900 resultados para 300803 Natural Resource Management


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The formation of Natural Resource Management Boards in South Australia provided a robust and integrated, and well resourced, regional landscape planning quasi-­‐authority in South Australia that has had major beneficial outcomes to several SA regions in being able to better co-­‐ordinate long term and creative public and private land management strategies, as well as enable several unique research projects to be tackled that would not otherwise under traditional fragmented state government agency configurations and relationships.


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This review addresses how the ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA) can optimize aquaculture-fisheries interactions considering different spatial scales from farm, aquaculture zone and watershed through to the global market. Aquaculture and fisheries are closely related subsectors with frequent interactions, largely due to the sharing of common ecosystems and natural resources. Interactions are also born from the flow of biomass from fisheries to aquaculture through fish-based feeds (e.g. fishmeal, fish oil and trashfish), through the collection of wild seed and brookstock, and genetic resources and biomass transfer from aquaculture to fisheries through culture-based fisheries (CBF) and escapees. Negative effects include modification of habitats affecting fisheries resources and activities (e.g. mangrove clearing for shrimp ponds, seabed disturbances through anchoring of aquaculture cages or pens, damage to seagrasses, alteration to reproductive habitats, biodiversity loss). Eutrophication of waterbodies due to excess nutrient release leading to anoxia and fish mortality can also impact negatively on biodiversity and wild fish stocks. Release of diseases and chemicals also imposes some threats on fisheries. Yet there could be beneficial impacts; for example, aquaculture is increasingly contributing to capture fisheries through CBF and could contribute to restore overfished stocks. Aquaculture can offer alternative livelihoods to fisherfolk, providing increased opportunity to them and also to their families, and especially to women. Aquaculture-increased production and marketing can also enhance and indirectly improve processing and market access to similar fishery products. The ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA) is a strategy for the management of the sector that emphasizes intersectoral complementarities by taking into account the interactions between all the activities within ecologically meaningful boundaries and acknowledging the multiple services provided by ecosystems. The main objective of this review is to understand the status of aquaculture-fisheries interactions associated with the biological, technological, social, economic, environmental, policy, legal and other aspects of aquaculture development and to analyze how these interactions are or could be addressed with an EAA. Therefore, the review involves aspects of scoping, identification of issues, prioritizing, devising management tools and plans for minimizing negative effects and optimizing positive ones within the context of social-ecological resilience, at different relevant geographical scales. Many of the management measures suggested in this review must involve not only EAA but also an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), especially to deal with issues such as fishery of wild seed and the management of fisheries to produce fishmeal/oil for pelleted feeds or for direct feeding with wet fish. The implementation of EAA and EAF should help to overcome the sectoral and intergovernmental fragmentation of resource management efforts and assist in the development of institutional mechanisms and private-sector arrangements for effective coordination among various sectors active in ecosystems in which aquaculture and fisheries operate and between the various levels of government. Ecosystem-based management involves a transition from traditional sectoral planning and decision-making to the application of a more holistic approach to integrated natural resource management in an adaptive manner.


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This report sets out a method to determine the environmental water requirements of estuaries in Victoria. The estuary environmental flows assessment method (EEFAM) is a standard methodology which can be applied consistently across Victorian estuaries.
The primary objective of EEFAM is to define a flow regime to maintain or enhance the ecological health of an estuary. The method is used to inform Victorian water resource planning processes.
The output of EEFAM is a recommended flow regime for estuaries. This recommendation is developed from the known dependence of the estuary’s flora, fauna, biogeochemical and geomorphological features on the flow regime. EEFAM is an evidence-based methodology. This bottom-up or ‘building block’ approach conforms to the asset-based approach of the Victorian River Health Strategy and regional river health strategies.
EEFAM is based on and expands on FLOWS, the Victorian method for determining environmental water requirements in rivers. The list of tasks has been modified and re-ordered in EEFAM to reflect environmental and management issues specific to estuaries. EEFAM and FLOWS can be applied
simultaneously to a river and its estuary as part of a whole-of-system approach to environmental flow requirements. Like the FLOWS method, EEFAM is modular, and additional components can be readily incorporated.


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In response to growing demand for ecosystem-level risk assessment in biodiversity conservation, and rapid proliferation of locally tailored protocols, the IUCN recently endorsed new Red List criteria as a global standard for ecosystem risk assessment. Four qualities were sought in the design of the IUCN criteria: generality; precision; realism; and simplicity. Drawing from extensive global consultation, we explore trade-offs among these qualities when dealing with key challenges, including ecosystem classification, measuring ecosystem dynamics, degradation and collapse, and setting decision thresholds to delimit ordinal categories of threat. Experience from countries with national lists of threatened ecosystems demonstrates well-balanced trade-offs in current and potential applications of Red Lists of Ecosystems in legislation, policy, environmental management and education. The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems should be judged by whether it achieves conservation ends and improves natural resource management, whether its limitations are outweighed by its benefits, and whether it performs better than alternative methods. Future development of the Red List of Ecosystems will benefit from the history of the Red List of Threatened Species which was trialed and adjusted iteratively over 50 years from rudimentary beginnings. We anticipate the Red List of Ecosystems will promote policy focus on conservation outcomes in situ across whole landscapes and seascapes.


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The adverse effects on Latin America and the Caribbean of the global economic and financial crisis, the worst since the 1930s, have been considerably less than was once feared. Although a run of growth was cut short in 2009 and regional output shrank by 1.9%, the impact of the crisis was limited by the application of countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies by many of the region’s governments. The recovery in the economies, particularly in South America, has gone hand-in-hand with the rapid resurgence of the emerging economies of Asia, with all the favourable consequences this has had for global trade. A similar pattern may be observed regarding the impact of the crisis on labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although millions of people lost their jobs or had to trade down to lower-quality work, levels of employment (including formal employment) fell by less than originally foreseen. At the same time, real wages rose slightly in a context of falling inflation. The labour market thus stabilized domestic demand, and this contributed to the recovery that began in many countries in late 2009. Improved international trade and financing conditions, and the pick-up in domestic demand driven by macroeconomic policies, have led different commentators to estimate growth in the region’s economy at some 6% in 2010. As detailed in the first part of this edition of the Bulletin, the upturn has been manifested at the regional level by the creation of formal employment, a rise in the employment rate, a decline in joblessness and a moderate increase in real wages. Specifically, it is estimatedthat the regional unemployment rate will have dropped by 0.6 percentage points, from 8.1% in 2009 to 7.5% in 2010. The performance of different countries and subregions has been very uneven, however. On the one hand, there is Brazil, where high economic growth has been accompanied by vigorous creation of formal jobs and the unemployment rate has dropped to levels not seen in a long time. Other countries in South America have benefited from strong demand for natural resources from the Asian countries. Combined with higher domestic demand, this has raised their economic growth rates and had a positive impact on employment indicators. On the other hand, the recovery is still very weak in certain countries and subregions, particularly in the Caribbean, with employment indicators continuing to worsen.Thus, the recovery in the region’s economy in 2010 may be characterized as dynamic but uneven. Growth estimates for 2011 are less favourable. The risks associated with the imbalances in the world economy and the withdrawal of countercyclical fiscal packages are likely to cause the region to grow more slowly in 2011. Accordingly, a small further reduction of between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points in the unemployment rate is projected for 2011. However, these indicators of recovery do not guarantee growth with decent work in the long term. To bolster the improvement in labour market indicators and generate more productive employment and decent work, the region’s countries need to strengthen their macroeconomic policies, improve regional and global policy coordination, identify and remove bottlenecks in the labour market itself and enhance instruments designed to promote greater equality. Like the rest of the world, the Latin American and Caribbean region is also confronted with the challenge of transforming the way it produces so that its economies can develop along tracks that are sustainable in the long term. Climate change and the consequent challenge of developing and strengthening low-carbon production and consumption patterns will also affect the way people work. A great challenge ahead is to create green jobs that combine decent work with environmentally sustainable production patterns. From this perspective, the second part of this Bulletin discusses the green jobs approach, offering some information on the challenges and opportunities involved in moving towards a sustainable economy in the region and presenting a set of options for addressing environmental issues and the repercussions of climate change in the world of work. Although the debate about the green jobs concept is fairly new in the region, examples already exist and a number of countries have moved ahead with the application of policies and programmes in this area. Costa Rica has formulated a National Climate Change Strategy, for example, whose foremost achievements include professional training in natural-resource management. In Brazil, fuel production from biomass has increased and social housing with solar panelling is being built. A number of other countries in the region are making progress in areas such as ecotourism, sustainable agriculture and infrastructure for climate change adaptation, and in formalizing the work of people who recycle household waste. The shift towards a more environmentally sustainable economy may cause jobs to be destroyed in some economic sectors and created in others. The working world will inevitably undergo major changes. If the issue is approached by way of social dialogue and appropriate public policies, there is a chance to use this shift to create more decent jobs, thereby contributing to growth in the economy, the construction of higher levels of equality and protection for the environment.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o conhecimento das comunidades tradicionais no manejo dos recursos naturais através de sua atividade produtiva, a pesca, na abordagem da Eficiência reprodutiva e na noção de Trajetórias Tecnológicas, e com isso valorizar o saber local atrelado à territorialidade da sua constituição, como cruciais ao sucesso do manejo coletivo como base de um desenvolvimento sustentável. O saber caboclo junto às premissas da eficiência reprodutiva, possibilita um processo racional e inerente dos agentes que constroem estratégias produtivas, fundamentadas na multiespeficidade, em especial, no uso do espaço e da técnica, como principal ação mitigadora a assegurar a sustentabilidade da atividade antrópica no contexto amazônico. Por se tratar de um estudo de caráter qualitativo, foram analisados: a) a formação histórica da pesca na região do Baixo Tocantins, com enfoque no município de Mocajuba, os fundamentos naturais dos cenários espaciais vigentes na área da pesquisa e os aspectos da racionalidade e padrões produtivos e reprodutivos dos agentes econômicos. Os resultados nos revelaram que a racionalidade da eficiência reprodutiva se mostrou eficaz na análise, com o valor encontrado em h convergindo para 1, ou seja, mostra o campo de conforto que a pesca proporciona aos que dela dependem, representada no modus vivendi do ribeirinho, a refletir sua forma de interação social que mesmo no cenário capitalista, são sociedades constituídas, marcantemente, por suas bases sociais familiares entrelaçadas na construção e reconstrução do ambiente natural, a sustentar fortes relações de solidariedade e cooperação como suas marcas principais. A configuração da organização social pesqueira enfatizou o modelo bipolar de divisão, determinada por idade e pelo sexo, assentada na hierarquia doméstica e na relação da força produtiva humana. A evolução tecnológica ocorrida no Baixo Tocantins, afetou a pesca artesanal, e fundamentou novas peculiaridades na otimização do espaço de pesca. Neste sentido, as mudanças tecnológicas, mostram-se, eficientes ao reduzir o tempo de execução e evitar um retrocesso produtivo, sem desvincular do pensamento conservacionista do agente. Ficou evidenciado que a pesca realizada na área de estudo é desenvolvida de forma dinâmica nas distintas modalidades de pesca empregadas a cada ciclo sazonal anual aplicada nos diferentes microhabitats. Desta forma, concluimos neste trabalho que a consciência ecológica do homem do campo e o valor do conhecimento tradicional é de suma importância para o sucesso pesqueiro, entretanto, este saber, é muitas vezes negligenciado pelas autoridades ambientais, mas deve ser considerado e consultado para que se possam subsidiar medidas efetivas de gestão a prosperar o meio ambiente.


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A presente dissertação intitulada Desenvolvimento Local Sustentável como Liberdade: uma Experiência de Planejamento Estratégico do Grupo de Mulheres Erva Vida tem como objetivo principal analisar as perspectivas das participantes do grupo Erva Vida na discussão de estratégias que contribuam para o processo de desenvolvimento local sustentável. Alicerça seu arcabouço teórico, na apropriação do conceito de Instrumental Freedoms (IF’s) , discutidas por Amartya Sen (2000). São ao mesmo tempo o fim e o meio do processo de desenvolvimento. Estão entrelaçadas e se fortalecem à medida que são alcançadas. Essas liberdades instrumentais foram denominadas de political freedom; econômic facilities; social opportunities; transparency e guarantees e measures ensurig social protection and security. Para alcance dos resultados desta pesquisa, foram observados os aspectos internos e externos de uma organização social e análise das perspectivas de remoção de restrições a essas liberdades, a partir de uma experiência de Planejamento Estratégico conduzido junto ao grupo de mulheres Erva Vida, em Marapanim (PA). O grupo foi selecionado a partir de uma ação de economia solidária, desenvolvida pelo laboratório de Etnofarmácia, do Núcleo de Meio Ambiente da UFPA com uma associação de mulheres do bairro Sossego, no distrito de Marudá, em Marapanim (PA) envolvidas na produção de remédios artesanais. Considerando os resultados desta pesquisa, os produtos diretos constituem-se no documento de planejamento estratégico do grupo e num manual de orientação para facilitadores de planejamento local. Esses produtos podem contribuir indiretamente para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas de desenvolvimento sustentável local na região amazônica, contribuindo, em linhas gerais, diretamente nas ferramentas para formulação de propostas para gestão de recursos naturais.


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Access and accessibility are important determinants of people’s ability to utilise natural resources, and have a strong impact on household welfare. Physical accessibility of natural resources, on the other hand, has generally been regarded as one of the most important drivers of land-use and land-cover changes. Based on two case studies, this article discusses evidence of the impact of access to services and access to natural resources on household poverty and on the environment. We show that socio-cultural distances are a key limiting factor for gaining access to services, and thereby for improved household welfare. We also discuss the impact of socio-cultural distances on access to natural resources, and show that large-scale commercial exploitation of natural resources tends to occur beyond the spatial reach of socio-culturally and economically marginalised population segments. We conclude that it is essential to pay more attention to improving the structural environment that presently leaves social minority groups marginalised. Innovative approaches that use natural resource management to induce poverty reduction – for example, through compensation of local farmers for environmental services – appear to be promising avenues that can lead to integration of the objectives of poverty reduction and sustainable environmental stewardship.


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This presentation provides an overview of Dr. Vath's dissertation research which investigated the relationship between conservation behaviors and natural resource management. Specifically, how different stakeholders (hunters, men, women, and children) perceive natural resource conservation and how their behavior aligns with their conservation ethic.


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Local knowledge is crucial to both human development and environmental conservation. This is especially the case in mountain regions, where a combination of remoteness, harsh climatic conditions, rich cultural heritage, and high biological diversity has led to the development of complex local environmental knowledge systems. In the Andes for instance, rural populations mainly rely on their own environmental knowledge to ensure their food security and health. Recent studies conducted within Quechua communities in Peru and Bolivia showed that this knowledge was both persistent and dynamic, and that it responded to socio-economic and environmental changes through cultural resistance and adaptation. As this paper argues, combining local knowledge and so-called scientific knowledge – especially in development projects – can lead to innovative solutions to the socio-environmental challenges facing mountain communities in our globalized world. Based on experiences from the Andes, this paper will provide concrete recommendations to policymakers and practitioners for integrating local knowledge into development and natural resource management initiatives.