917 resultados para wireless communication technology
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tell a story is one of the primary forms and instinctive communication in humanity. The essence of narrating daily events remains the same, but the channels through which these stories are told to reshape over time and adapt to the desires of your audience. Given this reformulation and with the advent of the internet as an essential part of contemporary communication, technology plays an essential role in assisting in the development of languages and new ways to create, manage and communicate content, in addition to democratize and expand these processes. With this work, it is hoped, provide subsidies for new research in the area are made, and contribute to the production of transmedia journalistic
This paper presents academic-scientific research on the use of Information and Communication Technology in the work of teacher educators. Specifically analysis was performed theoretical and practical approaches deployed in the prescribed work and the work actually performed by teacher educators in the use of educational software, named Sherlock.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of training teachers to use Web 2.0 in the classroom. Its intention was to fi nd out whether students are familiar with the main Web 2.0 resources and know how to exploit their potential in the development of teaching activities. In addition to the literature review, we developed a fi eld exploratory-descriptive research. The research was held in a private university located in the city of Bauru (São Paulo State, Brazil). We selected 213 students enrolled in “Supervised Training III” course, which is part of the teacher training curriculum available for students in the second year of undergraduate course. Results concluded that the students surveyed have access to computers and the Internet, are relatively skilled in handling the available tools and recognize the importance of including them in the teaching and learning process. The students demonstrate diffi culty using the web in a didactic manner, particularly the Web 2.0, which involves a focus on users and collaboration. Therefore, the article points to the need to rethink teacher training courses in order to include practical activities aimed at the use of technology as a teaching resource.
One tool that has been in evidence, especially among young people, is Facebook. It can be classified as a synchronous communication tool that allows communities of people with similar interests to discuss and exchange experiences in real time, promoting the sharing of information and the creation of collective knowledge, even if they being in different parts of the globe. In this paper we show that Facebook can be used as an educational tool to aid the work done in the classroom and the impact of creating closed groups in online social networking for educational purposes. The survey was conducted with a group of students at a private school in Bauru/SP. We investigated the interaction profile of students with a closed group created on Facebook and through a questionnaire analyzed whether students use virtual environments for personal or educational. The survey reveals students perceptions about relevant aspects and the potential use of this tool as teaching-learning strategy
Information and communication technology have contributed to the realization of the ideals of citizen participation in public decisions, as well as to help in fighting corruption and wrongdoing in government. After all, democracy entails the right to information. The government, in many spheres, has encouraged the responsible use of the internet. Conduct manuals and standards have been published for public segments to direct the responsible use of these tools by their agents. This article aims to determine whether the manuals comply with the principles of digital democracy. Conduct manuals were analyzed in digital media from four Brazilian public organizations: Embrapa; Department of Communication of the Federal Government; Judiciary and Health Department of the Federal District. As a methodology, content analysis, based on criteria focused on transparency and encouraging civic engagement was used.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Rural community development is a major issue for developing countries. Much attention has been given Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects to connect rural communities with the global network. However, ICT resistance is a deterring factor in addressing the digital divide in developing countries. It is postulated that reversing the resistance to to ICT can be strategizedthrough "information acceptance." ICT can be accepted by rural communities by creating demand for information. The paper calls for the refocusing on the role of information in rural community development and ICT as a tool for change agent. Initiatives for rural community development must emphasize the importance of information in rural communities.
[ES] Este trabajo detalla las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de construcción del prototipo Clever Socket, abarcando desde su análisis, a su diseño e implementación.
Clever Socket es un conjunto hardware y software que facilita el control del encendido y el apagado de los aparatos electrónicos conectados a él a través de redes de comunicación LAN y WAN. Para lograr este propósito, el artefacto se apoya en la placa de desarrollo electrónico Arduino UNO y la placa Arduino WiFi Shield –que posibilita su conexión inalámbrica a la red–.
El dispositivo cuenta con cuatro bases de enchufe controladas a través de relés, que permiten la gestión de hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos de manera simultánea.
En el lado del software se presentan tres componentes:
Un servicio web de bajo nivel destinado a la gestión de la placa Arduino. Permite la comunicación con la placa, la lectura y escritura de sus pines.
Un servicio web específico del dispositivo Clever Socket. Facilita la comunicación con el prototipo hardware, permitiendo así la gestión de diferentes operaciones que se llevan a cabo sobre los aparatos conectados a sus enchufes.
Una aplicación web. Actúa como interfaz entre el usuario y el servicio web de Clever Socket, permitiendo la gestión del dispositivo. El diseño de la aplicación es responsive, lo que posibilita su correcta visualización en todo tipo de dispositivos, tanto móviles como de escritorio.
The term Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to a vision on the future of the information society where smart, electronic environment are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and their activities (Context awareness). In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices. This promotes the creation of pervasive environments improving the quality of life of the occupants and enhancing the human experience. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. Ambient intelligent systems are heterogeneous and require an excellent cooperation between several hardware/software technologies and disciplines, including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. Since a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded is deployed into the environment, the Wireless Sensor Networks is one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes which can be deployed in a target area to sense physical phenomena and communicate with other nodes and base stations. These simple devices typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). WNS promises of revolutionizing the interactions between the real physical worlds and human beings. Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. To fully exploit the potential of distributed sensing approaches, a set of challengesmust be addressed. Sensor nodes are inherently resource-constrained systems with very low power consumption and small size requirements which enables than to reduce the interference on the physical phenomena sensed and to allow easy and low-cost deployment. They have limited processing speed,storage capacity and communication bandwidth that must be efficiently used to increase the degree of local ”understanding” of the observed phenomena. A particular case of sensor nodes are video sensors. This topic holds strong interest for a wide range of contexts such as military, security, robotics and most recently consumer applications. Vision sensors are extremely effective for medium to long-range sensing because vision provides rich information to human operators. However, image sensors generate a huge amount of data, whichmust be heavily processed before it is transmitted due to the scarce bandwidth capability of radio interfaces. In particular, in video-surveillance, it has been shown that source-side compression is mandatory due to limited bandwidth and delay constraints. Moreover, there is an ample opportunity for performing higher-level processing functions, such as object recognition that has the potential to drastically reduce the required bandwidth (e.g. by transmitting compressed images only when something ‘interesting‘ is detected). The energy cost of image processing must however be carefully minimized. Imaging could play and plays an important role in sensing devices for ambient intelligence. Computer vision can for instance be used for recognising persons and objects and recognising behaviour such as illness and rioting. Having a wireless camera as a camera mote opens the way for distributed scene analysis. More eyes see more than one and a camera system that can observe a scene from multiple directions would be able to overcome occlusion problems and could describe objects in their true 3D appearance. In real-time, these approaches are a recently opened field of research. In this thesis we pay attention to the realities of hardware/software technologies and the design needed to realize systems for distributed monitoring, attempting to propose solutions on open issues and filling the gap between AmI scenarios and hardware reality. The physical implementation of an individual wireless node is constrained by three important metrics which are outlined below. Despite that the design of the sensor network and its sensor nodes is strictly application dependent, a number of constraints should almost always be considered. Among them: • Small form factor to reduce nodes intrusiveness. • Low power consumption to reduce battery size and to extend nodes lifetime. • Low cost for a widespread diffusion. These limitations typically result in the adoption of low power, low cost devices such as low powermicrocontrollers with few kilobytes of RAMand tenth of kilobytes of program memory with whomonly simple data processing algorithms can be implemented. However the overall computational power of the WNS can be very large since the network presents a high degree of parallelism that can be exploited through the adoption of ad-hoc techniques. Furthermore through the fusion of information from the dense mesh of sensors even complex phenomena can be monitored. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas:Low Power Video Sensor Node and Video Processing Alghoritm and Multimodal Surveillance . Low Power Video Sensor Nodes and Video Processing Alghoritms In comparison to scalar sensors, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, velocity, and acceleration sensors, vision sensors generate much higher bandwidth data due to the two-dimensional nature of their pixel array. We have tackled all the constraints listed above and have proposed solutions to overcome the current WSNlimits for Video sensor node. We have designed and developed wireless video sensor nodes focusing on the small size and the flexibility of reuse in different applications. The video nodes target a different design point: the portability (on-board power supply, wireless communication), a scanty power budget (500mW),while still providing a prominent level of intelligence, namely sophisticated classification algorithmand high level of reconfigurability. We developed two different video sensor node: The device architecture of the first one is based on a low-cost low-power FPGA+microcontroller system-on-chip. The second one is based on ARM9 processor. Both systems designed within the above mentioned power envelope could operate in a continuous fashion with Li-Polymer battery pack and solar panel. Novel low power low cost video sensor nodes which, in contrast to sensors that just watch the world, are capable of comprehending the perceived information in order to interpret it locally, are presented. Featuring such intelligence, these nodes would be able to cope with such tasks as recognition of unattended bags in airports, persons carrying potentially dangerous objects, etc.,which normally require a human operator. Vision algorithms for object detection, acquisition like human detection with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification and abandoned/removed object detection are implemented, described and illustrated on real world data. Multimodal surveillance: In several setup the use of wired video cameras may not be possible. For this reason building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. Energy efficiency for wireless smart camera networks is one of the major efforts in distributed monitoring and surveillance community. For this reason, building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. The Pyroelectric Infra-Red (PIR) sensors have been used to extend the lifetime of a solar-powered video sensor node by providing an energy level dependent trigger to the video camera and the wireless module. Such approach has shown to be able to extend node lifetime and possibly result in continuous operation of the node.Being low-cost, passive (thus low-power) and presenting a limited form factor, PIR sensors are well suited for WSN applications. Moreover techniques to have aggressive power management policies are essential for achieving long-termoperating on standalone distributed cameras needed to improve the power consumption. We have used an adaptive controller like Model Predictive Control (MPC) to help the system to improve the performances outperforming naive power management policies.
This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. The subject of this thesis regards important channel estimation aspects in wideband wireless communication systems, such as echo cancellation in digital video broadcasting systems and pilot aided channel estimation through an innovative pilot design in Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO-OFDM network. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter-University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to May 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DOCOMO - Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DOCOMO Euro-Labs) in Munich, Germany, in the Wireless Technologies Research Group. Some important scientific papers, submitted and/or published on IEEE journals and conferences have been produced by the author.
Il Cloud computing è probabilmente l'argomento attualmente più dibattuto nel mondo dell'Information and Communication Technology (ICT). La diffusione di questo nuovo modo di concepire l'erogazione di servizi IT, è l'evoluzione di una serie di tecnologie che stanno rivoluzionando le modalit à in cui le organizzazioni costruiscono le proprie infrastrutture informatiche. I vantaggi che derivano dall'utilizzo di infrastrutture di Cloud Computing sono ad esempio un maggiore controllo sui servizi, sulla struttura dei costi e sugli asset impiegati. I costi sono proporzionati all'eettivo uso dei servizi (pay-per-use), evitando dunque gli sprechi e rendendo più efficiente il sistema di sourcing. Diverse aziende hanno già cominciato a provare alcuni servizi cloud e molte altre stanno valutando l'inizio di un simile percorso. La prima organizzazione a fornire una piattaforma di cloud computing fu Amazon, grazie al suo Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2). Nel luglio del 2010 nasce OpenStack, un progetto open-source creato dalla fusione dei codici realizzati dall'agenzia governativa della Nasa[10] e dell'azienda statunitense di hosting Rackspace. Il software realizzato svolge le stesse funzioni di quello di Amazon, a differenza di questo, però, è stato rilasciato con licenza Apache, quindi nessuna restrizione di utilizzo e di implementazione. Oggi il progetto Openstack vanta di numerose aziende partner come Dell, HP, IBM, Cisco, e Microsoft. L'obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di comprendere ed analizzare il funzionamento del software OpenStack. Il fine principale è quello di familiarizzare con i diversi componenti di cui è costituito e di concepire come essi interagiscono fra loro, per poter costruire infrastrutture cloud del tipo Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Il lettore si troverà di fronte all'esposizione degli argomenti organizzati nei seguenti capitoli. Nel primo capitolo si introduce la definizione di cloud computing, trattandone le principali caratteristiche, si descrivono poi, i diversi modelli di servizio e di distribuzione, delineando vantaggi e svantaggi che ne derivano. Nel secondo capitolo due si parla di una delle tecnologie impiegate per la realizzazione di infrastrutture di cloud computing, la virtualizzazione. Vengono trattate le varie forme e tipologie di virtualizzazione. Nel terzo capitolo si analizza e descrive in dettaglio il funzionamento del progetto OpenStack. Per ogni componente del software, viene illustrata l'architettura, corredata di schemi, ed il relativo meccanismo. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta la parte relativa all'installazione del software e alla configurazione dello stesso. Inoltre si espongono alcuni test effettuati sulla macchina in cui è stato installato il software. Infine nel quinto capitolo si trattano le conclusioni con le considerazioni sugli obiettivi raggiunti e sulle caratteristiche del software preso in esame.
Electronic applications are nowadays converging under the umbrella of the cloud computing vision. The future ecosystem of information and communication technology is going to integrate clouds of portable clients and embedded devices exchanging information, through the internet layer, with processing clusters of servers, data-centers and high performance computing systems. Even thus the whole society is waiting to embrace this revolution, there is a backside of the story. Portable devices require battery to work far from the power plugs and their storage capacity does not scale as the increasing power requirement does. At the other end processing clusters, such as data-centers and server farms, are build upon the integration of thousands multiprocessors. For each of them during the last decade the technology scaling has produced a dramatic increase in power density with significant spatial and temporal variability. This leads to power and temperature hot-spots, which may cause non-uniform ageing and accelerated chip failure. Nonetheless all the heat removed from the silicon translates in high cooling costs. Moreover trend in ICT carbon footprint shows that run-time power consumption of the all spectrum of devices accounts for a significant slice of entire world carbon emissions. This thesis work embrace the full ICT ecosystem and dynamic power consumption concerns by describing a set of new and promising system levels resource management techniques to reduce the power consumption and related issues for two corner cases: Mobile Devices and High Performance Computing.
From several researchers it appears that Italian adolescents and young people are grown up with commercial television which is accused to contain too much violence, sex, reality shows, advertising, cartoons which are watched from 1 to 4 hours daily. Adolescents are also great users of mobile phones and spend a lot of time to use it. Their academic results are below the average of Ocse States. However the widespread use of communication technology and social networks display also another side of adolescents who engage in media activism and political movement such as Ammazzateci tutti!, Indymedia, Movimento 5 Stelle, Movimento No Tav. In which way does the world economic crisis -with the specific problems of Italy as the cutting founds for school, academic research and welfare, the corruption of political class, mafia and camorra organisation induce a reaction in our adolescents and young people? Several researches inform us about their use of internet in terms of spending time but, more important, how internet, and the web 2.0, could be an instrument for their reaction? What do they do online? How they do it? Which is the meaning of their presence online? And, has their online activity a continuity offline? The research aims are: 1. Trough a participant observation of Social Network profiles opened by 10 young active citizens, I would seek to understand which kind of social or political activities they engage in online as individuals and which is the meaning of their presence online. 2. To observe and understand if adolescents and young people have a continuity of their socio-political engagement online in offline activities and which kind of experiences it is. 3. Try to comprehend which was (or which were) the significant, learning experiences that convinced them about the potential of the web as tool for their activism.
Nella maggior parte dei casi, i soggetti affetti da Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico hanno un deficit di comunicazione, sia esso verbale o non verbale. Nonostante, ad oggi, non esista una cura per questo disturbo, una diagnosi precoce entro il terzo anno di vita del soggetto e un programma educativo coerente con le necessità del paziente, permettono al bambino con autismo di raggiungere quantomeno le abilità comunicative di base. Recenti studi hanno dimostrato che l’utilizzo di Information and Communication Technology (ICT) nel trattamento di soggetti affetti da Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico può portare molti benefici, dato che, da un lato, computer, tablet e smartphone sono strumenti strutturati e prevedibili e, dall’altro, i sintetizzatori vocali, se presenti, sono privi di inflessioni verbali. A questo proposito, durante il mio tirocinio di tesi magistrale presso l’azienda “CSP – Innovazioni nelle ICT” di Torino, ho sviluppato un’applicazione per tablet Android che permette a psicologi, educatori, logopedisti, insegnanti e genitori di creare tabelle comunicative circostanziate alle esigenze del soggetto e che consente a quest’ultimo di utilizzare questo strumento come efficace mediatore sociale. Questo software si va a inserire in un progetto più ampio, denominato “tools4Autism”, nato dalla collaborazione tra il centro di ricerca di cui sopra, la “Fondazione ASPHI Onlus – ICT per migliorare la qualità di vita delle persone con disabilità” e il “Centro Autismo e Sindrome di Asperger” di Mondovì (CN). L’applicazione prevede principalmente due metodi di utilizzo: il primo, definito “modalità operatore”, è un editor che permette di creare tabelle composte da un numero variabile di immagini che possono essere pittogrammi, fotografie personali, disegni del bambino e possono essere accompagnate o meno da un testo. Una volta create le tabelle, l’operatore ha la possibilità di modificarle, eliminarle, variarne l’ordine, esportarle su altri dispositivi o importare tabelle precedentemente create. Il secondo metodo di utilizzo, definito “modalità utente”, permette al soggetto affetto da Disturbo Autistico di comunicare con altre persone sfruttando le tabelle create dall’operatore coerentemente con le sue necessità. Al tocco dell’immagine da parte del bambino, essa viene evidenziata tramite un contorno rosso e, se abilitato, il sintetizzatore vocale riproduce il testo associato a tale immagine. I principali fattori di innovazione dell’applicazione sono la gratuità, la semplicità di utilizzo, la rapidità nella creazione e nell’aggiornamento delle tabelle comunicative, la portabilità dello strumento e l’utilizzo della sintesi vocale. Il software sarà sperimentato presso il “Centro Autismo e Sindrome di Asperger”, centro di neuropsichiatria infantile specializzato nello studio del Disturbo Autistico. Tale sperimentazione si pone come obiettivo quello di verificare gli effettivi miglioramenti nella velocità e nella qualità di apprendimento delle fondamentali abilità comunicative.