973 resultados para sparse matrix technique
In this paper we unify, simplify, and extend previous work on the evolutionary dynamics of symmetric N-player matrix games with two pure strategies. In such games, gains from switching strategies depend, in general, on how many other individuals in the group play a given strategy. As a consequence, the gain function determining the gradient of selection can be a polynomial of degree N-1. In order to deal with the intricacy of the resulting evolutionary dynamics, we make use of the theory of polynomials in Bernstein form. This theory implies a tight link between the sign pattern of the gains from switching on the one hand and the number and stability of the rest points of the replicator dynamics on the other hand. While this relationship is a general one, it is most informative if gains from switching have at most two sign changes, as is the case for most multi-player matrix games considered in the literature. We demonstrate that previous results for public goods games are easily recovered and extended using this observation. Further examples illustrate how focusing on the sign pattern of the gains from switching obviates the need for a more involved analysis.
Los procesadores multi-core y el multi-threading por hardware permiten aumentar el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Por un lado, los procesadores multi-core combinan 2 o más procesadores en un mismo chip. Por otro lado, el multi-threading por hardware es una técnica que incrementa la utilización de los recursos del procesador. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de rendimiento de los resultados obtenidos en dos aplicaciones, multiplicación de matrices densas y transformada rápida de Fourier. Ambas aplicaciones se han ejecutado en arquitecturas multi-core que explotan el paralelismo a nivel de thread pero con un modelo de multi-threading diferente. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia de entender y saber analizar el efecto del multi-core y multi-threading en el rendimiento.
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In order to evaluate the effect of chaotropic agents on proteoglycan and non-collagenous proteins, chicken xiphoid cartilage was treated with guanidine-HCI and MgCl2 in different concentrations (1M to 5M), and different periods of time (12, 24, 48 and 72hr). The maximum yield of uronic acid was obtained with 3M MgCl2 (73.3 per cent). Concentrations of 4M and 5M of MgCl2 showed that much less uronic acid was removed, 55.3 per cent and 38.1 respectively. Extraction with 3M MgCl2 and 3M guanidine-HCl resulted better efficiency when performed for 48 hr. Analysis by SDS-PAGE of the extracts obtained with guanidine-HCl and MgCl, in different concentrations pointed out that most components are equally removed with the two solvents, showing that the extraction with MgCl2 is an alternative assay to remove non-collagenous proteins from extracellular matrix.
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The toxicity of heavy metals in natural waters is strongly dependent on the local chemical environment. Assessing the bioavailability of radionuclides predicts the toxic effects to aquatic biota. The technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is largely exploited for bioavailability measurements of trace metals in waters. However, it has not been applied for plutonium speciation measurements yet. This study investigates the use of DGT technique for plutonium bioavailability measurements in chemically different environments. We used a diffusion cell to determine the diffusion coefficients (D) of plutonium in polyacrylamide (PAM) gel and found D in the range of 2.06-2.29 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). It ranged between 1.10 and 2.03 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1) in the presence of fulvic acid and in natural waters with low DOM. In the presence of 20 ppm of humic acid of an organic-rich soil, plutonium diffusion was hindered by a factor of 5, with a diffusion coefficient of 0.50 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). We also tested commercially available DGT devices with Chelex resin for plutonium bioavailability measurements in laboratory conditions and the diffusion coefficients agreed with those from the diffusion cell experiments. These findings show that the DGT methodology can be used to investigate the bioaccumulation of the labile plutonium fraction in aquatic biota.
Ni technophile, ni technophobe, un éthicien s'interroge sur son rôle alors que la question de l'éthiquement correct se pose à lui de plus en plus souvent. Pourquoi cette urgence? A quel imaginaire renvoie-t-elle? Son hypothèse est la suivante: le monde technique serait désormais «la» nouvelle nature et il continue sa course quasi-automatiquement; il ferait ainsi de nous des «objets», par exemple de simples «épiphénomènes d'un programme génétique», à exploiter ou à surveiller. D'où notre besoin d'être rassurés.
Aquest projecte resol les fases inicials d'un altre projecte més gran que té com a objectiu la conversió automàtica de seqüències d'imatges a 3D. El projecte s'ha centrat en la reconstrucció calibrada de col·leccions d'imatges mitjançant la tècnica anomenada structure from motion. Aquesta tècnica forma part de l'àmbit de la visió per computador i s'utilitza per obtenir la posició i l'orientació de les diferents càmeres juntament amb una reconstrucció 3D de l'escena en forma de núvol de punts.