819 resultados para Alkali halide
Electron microprobe data are presented for clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, palagonites, smectites, celadonites, and zeolites in Hole 462A sheet-flow basalts and Site 585 volcaniclastic sediments. Glomerocrystic clinopyroxenes in Hole 462A are predominantly Ti-poor augites with minor fractionation to ferroaugites in rim portions. Quenched plumose clinopyroxenes show considerable variation from Ca-rich to Ca-poor augites, although all are characterized by being Tirich and Cr-poor relative to the glomerocrysts. Two differentiated series of Site 585 pyroxene compositions, calcic augite and diopside-salite, demonstrate the coexistence, in the vitric and lithic clasts, of tholeiitic and alkali basalt types, respectively. Plagioclase compositions in all samples are mainly labradorites, although some zoned Hole 462A glomerocrysts range from An73 to An20 and are characterized by high Mg and Fe contents in the more calcic varieties. The K content of the plagioclases is highest in the more sodic crystals, although the overall higher orthoclase component of Site 585 plagioclases reflects the generally higher bulk-rock K content. The compositions of both secondary smectites and celadonites are similar irrespective of the alteration location (glass, matrix, vesicles, etc.), although brown smectites replacing interstitial glass have marginally higher total Fe contents than pale green and yellow smectites. Analyzed zeolites are mainly phillipsites with variable alkali content, and, together with associated celadonite, represent late-stage alteration repositories for K under mildly oxidizing conditions. The compositions of both early and late secondary minerals are typical of those formed by the submarine alteration of basaltic rocks at low temperatures.
The backarc glasses recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 are unique among submarine tholeiitic glasses with respect to their oxygen fugacity and sulfur concentrations. Unlike mid-ocean-ridge basalt glasses, fO2 in these samples (inferred from ratios Fe3+/Fe2+) is high and variable, and S variations (90-1140 ppm) are not coupled with FeO concentration. Strong correlations occur between the alkali and alkaline-earth elements and both fO2 (positive correlations) and S concentrations (negative correlations). Correlations between fO2 and various trace elements are strongest for those elements with a known affinity for hydrous fluids (perhaps produced during slab dehydration), suggesting the presence of a hydrous fluid with high fO2 and high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations in the Lau Basin mantle. Concentrations of S and fO2 are strongly correlated; high fO2 samples are characterized by low S in addition to high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations. The negative correlations between S and these trace elements are not consistent with incompatible behavior of S during crystallization. Mass balance considerations indicate that the S concentrations cannot result simply from mixing between low-S and high-S sources. Furthermore, there is no relationship between S and other trace elements or isotope ratios that might indicate that the S variations reflect mixing processes. The S variations more likely reflect the fact that when silicate coexists with an S-rich vapor phase the solubility of S in the silicate melt is a function of fO2 and is at a minimum at the fO2 conditions recorded by these glasses. The absence of Fe-sulfides and the high and variable vesicle contents are consistent with the idea that S concentrations reflect silicate-vapor equilibria rather than silicate-sulfide equilibria (as in MORB). The low S contents of some samples, therefore, reflect the high fO2 of the supra-subduction zone environment rather than a low-S source component.
The Lower Cretaceous tholeiitic basalt cored at Site 738, on the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau, shows anomalous Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions compared to other lavas from Kerguelen Island and the Kerguelen Plateau. The strongly negative value of eNd (- 8.5) and high 207Pb/204Pb ratio (15.71) reflect a long-term evolution in a source high in Nd/Sm and µ. These geochemical properties, not observed in the Indian Ocean mantle plumes (St. Paul, Kerguelen Islands), have been reported for alkali lavas erupted in East Antarctica, thus suggesting that they originate from the Gondwana subcontinental lithosphere.
Data were presented to compare pore fluids from Sites 1037 and 1038 in the Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge. Site 1037 constitutes the reference site, and Site 1038 is the hydrothermally affected site. The program was undertaken for two purposes: (1) to make a detailed analysis of the halide chemistry of these two sites, with the specific aim of discerning any potential differences in the generation of dissolved halides as a result of sediment diagenesis in these drill sites and (2) to investigate the geochemistry of Ba2+ and Mn2+ at these two sites to discover potential hydrothermal effects reflected in the concentration-depth distributions of these elements.
Geochemical (atomic absorption, neutron activation analyses), mineralogical (microprobe), and radiometric (40K - 40Ar) data are presented for five basalts from the Guatemala Trench area (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 84). Strong geochemical and mineralogical differences distinguish two types among these basalts: (1) One basalt (Sample 567A-19,CC), recovered below Upper Cretaceous limestone has the following characteristics: it is quartz normative and has low TiO2, content, as well as low amounts of Cr, Ni and other transition metals, an LREE depleted pattern, and affinities of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted into the field of tholeiitic and calc-alkalic pyroxenes. (2) Four alkaline basalts, recovered from the mafic and ultramafic acoustic basement, are nepheline normative and show high TiO2 content, high amounts of Cr, Ni and so on, an LREE enriched pattern and compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted close to or within the field of alkali basalt pyroxenes. These basalts are comparable to those recognized in the lower part of the Santa Elena complex and are clearly different from the oceanic basalts of the Cocos Plate. The radiometric age of the orogenic basalt seems to be close to 80 Ma. The alkaline basalts are clearly older, even if a discrepancy appears between the results of different analyses because of the secondary effects of alteration.
Basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 92 include all the major basalt types so far recovered from the ocean crust of the eastern Pacific. Basalts from Holes 597, 597A, 597B, 597C, and 599B are tholeiites exhibiting all the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Fragments of ferrobasalts and alkali basalts were also obtained, however, from Holes 60IB and 602B, respectively. Hole 597C, which penetrated 91 m into basement and is the deepest hole so far drilled in fast-spreading crust, yielded basalts that can be divided into three major lithologic units. The lowest unit, Unit III, contains modal olivine and comprises basalts which, at about 8 to 10% MgO, are as basic as any sampled from fast-spreading crust. The middle unit, Unit II, is the most evolved; its basalts are olivine free and contain between 6 and 7.5% MgO. The upper unit, Unit I, is intermediate in composition between Units II and III; it is characterized by both modal olivine and glomerocrysts made up of plagioclase and rare olivine. Unit I is probably a massive flow, whereas Units II and III may be massive flows or sills. The basalts appear to have undergone three stages of alteration ("deuteric," "relatively reducing," and "oxidizing"), the intensity of alteration decreasing markedly downcore. Hole 597B, at 26.4 m of basement penetration the only other "deep" hole, contains just one lithologic unit, which closely resembles Unit I of Hole 597C. Petrogenetic modeling reveals that the three lithologic units in Hole 597C are cogenetic and that they were derived from a depleted mantle source similar to the source of the tholeiites and ferrobasalts sampled in other holes; the alkali basalts are the only rocks derived from enriched mantle. Lavas of Unit III probably lay on the olivine-plagioclase cotectic, whereas the other lavas lay on an olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene peritectic. Some 60% of closed-system crystallization is needed to generate the most-evolved from the last-fractionated tholeiite, and a further 50% crystallization (80% overall) is needed to generate the ferrobasalts. Xenocrysts of calcic plagioclase and pseudomorphosed olivine in tholeiites from Hole 597B and Unit I of Hole 597C, and in the ferrobasalts from Hole 601B, provide evidence, however, that some magma mixing may have taken place.
The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration
The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration