994 resultados para 1st Kind Integral Equations


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As autoras apresentam um relato de caso de recuperação nutricional de criança desnutrida, envolvida no Projeto de Recuperação Integral do Desnutrido implantado no Ambulatório de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Mostram a importância da atuação do enfermeiro como membro da equipe multiprofissional em projetos dessa natureza.


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Neste artigo, discutimos implicações políticas e práticas vinculadas a diferentes interpretações do conceito atenção integral à saúde da mulher, tomando por referência a multidimensionalidade humana/feminina.


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El resultado del TFC es una aplicación distribuida para gestionar varios departamentos de una red de concesionarios. El trabajo se ha realizado utilizando las tecnologías de la plataforma .NET de Microsoft.


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El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita a las pequeñas y medianas empresas informatizar su gestión para acercarlas al e-business.


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Forest fire models have been widely studied from the context of self-organized criticality and from the ecological properties of the forest and combustion. On the other hand, reaction-diffusion equations have interesting applications in biology and physics. We propose here a model for fire propagation in a forest by using hyperbolic reaction-diffusion equations. The dynamical and thermodynamical aspects of the model are analyzed in detail


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The asymptotic speed problem of front solutions to hyperbolic reaction-diffusion (HRD) equations is studied in detail. We perform linear and variational analyses to obtain bounds for the speed. In contrast to what has been done in previous work, here we derive upper bounds in addition to lower ones in such a way that we can obtain improved bounds. For some functions it is possible to determine the speed without any uncertainty. This is also achieved for some systems of HRD (i.e., time-delayed Lotka-Volterra) equations that take into account the interaction among different species. An analytical analysis is performed for several systems of biological interest, and we find good agreement with the results of numerical simulations as well as with available observations for a system discussed recently


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Aplicación de gestión de una empresa con varios concesionarios de reparación y venta de vehículos.


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This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling


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County Audit Report - Special Investigation


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Este trabalho faz uma reflexão entre a percepção do cuidar pelo profissional de enfermagem e a relação do significado dado ao termo Cuidar, que é um instrumento norteador da qualidade da assistência. Questiona o nível de profundidade do significado que essa palavra pode assumir, identificando sua presença em todos os processos do Universo e na história mitológica do ser humano. Propõe que o cuidar é a Lei que permite a manifestação dos potenciais de organização numa certa direção de estabilidade dinâmica, manifestos na matéria, até a promoção e estabelecimento da saúde e do bem-estar. Concluiu-se, afirmando que a Lei do Cuidar pode ser entendida como um conjunto de forças que permitem o prolongamento ou abreviamento de certo grau de organização, que pode ser expresso em diversos níveis.


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Resection of lung metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly performed with a curative intent. This strategy was made possible in the 1990s by the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches, improved surgical techniques and better imaging modalities. However, evidence-based data showing clinical benefits of lung metastasectomy in this setting are nonexistent, and there are no prospective randomized trials to support the routine performance of these procedures for stage IV CRC. Current evidence suggests that resection of pulmonary metastases in combination with new cytotoxic agents, such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan and bevacizumab, may result in prolonged survival for many, and cure for a small minority of CRC patients who experienced tumor spread beyond the limits of the abdomen. This review focuses on the results of surgical management of CRC patients with lung metastases: we report the outcome of published series according to the presence or the absence of liver metastasis (and hepatic resection) prior to lung resection.


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El presente proyecto fin de carrera tiene como objetivo informatizar todo el sistema de gestión de farmacias con el fin de dar un servicio a los farmacéuticos más independiente, más eficaz y más sencillo.