954 resultados para Alice in Wonderland


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One of the most important civic phenomena emerging from favelas in Rio de Janeiro today is “community (photo)journalism”, which is practised by favela residents who are trained in journalistic and artistic techniques to raise critical awareness and promote political mobilisation in- and outside favelas. This paper looks at some of the work produced at one training place for community photographers, the agency-school Imagens do Povo (“Images of the People”) in Nova Holanda, a favela located in Rio’s North Zone. Using an ethnographic approach, this article first provides an account of the working practices of the School and its photographers. This is followed by a discussion of a small sample of their photographic work, for which we employ a social semiotic paradigm of image analysis. This methodological synergy provides insights into how these journalists document long-term structural as well as “spectacular” violence in favelas, while at the same time striving to capture some of the “beauty” of these communities. The paper concludes that this form of photographic work constitutes an important step towards a more analytical brand of journalism with different news values that encourage a more context-sensitive approach to covering urban violence and favela life.

KEYWORDS: alternative media, Imagens do Povo, multimodality, news values, photojournalism.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common retinal degenerative conditions affecting people worldwide, and is currently incurable. It is characterized by the progressive loss of photoreceptors, in which the death of rod cells leads to the secondary death of cone cells; the cause of eventual blindness. As rod cells die, retinal-oxygen metabolism becomes perturbed, leading to increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and thus oxidative stress; a key factor in the secondary death of cones. In this study, norgestrel, an FDA-approved synthetic analog of progesterone, was found to be a powerful neuroprotective antioxidant, preventing light-induced ROS in photoreceptor cells, and subsequent cell death. Norgestrel also prevented light-induced photoreceptor morphological changes that were associated with ROS production, and that are characteristic of RP. Further investigation showed that norgestrel acts via post-translational modulation of the major antioxidant transcription factor Nrf2; bringing about its phosphorylation, subsequent nuclear translocation, and increased levels of its effector protein superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2). In summary, these results demonstrate significant protection of photoreceptor cells from oxidative stress, and underscore the potential of norgestrel as a therapeutic option for RP.


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Introduction. Laparoscopic approach for treatment of colorectal lesion is gaining acceptance gradually. Evidence from numerous randomised controlled trials has shown the short-term benefits of laparoscopic colon resection over open surgery, and its long-term outcomes also does not differ considerably from those of open surgery. This study aims at a retrospective analysis of operative and short term outcomes of patients. Patients and methods. All laparoscopic colon and rectal resections performed between September 2004 and September 2011 were included. The clinical parameters, operative parameters and short-term outcome details of laparoscopic colorectal surgery patients were collected from the retrospectively reviewed database. Results. A total of 347 patients, median age 71 years (range 32 to 96), underwent laparoscopic resection of the colon and rectum. The median Body Mass Index (BMI) was 26.5. The majority of the procedures were performed for malignant disease (97,1%) and the most common procedure was right colectomy (41%). The median duration of surgery was 202,3 minutes, with conversion to open surgery in 40 patients (11.5%). Complications occurred in 23 patients (6.6%). The median length of hospital stay was 8.9 days. In patients with malignant disease, the median number of lymph nodes removed was 14.9. Conclusion. Our results show that laparoscopic approach for colon-rectal lesions is safe, feasible and produces favourable results. The most important aspect of surgery for malignant disease is the ability to remove radically the disease. However all data are still related to the experience of the operator.


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Background. Our aim is the retrospective valuation of results in over 75 year-old patients, with colorectal cancer, treated with laparoscopic and laparotomic surgery, considering how laparoscopic surgery has improved these patients’ outcome. Patients and methods. We took all over 75 year-old patients, affected by colorectal cancer, treated with colectomy. Patients has been divided into two groups: laparotomy group and laparoscopy group. Data concerning patients, i.e., age, sex, BMI, ASA, comorbidities, were collected with data concerning the operation (surgical time, conversion percentage). Postoperative outcomes – i.e., gas evacuation, bowel movements, solid and liquid feeding, need to ICU, complications, re-surgery, hospitalization and type of discharge, mortality – were evaluated. Results. A total of 145 patients are included: laparotomy 80 and laparoscopy 51. Two groups are homogeneous for age, sex, BMI, ASA, comorbidities. Surgical times are the same. Need to Intesive Care Unit (ICU) is lower in laparoscopy. Gas evacuation and bowel movements are earlier in laparoscopy. Liquid and solid diet is earlier in laparoscopy. Hospitalization was earlier after laparoscopy. Discharge at home is more frequent in laparoscopy. Major and minor complications are lower in laparoscopy. Post-operative mortality is lower in laparoscopy. Conclusions. Laparoscopy improves over 75 year-old patients’ outcomes, after elective surgery for colorectal cancer. Surgery trauma, anaesthesia, nutritional and hemodynamic alterations, are factors that break the old patients’ fragile physiologic balance. Less traumatic surgery improves old patients’ outcomes.


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Käsittelen työssäni ne bis in idem- periaatetta, joka tarkoittaa ei kahdesti samassa asiassa. Kyse on kaksoisrangaistavuuden estämisestä. Periaate liittyy keskeisesti Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen seitsemännen lisäpöytäkirjan 4 artiklaan. Periaatteen oikeutus on perinteisesti nähty siinä, että se antaa turvaa yksilölle viranomaisten mielivaltaa vastaan. Henkilöä, joka on jo kertaalleen tuomittu tai vapautettu syytteestä, ei voida asettaa tuomioistuimessa uudelleen syytteeseen samasta teosta. Periaate on ollut kansallisessa keskustelussa esillä siksi, koska on ilmennyt, ettei kaksijakoinen järjestelmämme erityisesti veroasioissa ole Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen näkökulmasta ongelmaton. Esille on noussut erityisesti kysymys hallinnollisen seuraamuksen vaikutuksesta rikosoikeudellisen rangaistuksen määräämiseen. Ihmisoikeustuomioistuin on ratkaisukäytännössään muodostanut tulkintalinjan, joka poikkeaa kansallisesta oikeuskäytännöstämme. Ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen laaja tulkinta siitä, minkälaisia asioita pidetään rikosasioina arvioitaessa, onko henkilöä vastaan ryhdytty rikosperusteisiin toimiin kahdesti (bis), yhdistettynä laajaan tulkintaan asioiden samuudesta (idem) on aiheuttanut ongelmia nykyisessä seuraamusjärjestelmässämme. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää ne bis in idem – periaatteen sisältöä ja merkitystä. Kirjoituksessa pyritään esittelemään ja analysoimaan Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen ne bis in idem- periaatteen tulkintakäytännön aiheuttamia jännitteitä. Aihe ei ole lainkaan niin yksiselitteinen kuin ensi näkemältä vaikuttaa ja arviointi on hyvinkin hankalaa erilaisten tilanteiden paljoudesta sekä lukuisista arvioinnin osatekijöistä johtuen. Raja hallinnollisen sanktion ja rikosoikeudelliseksi rangaistukseksi katsotun hallinnollisen seuraamuksen välillä on häilyvä ja vaikeasti rajattavissa.


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Music making was a common practice during the 1989−90 strike against the Pittston Coal Company, an action led by the United Mine Workers of America. The types of music made varied greatly based on the contexts in which musicians and protesters were participating. In this thesis, I discuss how performers and audiences engaged with the music of the Pittston strike, with a focus on how different participatory and presentational contexts included music with similar or the same lyrics to achieve different goals. I argue that the musicians’ understanding of the people around them as potential participants, audiences, or inherent audiences shifted their use of music as they worked to use music strategically and effectively for the strike. The musical methods and considerations of the Pittston strike protesters have had a lasting impact on more recent protest movements.


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Renate Knobel: Der lange Weg zur akademischen Ausbildung in der sozialen Arbeit. Stationen von 1868 bis 1971. Frankfurt a. M., Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, 1992. Besprechungen, 105 S. 2. Ute Lange-Appel: Von der allgemeinen Kulturaufgabe zur Berufskarriere im Lebenslauf. Eine bildungshistorische Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit. (Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung. Bd. 11.) Frankfurt a.M./Bern: Lang 1993. 354 S.


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Käsittelen työssäni ne bis in idem- periaatetta, joka tarkoittaa ei kahdesti samassa asiassa. Kyse on kaksoisrangaistavuuden estämisestä. Periaate liittyy keskeisesti Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen seitsemännen lisäpöytäkirjan 4 artiklaan. Periaatteen oikeutus on perinteisesti nähty siinä, että se antaa turvaa yksilölle viranomaisten mielivaltaa vastaan. Henkilöä, joka on jo kertaalleen tuomittu tai vapautettu syytteestä, ei voida asettaa tuomioistuimessa uudelleen syytteeseen samasta teosta. Periaate on ollut kansallisessa keskustelussa esillä siksi, koska on ilmennyt, ettei kaksijakoinen järjestelmämme erityisesti veroasioissa ole Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen näkökulmasta ongelmaton. Esille on noussut erityisesti kysymys hallinnollisen seuraamuksen vaikutuksesta rikosoikeudellisen rangaistuksen määräämiseen. Ihmisoikeustuomioistuin on ratkaisukäytännössään muodostanut tulkintalinjan, joka poikkeaa kansallisesta oikeuskäytännöstämme. Ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen laaja tulkinta siitä, minkälaisia asioita pidetään rikosasioina arvioitaessa, onko henkilöä vastaan ryhdytty rikosperusteisiin toimiin kahdesti (bis), yhdistettynä laajaan tulkintaan asioiden samuudesta (idem) on aiheuttanut ongelmia nykyisessä seuraamusjärjestelmässämme. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää ne bis in idem – periaatteen sisältöä ja merkitystä. Kirjoituksessa pyritään esittelemään ja analysoimaan Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen ne bis in idem- periaatteen tulkintakäytännön aiheuttamia jännitteitä. Aihe ei ole lainkaan niin yksiselitteinen kuin ensi näkemältä vaikuttaa ja arviointi on hyvinkin hankalaa erilaisten tilanteiden paljoudesta sekä lukuisista arvioinnin osatekijöistä johtuen. Raja hallinnollisen sanktion ja rikosoikeudelliseksi rangaistukseksi katsotun hallinnollisen seuraamuksen välillä on häilyvä ja vaikeasti rajattavissa.


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The cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora abelmoschi Ellis and Everhart, is quite common in okra culture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of aqueous extracts of neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss), citronella ( Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle), eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus grandis L.), ecolife®, A. indica oil and fungicide cercobin 700 PM® in control of cercospora leaf spot on okra in greenhouse. The extracts and neem oil were tested in concentration 10%, the fungicide cercobin 700PM® in dose 2.5 g.l-1, applied 10 days after pathogen inoculation by leaf spray and the citric biomass extract ecolife® in concentration 5.0 ml.l-1, applied 10 days before pathogen inoculation. All treatments, except ecolife®, were effective in controlling cercospora leaf spot and may be recommended as alternatives in agroecological systems.


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O preparo de amostra é frequentemente a fase crítica de um método multirresíduo, devido à diversidade de substâncias que podem ser extraídas e a ineficiência da extração dos analitos de interesse, aplicados em matrizes com características e composições próprias. Os agrotóxicos são moléculas de estruturas complexas, com características químicas diferentes, como polaridade e estabilidade, e muitas vezes se degradam rapidamente durante o procedimento analítico a seus metabólitos ou a outros produtos. Por estas razões, se faz necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos de preparo de amostras, cada vez mais eficientes e rápidos para determinações de analitos em matrizes complexas. A Extração Líquido-Líquido (ELL) apresenta recuperações satisfatórias para compostos apolares e de média polaridade, porém tem algumas desvantagens relevantes, como pode formar emulsões, requer grandes volumes de solventes, demanda longo tempo de extração e é de difícil automação. A Extração em Fase Sólida (EFS), uma alternativa à ELL, exige pequenos volumes de solvente e é de fácil operação e automação. Dependendo do sorvente, pode ser empregada na análise de compostos polares e apolares. O método QuEChERS apresenta como vantagens rapidez, simplicidade, baixo custo, eficiência, robustez, segurança, baixo consumo de solventes, além de cobrir uma ampla variedade de classes de agrotóxicos (com caráter ácido, básico ou polar). Neste trabalho, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre as técnicas de preparo de amostra: ELL modificada, EFS e o método QuEChERS na extração dos agrotóxicos, ciproconazol, difenoconazol, fenarimol, tebuconazol e triadimefom, aplicados em culturas de uva, para posterior determinação por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE).


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This work objective was to estimate the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of thirty six pesticides used in the Brazilian integrated apple production systems (IAP), in order to select priority pesticides to be monitored in apples. A hypothetical apple orchard was assumed and the model applied was according to Paraíba (2007) [Pesticide bioconcentration modeling for fruit trees. Chemosphere (66:1468-1475)]. The model relates BCF with plant and pesticide characteristics. The octanol-water partition coefficients of pesticides and their degradation rates in the soil were used. The following plant variables were considered: growth rate, total dry biomass, daily water transpiration rate, and total volume of water necessary to produce one kg of fresh fruit per plant. The pesticide stem-water partition coefficient and the transpiration stream concentration factor were calculated using equations that relate each coefficient with the octanol-water partition coefficient. The pesticide BCF in fruits is an important indicator of the pesticide affinity to fruits, and helps to improve the integrated production systems.


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We presented a model that estimates the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of pesticides in potatoes supposing that the pesticide in the soil solution is absorbed by the potato by passive diffusion, following Fick?s second law. The pesticides in the model are nonionic organic substances, traditionally used in potato crops that degrade in the soil according to a first order kinetic equation. This presents an expression that relates BCF with the pesticide elimination rate by the potato, with the pesticide accumulation rate within the potato, with the rate of growth of the potato and with the pesticide degradation rate in the soil. BCF was estimated supposing steady state equilibrium of the quotient between the pesticide concentration in the potato and the pesticide concentration in the soil solution. It is suggested that a negative correlation exists between the pesticide BCF and the soil sorption partition coefficient. The model was built based on the work of Trapp et al. (2007), [Diffusion of PAH in Potato and Carrot Slices and Applications for a Potato Model] in which an expression to calculate the diffusivity of persistent organic substances in potatoes is presented. The model consists in adding to the expression of Trapp et al. (2007) the hypothesis that the pesticide degrades in the soil. The value of BCF suggests which pesticides should be monitored in potatoes.