965 resultados para AFM, adhesion force distribution, salmeterol xinafoate, lactose, surface roughness


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Fine powders commonly have poor flowability and dispersibility due to interparticle adhesion that leads to formation of agglomerates. Knowing about adhesion in particle collectives is indispensable to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of particle behavior in powders. Especially in pharmaceutical industry a control of adhesion forces in powders is mandatory to improve the performance of inhalation products. Typically the size of inhalable particles is in the range of 1 - 5 µm. In this thesis, a new method was developed to measure adhesion forces of particles as an alternative to the established colloidal probe and centrifuge technique, which are both experimentally demanding, time consuming and of limited practical applicability. The new method is based on detachment of individual particles from a surface due to their inertia. The required acceleration in the order of 500 000 g is provided by a Hopkinson bar shock excitation system and measured via laser vibrometry. Particle detachment events are detected on-line by optical video microscopy. Subsequent automated data evaluation allows obtaining a statistical distribution of particle adhesion forces. To validate the new method, adhesion forces for ensembles of single polystyrene and silica microspheres on a polystyrene coated steel surface were measured under ambient conditions. It was possible to investigate more than 150 individual particles in one experiment and obtain adhesion values of particles in a diameter range of 3 - 13 µm. This enables a statistical evaluation while measuring effort and time are considerably lower compared to the established techniques. Measured adhesion forces of smaller particles agreed well with values from colloidal probe measurements and theoretical predictions. However, for the larger particles a stronger increase of adhesion with diameter was observed. This discrepancy might be induced by surface roughness and heterogeneity that influence small and large particles differently. By measuring adhesion forces of corrugated dextran particles with sizes down to 2 µm it was demonstrated that the Hopkinson bar method can be used to characterize more complex sample systems as well. Thus, the new device will be applicable to study a broad variety of different particle-surface combinations on a routine basis, including strongly cohesive powders like pharmaceutical drugs for inhalation.


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Viele Tiere wie etwa Geckos oder Laubfrösche können mittels ihrer Haftscheiben an Oberflächen kleben. Diese Haftscheiben ermöglichen es den Tieren, sich während ihrerrnFortbewegung an Oberflächen anzuheften und wieder zu lösen unabhängig von denrnvorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen. Frösche besitzen mikro- und nanostrukturierternsowie charakteristisch geformte Haftscheiben an Finger- und Zehenenden. Ihre besonderernevolutionäre Errungenschaft, sich stark und zugleich reversibel in sowohl trockenen alsrnauch feuchten Umgebungen anzuhaften, hat die Wissenschaft zur Nachahmung und Untersuchungrndieser Strukturen inspiriert. Zum besseren Verständnis der Mechanismen vonrnAnhaftung und Loslösung bei Laubfröschen wurden weiche, elastische und mikrostrukturierternOberflächen hergestellt, indem PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxan) auf einer Siliziummaskernmit Hexagonstruktur aufgetragen und vernetzt wurde. Dadurch wurden Anordnungenrnvon hexagonalen Mikrosäulen mit spezifischen geometrischen Eigenschaften undrnunterschiedlichen Kontaktgeometrien (normale, flache Form, T-Form und konkave Formrnder Säulenenden) erhalten. Um den Einfluss der van-der-Waals, hydrodynamischen,rnKapillar-und Adhäsionskräfte zu verstehen, wurden verschiedene experimentelle Ansätzernverfolgt: Die auf eine einzelne Säule wirkenden Adhäsionskräfte wurden mittelsrnRasterkraftmikroskopie gemessen. Dazu wurden speziell hergestellte kolloidale Sensorenrnverwendet. Diese Experimente wurden sowohl mit als auch ohne Flüssigkeitsfilm auf derrnSäule durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten den Beitrag von Kapillarkraft und direktenrnKontaktkräften zur Adhäsionskraft bei Vorliegen eines Flüssigkeitsfilms. Die Adhäsionrnfiel umso größer aus, je weniger Flüssigkeit zwischen Sensor und Säule vorhanden war.rnIm Falle einer trockenen Adhäsion zeigte die Säule mit T-Form die höchste Adhäsion. Darndie Haftscheiben der Laubfrösche weich sind, können sie dynamisch ihre Form ändern,rnwas zu einer Änderung der hydrodynamischen Kraft zwischen Scheibe und Oberflächernführt. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenverformbarkeit auf die hydrodynamische Kraft wurderndaher am Modellsystem einer Kugel untersucht, welche sich einer weichen und ebenenrnOberfläche annähert. Dieses System wurde sowohl theoretisch über die Simulation finiterrnElemente als auch experimentell über die Messung mit kolloidalen Sonden untersucht.rnSowohl experimentelle Ergebnisse als auch die Simulationen ergaben eine Abnahme derrnhydrodynamischen Kraft bei Annäherung des kolloidalen Sensors an eine weiche undrnelastische Oberfläche. Beim Entfernen der Sensors von der Oberfläche verstärkte sichrndie hydrodynamische Anziehungskraft. Die Kraft, die zur Trennung eines Partikels von einer Oberfläche in Flüssigkeit notwendig ist, ist für weiche und elastischen Oberflächenrngrößer als für harte Oberflächen. In Bezug zur Bioadhäsion bei Laubfröschen konnternfestgestellt somit festgestellt werden, dass sich der hydrodynamische Anteil zur feuchtenrnBioadhäsion aufgrund der weichen Oberfläche erhöht. Weiterhin wurde der Einflussrndes Aspektverhältnisses der Säulen auf die Reibungskraft mittels eines kolloidalen Sensorsrnuntersucht. Gestreckte Säulen zeigten dabei eine höhere Reibung im Vergleich zu.rnSäulen mit einem gestreckten Hexagon als Querschnitt.


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Van der Waals forces often dominate interactions and adhesion between fine particles and, in turn, decisively influence the bulk behaviour of powders. However, so far there is no effective means to characterize the adhesive behaviour of such particles. A complication is that most powder particles have rough surfaces, and it is the asperities on the surfaces that touch, confounding the actual surface that is in contact. Conventional approaches using surface energy provide limited information regarding adhesion, and pull-off forces measured through atomic force microscope (AFM) are highly variable and difficult to interpret. In this paper we develop a model which combines the Rumpf-Rabinovich and the JKR-DMT theories to account simultaneously for the effects of surface roughness and deformation on adhesion. This is applied to a 'characteristic asperity' which may be easily obtained from AFM measurements. The concept of adhesiveness, a material property reflecting the influences of elastic deformability, surface roughness, and interfacial surface energy, is introduced as an efficient and quantitative measure of the adhering tendency of a powder. Furthermore, a novel concept of specific adhesiveness is proposed as a convenient tool for characterizing and benchmarking solid materials. This paper provides an example to illustrate the use of the proposed theories. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is projected that by 2020, there will be 138 million Americans over 45, the age at which the increased incidence of heart diseases is documented. Many will require stents. This multi-billion dollar industry, with over 2 million patients worldwide, 15% of whom use Nitinol stents have experienced a decline in sales recently, due in part to thrombosis. It is a sudden blood clot that forms inside stents. As a result, the Food and Drug Administration and American Heart Association are calling for a new generation of stents, new designs and different alloys that are more adaptable to the arteries. The future of Nitinol therefore depends on a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Nitinol surfaces can be rendered stable and inert. In this investigation, binary and ternary Nitinol alloys were prepared and subjected to various surface treatments such as electropolishing (EP), magnetoelectropolishing (MEP) and water boiling & passivation (W&P). In vitro corrosion tests were conducted on Nitinol alloys in accordance with ASTM F 2129-08. The metal ions released into the electrolyte during corrosion tests were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Biocompatibility was assessed by observing the growth of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on the surface of Nitinol alloys. Static and dynamic immersion tests were performed by immersing the Nitinol alloys in cell culture media and measuring the amount of metal ions released in solution. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were performed to elucidate the effect of metal ions on the growth of HUVEC cells. The surfaces of the alloys were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. Finally, wettability and surface energy were measured by Contact Angle Meter, whereas surface roughness was measured by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). All the surface treated alloys exhibited high resistance to corrosion when compared with untreated alloys. SRB assays revealed that Ni and Cu ions exhibited greater toxicity than Cr, Ta and Ti ions on HUVEC cells. EP and MEP alloys possessed relatively smooth surfaces and some were composed of nickel oxides instead of elemental nickel as determined by XPS. MEP exhibited lowest surface energy and lowest surface roughness.


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It is projected that by 2020, there will be 138 million Americans over 45, the age at which the increased incidence of heart diseases is documented. Many will require stents. This multi-billion dollar industry, with over 2 million patients worldwide, 15% of whom use Nitinol stents have experienced a decline in sales recently, due in part to thrombosis. It is a sudden blood clot that forms inside stents. As a result, the Food and Drug Administration and American Heart Association are calling for a new generation of stents, new designs and different alloys that are more adaptable to the arteries. The future of Nitinol therefore depends on a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Nitinol surfaces can be rendered stable and inert. In this investigation, binary and ternary Nitinol alloys were prepared and subjected to various surface treatments such as electropolishing (EP), magnetoelectropolishing (MEP) and water boiling & passivation (W&P). In vitro corrosion tests were conducted on Nitinol alloys in accordance with ASTM F 2129-08. The metal ions released into the electrolyte during corrosion tests were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Biocompatibility was assessed by observing the growth of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on the surface of Nitinol alloys. Static and dynamic immersion tests were performed by immersing the Nitinol alloys in cell culture media and measuring the amount of metal ions released in solution. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were performed to elucidate the effect of metal ions on the growth of HUVEC cells. The surfaces of the alloys were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. Finally, wettability and surface energy were measured by Contact Angle Meter, whereas surface roughness was measured by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). All the surface treated alloys exhibited high resistance to corrosion when compared with untreated alloys. SRB assays revealed that Ni and Cu ions exhibited greater toxicity than Cr, Ta and Ti ions on HUVEC cells. EP and MEP alloys possessed relatively smooth surfaces and some were composed of nickel oxides instead of elemental nickel as determined by XPS. MEP exhibited lowest surface energy and lowest surface roughness.


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In this study, our goal was develop and describe a molecular model of the enzyme-inhibiting interaction which can be used for an optimized projection of a Microscope Force Atomic nanobiosensor to detect pesticides molecules, used in agriculture, to evaluate its accordance with limit levels stipulated in valid legislation for its use. The studied herbicide (imazaquin) is a typical member of imidazolinone family and is an inhibitor of the enzymatic activity of Acetohydroxiacid Synthase (AHAS) enzyme that is responsible for the first step of pathway for the synthesis of side-chains in amino acids. The analysis of this enzyme property in the presence of its cofactors was made to obtain structural information and charge distribution of the molecular surface to evaluate its capacity of became immobilized on the Microscopy Atomic Force tip. The computational simulation of the system, using Molecular Dynamics, was possible with the force-field parameters for the cofactor and the herbicides obtained by the online tool SwissParam and it was implemented in force-field CHARMM27, used by software GROMACS; then appropriated simulations were made to validate the new parameters. The molecular orientation of the AHAS was defined based on electrostatic map and the availability of the herbicide in the active site. Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) Simulations, followed by quantum mechanics calculations for more representative frames, according to the sequential QM/MM methodology, in a specific direction of extraction of the herbicide from the active site. Therefore, external harmonic forces were applied with similar force constants of AFM cantilever for to simulate herbicide detection experiments by the proposed nanobiosensor. Force value of 1391 pN and binding energy of -14048.52 kJ mol-1 were calculated.


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Boron-doped diamond is a promising electrode material for a number of applications providing efficient carrier transport, a high stability of the electrolytic performance with time, a possibility for dye-sensitizing with photosensitive molecules, etc. It can be functionalized with electron donor molecules, like phthalocyanines or porphyrins, for the development of light energy conversion systems. For effective attachment of such molecules, the diamond surface has to be modified by plasma- or photo-chemical processes in order to achieve a desired surface termination. In the present work, the surface modifications of undoped and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films and their functionalization with various phthalocyanines (Pcs) were investigated. The NCD films have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) on silicon substrates and were thereafter subjected to modifications with O2 or NH3 plasmas or UV/O3 treatments for exchange of the H-termination of the as-grown surface. The effectiveness of the modifications and their stability with time during storage under different ambients were studied by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the surface roughness after the modifications was investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and compared to that of as-grown samples in order to establish the appearance of etching of the surface during the treatment. The as-grown and the modified NCD surfaces were exposed to phthalocyanines with different metal centers (Ti, Cu, Mn) or with different side chains. The results of the Pc grafting were investigated by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. XPS revealed the presence of nitrogen stemming from the Pc molecules and traces of the respective metal atoms with ratios close to those in the applied Pc. In a next step Raman spectra of Ti-Pc, Cu-Pc and Mn-Pc were obtained with two different excitation wavelengths (488 and 785 nm) from droplet samples on Si after evaporation of the solvent in order to establish their Raman fingerprints. The major differences in the spectra were assigned to the effect of the size of the metal ion on the structure of the phthalocyanine ring. The spectra obtained were used as references for the Raman spectra of NCD surfaces grafted with Pc. Finally, selected boron doped NCD samples were used after their surface modification and functionalization with Pc for the preparation of electrodes which were tested in a photoelectrochemical cell with a Pt counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The light sources and electrolytes were varied to establish their influence on the performance of the dye-sensitized diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed broad electrochemical potential window and high stability of the electrodes after several cycles. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurements performed in dark and after illumination showed fast responses of the electrodes to the illumination resulting in photocurrent generation.


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In this work, we have studied the influence of the substrate surface condition on the roughness and the structure of the nanostructured DLC films deposited by High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition. Four methods were used to modify the silicon wafers surface before starting the deposition processes of the nanostructured DLC films: micro-diamond powder dispersion, micro-graphite powder dispersion, and roughness generation by wet chemical etching and roughness generation by plasma etching. The reference wafer was only submitted to a chemical cleaning. It was possible to see that the final roughness and the sp(3) hybridization degree strongly depend on the substrate surface conditions. The surface roughness was observed by AFM and SEM and the hybridization degree of the DLC films was analyzed by Raman Spectroscopy. In these samples, the final roughness and the sp(3) hybridization quantity depend strongly on the substrate surface condition. Thus, the effects of the substrate surface on the DLC film structure were confirmed. These phenomena can be explained by the fact that the locally higher surface energy and the sharp edges may induce local defects promoting the nanostructured characteristics in the DLC films. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of various titanium surfaces modified by cold plasma nitriding in terms of adhesion and proliferation of rat osteoblastlike cells. Materials and Methods: Samples of grade 2 titanium were subjected to three different surface modification processes: polishing, nit riding by plasma direct current, and nitriding by cathodic cage discharge. To evaluate the effect of the surface treatment on the cellular response, the adhesion and proliferation of osteoblastlike cells (MC3T3) were quantified and the results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. Cellular morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: There was more MC3T3 cell attachment on the rougher surfaces produced by cathodic cage discharge compared with polished samples (P < .05). Conclusions: Plasma nitriding improves titanium surface roughness and wettability, leading to osteoblastlike cell adhesion. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:237-244


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Background: Newly formed biofilm after implant debridement may challenge the long-term stability of peri-implant therapy. This in vitro study aimed to assess the roughness and adherence of Streptococcus sanguinis after treatment of smooth and rough titanium surfaces with an erbium-doped: yttrium, aluminum, and garnet (Er:YAG) laser, metal and plastic curets, and an air-powder abrasive system. Methods: Forty titanium disks with smooth-machined surfaces and 40 with sand-blasted and acid-etched surfaces were divided into the following treatment groups: Er:YAG laser; plastic curet; metal curet, and air-powder abrasive system. The surface roughness (roughness average [Raj) before and after treatments was determined using a profilometer. S. sanguinis (American Type Culture Collection 10556) was grown on treated and untreated specimens, and the amounts of retained bacteria on the surfaces were measured by the culture method. Rough and smooth surfaces with and without a suspension of S. sanguinis were also analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: For smooth surfaces, the roughest surfaces were produced by metal curets (repeated - measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] and Tukey test; P<0.05). The rough-surface profile was not altered by any of the treatments (repeated-measures ANOVA; P>0.05). Rough surfaces treated with metal curets and air-powder abrasion showed the lowest level of bacteria] adhesion (two-way ANOVA and Tukey test; P<0.05). SEM analysis revealed distinct surface profiles produced by all devices. Conclusions: Metal curets are not recommended for smooth titanium surface debridement due to severe texture alteration. Rough surfaces treated with a metal curet and the air-powder abrasive system were less susceptible to bacterial adhesion, probably due to texture modification and the presence of abrasive deposits. J Periodontol 2009;80: 1824-1832.


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The reuse of waste fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst as partial surrogate for cement can reduce the environmental impact of both the oil-refinery and cement production industries [1,2]. FCC catalysts can be considered as pozzolanic materials since in the presence of water they tend to chemically react with calcium hydroxide to produce compounds possessing cementitious properties [3,4]. In addition, partial replacement of cement with FCC catalysts can enhance the performance of pastes and mortars, namely by improving their compressive strength [5,6]. In the present work the reaction of waste FCC catalyst with Ca(OH)2 has been investigated after a curing time of 28 days by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with electron backscattered signal (BSE) combined with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) carried out with a JEOL JSM 7001F instrument operated at 15 kV coupled to an INCA pentaFetx3 Oxford spectrometer. The polished cross-sections of FCC particles embedded in resin have also been evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in contact mode (CM) using a NanoSurf EasyScan 2 instrument. The SEM/EDS results revealed that an inward migration of Ca occurred during the reaction. A weaker outward migration of Si and Al was also apparent (Fig. 1). The migration of Ca was not homogeneous and tended to follow high-diffusivity paths within the porous waste FCC catalyst particles. The present study suggests that the porosity of waste FCC catalysts is key for the migration/reaction of Ca from the surrounding matrix, playing an important role in the pozzolanic activity of the system. The topography images and surface roughness parameters obtained by atomic force microscopy can be used to infer the local porosity in waste FCC catalyst particles (Fig. 2).


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Dovetail joints are one of the most cornrnonly used joints during Gothic and Baroque periods. Despite being coristructed in the sarne way during the ages, there is no analyticai solution available to help its analysis and design so required in reconstruction works of existing timber structures. An analytical solution based on the principie of virtual works under different types of loading is presented in this paper as weli as differences in bearing capacity of the joint for chosen types of loading, when different wood species are used. The accuracy of the presented solution is confirrned by data obtained from experimental tests of scaied modeis of a dovetail joint.


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Stomata are turgor-operated valves that control water loss and CO2 uptake during photosynthesis, and thereby water relation and plant biomass accumulation is closely related to stomatal functioning. The aims of this work were to document how stomata are distributed on the leaf surface and to determine if there is any significant variation in stomatal characteristics among Amazonian tree species, and finally to study the relationship between stomatal density (S D) and tree height. Thirty five trees (>17 m tall) of different species were selected. Stomatal type, density (S D), size (S S) and stomatal distribution on the leaf surface were determined using nail polish imprints taken from both leaf surfaces. Irrespective of tree species, stomata were located only on the abaxial surface (hypostomaty), with large variation in both S D and S S among species. S D ranged from 110 mm-2 in Neea altissima to 846 mm-2 in Qualea acuminata. However, in most species S D ranges between 271 and 543 mm-2, with a negative relationship between S D and S S. We also found a positive relationship between S D and tree height (r² = 0.14, p < 0.01), but no correlation was found between S D and leaf thickness. The most common stomatal type was anomocytic (37%), followed by paracytic (26%) and anisocytic (11%). We conclude that in Amazonian tree species, stomatal distribution on the leaf surface is a response most likely dependent on the genetic background of every species, rather than a reaction to environmental changes, and that somehow S D is influenced by environmental factors dependent on tree height.


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New polymer electrolytes (PEs) based on chitosan and three ionic liquid (IL) families ([C2mim][CnSO3], [C2mim][CnSO4] and [C2mim][diCnPO4]) were synthesized by the solvent casting method. The effect of the length of the alkyl chain of the IL anion on the thermal, morphological and electrochemical properties of the PEs was studied. The solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) membranes were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), polarized optical microscopy (POM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), complex impedance spectroscopy (ionic conductivity) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The obtained results evidenced an influence of the alkyl chain length of the IL anion on the temperature of degradation, birefringence, surface roughness and ionic conductivity of the membranes. The DSC, XRD and CV results showed independency from the length of the IL-anion-alkyl chain. The PEs displayed an predominantly amorphous morphology, a minimum temperature of degradation of 135 °C, a room temperature (T = 25 °C) ionic conductivity of 7.78 × 10−4 S cm−1 and a wide electrochemical window of ∼ 4.0 V.


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We communicate a detailed study of the epitaxial growth of CeO2 on MgO. The key feature of the growth is the dependence of the in¿plane orientation of the CeO2 epitaxial layer on the MgO surface morphology. Atomic force microscopic (AFM) measurements, x¿ray analyses, as well as high¿resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations reveal that on rough substrates a cube¿on¿cube growth of CeO2 on MgO occurs while on smooth substrates the CeO2 unit cell is rotated around the surface normal by 45° with respect to the MgO unit cell when the deposition rate is low (~0.3 Å/s) during the first stages of growth. This growth mechanism can be used for a defined fabrication of 45° grain boundaries in the CeO2 layer by controlling the surface roughness of the MgO substrate. This report demonstrates that these 45° grain boundaries may be used to fabricate YBa2Cu3O7¿x Josephson junctions.