his soul’s salvation. He reflects on sin, existence, truth, God, love and salvation in his struggle through the dark and gloomy forest which symbolizes conflict and temptations man may succumb to. The influence of Christianity and the Middle ages here shows his commitment to religion and faith. Moreover, his meeting of Virgil, who guides him to the mountain during his journey to salvation, reflects the positive impact of Virgil’s philosophy on Dante. The fourth part presents the Italian version of Canto 1 of the Inferno. The fifth section of my paper is the translation of Canto 1 of the Inferno from Italian to Arabic. Translating an excerpt of Dante’s masterpiece was not an easy task: I had to consult several critique texts besides the Italian source text with explanations, and also some English versions to overcome any translation difficulties. As a student of translation, my goal was to be faithful in relaying to the Arabic audience the authenticity of Dante’s work, his themes, passions and aesthetic style. Finally, I present a conclusion including a comment on the translation and the bibliography of the sources I have consulted.
This thesis proposes a translation from Persian into Italian and English of an ancient Persian epic called Shahname, or literally “The Book of Kings,” by Ferdosi, first published in the 11th century CE. The translation proposed, however, is not based on the original book by Ferdosi, which is written all in verse, but rather, an edited, shorter, and simplified version written in prose, by Mohamad Hosseini, first published in 2013. Nonetheless, in his version, Hosseini included some of the verses from the original poems in order to show the value and the beauty of Ferdosi’s writing. Many translations of Ferdosi’s book have been made into English, but only one translation has been made into Italian, by one Italo Pizzi, in 8 volumes, all in verse, in 1886. This thesis analyses and discusses the choices made for the two translations presented into English and Italian. My project is not only to propose translations of Hosseini’s version, but to also introduce the reader to the Persian culture, and to the life of the most famous Iranian epic writer, Ferdosi, and his masterpiece, Shahname.
Arts speech therapy (AST) is a therapeutic method within complementary medicine and has been practiced for decades for various medical conditions. It comprises listening and the recitation of different forms of speech exercises under the guidance of a licensed speech therapist. The aim of our study was to noninvasively investigate whether different types of recitation influence hemodynamics and oxygenation in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Seventeen healthy volunteers (eight men and nine women, mean age ± standard deviation 35.6 ± 12.7 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject was measured three times on different days with the different types of recitation: hexameter, alliteration, and prose verse. Before, during, and after recitation, relative concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin (Δ[O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin (Δ[HHb]), total hemoglobin (Δ[tHb]), and tissue oxygenation saturation (StO2) were measured in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using a NIRS device. The study was performed with a randomized crossover design. Significant concentration changes were found during recitation of all verses, with mainly a decrease in Δ[O2Hb] and ΔStO2 in the brain, and an increase in Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] in the leg muscle during recitation. After the recitations, significant changes were mainly increases of Δ[HHb] and Δ[tHb] in the calf muscle. The Mayer wave spectral power (MWP) was also significantly affected, i.e., mainly the MWP of the Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] increased in the brain during recitation of hexameter and prose verse. The changes in MWP were also significantly different between hexameter and alliteration, and hexameter and prose. Possible physiological explanations for these changes are discussed. A probable reason is a different effect of recitations on the sympathetic nervous system. In conclusion, these changes show that AST has relevant effects on the hemodynamics and oxygenation of the brain and muscle.
Kluwick breaks new ground in this book, moving away from Rushdie studies that focus on his status as postcolonial or postmodern, and instead considering the significance of magic realism in his fiction. Rushdie’s magic realism, in fact, lies at the heart of his engagement with the post/colonial. In a departure from conventional descriptions of magic realism—based primarily on the Latin-American tradition—Kluwick here proposes an alternative definition, allowing for a more accurate description of the form. She argues that it is disharmony, rather than harmony, that is decisive: that the incompatibility of the realist and the supernatural needs to be recognized as a driving force in Rushdie’s fiction. In its rigorous analysis of this Rushdian magic realism, this book considers the entire corpus—Midnight’s Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Shalimar the Clown, and The Enchantress of Florence. This study is the first of its kind to do so.
The aim was to investigate the effect of different speech tasks, i.e. recitation of prose (PR), alliteration (AR) and hexameter (HR) verses and a control task (mental arithmetic (MA) with voicing of the result on end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2), cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation. CO2 levels in the blood are known to strongly affect cerebral blood flow. Speech changes breathing pattern and may affect CO2 levels. Measurements were performed on 24 healthy adult volunteers during the performance of the 4 tasks. Tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) and absolute concentrations of oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]) and total hemoglobin ([tHb]) were measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and PETCO2 by a gas analyzer. Statistical analysis was applied to the difference between baseline before the task, 2 recitation and 5 baseline periods after the task. The 2 brain hemispheres and 4 tasks were tested separately. A significant decrease in PETCO2 was found during all 4 tasks with the smallest decrease during the MA task. During the recitation tasks (PR, AR and HR) a statistically significant (p < 0.05) decrease occurred for StO2 during PR and AR in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) and during AR and HR in the left PFC. [O2Hb] decreased significantly during PR, AR and HR in both hemispheres. [HHb] increased significantly during the AR task in the right PFC. [tHb] decreased significantly during HR in the right PFC and during PR, AR and HR in the left PFC. During the MA task, StO2 increased and [HHb] decreased significantly during the MA task. We conclude that changes in breathing (hyperventilation) during the tasks led to lower CO2 pressure in the blood (hypocapnia), predominantly responsible for the measured changes in cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that PETCO2 should be monitored during functional brain studies investigating speech using neuroimaging modalities, such as fNIRS, fMRI to ensure a correct interpretation of changes in hemodynamics and oxygenation.
This project was part of a major research project into Czech verse texts from the National Revival to the present and looked at two groups of topics from the theory and history of Czech verse. The first was the rhythm of iambic and trochaic trimeter and trochaic hexameters, with a typological distinction of variants due to individual and generational arising. The rhythmic contours of 63 sets of verses were described statistically and differences in the frequency of stresses on strong and weak positions of the metre were identified. The second part of the project concerned the Czech dactyl. The history of triple metres ranging from poets of the Enlightenment to the present day underground writer Krchovsky were traced in detail. Along with the rhythm and technique of verse, the group analysed the semantics of dactylic metres of different extents (dimeters, trimeters, etc.) and their relationships to literary genres and trends. Their findings differ totally from the assumptions of traditional metrics. A general metrical norm of dactylic verses was defined within the system of rules of correspondence by the method of generative metrics. They established a typology, specified the frequency of divergences from the norm in a range of texts and investigated their role in the style and rhythmic differentiation of poetic works.
The aim of the present study was (i) to investigate the effect of inner speech on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation, and (ii) to analyze if these changes could be the result of alternations of the arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). To this end, in seven adult volunteers, we measured changes of cerebral absolute [O2Hb], [HHb], [tHb] concentrations and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) (over the left and right anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC)), as well as changes in end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2), a reliable and accurate estimate of PaCO2. Each subject performed three different tasks (inner recitation of hexameter (IRH) or prose (IRP) verses) and a control task (mental arithmetic (MA)) on different days according to a randomized crossover design. Statistical analysis was applied to the differences between pre-baseline, two tasks, and four post-baseline periods. The two brain hemispheres and three tasks were tested separately. During the tasks, we found (i) PETCO2 decreased significantly (p < 0.05) during the IRH ( ~ 3 mmHg) and MA ( ~ 0.5 mmHg) task. (ii) [O2Hb] and StO2 decreased significantly during IRH ( ~ 1.5 μM; ~ 2 %), IRP ( ~ 1 μM; ~ 1.5 %), and MA ( ~ 1 μM; ~ 1.5 %) tasks. During the post-baseline period, [O2Hb] and [tHb] of the left PFC decreased significantly after the IRP and MA task ( ~ 1 μM and ~ 2 μM, respectively). In conclusion, the study showed that inner speech affects PaCO2, probably due to changes in respiration. Although a decrease in PaCO2 is causing cerebral vasoconstriction and could potentially explain the decreases of [O2Hb] and StO2 during inner speech, the changes in PaCO2 were significantly different between the three tasks (no change in PaCO2 for MA) but led to very similar changes in [O2Hb] and StO2. Thus, the cerebral changes cannot solely be explained by PaCO2.