960 resultados para ASPERGILLUS INFECTIONS


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Varhaislapsuuden virusinfektioiden, lehmänmaitopohjaisen äidinmaitovastikeen ja geneettisen alttiuden merkitys diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin kehittymisessä Tyypin 1 diabetes on autoimmuunisairaus, joka syntyy haiman insuliinia tuottavien beta-solujen tuhouduttua elimistön oman immuunipuolustusjärjestelmän hyökkäyksen seurauksena. Sekä perimän että ympäristötekijöiden arvellaan vaikuttavan tautiprosessiin, mutta taudin tarkkaa syntymekanismia ei tunneta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaislapsuuden ympäristötekijöiden vaikutusta beta-soluautoimmuniteetin syntyyn, erityispaino tutkimuksessa oli ympäristötekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksessa sekä geneettisten riskitekijöiden ja ympäristötekijöiden vuorovaikutuksessa. Varhaislapsuudessa sairastettu sytomegalovirus- tai enterovirusinfektio ei lisännyt beta-soluautoimmuniteetin riskiä lapsilla, joilla on geneettisesti kohonnut riski sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Ennen puolen vuoden ikää sairastettu rotavirusinfektio lisäsi hieman tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin riskiä. Tarkemmassa analyysissa varhaislapsuuden enterovirusinfektio osoittautui kuitenkin autovasta-aineiden muodostumisen riskitekijäksi niiden lasten joukossa, jotka olivat saaneet lehmänmaitopohjaista äidinmaidon vastiketta ensimmäisten elinkuukausien aikana. Tämä löydös viittaa enterovirusinfektion ja lehmänmaitopohjaisen vastikkeen yhteisvaikutukseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Löydösten mukaan PTPN22 geenin C1858T polymorfismi vaikuttaa CD4+ T solujen aktivaatioon ja proliferaatiovasteeseen, 1858T alleeliin liittyy alentunut T-soluresepto-rivälitteinen aktivaatio. 1858T alleelin kantajuuteen liittyy lisäksi lisääntynyt autovasta-aineiden ja kliinisen diabeteksen ilmaantuvuus. Tämä yhteys rajoittui yksilöihin, jotka olivat altistuneet lehmänmaitopohjaiselle vastikkeelle ennen kuuden kuukauden ikää. Tulosten mukaan sekä ympäristötekijöiden väliset yhteisvaikutukset että perimä vaikuttavat yksittäisen ympäristötekijän merkitykseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Nämä yhteisvaikutukset ympäristötekijöiden kesken ja perimän ja ympäristötekijöiden välillä selittävät aiemmin julkaistujen tulosten ristiriittaisuutta tutkimuksissa, joissa on analysoitu vain yhden ympäristötekijän vaikutusta diabeteksen ilmaantuvuuteen.


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We generalize to arbitrary waiting-time distributions some results which were previously derived for discrete distributions. We show that for any two waiting-time distributions with the same mean delay time, that with higher dispersion will lead to a faster front. Experimental data on the speed of virus infections in a plaque are correctly explained by the theoretical predictions using a Gaussian delay-time distribution, which is more realistic for this system than the Dirac delta distribution considered previously [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett.89, 178101 (2002)]


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The objective of this study was to investigate biosurfactant production in solid state by Aspergillus fumigatus in fixed-bed column bioreactors using substrate based on agricultural residues. Without a supplementary carbon source the highest emulsifying activity (EA) was 11.17 emulsifying units (EU) g-1 of substrate at an aeration rate of 148 mL h-1g-1 but in the presence of diesel oil the highest EA value was 9.99 EU g-1 at an aeration rate of 119 mL h-1g-1 of substrate while supplementation with soya oil resulted in only 8.47 EU g-1 of substrate at an aeration rate of 119 mL h-1g-1.


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A sequential batch reactor (4 L) inoculated with Aspergillus niger was operated in order to remove congo red dye (10 mg L-1). The feeding of the reactor was done to each 7 days. The glucose was added in the concentration of 1 g.L-1 (Stage I) and 0.5 g L-1 (Stage II). The Stage III occurred without glucose addition. The Stage I was great to process, because the system reached the greater dye removal (95%) as well as the kinetic parameters ware the best - K M (0.7 g L-1) and k1 (0.025 h-1).


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The inactive biomass of fungus Aspergillus niger O-5 obtained in Cuba was characterized as sorbent of Pb2+ by several structural analysis and others techniques. In addition, the biomass was studied for the separation / preconcentration of Pb2+ from aqueous solution. The maximum biosorption capacity was obtained for the contact time of 30 min and pH 5. The kinetic of sorption process occurred according to the model of Ho. The Freundlich or Langmuir models suitably described the experimental adsorption isotherms. The biomass can be used as sorbent for Pb2+ with a maximum capacity of 4.7 - 6.2 mg g-1. The pretreatment with NaOH solution improved its sorption capacity.


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The immobilization of laccase on chitosan by cross-linking and application of the immobilized laccase in the bioconversion of phenolic compounds in batch and fixed bed reactors were studied. The process for immobilization of enzyme was optimized using a rotational central composite design. The optimized conditions to generate immobilized laccase with maximal activity were determined to be a glutaraldehyde concentration of 1.0% (v/v), a pH of 6.0, an immobilization time of 5.0 hours and an enzyme concentration of 5.2 g L-1. In packed bed reactors, the activity of the immobilized enzyme is maintained for a longer time in the bioconversion of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol than in the bioconversion of syringaldazine.


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Filamentous fungi were cultured under solid state fermentation of soybean residues to produce lipases. Enzymes produced by Aspergillus niger esterified oleic and butyric acids in the presence of ethanol, while enzymes produced by Aspergillus fumigatus demonstrated no esterification activity toward lauric acid. In case of A. niger, direct lyophilization of fermented bran led to higher esterification activity. The esterification of oleic acid by enzymes of A. fumigatus was neither influenced by pH adjustment nor by the extraction process. Conversions to ethyl esters were higher after pH adjustment with lyophilized liquid extract of A. niger.


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The tomato cv. Fukuju nº. 2 was used for studying the effect of single and double infections with Potato virus X (PVX) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Mixed infection resulted in a synergistic increase of disease severity, where more growth reduction was seen with simultaneous inoculations than with sequential inoculations at four-day intervals. At five and 12 days post-inoculation, the increased severity of the disease coincided with enhancement of virus accumulation in the rapidly expanding upper leaves. The PVX concentration in leaves nº 5 to 7 of doubly infected plants was three to six fold that of singly infected ones, as determined by DAS-ELISA. Mixed infection with the L strain led to higher enhancement of PVX than with the TMV-L11A strain. The concentration of TMV-L was lower in double infection and significantly higher than TMV-L11A in both singly and doubly infected plants. Analyses of the PVX ORF2 by Western blot and Northern hybridization revealed the pattern of accumulation of the 25 kDa protein and the RNAs, respectively, following those of the virion and coat protein. The strain TMV-L11A overcame the resistance gene in cv. GCR 237 (Tm-1). In the upper leaf nº. 8, the concentration of PVX was three times higher in plants with mixed infection than with L11A. The concentrations of the L and OM (TMV strains) in both singly and doubly infected plants were at very low levels, and the synergistic effect on PVX concentration and disease severity was not observed.


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A partir de sementes de feijão (Phaseulus vulgaris) armazenadas no estado da Paraíba, foram isolados os fungos Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. lucknowensis, A.niger, A.ochraceus e A. parasiticus. Os fungos foram identificados com base nas características culturais exibidas em meio de Czapek-Agar e morfológicas através de microscópio ótico composto. No oitavo dia de crescimento em meio de BDA, cada espécie apresentou diferenças quanto à curva de crescimento, taxa de crescimento durante o período de incubação e diâmetro das colônias no oitavo dia de acordo com a procedência das amostras de sementes.


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Integrins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, composed of two different subunits (alpha and beta). Altered expression of integrins in tumor cells contributes to metastasis tendency by influencing on the cells‟ attachment to adjacent cells and their migration. Viral pathogens, including certain enteroviruses, use integrins as receptors. Enteroviruses have also been suggested to be involved in the etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. The study focuses on the role of integrins in the pathogenesis of metastasis to cortical bone and on type 1 diabetes (T1D) and echovirus 1 infection. In the first part of the thesis, the role of different integrins in the initial attachment of MDA-MD-231 breast cancer cells to bovine cortical bone disks was studied. A close correlation between alpha2beta1 and alpha3beta1 integrin receptor expression and the capability of the tumor to attach to bone were observed. In the second part, a possible correlation between susceptibility to enterovirus infections in diabetic children and differences in enterovirus receptor genes, including certain integrins, was investigated. In parallel, virus-specific neutralizing antibodies and diabetic risk alleles were studied. In the diabetic group, an amino acid change was detected in the polio virus receptor and the neutralizing antibody titers against echovirus 30 were lower. However, to obtain statistically sustainable results, a larger number of individuals should be analyzed. Echovirus 1 (EV1) enters cells by attaching to the alpha2I domain of the alpha2beta1 integrin. In the third part EV1 was shown to attach to a chimeric receptor construct of the transferrin receptor and the alpha2I domain and to enter cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis that is normally not used by the virus. The chimeric receptor was recycled to the plasma membrane, whereas the virus remained in intracellular vesicles. The virus replication cycle was initiated in these cells, suggesting that evolution pressure could possibly cause the virus to evolve to use a different entry mechanism. Moreover, a cDNA microarray analysis of host gene expression during EV1 replication showed that 0.53% of the total genes, including several immediate early genes, were differently expressed.


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A identificação de espécies fúngicas presentes em grãos e frutos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea), bem como a caracterização cultural das espécies de Aspergillus detectadas, é um importante passo para a prevenção da presença de micotoxinas no substrato, garantindo a qualidade do produto, tanto para a comercialização in natura quanto já processado. A partir de grãos e frutos de amendoim comercializados, in natura ou processados, no estado de Alagoas foram isolados os fungos Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. ochraceus, A. parasiticus, Fusarium verticillioides (= F. moniliforme), F. equiseti, Rhizopus stolonifer, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium italicum e Colletotrichum sp. De um modo geral, os grãos processados apresentaram menor incidência de fungos, diferindo estatisticamente dos grãos in natura, com destaque para as espécies A. flavus, A. parasiticus, F. verticillioides e F. equiseti. As espécies de Aspergillus foram identificadas com base nas características culturais, exibidas em meio de Czapek-ágar, e morfológicas, através de microscópio ótico. No oitavo dia de crescimento em meio de BDA, cada espécie apresentou diferenças quanto à taxa de crescimento durante o período de incubação, de acordo com a procedência das amostras dos grãos ou frutos.


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To understand the natural history of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV)-infections, more information is needed on their genotype-specific prevalence, acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression. This thesis is part of the prospective Finnish Family HPV study. 329 pregnant women (mean age 25.5 years) were recruited during the third trimester of pregnancy and were followed up for 6 years. The outcomes of cervical HPV infections were evaluated among all the mothers participating in the study. Generalized estimating equation (GEE)-models and Poisson regression were used to estimate the risk factors of type-specific acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression of Species 7 and 9 HPV-genotypes. Independent protective factors against incident infections were higher number of life-time sexual partners, initiation of oral contraceptive use after age 20 years and becoming pregnant during FU. Older age and negative oral HR-HPV DNA status at baseline were associated with increased clearance, whereas higher number of current sexual partners decreased the probability of clearance. Early onset of smoking, practicing oral sex and older age increased the risk of type-specific persistence, while key predictors of CIN/SIL were persistent HR-HPV, abnormal Pap smear and new sexual partners. HPV16, together with multiple-type infections were the most frequent incident genotypes, most likely to remain persistent and least likely to clear. Collectively, LR-HPV types showed shorter incidence and clearance times than HR-HPV types. In multivariate models, different predictors were associated with these main viral outcomes, and there is some tentative evidence to suggest that oral mucosa might play a role in controlling some of these outcomes.


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Existe uma demanda, na região semiárida produtora de uvas no Submédio São Francisco, por medidas sustentáveis de controle de doenças pós-colheita, uma vez que o modelo atual de revestimento de caixas com polietileno de alta densidade, associado ao metabissulfito de sódio, não tem se mostrado eficiente no controle dos fungos que ocorrem na região. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar um controle da podridão por Aspergillus em uvas 'Thompson Seedless' por meio da modificação da atmosfera, pelo envolvimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida. Comparou-se o bolsão de poliamida (PA) ao de polietileno alta densidade (PEAD), comumente usado na região, combinados ou não com o metabissulfito de sódio (SO2). Frutos provenientes de propriedade comercial, após serem selecionados e desinfestados foram feridos com alfinete entomológico e inoculados com uma suspensão de Aspergillus niger na concentração de 10(6) conídios.mL-¹ e submetidos à câmara úmida por 24 horas. Em seguida as caixas de uva foram colocadas em bolsões específicos de acordo com o tratamento e armazenadas em câmara fria à temperatura de 2 ºC e umidade relativa de 75%, durante 40 dias. A partir do 12º dia de armazenagem foram feitas avaliações semanais da incidência da doença e de variáveis físico-químicas: perda de massa, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH, acidez titulável (AT), ratio (SST/AT); peroxidase (POD) e medição das concentrações de CO2 e O2 até o 40º dia. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas com cinco repetições. O revestimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida, mesmo sem o uso de metabissulfito de sódio, apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de uva "Thompson Seddless", bem como na redução de podridão causada por A. Niger. A enzima peroxidase pode ter atuado no processo de manutenção de qualidade da fruta, contribuindo para uma redução dos níveis da doença em uvas.


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The purple passionfruit plant, Passifloraedulis Sims, ranks second in fruit exportation in Colombia, and its main destination is the European market. However, its production is affected by several diseases, including fusariosis. This paper presents the histopathological features of different tissues affected by the pathogens Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani. Both microorganisms produce similar responses on the plant: colonization of xylem vessels by hyphae and microconidia, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the cambium, xylem and phloem; destruction of xylem fibers and amyloplasts in parenchymatous cells; and production of gels by the plant. However, there are differences in the colonization mechanism, F. solani penetrates and is concentrated especially at the collar zone, while F. oxysporum penetrates the roots and moves through the vascular system to colonize the plant.