752 resultados para [JEL:M12] Business Administration and Business Economics


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A környezeti szempontok figyelembe vétele egyre gyakoribb mind a szakirodalomban, mind a vállalati gyakorlatban. Ezt mutatja az is, hogy egyre növekszik a zöld szempontokat feldolgozó tanulmányok és szakcikkek száma. Emellett a kutatók egyre több környezeti kritériumot magukba foglaló, összetett módszertant dolgoznak ki az optimális beszállító kiválasztásához. A tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa, illetve rendszerezze a zöld szempontokat a beszállítóértékelésben, illetvemutasson arra, hogy mekkora eszköztár áll már most rendelkezésre a vállalatok részére, amennyiben nem csak hagyományos kritériumokat kívánnak felhasználni a beszállítóik értékelésekor. Foglalkozik azzal, hogy melyek azok a fő motivációk, amelyek miatt érdemes a vállalatoknak zöld szempontokat integrálniuk a beszállítóértékelő rendszerükbe. A kutatás alapján az delt ki, hogy nem csak a törvényi előírások a fő mozgatórugók a vállalatoknál, hogy beszállítóikat környezeti szempontból is mérjék. Ugyanakkor egyelőre a vállalatok leginkább a környezeti menedzsment rendszer meglétét vizsgálják a beszállítóiknál és kevés egyéb a szakirodalomban már megjelent zöld szempontot vesznek figyelembe. Ugyanez vonatkozik a módszertanra is, hiszen a vállalati gyakorlatból az delt ki, hogy kevésbé használják a szakirodalomban kidolgozott, összetett módszereket, hanem sokkal inkább a könnyen mérhető, kevesebb szempontot magukba foglaló eszközöket alkalmazzák. _______ Environmental criteria became more and more prevalent in the past not only in the literature but also in the companies practice. This is shown by the growing numbers of articles about green criteria. Alongside this, researchers are creating more and more methodologies for the selection of suppliers which contains environmental criteria. The purpose of this paper is to present and structure green criteria and to point out what a great selection of methodologies are available for the companies if they want to use not only the traditional criteria but environmentals too. Besides, in this research I present the most common motivations which can cause the introduction of green criteria in supplier evaluation. It was found that not the governmental requirements are the only motivations for companies. However, for the present, companies use mostly for green criteria the environmental management system if it is introduced at their suppliers or not and do not consider more, altough they are available in the literature. The same statement is appertain to the methodologies because it was found that companies rather than using the complex, elaborated ones, they search for the easily measurable methodologies which contains less criteria.


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Milyen összefüggések figyelhetők meg a különböző vállalati jellemzők, a vállalatok mérete, tevékenysége, tulajdonosi köre, teljesítménye és más jellemzői között a mai magyar gazdaságban? Kutatásunkban a „Versenyben a világgal” kutatási program 2013-ban készült felmérésének 300 vállalatra kiterjemintáját elemeztük, a résztvevő vállalatok kiválasztott jellemzőit és e jellemzők összefüggéseit vizsgálva. A nyolc vizsgált jellemegy része objektív, mérhető vagy tényszerű szempontokra épül (pl. vállalatméret, tevékenység), mások a vállalatvezetők véleményén alapulnak (pl. a változásokhoz való viszonyulás, a vállalati teljesítmény megítélése a versenytársakhoz képest, a válság észlelése). A munka célja egyben olyan vállalatcsoportok, kategóriák kialakítása volt, melyek alapul szollnak a különböző kutatók további elemzéseihez, és a kiválasztott jellemzők alapján egységesen értelmezett vállalatcsoportok jellemzőinek vizsgálatához.


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There is growing interest among researchers working in the areas of product-country image effects, and more generally international consumer behaviour, in the potential relationship between consumers’ familiarity with, and evaluation of, products from various countries. We use data from a consumer survey in Hungary to attempt an initial exploration of this relationship. The data support findings from earlier similar studies but also suggest that affective considerations may be playing a considerable role in the evaluations of domestic products, and that the relationship of familiarity with product evaluations may vary significantly from country to country and may not be as strong as previously thought.


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Kutatási projektünk fő célkitűzése az volt, hogy megvizsgáljuk, milyen összefüggések találhatók az üzleti alapú sportligák működése és a nemzetköziesedés folyamata között. A kutatás jelen szakaszában alapveen tudományos és iparági irodalmak feldolgozására épül munkánk, kiegészítve azt sportüzleti szakértőkkel készített interjúk elemzésével. A kutatás későbbi fázisában esettanulmány módszertannal fogunk több kiválasztott ligát részletesebben elemezni. Előzetes eredményeink megerősítették a nemzetköziesedés elméleti megközelítésének relevanciáját az üzleti sportligák működésére vonatkozóan. Az elemzés eredményeképpen stratégiai csoportokat azonosítottunk, amelyek segítségével a nemzetköziesedés üzleti lehetőségei közvetlenebbül elemezhetők. A nemzetköziesedés folyamatának további kibontakozásával az üzleti működés elemeinek térnyerése várható a sportligákban. Az ezekből fakadó lehetőségek és fenyegetések a ligák üzleti stratégiájában kiemelt teret követelnek, a folyamatot helyenként lassító kulturális és makrogazdasági sajátosságok dacára. A ligák üzleti egységként való értelmezése az üzleti volumen potenciálját növeli az adott sportág számára. Munkánk eredetisége a sportüzleti, sportgazdaságtani irodalmaknak a nemzetközi vállalatgazdaságtan elméleti megközelítéseivel való szintetizálásában jelentkezik, keretet adva a ligák üzleti stratégiáját megalapozó gazdasági elemzések jövőbeli munkájának. Relevanciája különösen erős a kelet-közép-európai térségben, ahol az üzleti működés elfogadottsága még nem vitán felül álló.


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Az exportálást és az exportáló vállalatokat a nemzetközi gazdaságtan és a versenyképesség szakteletei egyaránt kutatási témájuknak tekintik. A nemzetközi üzleti gazdaságtan a vállalati teljesítményekre összpontosít, s elsősorban kvalitatív eszköztárat használ. A versenyképesség inkább a nemzetgazdasági szintű kérdésekre fókuszál és a kapcsolódó kutatásokban a kvantitatív módszerek dominálnak. E cikk egyik újdonsága, hogy e kétféle kutatási módszer eredményeit összeveti ugyanazon vállalati mintára támaszkodva. A szerzők megvizsgálják, hogy az exportorientált hazai KKV-k teljesítménye hogyan értékelhető a vállalati pénzügyi teljesítmények mintázatai alapján, és milyen következtetések adódnak az eredményekből a vállalati és a nemzetgazdasági versenyképességre. Eredményeik szerint az exportintenzív KKV-k a kimagasló teljesítményű magáncégek közé tartoznak, és ebben a kiváló menedzsment, valamint a folyamatos tanulás és az innováció is közrehat. Ugyanakkor jó teljesítményt más módon és a hazai piacokon is el lehetett érni, s a kivitel önmagában nem volt garancia a kiválóságra.


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This dissertation studies newly founded U.S. firms' survival using three different releases of the Kauffman Firm Survey. I study firms' survival from a different perspective in each chapter. ^ The first essay studies firms' survival through an analysis of their initial state at startup and the current state of the firms as they gain maturity. The probability of survival is determined using three probit models, using both firm-specific variables and an industry scale variable to control for the environment of operation. The firm's specific variables include size, experience and leverage as a debt-to-value ratio. The results indicate that size and relevant experience are both positive predictors for the initial and current states. Debt appears to be a predictor of exit if not justified wisely by acquiring assets. As suggested previously in the literature, entering a smaller-scale industry is a positive predictor of survival from birth. Finally, a smaller-scale industry diminishes the negative effects of debt. ^ The second essay makes use of a hazard model to confirm that new service-providing (SP) firms are more likely to survive than new product providers (PPs). I investigate the possible explanations for the higher survival rate of SPs using a Cox proportional hazard model. I examine six hypotheses (variations in capital per worker, expenses per worker, owners' experience, industry wages, assets and size), none of which appear to explain why SPs are more likely than PPs to survive. Two other possibilities are discussed: tax evasion and human/social relations, but these could not be tested due to lack of data. ^ The third essay investigates women-owned firms' higher failure rates using a Cox proportional hazard on two models. I make use of a never-before used variable that proxies for owners' confidence. This variable represents the owners' self-evaluated competitive advantage. ^ The first empirical model allows me to compare women's and men's hazard rates for each variable. In the second model I successively add the variables that could potentially explain why women have a higher failure rate. Unfortunately, I am not able to fully explain the gender effect on the firms' survival. Nonetheless, the second empirical approach allows me to confirm that social and psychological differences among genders are important in explaining the higher likelihood to fail in women-owned firms.^


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No hospitality organizations are immune from the negative effects of substance abuse in the workplace. Ownters and managers must confront the problem head on and, in order to accomplish this, they must be in possession of the facts regarding the problem, and regarding options for dealing with the problem in the most appropriate manner for their individual organizations. The authors include an assessment of this problem as well as a summary review of procedures for positive management of a potentially negative situation.


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The web has emerged as a potent business channel. Yet many hospitality websites are irrelevant in a new and cluttered technical world. Knowing how to promote and advertise a website and capitalizing on available resources are the keys to success. The authors lay out a marketing plan for increasing hospitality website traffic.


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In this guest editorial the distinguished president and CEO of Strategic Hotel Capital, Inc., a leader in the lodging industry outlines his views in a paper written for the Review which was also delivered at the Credit Lyonnaise Lodging Converence in Paris in March of 1998.


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Outsourcing of informational services, a growing trend outside the hospitality industry for several years, is the process of contracting with an outside vendor to take over all or part of a company's information processing needs. The author examines the pros and cons of outscourcing to help the hospitality industry determine if this si a business practice to be considered.


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The purpose of this study is to explore the accuracy issue of the Input-Output model in quantifying the impacts of the 2007 economic crisis on a local tourism industry and economy. Though the model has been used in the tourism impact analysis, its estimation accuracy is rarely verified empirically. The Metro Orlando area in Florida is investigated as an empirical study, and the negative change in visitor expenditure between 2007 and 2008 is taken as the direct shock. The total impacts are assessed in terms of output and employment, and are compared with the actual data. This study finds that there are surprisingly large discrepancies among the estimated and actual results, and the Input-Output model appears to overestimate the negative impacts. By investigating the local economic activities during the study period, this study made some exploratory efforts in explaining such discrepancies. Theoretical and practical implications are then suggested.


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Personal care amenities (PCA) are a big business in the lodging industry today. For several years hotel industry vendors and marketing consultants have claimed that PCA are very important to hotel guests and are a "must" for every hotel operation. The purpose of this study was to make one attempt to validate or discredit these claims based on actual guest feedback.


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The vast majority of hospitality management programs require students to participate in a hands-on work experience, which helps bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing the student with an opportunity to practice the theory learned in the classroom. The Walt Disney World Co. developed, implemented, and operates one of the most successful internship programs in the hospitality industry. It recognizes the need for business practitioners to become more involved in the education of future hospitality managers. The authors summarize the company's program and offer suggestions for other employers looking to give interns more than hands-on experience.


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In his essay - Regulating Casino Gaming: A Checklist for States Considering It – by Leonard E. Goodall, Professor of Management and Public Administration, College of Business and Econornics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Professor Goodall initially states: “Since various states are likely to continue to debate the issue of the establishment of legal casinos, and since states considering legal casinos must also decide how best to regulate them, the author discusses the similarities and contrasts in the regulatory systems already in operation.” Certainly not all states have solicited casino gaming, or what people generally refer to as gambling, but many have and the list is growing. If casinos are to be, and indications are that many more states will endorse gaming as a source of revenue, then regulating them must follow as a matter of due course says the author. Keep in mind this essay was written in 1988, and the actuality of casino gaming has indeed come to fruition in many states. “Nevada, having legalized casino gaming in 1931, has over a half-century of experience with the regulatory process,” Professor Goodall informs. “When New Jersey approved the establishment of casinos in Atlantic City in 1976, state officials studied the Nevada system carefully and adopted many of Nevada's procedures.” Professor Goodall bullet-points at least 7 key elements that states wanting to pursue gaming should, or in the cases of Nevada and New Jersey, have already addressed in regard to regulation of the industry. Goodall parses, in more detail, those essentials. The ultimate form of regulation is ownership Goodall says. Either state run, or private are the logical options. “The arguments for private ownership have been both pragmatic and political,” Goodall says. “Legislators, like the general public, are skeptical of the ability of state bureaucracies to run big businesses in an efficient manner. Many of them also believe regulation can be more effective if there is at least an arm's-length distance between regulation and ownership,” the professor opines. Additionally important to consider is the purpose of legalization, says Goodall. Are the proceeds earmarked for general funds, or to be used specifically? Geographic considerations are key, Goodall points out. “This decision will depend partly on a state's reasons for having casinos in the first place,” he expands. “New Jersey's policy, for example, is obviously consistent with its goal of using casinos to reinvigorate Atlantic City.” “In both states, one of the most important functions of the regulatory agencies is that of licensing, the process of investigating individuals or organizations and then authorizing them to participate in the gaming business,” Goodall provides. In closing, Goodall says there is no need for ensuing states to reinvent the wheel when it comes to casino gaming regulation. Nevada and New Jersey already provide two good designs from which to emulate and/or build upon.


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The essay - Managing Strategic Change – by K. Michael Haywood, Associate Professor, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph, is initially characterized by Haywood as: “The ability to manage strategic change is critical for hospitality industry executives today. Executives must be capable of creating a vision of the future and implementing its direction. The author gives avenues for that management process.” “The effective management of strategic change is the major challenge confronting hospitality executives,” says Associate Professor Haywood. “Responding to a rapidly changing business environment and constantly evolving competitive threats and opportunities requires executives who can anticipate and plan for change.” According to Professor Haywood, the management of strategic change is a future imperative for hospitality executives. Implementing those changes will be even more difficult. “Survival and growth for many hospitality firms during the next decade will depend on the development of new strategic visions which can provide significant competitive advantages,” he says. “Strategies for managing costs and technology will be central to this task,” Haywood expands the thought. Haywood suggests two primary types of change hospitality executives should be aware of. First, is change that is anticipated, anticipatory change. Second, is the other more crucial type of change, strategic change in the face of crisis, or simply stated, reactive change. Professor Haywood describes the distinction between the two. In describing the approach that should be implemented in responding to an anticipatory change, Haywood says, “If time permits, and change is to be introduced gradually, pilots and trials should be run to assess the impact of the new strategy on the organization. These trials are used to create pockets of commitment throughout the corporation, build comfort levels with the new approach, and neutralize or win over potential opposition.” There are the obvious advantages to using an approach like the one described above, but there are disadvantages as well. Haywood discusses both. In addressing reactive change, Haywood offers that the process is a more - time is of the essence – condition, and that strong leadership and a firm hand on employee control is imperative. “Personal leadership, tough-mindedness, the willingness to ruthlessly abandon the familiar and the past, and the use of informal strategic levers are the hallmarks of sterling executive performance in such periods,” he says. “All these changes involve substantial technical, financial, and human risks,” Haywood wants you to know. “In order to make them, and still remain competitive, hospitality and travel-related corporations require executives capable of creating a vision of the future, able to sell that vision to their employees, and tough-minded enough to implement strategies to make the vision a reality.”