997 resultados para 250100 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)


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Scanning tunneling microscopy of solid films of C-60 and C-70 clearly demonstrate the occurrence of photochemical polymerization of these fullerenes in the solid state. X-ray diffraction studies show that such a polymerization is accompanied by contraction of the unit-cell volume in the case of C-60 and expansion in the case of C-70. This is also evidenced from the STM images. These observations help to understand the differences in the amorphization behavior of C-60 and C-70 under pressure. Amorphization of C-60 under pressure is irreversible because it is accompanied by polymerization associated with a contraction of the unit cell volume. Monte Carlo simulations show how pressure-induced polymerization is favored in C-60 because of proper orientation as well as the required proximity of the molecules. Amorphization of C-70, on the other hand, is reversible because C-70 is less compressible and polymerization is not favored under pressure.


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A novel solid solution in the system Bi-W-Cu-O has been synthesized and its structural and dielectric properties studied. The solid solution Bi2O3-(1-x)WO3-xCuO exists up to x = 0.7; the solid solutions up to x = 0.65 are orthorhombic but stabilize in tetragonal structure in a narrow range around x = 0.7. The solid solutions are non-centrosymmetric and exhibit ferroelectric behaviour similar to their parent phase Bi2WO6. The Curie point of the solid solution is found to decrease with increase in x.


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A series of new photo-crosslinkable main-chain liquid-crystalline polymers containing bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone units have been studied. These units in the polymers function as mesogens as well as photoactive centres. Polyesters with three different bis(4-hydroxybenzylidene)cycloalkanones corresponding to three cycloalkanones, namely cyclopentanone, cyclohexanone and cycloheptanone, have been prepared. Three dicarboxylic acids with ether linkages, which were derived from oligoethylene oxides, namely triethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol and pentaethylene glycol, have been used as spacers in these polymers. Polymerization was carried out by both solution and interfacial polycondensation; the latter method gave high-molecular-weight polymers. Structural characterizations were done by ultra-violet, infra-red and H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Liquid-crystalline properties were studied by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized-light optical microscopy. These polymers show a nematic mesophase. Liquid-crystalline transition temperatures were correlated with polymer structure. The decrease in transition temperature with increase in cycloalkanone ring size was explained in terms of the change in geometrical anisotropy of bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone units. MNDO (modified neglect of differential overlap) calculations were performed on the model compounds, bis(4-acetyloxybenzylidene)cycloalkanone to elucidate the geometrical variation of the mesogenic units with cycloalkanone ring size. Studies of photolysis reveal the two kinds of photoreactions that proceed in these polymer systems, namely photoisomerization and photo-crosslinking. The former reaction disrupts the parallel stacking of the chromophores and is reflected as an increase in the ultra-violet spectral intensity. The favourability of these two reactions depends on the mobility of the polymer chains. When the photolysis was done below T-g, photo-crosslinking dominates over photoisomerization. Above T-g, photoisomerization is followed by photo-crosslinking. The photosensitivity of the polymers decreases with increase in size of the cycloalkanone ring.


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Over the years, new power requirements for telecommunication, space, automotive and traction applications have arisen which need to be met. Although lead-acid and nickel-cadmium storage batteries continue to be the work horses with limited advances, associated environmental hazards and recycling are still the issues to be resolved. As a result, lead-acid and nickel-cadmium storage batteries have declined in importance whilst nickel-metal hydride and lithium secondary batteries with superior performances have shown greater acceptability in newer applications. These developments are reflected in this article.


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We report the C-HETSERF experiment for determination of long- and short-range homo- and heteronuclear scalar couplings ((n)J(HH) and (n)J(XH), n >= 1) of organic molecules with a low sensitivity dilute heteronucleus in natural abundance. The method finds significant advantage in measurement of relative signs of long-range heteronuclear total couplings in chiral organic liquid crystal. The advantage of the method is demonstrated for the measurement of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in enantiomers oriented in the chiral liquid crystal with a focus to unambiguously assign R/S designation in a 2D spectrum. The alignment tensor calculated from the experimental RDCs and with the computed structures of enantiomers obtained by DFT calculations provides the size of the back-calculated RDCs. Smaller root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) between experimental and calculated RDCs indicate better agreement with the input structure and its correct designation of the stereogenic center.


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Measurement of dipolar couplings using separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment is a powerful tool for structural and dynamics studies of oriented molecules such as liquid crystals and membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers. Enhancing the sensitivity of such SLF techniques is of significant importance in present-day solid-state NMR methodology. The present study considers the use of adiabatic cross-polarization for this purpose, which is applied for the first time to one of the well-known SLF techniques, namely, polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISEMA). The experiments have been carried out on a single crystal of a model peptide, and a dramatic enhancement in signal-to-noise up to 90% has been demonstrated.


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Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations on an Ar-13 cluster in zeolite L have been carried out at a series of temperatures to understand the rigid-nonrigid transition corresponding to the solid-liquid transition exhibited by the free Ar-13 cluster. The icosahedral geometry of the free cluster is no longer preferred when the cluster is confined in the zeolite. The root-mean-squared pair distance fluctuation, delta, exhibits a sharp, well-defined rigid-nonrigid transition at 17 K as compared to 27 K for the free cluster. Multiple peaks in the distribution of short-time averages of the guest-host interaction energy indicate coexistence of two phases.; It is shown that this transition is associated with the inner atoms becoming mobile at 17 K even while the outer layer atoms, which are in close proximity to the zeolitic wall, continue to be comparatively immobile. This may be contrasted with the melting of large free clusters of 40 or more atoms which exhibit surface melting. Guest-host interactions seem to play a predominant role in determining the properties of confined clusters. We demonstrate that the volume of the cluster increases rather sharply at 17 and 27 K respectively for the confined and the free cluster. Power spectra suggest that the motion of the inner atoms is generally parallel to the atoms which form the cage wall.


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Earlier work has reported the existence of a diffusion anomaly in porous solids at dilute sorbate concentrations. In this work we have carried out molecular dynamics simulations at higher sorbate concetrations. Results indicate the persistence of a diffusion anomaly even at significantly higher sorbate concentrations, which means that this anomaly can be used for separation of mixtures under conditions prevailing in industries.


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The structural state of K-feldspars in the quartzofeldspathic gneisses, charnockites, metapelites and pegmatites from the southern Kamataka, northern Tamil Nadu and southern Kerala high-grade regions of southern India has been characterized using petrographic and powder X-ray diffraction methods. The observed distribution pattern of structural state with a preponderance of disordered K-feldspar polymorphs in granulites compared to the ordered microclines in the amphibolite facies rocks is interpreted to reflect principally the varying H2O contents in the metamorphic-metasomatic fluids across metamorphic grade. The K-feldspars in the pegmatites of granitic derivation and in a pegmatite of inferred metamorphic origin also point to the important role of aqueous fluids in their structural state.


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It is well-known that the senses (or the handedness) of the helical assemblies formed from compressed monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphiles are highly specific about the chirality of the monomers concerned. We present here a molecular approach that can successfully predict the senses of such helical morphologies. The present approach is based on a reduced tractable description in terms of an effective pair potential (EPP) which depends on the distance of separation and the relative orientations of the two amphiphiles. This approach explicitly considers the pairwise intermolecular interactions between the groups attached to the chiral centers of the two neighboring amphiphiles. It is found that for a pair of the same kind of enantiomers the minimum energy configuration favors a twist angle between molecules and that this twist from neighbor to neighbor gives rise to the helicity of the aggregate. From the known twist angles at the minimum energy configuration the successive arrangement of an array of molecules can be predicted. Therefore, the sense of the helicity can be predicted from the molecular interactions. The predicted senses of the helical structures are in complete agreement with all known experimental results.


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We analyze the origin of de-enhancement for a number of vibrational modes in the 2(1)A(g) excited state of trans-azobenzene. We have used the time-dependent wave packet analysis of the RR intensities by including the multimode damping effects in the calculation. This avoids the use of unrealistically large values for the damping parameter. It is concluded that the de-enhancement is caused by the interference between the two uncoupled electronic states, and that the intensities observed under the so-called symmetry forbidden 2(1)A(g) <-- 1(1)A(g) transition are purely due to resonance excitation. It is also observed that the use of the time-dependent approach to study the de-enhancement effects caused by multiple electronic states on the RR intensities is not necessarily useful if one is interested in the structural dynamics.


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Experimental ionic conductivity of different alkali ions in water shows markedly different dependences on pressure. Existing theories such as that of Hubbard-Onsager are unable to explain these dependences on pressure of the ionic conductivity for all ions. We report molecular dynamics investigation of potassium chloride solution at low dilution in water at several pressures between 1 bar and 2 kbar. Two different potential models have been employed. One of the models successfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend in ionic conductivity of K+ ions in water over the 0.001-2 kbar range. We also propose a theoretical explanation, albeit at a qualitative level, to account for the dependence of ionic conductivity on pressure in terms of the previously studied Levitation Effect. It also provides a microscopic picture in terms of the pore network in liquid water.


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We find that at a mole fraction 0.05 of DMSO (x(DMSO) = 0.05) in aqueous solution, a linear hydrocarbon chain of intermediate length (n = 30-40) adopts the most stable collapsed conformation. In pure water, the same chain exhibits an intermittent oscillation between the collapsed and the extended coiled conformations. Even when the mole fraction of DMSO in the bulk is 0.05, the concentration of the same in the first hydration layer around the hydrocarbon of chain length 30 (n = 30) is as large as 17%. Formation of such hydrophobic environment around the hydrocarbon chain may be viewed as the reason for the collapsed conformation gaining additional stability. We find a second anomalous behavior to emerge near x(DMSO) = 0.15, due to a chain-like aggregation of the methyl groups of DMSO in water that lowers the relative concentration of the DMSO molecules in the hydration layer. We further find that as the concentration of DMSO is gradually increased, it progressively attains the extended coiled structure as the stable conformation. Although Flory-Huggins theory (for binary mixture solvent) fails to predict the anomaly at x(DMSO) = 0.05, it seems to capture the essence of the anomaly at 0.15.


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Recently three different experimental studies on ultrafast solvation dynamics in monohydroxy straight-chain alcohols (C-1-C-4) have been carried out, with an aim to quantify the time constant (and the amplitude) of the ultrafast component. The results reported are, however, rather different from different experiments. In order to understand the reason for these differences, we have carried out a detailed theoretical study to investigate the time dependent progress of solvation of both an ionic and a dipolar solute probe in these alcohols. For methanol, the agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results [Bingemann and Ernsting J. Chem. Phys. 1995, 102, 2691 and Horng et al. J: Phys, Chern, 1995, 99, 17311] is excellent. For ethanol, propanol, and butanol, we find no ultrafast component of the time constant of 70 fs or so. For these three liquids, the theoretical results are in almost complete agreement with the experimental results of Horng et al. For ethanol and propanol, the theoretical prediction for ionic solvation is not significantly different from that of dipolar solvation. Thus, the theory suggests that the experiments of Bingemann and Ernsting and those of Horng et al. studied essentially the polar solvation dynamics. The theoretical studies also suggest that the experimental investigations of Joo et al. which report a much faster and larger ultrafast component in the same series of solvents (J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 104, 6089) might have been more sensitive to the nonpolar part of solvation dynamics than the polar part. In addition, a discussion on the validity of the present theoretical approach is presented. In this theory the ultrafast component arises from almost frictionless inertial motion of the individual solvent molecules in the force field of its neighbors.