891 resultados para writers
In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, only those who had opposed the Germans or were perceived to have done so could freely express themselves. Soon, however, three young writers clearly leaning to the right of the political spectrum – Antoine Blondin, Roger Nimier and Jacques Laurent – dared to challenge their narratives in a series of provocative novels published between 1949 and 1954. Quickly referred to as the Hussards after the publication in 1952 of a famous essay by Bernard Frank, these writers momentarily occupied the literary space left vacant by their older peers. Without denying the provocative, political and subversive dimensions of the Hussards’ war novels, this article will argue that their success was mainly due to the fact that they were largely in line – and not in contradiction – with the ‘horizon of expectations’ of their time (Jauss, 1982).
This article explores collaborative scholarship on the margins of intellectual life in eighteenth-century England via a close examination of George Ballard's collected correspondence from women letter-writers. Ballard was both a man of trade and an antiquary, and his modest social status inhibited his freedom to move in scholarly circles. Ballard's only published book documented the lives and works of "learned ladies" of Britain from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, and his female correspondents included the Anglo-Saxon scholar Elizabeth Elstob. His collected correspondence provides an insight into a network that operated outside of the major institutions of scholarship and far from the coffee houses of metropolitan life, but which supported its participants in their intellectual endeavours. By examining the collection materially, and by plotting the correspondents geographically, a more precise picture can be drawn of how women and lower-status men could engage in intellectual life from the peripheries of scholarly society.
This article examines how in post-war France slang became a byword for the noir genre. It considers the mechanisms, models, networks and translators' practices which set the tone for the "Série Noire”, whose influence, both written and on the screen, had, within a decade, become, a "mythology" studied by Roland Barthes. It argues that this use of slang is redolent of the inauthenticity which characterises this stage in the reception of the Noir genre in France. It is certain that this artificial French slang is far from devoid of charm, or even mystery. But it tends to depreciate and deform the translated works and seems to be the hallmark of an era that might have defined and acclimatised Noir fiction in France, yet remains one which has not fully understood the gravity of its purpose. While such translations seem outdated nowadays (if not quite incomprehensible ), original works written at the time in French by writers inspired by the model of " pseudo- slang" and the fashionability of American popular culture have benefited from them. In this very inauthenticity, derivative novels have found a licence for invention and freedom, with authors such as Cocteau hailing it as a revival of the French written language. We see here how the adventures of Commissaire San Antonio, by Frédéric Dard constitute the best examples of this new creativity in French and draw upon a template set for the reception of American literature
Victorian writers often claimed that the press was killing the fairy tale. In fact, it ensured the genre's popularity, bringing literary tales and folklore to the first mass readerships. Exploring penny weeklies, adult and children's monthlies, little magazines and the labour press, this innovative study is the first to combine media and fairy tale history. Bringing reading communities back into focus, Sumpter explores ingenious political uses of the fairy tale: in debates over socialism, evolution and race, and in the context of women's rights, decadence and gay culture. The book offers new insights into the popularisation of folklore and comparative science, and also recovers neglected visual material. From the fantasies of Kingsley, MacDonald and J. H. Ewing to the writings of Keir Hardie, Laurence Housman and Yeats, Sumpter reveals that the fairy tale was intimately shaped by the press, and that both were at the heart of nineteenth-century culture.
The paperback edition includes a new Preface.
Mary Magdalene has endured over the centuries as a powerful icon for the redemption of the so-called sins of the flesh. In arguing that her appeal to writers was experienced no more keenly than in nineteenth-century France, this article reflects on the political, ideological and gender assumptions that are woven into the Madeleine narrative of redemption. It goes on to propose that, with the rise of the naturalist novel, relying on pseudo-scientific theories of pre-determination, the Madeleine myth is radically rewritten in Zola’s Madeleine Férat, an often neglected novel in which the Calvinist doctrine of original sin and predestination not only challenges the very notion of redemption from sexual waywardness, but inflects some of the defining principles of naturalism.
Stephen B. Dobranski, Milton Quarterly 49.3 (October, 2015), 181-4:
'By addressing classical and neo-Latin works with which Milton's poems appear to engage, Haan has pursued something unattempted yet. Her erudite and engaging commentary on the Poemata is the most extensive and impressive that I have encountered in any edition ... Haan's discussion of Milton's Poemata - including the Testimonia, the one Italian and four Latin encomia by the poet's acquaintances published in 1645 and 1673 - is remarkably detailed and well-researched. In these sections, readers learn, for example, how Milton's Epitaphium Damonis borrows from both classical writers (Theocritus, Moschus) and contemporary models (Castiglione, Zanchi) while transcending all of them through a pattern of resurrection motifs. Or, readers can discover affinities between Milton's lament on the death of the Bishop of Ely and a poem by the Italian humanist Hieronymo Aleander, Jr., or learn about the connections between Milton's Elegia Quinta and George Buchanan's Maiae Calendae ... The Shorter Poems is a scholarly achievement of the highest order.'
Noam Reisner, Review of English Studies 65 (2014), 744-5:
‘Haan shines with her Neo-Latinist expertise by offering a vivid separate introduction to the Latin poems, which sets up Milton’s poemata specifically within the Neo-Latin contexts of the seventeenth century, thereby dispelling any remaining view of these poems as juvenilia (a view which results from reading the poems chronologically). … The present volume will instantly establish itself as the definitive resource for any reader interested in Milton’s shorter poems, and it is scarcely imaginable that it will ever be eclipsed or be in need of replacing. Its contribution is important in all areas, especially in providing for the first time in a single volume truly valuable documents which can teach us a lot more about Milton’s poetic development than simply reading the poems in chronological sequence. But perhaps, this edition’s greatest achievement is the way in which it succeeds in giving Milton’s Latin poems the pride of place they have long deserved as fully integral to Milton’s complete poetic imagination. Haan’s specific achievement in this regard is less in updating the translations than in providing a different context through which to look at the Latin poems themselves. Haan’s detailed commentaries set the Latin poems in a completely fresh light which looks beyond the obvious classical references and allusions, noted by Carey and many other editors, to Milton’s complex engagement with the Neo-Latin literary culture of his time. It is this aspect of the volume, more than anything else, which vindicates its essentialness.'
Recent renewed interest in computational writer identification has resulted in an increased number of publications. In relation to historical musicology its application has so far been limited. One of the obstacles seems to be that the clarity of the images from the scans available for computational analysis is often not sufficient. In this paper, the use of the Hinge feature is proposed to avoid segmentation and staff-line removal for effective feature extraction from low quality scans. The use of an auto encoder in Hinge feature space is suggested as an alternative to staff-line removal by image processing, and their performance is compared. The result of the experiment shows an accuracy of 87 % for the dataset containing 84 writers’ samples, and superiority of our segmentation and staff-line removal free approach. Practical analysis on Bach’s autograph manuscript of the Well-Tempered Clavier II (Additional MS. 35021 in the British Library, London) is also presented and the extensive applicability of our approach is demonstrated.
This paper examines the role of the Anaesthetic Nuse Specialist(ANS) in the context of innovative cochlear implant surgery which restores hearing to those with long term deafness. The specific focus is patient centered care during the long surgery under local anaestha when the patient is awake.
It is crucial during this surgery that the patient remains still, relaxed and calm, the ANS has been particularly creative using communication cards and tablets to allow patients to write questions and the nurse to answer. The writers capture the unique moment when someone with long term hearing can hear, and the ensuing emotion from the patient and theatre team.
This volume explores the extraordinary literary achievement of James Clarence Mangan (1803-1849), increasingly recognised as one of the most important Irish writers of the nineteenth century and a crucial influence on later writers such as W.B. Yeats and James Joyce. It is the first collection of essays to focus on Mangan, and features articles by leading scholars in the field (including Jacques Chuto and David Lloyd) as well as contributions from acclaimed contemporary writers, Paul Muldoon and Ciaran Carson. The collection expands existing fields of debate--translation, the supernatural, intertextuality, nationalism, romanticism-- and introduces new ones: Mangan's afterlife in the English literary canon, cosmopolitanism and Weltliteratur, antiquity and futurity, nineteenth-century spiritualism and magical thinking. 'The man in the cloak', one of Mangan's favourite pseudonyms, is still a a resonant soubriquet for a writer who has eluded sustained critical attention, and this volumes restores him to his proper place in European and British, as well as Irish literary history.
This article tracks the development of the Brut tradition, from its inception in the ninth century text the Historia Brittonum, via Geoffrey of Monmouth’s twelfth century Historia Regum Britannaie, Wace’s Roman de Brut and Layamon’s Brut (both twelfth century), to the myriad Prose Bruts, in Anglo-Norman, Latin and Middle English, from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries. It argues that the Brut is best understood both as a distinctive literary tradition and as a well-spring of mythography from which a range of late medieval, and post-medieval, writers drew. The article indicates the utility of the Brut tradition to emergent notions of English identity and the role the narratives recorded by the Brut tradition played in orchestrating English colonial attitudes to its insular and continental neighbours. The article concludes by assessing the importance of the Brut tradition for book culture and emergent models of literary taste in the later Middle Ages
Why has crime fiction become a global genre? How do writers use crime fiction to reflect upon the changing nature of crime and policing in our contemporary world? This book argues that the globalization of crime fiction should not be celebrated uncritically. Instead, it looks at the new forms and techniques writers are using to examine the crimes and policing practices that define a rapidly changing world. In doing so, this collection of essays examines how the relationship between global crime, capitalism, and policing produces new configurations of violence in crime fiction – and asks whether the genre can find ways of analyzing and even opposing such violence as part of its necessarily limited search for justice both within and beyond the state.
É sobretudo nos finais do século XIX e princípios do século XX que, no contexto português, a literatura popular de expressão oral ganha evidência, fruto do trabalho de recolha e pesquisa que uma elite intelectual, predominantemente liberal e republicana, lhe consagra. Esta literatura popular, objecto de reconstrução erudita, é hoje ainda frequentemente vista como uma manifestação literária de “segunda ordem”, praticamente ausente nos currículos universitários, minoritariamente presente nas publicações académicas. Ela inscreve-se, contudo, junto de produções de autores “consagrados” e de produções não literárias, nos actuais programas de Português do Ensino Básico. É à compreensão dos modos de apropriação escolar desta literatura de tradição oral, em especial do conto, que este estudo se consagra. Em termos metodológicos, o estudo inscreve-se no âmbito da pesquisa qualitativa, centrando-se fundamentalmente na descrição e interpretação de dados verbais produzidos em sala de aula, bem como nos discursos que para as aulas se constroem. Focamos, assim, as práticas discursivas de professores de Português - leccionando a disciplina a alunos do 3º ciclo de escolaridade - e as instâncias discursivas que mediatamente regulam essas práticas: os programas Oficiais (as indicações aí preconizadas para a abordagem da temática) e os manuais (“tradutores” desse discurso oficial e fonte mais próxima do trabalho pedagógico do professor). As conclusões aqui evidenciadas poderão ser um contributo para a compreensão sobre o modo como “o conto popular vai à escola”, i.e., sobre o modo como a “tradição”, pela acção da “escolarização”, se transforma.
Usando documentos oficiais, registos legislativos, memórias e outras fontes documentais escritas produzidos no período entre os anos 60 e início da década de 90 do século XX, o presente estudo procura estabelecer a relação entre a narrativa de ficção e a realidade histórica documentada. O procedimento metodológico consistiu no confronto de registos de factos da realidade nos referidos documentos com o mundo possível criado pelos escritores. A investigação centrou-se nos romances de três escritores angolanos (Pepetela, Wanhenga Xitu e Arnaldo Santos). Os resultados demonstram que os textos ficcionais escolhidos se estruturam a partir da matéria de extracção histórica. O produto da pesquisa contribui para legitimar o valor documental das obras escolhidas entre outras que fazem parte da narrativa de ficção angolana. O trabalho visa, também, uma finalidade didáctica: a explicação de textos de ficção narrativa que analisam momentos marcantes da história recente de Angola; HISTORICAL REALITY IN THE NARRATIVE OF ANGOLAN FICTION ABSTRACT: Using official documents, legislative records, memories, and other written documental sources produced in the period between the sixties and the early nineties of the XX century, this study seeks to establish a relationship between fiction narrative and historical reality. The methodological procedure consisted in the comparison of records of the facts in the aforesaid documents with a possible world created by the author. The research focuses on novels by three Angolan writers (Pepetela, Wanhenga Xitu, and Arnaldo Santos). The results indicate that the selected fictional texts are structured from topics relating to history. The research outcome contributes to legitimate the documental value of the Works selected amongst those forming part of the Angolan fiction. Furthermore, the research serves another didactic purpose: explaining narrative fiction texts that review defining moments of the recent history of Angola.
O presente trabalho propõe-se reflectir sobre o efeito transgeracional do Holocausto, responsável pela formação de traumas e sentimentos de culpa, como se testemunham tanto em estudos psicológicos como em textos literários. Trata-se de um factor nuclear da problemática identitária verificada junto da geração de indivíduos, nascidos após o final da ditadura nacionalsocialista. Embora esta geração não tenha vivido durante os anos da ditadura hitleriana, recai sobre ela uma herança histórica que, inevitavelmente, deixa marcas profundas no processo de construção e consolidação da identidade de cada um: se os filhos dos sobreviventes se debatem com o sentimento de "culpa pela sobrevivência" sentido pelos pais, aos filhos dos criminosos é imputada uma culpa moral pela barbárie perpetrada pelos progenitores. Esta reflexão assenta no estudo da obra dos escritores Jan Koneffke e Doron Rabinovici, jovens autores de expressão alemã, que representam os conceitos de trauma, identidade e memória no contexto histórico, político e social da actualidade.