843 resultados para threatened species management
Astragalus gines-lopezii Talavera, Podlech, Devesa & F.M.Vazquez (Fabaceae) is a threatened endemic species with a distribution restricted to a very small area in Badajoz Province (Extremadura Region, SW Spain) and only 2 populations are known.This species was catalogued in the "Endangered" category in the 2008 Red List and the 2010 Threatened Spanish Vascular Flora List. Despite its status as an endangered species, at present very little is known about the distribution, census, and reproductive biology of this species. In this study we have carried out anexhaustive census of A. gines-lopezii, and we have evaluated the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds and the existence or not of intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination. Results have highlighted the high reproductive capacity of this species on the basis of a high production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. Mechanical scarification of seeds was effective for increasing germination. Thus, initial germination (22%-60%) was increased to 97%-99% when seeds were rubbed with sandpapers. A high intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination was found in this species. A. gines-lopezii produces seeds with different degrees of physical dormancy, varying this grade among different individuals within a population.
An understanding of spatial patterns of plant species diversity and the factors that drive those patterns is critical for the development of appropriate biodiversity management in forest ecosystems. We studied the spatial organization of plants species in human- modified and managed oak forests (primarily, Quercus faginea) in the Central Pre- Pyrenees, Spain. To test whether plant community assemblages varied non-randomly across the spatial scales, we used multiplicative diversity partitioning based on a nested hierarchical design of three increasingly coarser spatial scales (transect, stand, region). To quantify the importance of the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of stands in patterning plant species assemblages and identify the determinants of plant diversity patterns, we used canonical ordination. We observed a high contribution of ˟-diversity to total -diversity and found ˟-diversity to be higher and ˞-diversity to be lower than expected by random distributions of individuals at different spatial scales. Results, however, partly depended on the weighting of rare and abundant species. Variables expressing the historical management intensities of the stand such as mean stand age, the abundance of the dominant tree species (Q. faginea), age structure of the stand, and stand size were the main factors that explained the compositional variation in plant communities. The results indicate that (1) the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of the forest stands have the greatest effect on diversity patterns, (2) forests in landscapes that have different land use histories are environmentally heterogeneous and, therefore, can experience high levels of compositional differentiation, even at local scales (e.g., within the same stand). Maintaining habitat heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales should be considered in the development of management plans for enhancing plant diversity and related functions in human-altered forests
Los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos tienen una gran importancia ecológica y socioeconómica, y mantienen altos valores medioambientales y de diversidad biológica a la vez que producen importantes servicios ecosistémicos. Estos sistemas han sido testigos de diversos cambios rápidos y drásticos en su gestión y aprovechamiento durante el último siglo. La mayor parte de la investigación desarrollada en esta tesis doctoral ha sido llevada a cabo en las dehesas españolas. Esta tesis nos muestra: i) la evidencia de la existencia de un cambio global del estrato arbóreo y del manejo del pastoreo en el todo el área de distribución de la dehesa durante los últimos 60 años; ii) la importancia del papel que juega el arbolado disperso y el adecuado manejo del ganado en la mejora de la producción, calidad y diversidad de las comunidades herbáceas, que a su vez, un pasto herbáceo bien desarrollado es importante para la rentabilidad del sistema, evaluando estos efectos bajo distintos escenarios de clima y calidad de estación; y iii) la evidencia de la falta de regeneración en sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos bajo distintos tipos de manejo del pastoreo, y además se evalúa el crecimiento y desarrollo de las pocas plántulas existentes que serán las que aseguren la viabilidad y persistencia y de estos sistemas. El arbolado disperso de estos sistemas ha experimentado una reducción importante en su densidad arbórea y fracción de cabida cubierta durante el periodo entre 1950-1980 donde tuvieron lugar importantes transformaciones en la actividad agropecuaria. La cabaña ganadera de ovino disminuyó drásticamente en los años 70 en comparación a la de bovino que desde entonces ha aumentado progresivamente hasta la actualidad. Por otro lado, el mismo tipo de manejo del ganado doméstico (especialmente bovino) durante bastante tiempo (mínimo 30 años) provocó una reducción significativa de la densidad de las plántulas. Además la probabilidad de ocurrencia y la intensidad de daños por herbivoría fue mayor bajo pastoreo bovino (con daños más intensos y consistentes) que bajo pastoreo ovino o sin pastoreo doméstico (presencia de ciervos). También el patrón de crecimiento de las plantas jóvenes estuvo afectado por el tipo de manejo, generando plántulas achaparradas en el caso del bovino y plántulas esbeltas favoreciendo el crecimiento en altura en el caso del ovino. La presencia de un arbolado disperso generó una mayor diversidad y variación en la producción de las comunidades herbáceas según las condiciones de disponibilidad de agua. Especialmente, el ecotono como microhábitat sostuvo altos valores de diversidad herbácea. La presencia del ganado bajo pastoreo continuo de intensidad moderada a alta, especialmente el bovino, incrementó los rendimientos de producción y diversidad del estrato herbáceo. Los resultados de esta tesis nos muestran la importancia que tiene la existencia de un equilibrio entre la producción y la conservación de los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos para obtener una producción sostenible de servicios ecosistémicos mientras se asegura la perpetuación del sistema a largo plazo. Es crucial diseñar planes de gestión incorporando objetivos de conservación que integren técnicas silvopastorales apropiadas para poder aplicar en los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos. ABSTRACT Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands have great ecological and socio-economic importance, supporting high environmental and amenity values, and relatively rich biological diversity while producing important ecosystem services. They have been witnesses of different and fast changes developed in the last century. Most of the research developed in this dissertation has conducted within dehesas. This thesis provides: i) the global change evidence of the tree layer and grazing management experienced in the land-use range of a Mediterranean scattered oak woodland (dehesa) over the last 60 years; ii) the important role of scattered trees and adequate management grazing in the improvement of grassland yield, quality and diversity - which it is important, in turn, for the system profitability - under different climate scenarios and site quality; and iii) the lack of oak regeneration evidence under some given representative management regimes and how is the growth development of these plants to assure the viability and persistence of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands. Tree layer experienced a significant reduction in dehesas during 1950-1980 period where the highest human impacts took place. Sheep herd decreased drastically during the 1970s and, in contrast, cattle have been increasing gradually since then. On the other hand, same livestock grazing management (especially cattle) during long time (minimum 30 years) within Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands reduced strongly the density of young oak plants and showed high probability of herbivory occurrence and intensity. Young plant growth pattern was greatly modified by livestock. Cattle grazing generated stunted plants and sheep grazing generated slender plants favoring the height growth. Microsites created by large trees modified the herbaceous yield according the water availability of the year and generated high plant diversity within herbaceous communities. Especially, ecotone microsite supported high values of herbaceous diversity. The presence of livestock species increased the herbaceous yield and maintained a more diverse community under continuous grazing at both moderate and high intensities; especially cattle. Thus, around the influence of scattered trees there is a high amount of different interactions among livestock, trees and grasslands maintaining and enhancing the quality of whole dehesa system. The results of this thesis highlight how important is balancing management and preservation of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands to obtain the optimum ecosystem services while the system conservation is assured for a long-term. It is crucial to design management plans with conservation goals that include appropriate silvopastoral practices in Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands.
Los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos tienen una gran importancia ecológica y socioeconómica, y mantienen altos valores medioambientales y de diversidad biológica a la vez que producen importantes servicios ecosistémicos. Estos sistemas han sido testigos de diversos cambios rápidos y drásticos en su gestión y aprovechamiento durante el último siglo. La mayor parte de la investigación desarrollada en esta tesis doctoral ha sido llevada a cabo en las dehesas españolas. Esta tesis nos muestra: i) la evidencia de la existencia de un cambio global del estrato arbóreo y del manejo del pastoreo en el todo el área de distribución de la dehesa durante los últimos 60 años; ii) la importancia del papel que juega el arbolado disperso y el adecuado manejo del ganado en la mejora de la producción, calidad y diversidad de las comunidades herbáceas, que a su vez, un pasto herbáceo bien desarrollado es importante para la rentabilidad del sistema, evaluando estos efectos bajo distintos escenarios de clima y calidad de estación; y iii) la evidencia de la falta de regeneración en sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos bajo distintos tipos de manejo del pastoreo, y además se evalúa el crecimiento y desarrollo de las pocas plántulas existentes que serán las que aseguren la viabilidad y persistencia y de estos sistemas. El arbolado disperso de estos sistemas ha experimentado una reducción importante en su densidad arbórea y fracción de cabida cubierta durante el periodo entre 1950-1980 donde tuvieron lugar importantes transformaciones en la actividad agropecuaria. La cabaña ganadera de ovino disminuyó drásticamente en los años 70 en comparación a la de bovino que desde entonces ha aumentado progresivamente hasta la actualidad. Por otro lado, el mismo tipo de manejo del ganado doméstico (especialmente bovino) durante bastante tiempo (mínimo 30 años) provocó una reducción significativa de la densidad de las plántulas. Además la probabilidad de ocurrencia y la intensidad de daños por herbivoría fue mayor bajo pastoreo bovino (con daños más intensos y consistentes) que bajo pastoreo ovino o sin pastoreo doméstico (presencia de ciervos). También el patrón de crecimiento de las plantas jóvenes estuvo afectado por el tipo de manejo, generando plántulas achaparradas en el caso del bovino y plántulas esbeltas favoreciendo el crecimiento en altura en el caso del ovino. La presencia de un arbolado disperso generó una mayor diversidad y variación en la producción de las comunidades herbáceas según las condiciones de disponibilidad de agua. Especialmente, el ecotono como microhábitat sostuvo altos valores de diversidad herbácea. La presencia del ganado bajo pastoreo continuo de intensidad moderada a alta, especialmente el bovino, incrementó los rendimientos de producción y diversidad del estrato herbáceo. Los resultados de esta tesis nos muestran la importancia que tiene la existencia de un equilibrio entre la producción y la conservación de los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos para obtener una producción sostenible de servicios ecosistémicos mientras se asegura la perpetuación del sistema a largo plazo. Es crucial diseñar planes de gestión incorporando objetivos de conservación que integren técnicas silvopastorales apropiadas para poder aplicar en los sistemas agroforestales mediterráneos. ABSTRACT Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands have great ecological and socio-economic importance, supporting high environmental and amenity values, and relatively rich biological diversity while producing important ecosystem services. They have been witnesses of different and fast changes developed in the last century. Most of the research developed in this dissertation has conducted within dehesas. This thesis provides: i) the global change evidence of the tree layer and grazing management experienced in the land-use range of a Mediterranean scattered oak woodland (dehesa) over the last 60 years; ii) the important role of scattered trees and adequate management grazing in the improvement of grassland yield, quality and diversity - which it is important, in turn, for the system profitability - under different climate scenarios and site quality; and iii) the lack of oak regeneration evidence under some given representative management regimes and how is the growth development of these plants to assure the viability and persistence of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands. Tree layer experienced a significant reduction in dehesas during 1950-1980 period where the highest human impacts took place. Sheep herd decreased drastically during the 1970s and, in contrast, cattle have been increasing gradually since then. On the other hand, same livestock grazing management (especially cattle) during long time (minimum 30 years) within Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands reduced strongly the density of young oak plants and showed high probability of herbivory occurrence and intensity. Young plant growth pattern was greatly modified by livestock. Cattle grazing generated stunted plants and sheep grazing generated slender plants favoring the height growth. Microsites created by large trees modified the herbaceous yield according the water availability of the year and generated high plant diversity within herbaceous communities. Especially, ecotone microsite supported high values of herbaceous diversity. The presence of livestock species increased the herbaceous yield and maintained a more diverse community under continuous grazing at both moderate and high intensities; especially cattle. Thus, around the influence of scattered trees there is a high amount of different interactions among livestock, trees and grasslands maintaining and enhancing the quality of whole dehesa system. The results of this thesis highlight how important is balancing management and preservation of Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands to obtain the optimum ecosystem services while the system conservation is assured for a long-term. It is crucial to design management plans with conservation goals that include appropriate silvopastoral practices in Mediterranean scattered oak woodlands.
Las poblaciones de salmónidos en la Península Ibérica (trucha común, Salmo trutta; y salmón atlántico, Salmo salar) se encuentran cerca del límite meridional de sus distribuciones naturales, y por tanto tienen una gran importancia para la conservación de estas especies. En la presente Tesis se han investigado algunos aspectos de la reproducción y de la gestión del hábitat, con el objeto de mejorar el conocimiento acerca de estas poblaciones meridionales de salmónidos. Se ha estudiado la reproducción de la trucha común en el río Castril (Andalucía, sur de España), donde se ha observado que la freza ocurre desde diciembre hasta abril con el máximo de actividad en febrero. Este hecho representa uno de los periodos reproductivos más tardíos y con mayor duración de toda la distribución natural de la especie. Además, actualmente se sabe que el resto de poblaciones andaluzas tienen periodos de reproducción similares (retrasados y extendidos). Análisis en la escala de la distribución natural de la trucha común, han mostrado que la latitud explica parcialmente tanto la fecha media de reproducción (R2 = 62.8%) como la duración del periodo de freza (R2 = 24.4%) mediante relaciones negativas: a menor latitud, la freza ocurre más tarde y durante más tiempo. Es verosímil que un periodo de freza largo suponga una ventaja para la supervivencia de las poblaciones de trucha en hábitats impredecibles, y por tanto se ha propuesto la siguiente hipótesis, que deberá ser comprobada en el futuro: la duración de la freza es mayor en hábitats impredecibles que en aquellos más predecibles. La elevada tasa de solapamiento de frezaderos observada en el río Castril no se explica únicamente por una excesiva densidad de reproductores. Las hembras de trucha eligieron lugares específicos para construir sus frezaderos en vez de dispersarse aleatoriamente dentro del hábitat adecuado para la freza que tenían disponible. Estas observaciones sugieren que las hembras tienen algún tipo de preferencia por solapar sus frezaderos. Además, en ríos calizos como el Castril, las gravas pueden ser muy cohesivas y difíciles de excavar, por lo que el solapamiento de frezaderos puede suponer una ventaja para la hembra, porque la excavación en sustratos que han sido previamente removidos por frezas anteriores requerirá menos gasto de energía que en sustratos con gravas cohesivas que no han sido alteradas. Por tanto, se ha propuesto la siguiente hipótesis, que deberá ser comprobada en el futuro: las hembras tienen una mayor preferencia por solapar sus frezaderos en ríos con sustratos cohesivos que en ríos con sustratos de gravas sueltas. En el marco de la gestión del hábitat, se han empleado dos enfoques diferentes para la evaluación del hábitat físico, con el objeto de cuantificar los cambios potenciales en la disponibilidad de hábitat, antes de la implementación real de determinadas medidas sobre el hábitat. En primer lugar, se ha evaluado el hábitat físico del salmón atlántico en el río Pas (Cantabria, norte de España), en la escala del microhábitat, empleando la metodología IFIM junto con un modelo hidráulico bidimensional (River2D). Se han simulado una serie de acciones de mejora del hábitat y se han cuantificado los cambios en el hábitat bajo estas acciones. Los resultados mostraron un aumento muy pequeño en la disponibilidad de hábitat, por lo que no sería efectivo implementar estas acciones en este tramo fluvial. En segundo lugar, se ha evaluado el hábitat físico de la trucha común en el río Tajuña (Guadalajara, centro de España), en la escala del mesohábitat, empleando la metodología MesoHABSIM. Actualmente, el río Tajuña está alterado por los usos agrícolas de sus riberas, y por tanto se ha diseñado una restauración para mitigar estos impactos y para llevar al río a un estado más natural. Se ha cuantificado la disponibilidad de hábitat tras la restauración planteada, y los resultados han permitido identificar los tramos en los que la restauración resultaría más eficaz. ABSTRACT Salmonid populations in the Iberian Peninsula (brown trout, Salmo trutta; and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar) are close to the southern limit of their natural ranges, and therefore they are of great importance for the conservation of the species. In the present dissertation, some aspects of spawning and habitat management have been investigated, in order to improve the knowledge on these southern salmonid populations. Brown trout spawning have been studied in the river Castril (Andalusia, southern Spain), and it has been observed that spawning occurs from December until April with the maximum activity in February. This finding represents one of the most belated and protracted spawning periods within the natural range of the species. Furthermore, it is now known that the rest of Andalusian populations show similar (belated and extended) spawning periods. Broad-scale analyses throughout the brown trout natural range showed that latitude partly explained both spawning mean time (R2 = 62.8%) and spawning duration (R2 = 24.4%) by negative relationships: the lower the latitude, the later the spawning time and the longer the spawning period. It is plausible that a long spawning period would be an advantage for survival of trout populations in unpredictable habitats, and thus the following hypothesis has been proposed, which is yet to be tested: spawning duration is longer in unpredictable than in predictable habitats. High rate of redd superimposition observed in the river Castril was not only caused by high density of spawners. Trout females chose specific sites for redd construction instead of randomly dispersing over the suitable spawning habitat. These observations suggest that female spawners have some kind of preference for superimposing redds. Moreover, in limestone streams such as Castril, unused gravels can be very cohesive and hard to dig, and thus redd superimposition may be an advantage for female, because digging may require less energy expenditure in already used redd sites than in cohesive and embedded unused sites. Hence, the following hypothesis has been proposed, which is yet to be tested: females have a higher preference for superimposing redds in streambeds with cohesive and embedded substrates than in rivers with loose gravels. Within the topic of habitat management, two different approaches have been used for physical habitat assessment, in order to quantify the potential change in habitat availability, prior to the actual implementation of proposed habitat measures. Firstly, physical habitat for Atlantic salmon in the river Pas (Cantabria, northern Spain) has been assessed at the microhabitat scale, using the IFIM approach along with a two dimensional hydraulic model (River2D). Proposed habitat enhancement actions have been simulated and potential habitat change has been quantified. Results showed a very small increasing in habitat availability and therefore it is not worth to implement these measures in this stream reach. Secondly, physical habitat for brown trout in the river Tajuña (Guadalajara, central Spain) has been assessed at the mesohabitat scale, using the MesoHABSIM approach. The river Tajuña is currently impacted by surrounding agricultural uses, and thus restoration was designed to mitigate these impacts and to drive the river to a more natural state. Habitat availability after the planned restoration has been quantified, and the results have permitted to identify in which sites the restoration will be more effective.
Cover crop selection should be oriented to the achievement of specific agrosystem benefits. The covercrop, catch crop, green manure and fodder uses were identified as possible targets for selection. Theobjective was to apply multi-criteria decision analysis to evaluate different species (Hordeum vulgareL., Secale cereale L., ×Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) and cultivars according to theirsuitability to be used as cover crops in each of the uses. A field trial with 20 cultivars of the five specieswas conducted in Central Spain during two seasons (October?April). Measurements of ground cover, cropbiomass, N uptake, N derived from the atmosphere, C/N, dietary fiber content and residue quality werecollected. Aggregation of these variables through utility functions allowed ranking species and cultivarsfor each usage. Grasses were the most suitable for the cover crop, catch crop and fodder uses, while thevetches were the best as green manures. The mustard attained high ranks as cover and catch crop the firstseason, but the second decayed due to low performance in cold winters. Mustard and vetches obtainedworse rankings than grasses as fodder. Hispanic was the most suitable barley cultivar as cover and catchcrop, and Albacete as fodder. The triticale Titania attained the highest rank as cover and catch crop andfodder. Vetches Aitana and BGE014897 showed good aptitudes as green manures and catch crops. Thisanalysis allowed comparison among species and cultivars and might provide relevant information forcover crops selection and management.
The introduction of cover crops in the intercrop period may provide a broad range of ecosystem services derived from the multiple functions they can perform, such as erosion control, recycling of nutrients or forage source. However, the achievement of these services in a particular agrosystem is not always required at the same time or to the same degree. Thus, species selection and definition of targeted objectives is critical when growing cover crops. The goal of the current work was to describe the traits that determine the suitability of five species (barley, rye, triticale, mustard and vetch) for cover cropping. A field trial was established during two seasons (October to April) in Madrid (central Spain). Ground cover and biomass were monitored at regular intervals during each growing season. A Gompertz model characterized ground cover until the decay observed after frosts, while biomass was fitted to Gompertz, logistic and linear-exponential equations. At the end of the experiment, carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fibre (neutral detergent, acid and lignin) contents, and the N fixed by the legume were determined. The grasses reached the highest ground cover (83–99%) and biomass (1226–1928 g/m2) at the end of the experiment. With the highest C:N ratio (27–39) and dietary fibre (527–600 mg/g) and the lowest residue quality (~680 mg/g), grasses were suitable for erosion control, catch crop and fodder. The vetch presented the lowest N uptake (2·4 and 0·7 g N/m2) due to N fixation (9·8 and 1·6 g N/m2) and low biomass accumulation. The mustard presented high N uptake in the warm year and could act as a catch crop, but low fodder capability in both years. The thermal time before reaching 30% ground cover was a good indicator of early coverage species. Variable quantification allowed finding variability among the species and provided information for further decisions involving cover crop selection and management.
We are grateful to all those who helped with sample collection. This includes the MEDITS survey programme (IEO Mallorca) for Mediterranean samples. Portugal mainland samples were collected under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF, PNAB). Azores specimens from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP) of the University of the Azores (UAc) were collected under the project DEMERSAIS “Monitorização das espécies demersais dos Açores” financed by the Azorean government, and the project DEECON “Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea” project approved by the European Science Foundation (ESF) under the EUROCORES programme (proposal No 06-EuroDEEP-FP-008 & SFRH-EuroDEEP/0002/2007). This study was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Oceans 2025 Strategic Research Programme Theme 6 (Science for Sustainable Marine Resources). REB was supported by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), BSP was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BPD/72351/2010 and JL was supported by The Alasdair Downes Marine Conservation Fund.
The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) is an exceptionally powerful law which requires the involvement of many stake holders, including government and non-government professionals. This project reviewed the requirements of the ESA and the expectations of the USFWS and referenced them to the actions taken by the petitioner in the preparation of the petition for the black-tailed prairie dog. The study has shown the knowledge required by the petitioner to submit an effective petition and also the importance of communicating this knowledge so that the federal agencies may make sound decisions when deciding to protect a species and its habitat. This research can be used as a preliminary reference for beginning the process for future petitions.
Paddlefish populations have begun to decline throughout their historic range but are still found in 22 states in the southeastern and midwestern United States. This capstone project investigates problems facing paddlefish management including, pollution, habitat loss, poaching, and the illegal caviar trade. A combination of four management options is beneficial for the species by increasing public knowledge and awareness of what paddlefish require for survival, allowing paddlefish to be used as a natural resource. After comparing a typical state paddlefish management plan and the plan developed and used in Missouri, it is apparent that a national paddlefish management plan template is necessary for affected states. A plan provides direction for effectively maintaining paddlefish stocks, according to state specific management goals.
Subsistence in Alaska is currently being impacted by naturally occurring factors such as global warming, species migration shifts, and the declination of fishery and wildlife populations. Not only are external factors pressuring the debate, management strategies from the dual management operation appear to have failed. The current national focus has been centered on federal policy changes regarding subsistence. This project extends the federal subsistence review process into the state management of subsistence and provides practical solutions for enhancing both policy programs.
Preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species (AIS) like zebra and quagga mussels in the U.S. is a high priority. This Capstone demonstrates zebra and quagga mussels are of concern as aquatic invasive species and a volunteer monitoring and intervention program is an effective means for early detection of AIS. This Capstone developed an AIS citizen volunteer lake monitoring program consistent with other programs concerned about AIS prevention and early detection. This Capstone concludes implementing such a voluntary program will help reduce the spread of zebra and quagga mussels and will provide early detection information to appropriate agencies empowered with response actions if species are found.
Weed control in recreation areas is a complex public land management issue. Colorado State Parks are managed for both recreation and conservation, which often conflict. Noxious weeds affect both recreation and conservation efforts, and Parks often use herbicides to control these weeds. While herbicides are effective, they can be harmful to the environment and human health. Herbicide use at State Parks was reviewed to determine if chemical control is effective, safe, and efficient. The results revealed that many Parks are not using effective herbicides to treat noxious weeds and that some weed management plans lack pertinent information on chemical control. The results and recommendations provided can be used to improve the success of noxious weed control and create healthier Parks.
As threatened and endangered species, wild Pacific salmon are in peril. This paper discusses the differences of the five species of wild Pacific salmon. As salmon go through several stages of their lifecycles, they face a myriad of threats to their existence. Threats from humans in the form of hydropower dams, habitat destruction, harvesting issues, and hatcheries are explained. A draft recovery plan for salmon in the Puget Sound area of Washington State is used as a case study. Strengths and weaknesses of this plan are discussed. The paper then discusses the need for growth management laws supporting salmon habitat and a change in individual behaviors if wild Pacific salmon sustainability is to become a reality.