886 resultados para tin electrode
Copper electrode can be used for determination of complexing compounds through complexation reactions between Cu(II) and the analites. In this work some studies with three compounds were performed: glycine (precursor of glyphosate synthesis), herbicide glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (main metabolite of glyphosate). These compounds are complexing agents for Cu electrodes. Through simple experiments (cyclic voltammetry and corrosion studies) the applicability of the copper electrode as electrochemical sensor for complexing compounds in flow systems was presented.
It is investigated in the present contribution the oscillatory co-electrodeposition of CuSn on a polycrystalline gold surface in the presence of Triton X-100 surfactant and citric acid as additive, in acidic media. The experiments were conducted under potentiostatic control and the system dynamics characterized in terms of the morphology and stability of the current oscillations. Besides modulations in the frequency and amplitude of the current oscillations, several patterned states were observed, including relaxation-like and mixed mode oscillations. The oscillations were found to be very robust and some time series presented regular motions up to about two hours.
Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.
Films of poly (2,5-dicyano-p-phenylene vinylene), DCNPPV, were obtained by electrochemical synthesis over gold thin layer (20 nm) transparent electrode deposited on a glass plate. The DCNPPV films of 4 µm thickness were produced by electropolymerization process of α,α,α',α'-tetrabromo-2-5-dicyano-p-xilene at different applied potentials (-0.15, -0.25, -0.40, -0.60, -0.80, and -1.0 V) using 0.1 mol L-1 of tetraethylammonium bromide in acetonitrile as the supporting electrolyte. The emission decays have three exponential components: a fast component in the picosecond range (200-400 ps), and two other of about one and five nanoseconds at 293 K. The fluorescence quenching process seems to occur by exciton trapping in a low-energy site and quenching by residual bromine monomer attached at the end of the polymer chain. However, the electrochemical synthesis generates entrapped bromide or ion pairs during the growth step of the film which also contributes to the deactivation. The change of the electrolyte from bromide to perchlorate reduces significantly this additional quenching effect by allowing ion exchange of formed bromide with the nonquenching perchloride anion.
Ethanol oxidation has been studied on Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W electrodes prepared in an arc-melting furnace. Different electrochemical techniques like cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to evaluate the catalytic activity of these materials. The electro-oxidation process was also investigated by in situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy in order to determine adsorbed intermediates and reaction products. Experimental results indicated that Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W alloys are able to oxidize ethanol mainly to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Adsorbed CO was also detected, demonstrating the viability of splitting the C-C bond in the ethanol molecule during the oxidation process. The adsorbed CO was further oxidized to CO2.This reaction product was clearly detected by SNIFTIRS. Pt-Sn-W catalyst showed a better electrochemical performance than Pt-Sn that, in it turn, is better than Pt-alone.
A modified method for the calculation of the normalized faradaic charge (q fN) is proposed. The method involves the simulation of an oxidation process, by cyclic voltammetry, by employing potentials in the oxygen evolution reaction region. The method is applicable to organic species whose oxidation is not manifested by a defined oxidation peak at conductive oxide electrodes. The variation of q fN for electrodes of nominal composition Ti/RuX Sn1-X O2 (x = 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1), Ti/Ir0.3Ti0.7O2 and Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2 in the presence of various concentrations of formaldehyde was analyzed. It was observed that electrodes containing SnO2 are the most active for formaldehyde oxidation. Subsequently, in order to test the validity of the proposed model, galvanostatic electrolyses (40 mA cm-2) of two different formaldehyde concentrations (0.10 and 0.01 mol dm-3) were performed. The results are in agreement with the proposed model and indicate that this new method can be used to determine the relative activity of conductive oxide electrodes. In agreement with previous studies, it can be concluded that not only the nature of the electrode material, but also the organic species in solution and its concentration are important factors to be considered in the oxidation of organic compounds.
A composite electrode prepared by mixing a commercial epoxy resin Araldite® and graphite powder is proposed to be used in didactic experiments. The electrode is prepared by the students and applied in simple experiments to demonstrate the effect of the composite composition on the conductivity and the voltammetric response of the resulting electrode, as well as the response in relation to the scan rate dependence on mass transport. The possibility of using the composite electrode in quantitative analysis is also demonstrated.
The potentiality of the use of ultrasound radiation in association with a boron-doped diamond electrode was evaluated on the voltammetric determination of the pesticide carbaryl. Improvements in the sensitivity, limit of detection and reproducibility of the measurements were observed due to both, the enhancement of mass transport and the cleaning of the electrode surface provided by ultrasound. Satisfactory recovery levels for carbaryl in pure water (96-98%) and pineapple juice (89-92%) for quiescent and sonovoltammetric methodologies were obtained. These methodologies can be alternative tools for the analyses of pesticides in fruit samples, mainly the insonated condition that improve the analytical performance and dispense intermediary cleanings of the electrode surface.
In this communication we describe the application of a conductive polymer gas sensor as an air pressure sensor. The device consists of a thin doped poly(4'-hexyloxy-2,5-biphenylene ethylene) (PHBPE) film deposited on an interdigitated metallic electrode. The sensor is cheap, easy to fabricate, lasts for several months, and is suitable for measuring air pressures in the range between 100 and 700 mmHg.
This work reports on the SERS activity of a nanostructured substrate that was obtained by electrodepositing gold over a template consisting of polystyrene microspheres. This substrate displayed superior SERS performance for the detection of 4-merctaptopyridine as compared to a conventional roughened Au electrode. In order to investigate the substrate capability for the detection at low concentration limits, a series of Rhodamine 6G (1 nM) spectra were registered. Our spectral dynamics data is in agreement with single-molecule behavior, showing that the control over the substrate morphology is crucial to enable the production of highly reproducible and sensitive SERS substrates.
The results of an exercise on electrochemistry for General Chemistry students are presented. The difficulty encountered by students in predicting the shift in the potential of the hydrogen electrode under non-standard conditions prompted a search in textbooks on how the subject is developed. Besides several instances of inconsistencies in defining the standard state, such as including the temperature in the definition, a number of incorrect depictions of the hydrogen electrode were discovered. Of the 28 General Chemistry books, 16 Physical Chemistry books and 24 Internet pages, 30, 20 and 46%, respectively, showed devices that would not work in practice.
The electrochemical behavior of fluconazole showed an irreversible oxidation process, with the electrochemical - chemical mechanism being highly dependent on the electrode material. Adsorption of reagent at positive applied potential was observed at Pt electrode while preferential adsorption of the oxidation products was observed at Glassy Carbon surfaces. In pH below 7.0, the anodic current process was intensively decreased. At carbon paste electrode, the fluconazole oxidation current, recorded in phosphate buffer solution (pH 8.0), changed linearly with the fluconazole concentration, Ipa = 5.7×10-5 (mA) × 0.052 [Fluconazol] (μg mL-1), in the range of 48.0 to 250.0 μg mL-1. The detection limit obtained was 6.3 μg mL-1.
This paper presents the study of photochemical behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential pollutants in secondary reactions in aerosols, through Raman spectroscopy compared with its electrochemical behavior. The PAHs studied include pyrene, anthracene, phenanthrene and fluorene. These were adsorbed onto TiO2 and irradiated with ultraviolet light (254 nm). Their electrochemical oxidation was studied by in situ Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and led to the formation of carbonyl-containing products. Oxidized intermediates bearing the C=O group were also formed during photodegradation. The joint analysis of the photodegradation data with those produced by electrochemical means - using spectroscopic techniques for the identification and characterization of the products - revealed the formation of identical products for anthracene, but not for pyrene. A reasonable explanation for this difference in results is that photochemical and electrochemical oxidation reactions proceed via different mechanisms. While photocatalytic degradation over TiO2 is initiated by hydroxyl radicals, electrochemical oxidation is initiated by the direct electron transfer from adsorbed PAH to the electrode, generating PAH cation radicals that undergo subsequent reactions.
An alternative technique for the fabrication of disposable electrochemical microcells containing working, reference and auxiliary electrodes on a single device is reported. The procedure is based on thermal-transfer of toner masks onto CD-R (recordable compact discs) gold surfaces to define the layout of the electrodes (contour). In a subsequent step, the layout is manually painted with a permanent marker pen. The unprotected gold surface is conveniently etched (chemical corrosion) and the ink is then easily removed with ethanol, generating gold surfaces without contamination. The final and reproducible area of the electrodes is defined by heat transference of a second toner mask. Silver epoxy is deposited on one of the gold bands which is the satisfactorily used as reference electrode. These microcells were electrochemically characterized by cyclic, linear, and square wave voltammetry, and several electroactive species were used as model systems. The area reproducibility of the electrodes for different microcells was studied and a relative standard deviation better than 1,0% (n = 10) was obtained. Disposable electrochemical microcells were successfully used in analysis of liquid samples with volumes lower than 200 µL and good stability and reproducibility (RSD less than 2.0%) were achieved. These microcells were also evaluated for quantification of paracetamol and dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations.
An amperometric lactate biosensor with lactate oxidase immobilized into a Prussian Blue (PB) modified electrode was fabricated. The advantage of using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in the electrodeposition step of PB films onto glassy carbon surfaces was confirmed taking into account both the stability and sensitivity of the measurements. The biosensor was used in the development of a FIA amperometric method for the determination of lactate. Under optimal operating conditions (pH = 6.9, E = -0.1 V), the linear response of the method was extended up to 0.28 µmol L-1 lactate with a limit of detection of 0.84 mmol L-1. The repeatability of the method for injections of a 0.28 mmol L-1 lactate solution was 2.2 % (n = 18). The usefulness of the method was demonstrated by determining lactate in beer samples and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by using a reference spectrophotometric enzyme method.