894 resultados para technology-based learning strategies


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 Today, Digital Systems and Services for Technology Supported Learning and Education are recognized as the key drivers to transform the way that individuals, groups and organizations “learn” and the way to “assess learning” in 21st Century. These transformations influence: Objectives - moving from acquiring new “knowledge” to developing new and relevant “competences”; Methods – moving from “classroom” based teaching to “context-aware” personalized learning; and Assessment – moving from “life-long” degrees and certifications to “on-demand” and “in-context” accreditation of qualifications. Within this context, promoting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, is currently a key issue in the public discourse and the global dialogue on Education, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped School Classrooms.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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Successfully leveraging knowledge transfer in distributed e-learning requires effective combination of pedagogies, technologies, and efficient management of learning resources. As a result, identifying and evaluating the critical success factors within each of these facets is vital for the success of e-learning. This paper explores the critical success factors intertwined within the learning ecosystem namely pedagogy, technology and management of learning resources in a higher education e-learning environment. Adopting a hybrid approach consisting of a systematic literature review and interviews with experts in e-learning, this paper shows that there is a discrepancy between theory and practice in e-learning in regard to the application of pedagogies, use of technology, and management of reusable learning objects. This implies that there is a need for tackling various issues regarding the adoption of appropriate e-learning strategies, knowledge sharing, quality, granularity and reusability of learning object for sustainable e-learning.


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Social and participatory media offer a plethora of ways for students to communicate, collaborate, and learn in schools. Using a social learning approach, Casey (2013a) investigated ways that social media could be integrated into Australian public high school classrooms to enhance student learning. In the process, she developed a social learning framework as discussed in Casey (2013b). Similarly, Davidson-Shivers and Hulon (2013; Hulon & Daidson-Shivers, 2013) suggest ways to employ ID principles to prepare college instructors and pre-service teachers to integrate technology into classrooms. Prior to that, Davidson-Shivers with Rasmussen (2006) developed an instructional design (ID) model for creating effective Web-based learning environments. Through collaboration, Casey and Davidson-Shivers consider a wide range of social learning and instructional design principles and approaches to help develop frameworks for new media integration that can work within varying levels of education.


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This mixed-methods study investigated implementation strategies and child learning outcomes in early years education in the Primary Years Programme. Researchers from Deakin University evaluated processes and outcomes in four early years programmes, two in Singapore and two in Melbourne, Australia. Researchers collected qualitative data through classroom observations, drawings and writing produced by children, and interviews with educators, coordinators and parents. Quantitative data was collected through assessments of children’s literacy, developmental school readiness and learning skills. Three of the early years programmes appeared to support the development of learner profile attributes through inquiry-led learning and play-based approaches, while one site in Singapore was still in a developmental stage of implementing the programme. The study suggested that literacy skills at all sites were fairly developed; that children were performing at levels commensurate with or better in terms of school readiness; and that children were developing learning skills at higher rates than a comparative sample.


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If higher education institutions are to respond effectively to the demands for continuing education, they will need to change their assumptions about the design of courses and the facilitation of learning. Despite many decades of development of new approaches to teaching and learning, courses in universities and polytechnics are normally still organised around the structures of the academic disciplines and the interests of the teaching staff. Learning-centred and problem-based courses, which can be especially appropriate in continuing education are rare particularly in those professional subjects where the potential for continuing education provision may be the greatest. The aim of the paper is to consider briefly the contributions ofthree groups of people to the ways in which learning can be facilitated in continuing education courses. These are Malcolm Knowles and his associates on teaching and learning strategies, John Heron and his associates on facilitation skills and the needs of adult learners, and the Sydney group based on the Australian Consortium on Experiential Education on fostering learning from experience and problem-based learning.


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BACKGROUND: Overweight, obesity and excess gestational weight gain (GWG) are associated with negative health outcomes for mother and child in pregnancy and across the life course. Interventions promoting GWG within guidelines report mixed results. Most are time and cost intensive, which limits scalability. Mobile technologies (mHealth) offer low cost, ready access and individually-tailored support. We aim to test the feasibility of an mHealth intervention promoting healthy nutrition, physical activity and GWG in women who begin pregnancy overweight or obese. METHODS/DESIGN: txt4two is a parallel randomised control trial pilot recruiting women with a singleton, live gestation between 10(+0) and 17(+6) weeks at the first hospital antenatal clinic visit. Inclusion criteria are pre-pregnancy BMI > 25 kg/m(2) and mobile phone ownership. One hundred consenting women will be randomised to intervention or control groups at a 1:1 ratio. All participants will receive standard antenatal care. In addition, the txt4two intervention will be delivered from baseline to 36 weeks gestation and consists of a tailored suite of theoretically-grounded, evidence-based intervention strategies focusing on healthy nutrition, physical activity and GWG. This includes: mobile phone interactive text messages promoting positive health behaviours, goal setting and self-monitoring; video messages; an information website; and a private moderated Facebook® chat forum. The primary outcome is the feasibility of the intervention. Secondary outcomes include GWG and participants' knowledge and behaviour regarding diet and physical activity during pregnancy. DISCUSSION: Findings will inform the development of larger-scale mHealth programmes to improve the delivery of healthy pregnancy nutrition, physical activity and GWG, that could be widely translated and disseminated. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRNU111111544397 . Date of registration: 19 March 2014.


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In this chapter you will learn
• Key success factors for work-based learning students across cultures
• The importance of learning another way to think, write and act to be a successful work-based learning student in a multi-cultural context
• How to build your own personal learning network and wider environment, which will be essential in helping and motivating you through your studies
• How to continually improve your academic performance through self-reflection and self-leadership
• How to plan for and manage


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Access to justice extends beyond consideration of the systems and institutions of justice; it includes infrastructure such as transport, health, education and communications. Rural, regional and remote (‘RRR’) communities are more likely to face difficulties in accessing advice and accurate information on laws and processes available for resolution of disputes. Perhaps more fundamentally, they rarely have a voice in effecting reforms in laws and related policies. For several decades, community legal centres, legal aid, courts, and a range of other institutions have used community legal education programs to improve knowledge and access to law and justice systems, services and organisations. The recent Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Arrangements notes that, ‘Better coordination and greater quality control in the development and delivery of these [community legal education, legal information] services would improve their value and reach.’ At the same time, research into the professional needs of RRR legal practitioners has found that many of these practitioners face considerable difficulties accessing good quality continuing professional development (‘CPD’) and informal networking/support opportunities.6 Current and emerging internet-based technologies open up opportunities for legal organisations to better meet the educational needs of both rural communities and legal practitioners. Though limitations still exist at multiple levels, relatively low-cost, media-rich, synchronous and tailored education programs can now be delivered effectively in many rural and remote areas. However, complex layers of decisions are required to critically assess, harness and optimise technologies to best suit the needs of users, and to utilise teaching and learning techniques that best match the technologies and participant needs. Getting these elements — needs, technology and learning technique — right, nevertheless offers extraordinary opportunities. Sound decisions and good practices should enable state-wide and specialist law and justice-related services interested in improving their engagement with RRR communities to dramatically improve the reach and quality of outcomes, not only for distant participants but the spectrum of stakeholders.


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This article reports on an investigation into the validity of a widely used scale for measuring the extent to which higher education students employ active learning strategies. The scale is the active learning scale in the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement. This scale is based on the Active and Collaborative Learning scale of the National Survey of Student Engagement. The particular focus of the study was to investigate effects resulting from the addition of a small number of items to the active learning scale designed to capture some highly engaging, mostly online, activities. The items were developed in response to concerns that students studying in distance mode often report lower average scores on active learning scales than their on-campus counterparts. The additional items relate to activities such as working online with other students and faculty. The findings show that average scores on the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement/National Survey of Student Engagement scale increase significantly when the new items are included and that some differences between on-campus and distance education students narrow significantly. These findings have implications for the development of more robust and comprehensive instruments to measure active learning.


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Nowadays, the popularity of the Web encourages the development of Hypermedia Systems dedicated to e-learning. Nevertheless, most of the available Web teaching systems apply the traditional paper-based learning resources presented as HTML pages making no use of the new capabilities provided by the Web. There is a challenge to develop educative systems that adapt the educative content to the style of learning, context and background of each student. Another research issue is the capacity to interoperate on the Web reusing learning objects. This work presents an approach to address these two issues by using the technologies of the Semantic Web. The approach presented here models the knowledge of the educative content and the learner’s profile with ontologies whose vocabularies are a refinement of those defined on standards situated on the Web as reference points to provide semantics. Ontologies enable the representation of metadata concerning simple learning objects and the rules that define the way that they can feasibly be assembled to configure more complex ones. These complex learning objects could be created dynamically according to the learners’ profile by intelligent agents that use the ontologies as the source of their beliefs. Interoperability issues were addressed by using an application profile of the IEEE LOM- Learning Object Metadata standard.


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Ao longo dos últimos 40 anos tem havido uma profusão de estudos sobre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em empresas de economias emergentes. Porém, são escassos os estudos que examinem, de maneira conjunta e de uma perspectiva dinâmica, o relacionamento entre trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e os mecanismos subjacentes de aprendizagem. São ainda mais escassos estudos sobre este relacionamento em firmas atuando na indústria de processamento de recursos naturais. O interesse neste último está em oferecer uma visão alternativa de alguns autores quando se referem a estas indústrias como 'maduras', de 'baixa tecnologia' ou meramente produtoras de 'commodities' e 'no fim da linha de inovação'. Logo, neste estudo, defende-se que as inovações tecnológicas estão bem presentes em empresas baseadas em processamento de recursos naturais, principalmente em empresas de mineração. Buscando preencher essas lacunas da literatura, examinam-se, nesta dissertação, essas questões à luz de modelos analíticos disponíveis na literatura internacional -, adaptados para o contexto desta dissertação. O modelo para examinar a acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas identifica as capacidades para as funções tecnológicas de processos e organização da produção. Para a análise das fontes de capacidades tecnológicas, utiliza-se, nesta dissertação, o modelo para examinar as estratégias intraorganizacionais que desmembram o processo de aprendizagem em aquisição de conhecimento externo e interno e os convertem do nível individual para o organizacional pela socialização e codificação, com base em suas característicaschave: variedade, intensidade e funcionamento. Esse conjunto de relacionamentos é examinado por meio de estudo de caso simples e de longo prazo (1994-2008) em uma empresa de processamento de recursos naturais (mineração de cobre) no Brasil. Tomando-se por base evidências empíricas qualitativas e quantitativas, colhidas em primeira mão, verificou-se o seguinte. 1. A empresa acumulou capacidade inovadora em processos e organização da produção em Nível Inovador Intermediário, ou seja, a empresa já promove a expansão sistemática da capacidade por meio da manipulação de parâmetros-chave de processo. Verificou-se também que a firma tem potencial para atingir o Nível Inovador Avançado em virtude dos avanços obtidos em seu projeto de biolixiviação de cobre sulfetedo. Este nível não foi atingido porque, ao final da pesquisa, a aplicação comercial bem-sucedida deste projeto ainda não tinha sido comprovada. 2. Os vários processos e mecanismos de aprendizagem tiveram um papel crucial na acumulação desse nível de capacidade inovadora. Especificamente a progressiva incidência e a maneira como os mecanismos de aprendizagem foram criados e geridos na empresa contribuíram decisivamente para criar uma base de conhecimento que pennitiu à empresa desenvolver capacidades tanto para atividades de produção como para atividades de inovação. Não obstante, as evidências também sugerem que estes mesmos tipos de mecanismos não foram suficientes para que a empresa acumulasse capacidades além do nível alcançado. Ou seja, o alcance de níveis mais sofisticados de inovação implica a adoção de mecanismos mais complexos de aprendizagem. Naturalmente, outros fatores, como o comportamento da liderança empresarial, também contribuíram para o acúmulo dessas capacidades, embora este ponto tenha sido examinado aqui de maneira superficial. Esses resultados fazem avançar nosso entendimento sobre as dificuldades e complexidades envolvidas no processo de acumulação de capacidades inovadoras em empresas de economias emergentes. O estudo contribui para mostrar que, se empresas dessa natureza objetivarem acumular níveis inovadores de capacidade tecnológica e, com isso, obter melhor performance competitiva, terão que desenhar estratégias robustas de aprendizagem. Finalmente, o estudo joga luz no entendimento sobre o processo de inovação em empresas em indústrias à base de processamento de recursos naturais, setores estes de grande importância para países ricos em recursos naturais como o Brasil.


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Considering the following conditions: (1) the fluency demands of students in an undergraduate program in Languages and Literatures/English in the Amazon region; (2) the listening and speaking needs of pre-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL); (3) my continuing education as a professor of EFL and my academic literacy as a teacher-researcher and pre-service-teacher trainer, this study, which is based on Narrative Inquiry, reports on a teacher experience of working didactically with oral genres through podcasting an activity that emerged with the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Through this process, I engage with some theorists who promote teaching as a process that is driven by a concept of language as social practice. Subsequently, I make use of the notions of context of culture and context of situation, derived from Systemic Functional Linguistics, as well as the concept of genre and register derived from the perspective of this theory. Based on these principles and beliefs, the Amazon region constitutes the register (situation) of the genres used in this study. These principles also provide, opportunities for building learning strategies appropriate to this local context, and also to teach listening and speaking skills from a task-based approach. During the experience, based on the reflective teacher-education model, the participants produced narratives about the process, which I then analyzed according to Ely, Vinz, Downing and Anzul (2001), who propose possibilities of composing meanings in Narrative Inquiry. Based on this perspective, I discuss the following topics, which were highly emphasized in the participants narratives: the lack of didactic activities using oral genres; the relevance of context within teacher education; and collaborative work as a strategy to overcome gaps in digital literacy, language fluency and teaching skills. The meanings I thereby compose point to a paradigm shift in English language teaching within this context. I also argue for a pedagogical practice that is engaged with historical and socio-cultural issues, and with the development of language skills, also one that promotes the implementation of ICTs at the very start of teacher training programs, adopting teaching and learning strategies that correspond to the demands of fluency in this particular context, and deficiencies imposed by geographical isolation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)