963 resultados para Age, lower confidence level


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A flow injection system with online sample preparation is proposed for the determination of phosphite in liquid fertilizers by spectrophotometry. After loop-based injection, phosphite is oxidized by an acidic permanganate solution (1.0 10(-2) mol L-1 KMnO4 + 1.0 mol L-1 H2SO4) in a heated reactor (50 degreesC). The phosphate generated is then determined by the molybdenum blue method. Influence of flow rates, temperature, and concentration and order of addition of reagents, sample volume, and reactor configuration for the blue complex formation on recorded signals were investigated. The pow system was applied to phosphite determination in commercial samples of liquid fertilizers. The proposed system handles about 80 samples per hour [0.05-0.40% (w/v) H3PO3; R = 0,9998], consuming about 80 muL sample, 1 mg KMnO4, 25 mg (NH)(6)Mo7O24, and Ia mg ascorbic acid per determination. Results are precise [relative standard deviation less than or equal to 3.5% for 0.1% (w/v) H3PO3, n = 12] and in agreement with those obtained by gravimetry at 95% confidence level. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni in fuel ethanol by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) using W-Rh permanent modifier together with Pd(NO3)(2) + Mg(NO3)(2) conventional modifier. The integrated platform of a transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) was treated with tungsten, followed by rhodium, forming a deposit containing 250 mug W + 200 mug Rh. A 500-muL, volume of fuel ethanol was diluted with 500 muL, of 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3 in an autosampler cup of the spectrometer. Then, 20 muL, of the diluted ethanol was introduced into the pretreated graphite platform followed by the introduction of 5 mug Pd(NO3)(2) + 3 mug Mg(NO3)(2). The injection of this modifier was required to improve arsenic and iron recoveries in fuel ethanol. Calibrations were carried out using multi-element reference solutions prepared in diluted ethanol (1 + 1, v/v) acidified to 0. 14 mol L-1 HNO3. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of the heating program were 1200degreesC and 2200degreesC, respectively, which were obtained with multielement reference solutions in acidic diluted ethanol (1 + 1, v/v; 0. 14 mol L-1 HNO3). The characteristic masses for the simultaneous determination in ethanol fuel were 78 pg Al, 33 pg As, 10 pg Cu, 14 pg Fe, 7 pg Mn, and 24 pg Ni. The lifetime of the pretreated tube was about 700 firings. The detection limits (D.L.) were 1.9 mug L-1 Al, 2.9 mug L-1 As, 0.57 mug L-1.Cu, 1.3 mug L-1 Fe, 0.40 mug L-1 Mn, and 1.3 mug L-1 Ni. The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were 4%, 4%, 3%, 1.5%, 1.2%, and 2.2% for Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni, respectively. The recoveries of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni added to the fuel ethanol samples varied from 81% to 95%, 80% to 98%, 97% to 109%, 85% to 107%, 98% to 106% and 97% to 103%, respectively. Accuracy was checked for the Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni determination in 10 samples purchased at a local gas station in Araraquara-SP City, Brazil. A paired t-test showed that at the 95% confidence level the results were in agreement with those obtained by single-element ETAAS.


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Non-isothermal kinetic parameters regarding to the thermal decomposition of the ligninocellulosic fraction present in compost from urban solid residues (USR) obtained through stack covered (SC) with composted material, comes from the usine in composing of Araraquara city, São Paulo state, Brazil, and from stack containing academic restaurant organic solid residues (SAR). The samples were periodically revolved round 132 days of composting.Results from TG, DTG and DSC curves obtained on inert atmosphere indicated that the lignocellulosic fraction present, despite the slow degradation during the composting process, is thermally less stable than other substances originated during that process. The lignocellulosic fraction decomposition, between 200 and 400degreesC, were kinetically evaluated through non-isothermal methods of analysis.By using the Flynn-Wall and Ozawa isoconversional method, the medium activation energy, E-a, and pre-exponential factor, IgA, were 283.0+/-4.6, 257.6+/-1.3 U mol(-1) and 25.4+/-0.8, 23.2+/-0.2 min(-1),to the SC and SAR, respectively, at 95% confidence level.From E-a, and IgA values and DSC curves, Malek procedure could be applied, Suggesting that the SB (Sestik-Berggren) kinetic model is suitable for the first thermal decomposition step.


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Aim. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of active (AR) and passive recovery (PR) after a judo match on blood lactate removal and on performance in an anaerobic intermittent task (4 bouts of upper body Wingate tests with 3-min interval between bouts; 4WT).Methods. The sample was constituted by 17 male judo players of different competitive levels: A) National (Brazil) and International medallists (n. 5). B) State (São Paulo) medallists (n. 7). Q City (São Paulo) medallists (n. 5). The subjects were submitted to: 1) a treadmill test for determination of VO2peak and velocity at anaerobic threshold (VAT); 2) body composition; 3) a 5-min judo combat, 15-min of AR or PR followed by 4WT.Results. The groups did not differ with respect to: body weight, VO2peak, VAT, body fat percentage, blood lactate after combats. No difference was observed in performance between AR and PR, despite a lower blood lactate after combat (10 and 15 min) during AR compared to PR. Groups A and B performed better in the high-intensity intermittent exercise compared to athletes with lower competitive level (C).Conclusion. The ability to maintain power output during intermittent anaerobic exercises can discriminate properly judo players of different levels. Lactate removal was improved with AR when compared to PR but AR did not improve performance in a subsequent intermittent anaerobic exercise.


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This work describes an analytical procedure for vanadium determination in human hair slurries by electrothermal AAS using longitudinal heating (LHGA) and transversal heating (THGA) graphite furnace atomizers. The samples were powdered using cryogenic grinding and the hair slurries containing 0.2% (m/v) were prepared in three different media for determination of vanadium: 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and 0.1% (v/v) water soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C, pH 8). The limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ), and characteristic masses obtained were 0.28, 0.95 mu g L-1 and 35 pg (LHGA) and 0.34, 1.13 mu g L-1 and 78 pg (THGA), respectively. The accuracy of the analytical results obtained by the proposed procedure in both equipments was confirmed by a paired t-test at the 95% confidence level and compared with a conventional procedure based on acid digestion. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A reversible intermittent pow-injection procedure is proposed for the automated determination of mercury in sediments and vinasses by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry, CVAAS. Solutions of sample and stannous chloride are carried by two air streams and sequentially injected into the generator/separator chamber in a segmented asynchronous merging zone configuration. The intermittent flow in the forward direction carries the mercury vapor through the flow cell, and in the backward direction, if aspirates the the remaining solution from the vessel to waste. We investigated composition and concentration of reagents, pow rates, commutation times, reactor configuration, and conditions for mercury release. The accuracy was checked by mercury determination in a certified sediment and spiked vinasses and river waters. The system handles about 100 samples per hour (0.50-5.00 mu g L-1), consuming ca. 2.5 mL of sample and 50 mg of SnCl2 per determination; Good recoveries (92-103%) were obtained with spiked samples. Results are precise (RSD <3% for 2.5 mu g Hg L-1, n = 12) and in agreement with values for certified reference material at 95% confidence level. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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In potentiometric-flow systems, linear-potential responses for logarithmic concentrations can be attained for first-(or pseudo-first-) order reactions in which the monitored chemical species react with the analyte during a fixed time interval. To demonstrate this property, the determination of glycerol based on its oxidation by periodate and potentiometric monitoring of the remaining periodate was selected. Influence of reagent concentration and timing on the linearity of the analytical curve were investigated. A mathematical treatment was derived, and potentialities/limitations of the approach were outlined. The system was applied to analysis of soap and lixivia samples. The analytical curve within 200 and 2000 mg L-1 (r = 0.99975; n = 5) was described as E = 8.166 + 0.0478 (glycerol). The sample throughput was 100 h(-1), and a measurement repeatability within 0.5 mV was always observed. By applying a t-test, there was no statistical difference between the results obtained by the proposed procedure and by iodimetric titration at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lab Robotics and Automation 12:41-45, 2000.


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A sensor based on graphite electrode modified with palladium-platinum-palladium film is proposed for phosphite determination by flow-injection amperometry. The modified electrode was prepared by a sequential cathodic deposition of Pd, Pt and Pd on a graphite electrode from 0.5% m/v PdCl2 + 28% m/v NH4OH and 2% m/v H2PtCl6 + 10% v/v H2SO4 solutions. After suitable conditioning, the electrode showed catalytic activity for phosphite oxidation when 0. 15 V was applied. The proposed system handles approximately 50 samples per hour (0.0.1 - 0.05 mol L-1 Na-2 HPO3; R-2 = 0.9997), consuming ca. 70 mu L of sample per determination. The limit of detection and amperometric sensibility were 5 X 10(-4) mol L-1 and 1.5 mA L mol(-1), respectively. The proposed method was applied to analysis of fertilizer samples without pre-treatment. Results are in agreement with those obtained by spectrophotometry and titrimetry at 95% confidence level and good recoveries (96-109%) of spiked samples were found. Relative standard deviation (n=12) of a 0.01 mol L-1 Na2HPO3 sample was 2%. The useful lifetime of modified electrode was around 220 determinations. For routine purposes it means that this electrode can be continuously used for 5 hours.


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In this work, a preconcentration and separation system based on continuous flow hydride generation is proposed to improve the determination of As and Se by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The generated hydrides are continuously separated from the liquid phase and collected in a chamber containing 250 mul of HCI/HNO3 1:1 (v/v) solution. Hydride generation conditions and collection of the hydrides were evaluated. Under optimised conditions, enrichment factors of 55 for As and 82 for Se were attained. Detection limits of 0.3 mug l(-1) for As and Se were obtained when 20 ml of sample was used. Analysis of a natural water standard reference material from National Institute of Standard and Technology (SRM-1640) was in agreement with the certified values at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a CE method for the determination of olive oil acidity was proposed. The method was based on an ethanolic extraction (at 60 degrees C) of the oil long-chain free fatty acids (LC-FFAs) components followed by CE determination in pH 6.86 phosphate buffer at 15 mmol/L concentration containing 4 mmol/L sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), 10 mmol/L polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether (Brij 35((R))), 2% v/v 1-octanol and 45% v/v ACN under indirect UV detection at 224 nm. Although this electrolyte promoted baseline separation of myristic acid (C14:0) (internal standard (IS)) and olive oil major components (palmitic acid (C16:0), oleic acid (C18:1c) and linoleic acid (C18:2cc)) in less than 8 min, after a few injections, the electropherogram profiles were severely altered (peak broadening, migration time shifts, etc.) and the current increased substantially. An adsorption study was conducted revealing that the dissolution of the capillary external polyimide coating during the electrophoretic run caused the detrimental effect. After removal of the capillary tip coating, ten consecutive injections could be performed without any disturbances and this simple procedure was, therefore, implemented during quantitative purposes. The reliability of the proposed method was further investigated by the determination of acidity of an extra virgin olive oil sample in comparison to the established methodology (AOCS method Ca 5a40, alkaline volumetric titration (AVT)). No statistical differences were found within 95% confidence level. A % acidity of 0.39 +/- 0.02 was found for the olive oil sample under consideration.


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ANALYSIS OF CLAYS BY INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY AFTER CLOSED-VESSEL MICROWAVE-ASSISTED ACID DECOMPOSITION. In this work a closed-vessel microwave-assisted acid decomposition procedure for clays was developed. Aluminum, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Si, and Ti were determined in clay digestates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The most critical parameter for total decomposition of clays was the composition of the reagent mixture. The applied power and the heating time exerted a less critical influence. Best decomposition conditions were attained using a reagent mixture containing 4 mL aqua regia plus 3 mL HF and the heating program was implemented in 12 min. The accuracy of the results was demonstrated using two standard reference materials and a paired t-test showed a good agreement between determined and certified values at a 95% confidence level.


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A flow-injection (FI) system to match concentrations was used as an auto-diluter in multielement determination by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The flow system comprised loop-based injection or a timed valve that introduced a variable sample volume info a spray chamber through a standard Meinhard nebulizer of an ICP-MS. Routinely analyzed samples such as water, plant, and steel were selected. The accuracy of multielement determination was checked against water standard reference material from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (1643d), plant standard reference material from the National Bureau of Standards (1572 citrus leaves), and steel standard reference material from the National Bureau of Standards (AISI 4340). The measuring system was calibrated with a multielement solution, yielding a linear plot with good precision [relative standard deviation (RSD) < 3%, n = 12]. The results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level with the certified values for the reference materials and also with those obtained by continuous aspiration and by (FI) with a discrete volume. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Tin on the oxide form, alone or doped with others metals, has been extensively used as gas sensor, thus, this work reports on the preparation and kinetic parameters regarding the thermal decomposition of Sn(II)-ethylenediaminetetraacetate as precursor to SnO2. Thus, the acquaintance with the kinetic model regarding the thermal decomposition of the tin complex may leave the door open to foresee, whether it is possible to get thin film of SnO2 using Sn(II)-EDTA as precursor besides the influence of dopants added.The Sn(II)-EDTA soluble complex was prepared in aqueous medium by adding of tin(II) chloride acid solution to equimolar amount of ammonium salt from EDTA under N-2 atmosphere and temperature of 50degreesC arising the pH similar to 4. The compound was crystallized in ethanol at low-temperature and filtered to eliminate the chloride ions, obtaining the heptacoordinated chelate with the composition H2SnH2O(CH2N(CH2COO)(2))(2).0.5H(2)O.Results from TG, DTG and DSC curves under inert and oxidizing atmospheres indicate the presence of water coordinated to the metal and that the ethylenediamine fraction is thermally more stable than carboxylate groups. The final residue from thermal decomposition was the SnO2 characterized by X-ray as a tetragonal rutile phase.Applying the isoconversional Wall-Flynn-Ozawa method on the DSC curves, average activation energy: E-a = 183.7 +/- 12.7 and 218.9 +/- 2.1 kJ mol(-1), and pre-exponential factor: log A = 18.85 +/- 0.27 and 19.10 +/- 0.27 min(-1), at 95% confidence level, could be obtained, regarding the loss of coordinated water and thermal decomposition of the carboxylate groups, respectively. The E-a and logA also could be obtained applying isoconventional Wall-Flynn method on the TG curves.From E-a and log A values, Dollimore and Malek procedures could be applied suggesting R3 (contracting volume) and SB (two-parameter model) as the kinetic model to the loss of coordinated water (177-244degreesC) and thermal decomposition of the carboxylate groups (283-315degreesC), respectively. Simulated and experimental normalized DTG and DSC curves besides analysis of residuals check these kinetic models. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method was developed for the simultaneous determination of As, Bi, Sb, and Se by flow injection hydride generation graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. An alternative two-step sample treatment procedure was used. The sample was heated (80degreesC) for 10 min in 6 M HCl to reduce Se(VI) to Se(IV), followed by the addition of 1% (m/v) thiourea solution to reduce arsenic and antimony from the pentavalent to the trivalent states.With this procedure, all analytes were converted to their most favorable and sensitive oxidation states to generate the corresponding hydrides. The pre-treated sample solution was then processed in the flow system for in situ trapping and atomization in a graphite tube coated with iridium. The impermanent modifier remained stable up to 300 firings and new coating out significant were possible wit changes in the analytical performance.The accuracy was checked for As, Bi, Sb, and Se determination in water standard reference materials NIST 1640 and 1643d and the results were in agreement with the certified values at a 95% confidence level. Good recoveries (94-104%.) of spiked mineral waters and synthetic As(V), Sb(Ill), mixtures of As(Ill), Sb(V), Se(VI), and Se(IV) were also found. Calculated characteristic masses were 32 mug As, 79 mug Bi, 35 mug Sb, and 130 pg Se, and the corresponding limits of detection were 0.06, 0.16, 0.19, and 0.59 mug L-1, respectively. The repeatability for a typical solution containing 5 mug L-1 As, Bi, Sb, and Se was in the 1-3% range.


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An automated system with a C-18 bonded silica gel packed minicolumn is proposed for spectrophotometric detection of arsenic using flow-injection hydride generation following sorbent extraction preconcentration. Complexes formed between arsenic(III) and ammonium diethyl dithiophosphate (ADDP) are retained on a C-18 sorbent. The eluted As-DDP complexes are merged with a 1.5% (w/v) NaBH4 and the resulting solution is thereafter injected into the hydride generator/gas-liquid separator. The arsine generated is carried out by a stream of N-2 and trapped in an alkaline iodine solution in which the analyte is determined by the arsenomolybdenum blue method. With preconcentration time of 120 s, calibration in the 5.00-50.0 mu g As l(-1) range and sampling rate of about 20 samples h(-1) are achieved, corresponding to 36 mg ADDP plus 36 mg ammonium heptamolybdate plus 7 mg hydrazine sulfate plus 0.7 mg stannous chloride and about 7 mi sample consumed per determination. The detection limit is 0.06 mu g l(-1) and the relative standard deviation (n = 12) for a typical 17.0 mu g As l(-1) sample is ca. 6%. The accuracy was checked for arsenic determination in plant materials from the NIST (1572 citrus leaves; 1573 tomato leaves) and the results were in agreement with the certified values at 95% confidence level. Good recoveries (94-104%) of spiked tap waters, sugars and synthetic mixtures of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic were also found. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.