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Degraded hillsides in Northern Pakistan are rehabilitated through social forestry campaigns using fast growing exotic trees. These plantations on former scrublands curtail access by livestock owned by landless pastoralists and create social tension. This study proposes an alternative strategy of planting indigenous fodder trees and shrubs that are well-suited to the local socio-ecological characteristics and can benefit all social segments. The choice of fodder tree species, their nutritional value and distribution within the complex socio-ecological system is explained. This study also explores the suitability of these trees at different elevations, sites and transhumant routes. Providing mobile herders with adequate fodder trees could relax social tensions and complement food security.
Rangelands store about 30% of the world’s carbon and support over 120 million pastoralists globally. Adjusting the management of remote alpine pastures bears a substantial climate change mitigation potential that can provide livelihood support for marginalized pastoralists through carbon payment. Landless pastoralists in Northern Pakistan seek higher income by cropping potatoes and peas over alpine pastures. However, tilling steep slopes without terracing exposes soil to erosion. Moreover, yields decline rapidly requiring increasing fertilizer inputs. Under these conditions, carbon payment could be a feasible option to compensate pastoralists for renouncing hazardous cropping while favoring pastoral activities. The study quantifies and compares C on cropped and grazed land. The hypothesis was that cropping on alpine pastures reduces former carbon storage. The study area located in the Naran valley of the Pakistani Himalayas receives an annual average of 819 mm of rain and 764 mm of snow. Average temperatures remain below 0°C from November to March while frost may occur all year round. A total of 72 soil core samples were collected discriminating land use (cropping, pasture), aspect (North, South), elevation (low 3000, middle 3100, and high 3200 m a.s.l.), and soil depth (shallow 0-10, deep 10-30 cm). Thirty six biomass samples were collected over the same independent variables (except for soil depth) using a 10x10x20 cm steal box inserted in the ground for each sample. Aboveground biomass and coarse roots were separated from the soil aggregate and oven-dried. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and biomass carbon (BC) were estimated through a potassium dichromate oxidation treatment. The samples were collected during the second week of October 2010 at the end of the grazing and cropping season and before the first snowfall. The data was statistically analyzed by means of a one-way analysis of variance. Results show that all variables taken separately have a significant effect on mean SOC [%]: crop/pasture 1.33/1.6, North/South 1.61/1.32, low/middle/high 1.09/1.62/1.68, shallow/deep 1.4/1.53. However, for BC, only land use has a significant effect with more than twice the amount of carbon in pastures [g m-2]: crop/pasture 127/318. These preliminary findings suggest that preventing the conversion of pastures into cropping fields in the Naran valley avoids an average loss of 12.2 t C ha-1 or 44.8 t CO2eq ha-1 representing a foreseeable compensation of 672 € ha-1 for the Naran landless pastoralists who would renounce cropping. The ongoing study shall provide a complete picture for carbon payment integrating key aspects such as the rate of cropping encroachment over pastures per year, the methane leakage from the system due to livestock enteric fermentation, the expected cropping income vs. livestock income and the transaction costs of implementing the mitigation project, certifying it, and verifying carbon credits. A net present value over an infinite time horizon for the mitigation scenario shall be estimated on an iterative simulation to consider weather and price uncertainties. The study will also provide an estimate of the minimum price of carbon at which pastoralists would consider engaging in the mitigation activity.
BACKGROUND: Stroke patients with diabetes and admission hyperglycaemia have worse outcomes than non-diabetics, with or without intravenous thrombolysis. Poor vessel recanalization was reported in diabetics treated with intravenous thrombolysis. AIMS: This study aimed to determine the impact of admission glucose and diabetes on recanalization and outcome after intra-arterial thrombolysis. METHODS: We analysed 389 patients (213 men, 176 women) treated with intra-arterial thrombolysis. The association of diabetes and admission glucose value with recanalization, outcome, mortality, and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was determined. Recanalization was classified according to thrombolysis in myocardial infarction grades. Outcome was measured using the modified Rankin Scale at three-months and categorized as favourable (modified Rankin Scale 0-2) or poor (modified Rankin Scale 3-6). RESULTS: The rate of partial or complete recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 2-3) did not differ between patients with and without diabetes (67% vs. 66%; P = 1·000). Mean admission glucose values were similar in patients with poor recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 0-1) and patients with partial or complete recanalization (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 2-3; 7·3 vs. 7·3 mmol/l; P = 0·746). Follow-up at three-months was obtained in 388 of 389 patients. Clinical outcome was favourable (modified Rankin Scale 0-2) in 189 patients (49%) and poor (modified Rankin Scale 3-6) in 199 patients (51%). Mortality at three-months was 20%. Diabetics were more likely to have poor outcome (72% vs. 48%; P = 0·001) and to be dead (30% vs. 19%; P = 0·044) at three-months. After multivariable analysis, there remained an independent relationship between diabetes and outcome (P = 0·003; odds ratio 3·033, 95% confidence interval 1·452-6·336), but not with mortality (P = 0·310; odds ratio 1·436; 95% confidence interval 0·714-2·888). Moreover, higher age (P = 0·001; odds ratio 1·039; 95% confidence interval 1·017-1·061), higher baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (P < 0·0001; odds ratio 1·130; 95% confidence interval 1·079-1·182), location of vessel occlusion as categorical variable (P < 0·0001), poor collaterals (P = 0·02; odds ratio 1·587; 95% confidence interval 1·076-2·341), poor vessel recanalization (P < 0·0001; odds ratio 4·713; 95% confidence interval 2·627-8·454), and higher leucocyte count (P = 0·032; odds ratio 1·094; 95% confidence interval 1·008-1·188) were independent baseline predictors of poor outcome. Higher admission glucose was associated with poor outcome (P = 0·006) and mortality (P < 0·0001). After multivariate analyses, glucose remained independently associated with poor outcome (P = 0·019; odds ratio 1·150; 95% confidence interval 1·023-1-292) and mortality (P = 0·005; odds ratio 1·183; 95% confidence interval 1052-1·331). The rate of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was similar in diabetics and non-diabetics (6·7% vs. 4·6%; P = 0·512). Mean admission glucose was higher in patients with symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage than without (8·58 vs. 7·26 mmol/l; P = 0·010). Multivariable analysis confirmed an independent association between admission glucose and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (P = 0·027; odds ratio 1·187; 95% confidence interval 1·020-1·381). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes and glucose value on admission did not influence recanalization after intra-arterial thrombolysis; nevertheless, they were independent predictors of poor outcome after intra-arterial thrombolysis and a higher admission glucose value was an independent predictor of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage. This indicates that factors on the capillary, cellular, or metabolic level may account for the worse outcome in patients with elevated glucose value and diabetes.
Switzerland implemented a risk-based monitoring of Swiss dairy products in 2002 based on a risk assessment (RA) that considered the probability of exceeding a microbiological limit value set by law. A new RA was launched in 2007 to review and further develop the previous assessment, and to make recommendations for future risk-based monitoring according to current risks. The resulting qualitative RA was designed to ascertain the risk to human health from the consumption of Swiss dairy products. The products and microbial hazards to be considered in the RA were determined based on a risk profile. The hazards included Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin. The release assessment considered the prevalence of the hazards in bulk milk samples, the influence of the process parameters on the microorganisms, and the influence of the type of dairy. The exposure assessment was linked to the production volume. An overall probability was estimated combining the probabilities of release and exposure for each combination of hazard, dairy product and type of dairy. This overall probability represents the likelihood of a product from a certain type of dairy exceeding the microbiological limit value and being passed on to the consumer. The consequences could not be fully assessed due to lack of detailed information on the number of disease cases caused by the consumption of dairy products. The results were expressed as a ranking of overall probabilities. Finally, recommendations for the design of the risk-based monitoring programme and for filling the identified data gaps were given. The aims of this work were (i) to present the qualitative RA approach for Swiss dairy products, which could be adapted to other settings and (ii) to discuss the opportunities and limitations of the qualitative method.
Zunic investigated the relationship between nationalism and Serbian literature. He first analysed and evaluated the justifications for a number of critical accusations against Serbian literature. These included mythological and epic foundations (traditionalism), an obsession with national history and with the motif of the Serbian people as an eternal victim, the domination of the collective over the individual (populism), an anachronistic romantic conception of the social function of literature. In order to gain an unbiased judgement of the nationalistic role of contemporary Serbian literature, Zunic prepared a list of those books with the greatest number of copies issued in the decade 1985-1995, and constructed an appropriate hermeneutic procedure of understanding the meaning of the content and form of these works. He concluded that contemporary Serbian literature is in fact occupied with national history, and also with the unmasking of communist totalitarianism. The most influential books express and document either nationally-oriented or civil-oriented world views. The former, although mostly not militant works (with their realistic "closed" form), might have had an ideological influence on the Serbian national consciousness, while the civil-oriented works (with their "open" modern or post-modern form) could not neutralise all these extra-literary effects of the nationally-oriented works, since the predominant way of reading is a communication with the literary content (realised as a testimony of historical facts), and not with the literary form (as a carrier of the artistic value and a "moderator" of any content).
Background It is commonly assumed that indigenous medical systems remain strong in developing countries because biomedicine is physically inaccessible or financially not affordable. This paper compares the health-seeking behavior of households from rural Andean communities at a Peruvian and a Bolivian study site. The main research question was whether the increased presence of biomedicine led to a displacement of Andean indigenous medical practices or to coexistence of the two healing traditions. Methodology Open-ended interviews and free listing exercises were conducted between June 2006 and December 2008 with 18 households at each study site. Qualitative identification of households’ therapeutic strategies and use of remedies was carried out by means of content analysis of interview transcriptions and inductive interference. Furthermore, a quantitative assessment of the incidence of culture-bound illnesses in local ethnobiological inventories was performed. Results Our findings indicate that the health-seeking behavior of the Andean households in this study is independent of the degree of availability of biomedical facilities in terms of quality of services provided, physical accessibility, and financial affordability, except for specific practices such as childbirth. Preference for natural remedies over pharmaceuticals coexists with biomedical healthcare that is both accessible and affordable. Furthermore, our results show that greater access to biomedicine does not lead to less prevalence of Andean indigenous medical knowledge, as represented by the levels of knowledge about culture-bound illnesses. Conclusions The take-home lesson for health policy-makers from this study is that the main obstacle to use of biomedicine in resource-poor rural areas might not be infrastructural or economic alone. Rather, it may lie in lack of sufficient recognition by biomedical practitioners of the value and importance of indigenous medical systems. We propose that the implementation of health care in indigenous communities be designed as a process of joint development of complementary knowledge and practices from indigenous and biomedical health traditions.
Is there a psychological basis for teaching and learning in the context of a liberal education, and if so, what might such a psychological basis look like? Traditional teaching and assessment often emphasize remembering facts and, to some extent, analyzing ideas. Such skills are important, but they leave out of the aspects of thinking that are most important not only in liberal education, but in life, in general. In this article, I propose a theory called WICS, which is an acronym for wisdom, intelligence, and creativity, synthesized. The basic idea underlying this theory is that, through liberal education, students need to acquire creative skills and attitudes to generate new ideas about how to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing world, analytical skills and attitudes to ascertain whether these new ideas are good ones, practical skills and attitudes to implement the new ideas and convince others of their value, and wisdom-based skills and attitudes in order to ensure that the new ideas help to achieve a common good through the infusion of positive ethical values.
PURPOSE: The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer and National Cancer Institute of Canada trial on temozolomide (TMZ) and radiotherapy (RT) in glioblastoma (GBM) has demonstrated that the combination of TMZ and RT conferred a significant and meaningful survival advantage compared with RT alone. We evaluated in this trial whether the recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) retains its overall prognostic value and what the benefit of the combined modality is in each RPA class. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five hundred seventy-three patients with newly diagnosed GBM were randomly assigned to standard postoperative RT or to the same RT with concomitant TMZ followed by adjuvant TMZ. The primary end point was overall survival. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer RPA used accounts for age, WHO performance status, extent of surgery, and the Mini-Mental Status Examination. RESULTS: Overall survival was statistically different among RPA classes III, IV, and V, with median survival times of 17, 15, and 10 months, respectively, and 2-year survival rates of 32%, 19%, and 11%, respectively (P < .0001). Survival with combined TMZ/RT was higher in RPA class III, with 21 months median survival time and a 43% 2-year survival rate, versus 15 months and 20% for RT alone (P = .006). In RPA class IV, the survival advantage remained significant, with median survival times of 16 v 13 months, respectively, and 2-year survival rates of 28% v 11%, respectively (P = .0001). In RPA class V, however, the survival advantage of RT/TMZ was of borderline significance (P = .054). CONCLUSION: RPA retains its prognostic significance overall as well as in patients receiving RT with or without TMZ for newly diagnosed GBM, particularly in classes III and IV.
Mendelian models can predict who carries an inherited deleterious mutation of known disease genes based on family history. For example, the BRCAPRO model is commonly used to identify families who carry mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2, based on familial breast and ovarian cancers. These models incorporate the age of diagnosis of diseases in relatives and current age or age of death. We develop a rigorous foundation for handling multiple diseases with censoring. We prove that any disease unrelated to mutations can be excluded from the model, unless it is sufficiently common and dependent on a mutation-related disease time. Furthermore, if a family member has a disease with higher probability density among mutation carriers, but the model does not account for it, then the carrier probability is deflated. However, even if a family only has diseases the model accounts for, if the model excludes a mutation-related disease, then the carrier probability will be inflated. In light of these results, we extend BRCAPRO to account for surviving all non-breast/ovary cancers as a single outcome. The extension also enables BRCAPRO to extract more useful information from male relatives. Using 1500 familes from the Cancer Genetics Network, accounting for surviving other cancers improves BRCAPRO’s concordance index from 0.758 to 0.762 (p = 0.046), improves its positive predictive value from 35% to 39% (p < 10−6) without impacting its negative predictive value, and improves its overall calibration, although calibration slightly worsens for those with carrier probability < 10%. Copyright c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The molecular interactions between the host molecule, perthiolated beta-cyclodextrin (CD), and the guest molecules, adamantaneacetic acid (AD) and ferroceneacetic acid (FC), have been inestigated theoretically in both the gas and aqueous phases. The major computations have been carried out at the theoretical levels, RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6- 31G. MP2 electronic energies were also computed based at the geometries optimized by both the RHF and B3LYP methods in the gas phase to establish a better estimate of the correlation effect. The solvent phase computations were completed at the RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6-31G levels using the PCM model. The most stable structures optimized in gas phase by both the RHF and B3LYP methods were used for the computations in solution. A method to systematically manipulate the relative position and orientation between the interacting molecules is proposed. In the gas phase, six trials with different host-guest relative positions and orientations were completed successfully with the B3LYP method for both the CD-AD and CD-FC complexes. Only four trials were completed with RHF method. In the gas phase, the best results from the RHF method gives for the association Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) values equal to -32.21kj/mol for CD-AD and -25.73kj/mol for CD-FC. And the best results from the B3LYP method have ΔG° equal to -47.57kj/mol for CD-AD and -41.09kj/mol for CD-FC. The MP2 correction significantly lowers ΔG° based on the geometries from both methods. For the RHF structure, the MP2 computations lowered ΔG° to -60.64kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.10 for CD-FC. For the structure from the B3LYP method, it was reduced to -59.87 kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.84 kj/mol for CDFC. The RHF solvent phase calculations yielded following results: ΔG°(aq) equals 107.2kj/mol for CD-AD and 111.4kj/mol for CD-FC. Compared with the results from the RHF method, the B3LYP method provided clearly better solvent phase results with ΔG° (aq) equal to 38.64kj/mol for CD-AD and 39.61kj/mol for CD-FC. These results qualitatively explain the experimental observations. However quantitatively they are in poor agreement with the experimental values available in the literature and those recently published by Liu et al. And the reason is believed to be omission of hydrophobic contribution to the association. Determining the global geometrical minima for these very large systems was very difficult and computationally time consuming, but after a very thorough search, these were identified. A relevant result of this search is that when the complexes, CD-AD and CD-FC, are formed, the AD and FC molecules are only partially embedded inside the CD cavity. The totally embedded complexes were found to have significantly higher energies. The semiempirical method, ZINDO, was employed to investigate the effect of complexation on the first electronic excitation of CD anchored to a metal nano-particle. The computational results revealed that after complexation to FC, the transition intensity declines to about 25% of the original value, and after complexation with AD, the intensity drops almost 50%. The tighter binding and transition intensity of CD-AD qualitatively agrees with the experimental result that the addition of AD to a solution of CD and FC restores the fluorescence of CD that was quenched by the addition of FC. A method to evaluate the “hydrophobic force” effect is proposed for future work.
This Ultra High Performance Concrete research involves observing early-age creep and shrinkage under a compressive load throughout multiple thermal curing regimes. The goal was to mimic the conditions that would be expected of a precast/prestressing plant in the United States, where UHPC beams would be produced quickly to maximize a manufacturing plant’s output. The practice of steam curing green concrete to accelerate compressive strengths for early release of the prestressing tendons was utilized (140°F [60°C], 95% RH, 14 hrs), in addition to the full thermal treatment (195°F [90°C], 95% RH, 48 hrs) while the specimens were under compressive loading. Past experimental studies on creep and shrinkage characteristics of UHPC have only looked at applying a creep load after the thermal treatment had been administered to the specimens, or on ambient cured specimens. However, this research looked at mimicking current U.S. precast/prestressed plant procedures, and thus characterized the creep and shrinkage characteristics of UHPC as it is thermally treated under a compressive load. Michigan Tech has three moveable creep frames to accommodate two loading criteria per frame of 0.2f’ci and 0.6f’ci. Specimens were loaded in the creep frames and moved into a custom built curing chamber at different times, mimicking a precast plant producing several beams throughout the week and applying a thermal cure to all of the beams over the weekend. This thesis presents the effects of creep strain due to the varying curing regimes. An ambient cure regime was used as a baseline for the comparison against the varying thermal curing regimes. In all cases of thermally cured specimens, the compressive creep and shrinkage strains are accelerated to a maximum strain value, and remain consistent after the administration of the thermal cure. An average creep coefficient for specimens subjected to a thermal cure was found to be 1.12 and 0.78 for the high and low load levels, respectively. Precast/pressed plants can expect that simultaneously thermally curing UHPC elements that are produced throughout the week does not impact the post-cure creep coefficient.
BACKGROUND: Although urinalysis is simple and inexpensive to perform, the finding of microhaematuria on urinalysis may be unreliable for diagnosing urolithiasis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate microhaematuria as a diagnostic marker for urolithiasis compared with low-dose unenhanced multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) as the "gold standard". SETTING: A level 1 emergency department in a tertiary referral university teaching hospital. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis. METHODS: A study was undertaken to assess whether the finding of microhaematuria was diagnostic for urolithiasis using a low-dose unenhanced MDCT-based diagnosis as the reference standard by reviewing the records of all patients who presented to the emergency department with colicky flank pain and underwent a CT scan between January 2003 and December 2005. RESULTS: Urolithiasis was present (as defined by low-dose unenhanced MDCT) in 507/638 patients (79%); 341/638 (53%) were true positive for urolithiasis, 76 (12%) were true negative, 55 (9%) were false positive and 166 (26%) were false negative. Microhaematuria as a test for urolithiasis in patients presenting to the emergency department therefore has a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 67%, 58%, 86% and 31%, respectively. 58% of the urinalysis results were negative for haematuria in the subset of patients with significant alternative diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value of microhaematuria on urinalysis for urolithiasis using unenhanced MDCT as the reference standard were low. This suggests that, when urolithiasis is clinically suspected, unenhanced MDCT is indicated without urinalysis being a prerequisite.
The need to teach information literacy skills to undergraduate students is often framed as a 21st century concern, but debate over the value and practice of teaching this set of skills can be found as far back as the early 1900’s. This article reviews the history of information literacy instruction in academic libraries from its origins to the present, examines the current state of information literacy instruction in academic libraries, and explores possible future directions that this instruction may take. Looking to the past, present and future shows that while library instruction has evolved, many central concerns remain unanswered.
The Alps provide a high habitat diversity for plant species, structured by broad- and fine-scale abiotic site conditions. In man-made grasslands, vegetation composition is additionally affected by the type of landuse. We recorded vegetation composition in 216 parcels of grassland in 12 municipalities representing an area of 170 x 70 km in the south-eastern part of the Swiss Alps. Each parcel was characterized by a combination of altitudinal level (valley, intermediate, alp). traditional landuse (mown. grazed), current management (mown, grazed, abandoned). and Fertilization (unfertilized, fertilized). For each parcel we also assessed the abiotic factors aspect, slope, pH value, and geographic coordinates, and for each municipality annual precipitation and its cultural tradition. We analysed vegetation composition using (i) variation partitioning in RDA. (ii) cover of graminoids. non-legume forbs, and legumes, and (iii) dominance and frequency of species. Species composition was determined by, in decreasing order of variation explained. landuse, broad-scale abiotic factors, fine-scale abiotic factors. and cultural tradition. Current socio-economically motivated landuse changes, such as grazing of unfertilized former meadows or their abandonment, strongly affect vegetation composition. In our study, the frequency of characteristic meadow species was significantly smaller in grazed and even smaller in abandoned parcels than in still mown ones, suggesting less severe consequences of grazing for vegetation composition than of abandonment. Therefore. low-intensity grazing and mowing every few years should be considered valuable conservation alternatives to abandonment. Furthermore. because each landuse type was characterized by different species. a high variety of landuse types should be promoted to preserve plant species diversity in Alpine grasslands. (C) 2007 Gesellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
This study analyzes the accuracy of forecasted target prices within analysts’ reports. We compute a measure for target price forecast accuracy that evaluates the ability of analysts to exactly forecast the ex-ante (unknown) 12-month stock price. Furthermore, we determine factors that explain this accuracy. Target price accuracy is negatively related to analyst-specific optimism and stock-specific risk (measured by volatility and price-to-book ratio). However, target price accuracy is positively related to the level of detail of each report, company size and the reputation of the investment bank. The potential conflicts of interests between an analyst and a covered company do not bias forecast accuracy.