1000 resultados para 319-C0010A
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a major role in innate immunity. Penaeidins are a family of AMPs that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. Penaeidins are composed of an N-terminal proline-rich domain, followed by a C-terminal domain containing six cysteine residues organized in two doublets. This study reports the first penaeidin AMP sequence, Fi-penaeidin (GenBank accession number HM243617) from the Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The full length cDNA consists of 186 base pairs encoding 61 amino acidswith an ORF of 42 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. Comparison of F. indicus penaeidin (Fi-penaeidin) with other known penaeidins showed that it shared maximum similarity with penaeidins of Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Farfantepenaeus subtilis (96% each). Fi-penaeidin has a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 4.478 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.3
Phosphorus fractionation was employed to find the bioavailability of phosphorus and its seasonal variations in the Panangad region of Cochin estuary, the largest estuarine system in the southwest coast of India. Sequential extraction of the surficial sediments using chelating agents was taken as a tool for this. Phosphate in the water column showed seasonal variations, with high values during the monsoon months, suggesting external runoff. Sediment texture was found to be the main factor influencing the spatial distribution of the geochemical parameters in the study region. Similarly, total phosphorus also showed granulometric dependence and it ranged between 319.54 and 2,938.83 μg/g. Calcium-bound fraction was the main phosphorus pool in the estuary. Significant spatial variations were observed for all bioavailable fractions; iron-bound inorganic phosphorus (5.04–474.24 μg/g), calcium-bound inorganic phosphorus (11.16–826.09 μg/g), and acidsoluble organic phosphorus (22.22–365.86 μg/g). Among the non-bioavailable phosphorus, alkalisoluble organic fraction was the major one (51.92– 1,002.45 μg/g). Residual organic phosphorus was K. R. Renjith (B) · N. Chandramohanakumar · M. M. Joseph Department of Chemical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi 682016, Kerala, India e-mail: renjithaqua@gmail.com comparatively smaller fraction (3.25–14.64% of total). The sandy and muddy stations showed distinct fractional composition and the speciation study could endorse the overall geochemical character. There could be buffering of phosphorus, suggested by the increase in the percentage of bioavailable fractions during the lean premonsoon period, counteracting the decreases in the external loads. Principal component analysis was employed to find the possible processes influencing the speciation of phosphorus in the study region
X-ray transition energies for two-muonic atoms are calculated. The basis are relativistic self-consistent-field calculations including the corrections normally known in muonic atoms plus the vacuum polarization, magnetic interaction and retardation in the \mu-\mu-interaction, the specific mass correction and the configuration interaction.
With a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater calculation we determined the most stable configurations of the elements of the possibly quasistable island around Z = 164. It is found that the expected noble gas at Z = 168 should not occur, but instead the element Z = 164 should have the properties of a noble gas.
Der Aufsatz behandelt das methodologische Prinzip der Viabilität, das ein Prinzip der sprachhistorischen Adäquatheit darstellt. Nach diesem Prinzip muss jede linguistische Beschreibung (bzw. Erklärung) mit der Beschreibung (bzw. Erklärung) der Geschichte des zu beschreibenden (bzw. zu erklärenden) Phänomens konform sein. Bezogen auf grammatische Strukturen: Die Beschreibung (bzw. Erklärung) einer aktuellen Struktur ist viabel, wenn sie sich in die Beschreibung (bzw. Erklärung) der Geschichte der Struktur fügt. Exemplifiziert wird das Prinzip an der Serialisierung im Verbalkomplex.
"Wie akquiriere ich erfolgreich?" Diese Frage stellt sich denen, die in der Beratung tätig sind, nicht nur am Beginn ihrer Berufslaufbahn im Anschluss an ihre Ausbildungskontexte, sondern sie beschäftigt auch erfahrene Kollegen immer wieder. Die Problematik der Akquisition trifft auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen sowohl die Persönlichkeit als auch das Berufs- und Rollenverständnis von Beratern und Supervisorinnen. Akquisition impliziert das "Verkaufen" der eigenen Leistung und berührt damit die häufig tabuisierten Themen: Geld und Markt, Ethik und (Selbst-)Wert, Konkurrenz und Status.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), pigs are raised almost exclusively by smallholders either in periurban areas of major cities such as Kinshasa or in rural villages. Unfortunately, little information is available regarding pig production in the Western part of the DRC, wherefore a survey was carried out to characterize and compare 319 pig production systems in their management and feeding strategies, along a periurban - rural gradient inWestern provinces of the DRC. Pig breeding was the main source of income (43%) and half of respondents were active in mixed pig and crop production, mainly vegetable garden. Depending on the location, smallholders owned on average 18 pigs, including four sows. Piglet mortality rate varied from 9.5 to 21.8% while average weaned age ranged between 2.2 and 2.8 months. The major causes of mortality reported by the farmers were African swine fever 98 %, swine erysipelas (60 %), erysipelas trypanosomiasis (31 %), swine worm infection (17 %), and diarrhoea (12 %). The majority of the pigs were reared in pens without free roaming and fed essentially with locally available by-products and forage plants whose nature varied according with the location of the farm. The pig production systems depended on the local environment; particularly in terms of workforces, herd structure and characteristics, production parameters, pig building materials, selling price and in feed resources. It can be concluded that an improvement of Congolese pig production systems should consider (1) a reduction of inbreeding, (2) an improvement in biosafety to reduce the incidence of African swine fever and the spread of other diseases, and (3) an improvement in feeding practices.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la celebración de unas jornadas para celebrar el día internacional de las personas con minusvalías. Se realiza en el CEIP Onuba en Huelva. Los objetivos son: tomar conciencia de la realidad que vive una persona con discapacidad; vivenciar a través del juego las limitaciones que sufren las personas que tienen alguna discapacidad; valorar las capacidades de las personas con discapacidad; respetar las limitaciones que sufren las personas que tienen alguna minusvalía; potenciar el desarrollo integral de nuestro alumnado a través del juego; fomentar valores como la tolerancia, solidaridad, respeto, cooperación, igualdad, coeducación con el alumnado. Está dirigido al profesorado.
Jornadas organizadas por la Asociaci??n Nacional de Tecnolog??a Educativa para la Diversidad y la Consejer??a de Educaci??n, Formaci??n y Empleo de la Regi??n de Murcia.
Describir las ideas y opiniones sobre la enseñanza de profesores de EGB y EEMM por medio de un cuestionario. 44 profesores de EGB y 10 profesores de EEMM. Pase de un cuestionario a los profesores para después proceder a analizar estadísticamente. Cuestionario. Técnicas estadísticas. Fundamentalmente se pueden concretar en: los profesores tienen ideas y éstas son consistentes. Que gran parte de los ítems del cuestionario son válidos; un importante número guardan relación entre sí, lo que nos permite suponer su validez para el estudio de las ideas de los profesores. El cuestionario se muestra como un buen instrumento para estudiar las ideas de los profesores, sus pensamientos y opiniones sobre la Enseñanza. El cuestionario debería ser completado con observaciones y con mediciones de rendimiento de los alumnos así como sus opiniones.