896 resultados para sociology of consumption - theories - deconstruction


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An application of the heterogeneous variables system prediction method to solving the time series analysis problem with respect to the sample size is considered in this work. It is created a logical-and-probabilistic correlation from the logical decision function class. Two ways is considered. When the information about event is kept safe in the process, and when it is kept safe in depending process.


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The basic methods of decisions making in multi-criterion conditions are considered, from which the method of the weighed total for calculation of diagnostic indexes significance in differential diagnostics of dermatological diseases is chosen.


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Very often the experimental data are the realization of the process, fully determined by some unknown function, being distorted by hindrances. Treatment and experimental data analysis are substantially facilitated, if these data to represent as analytical expression. The experimental data processing algorithm and the example of using this algorithm for spectrographic analysis of oncologic preparations of blood is represented in this article.


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The problem of MPLS networks survivability analysis is considered in this paper. The survivability indexes are defined which take into account the specificity of MPLS networks and the algorithm of its estimation is elaborated. The problem of MPLS network structure optimization under the constraints on the survivability indexes is considered and the algorithm of its solution is suggested. The experimental investigations were carried out and their results are presented.


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A hard combinatorial problem is investigated which has useful application in design of discrete devices: the two-block decomposition of a partial Boolean function. The key task is regarded: finding such a weak partition on the set of arguments, at which the considered function can be decomposed. Solving that task is essentially speeded up by the way of preliminary discovering traces of the sought-for partition. Efficient combinatorial operations are used by that, based on parallel execution of operations above adjacent units in the Boolean space.


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The paper considers vector discrete optimization problem with linear fractional functions of criteria on a feasible set that has combinatorial properties of combinations. Structural properties of a feasible solution domain and of Pareto–optimal (efficient), weakly efficient, strictly efficient solution sets are examined. A relation between vector optimization problems on a combinatorial set of combinations and on a continuous feasible set is determined. One possible approach is proposed in order to solve a multicriteria combinatorial problem with linear- fractional functions of criteria on a set of combinations.


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Algorithmic resources are considered for elaboration and identification of monotone functions and some alternate structures are brought, which are more explicit in sense of structure and quantities and which can serve as elements of practical identification algorithms. General monotone recognition is considered on multi- dimensional grid structure. Particular reconstructing problem is reduced to the monotone recognition through the multi-dimensional grid partitioning into the set of binary cubes.


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Accelerated probabilistic modeling algorithms, presenting stochastic local search (SLS) technique, are considered. General algorithm scheme and specific combinatorial optimization method, using “golden section” rule (GS-method), are given. Convergence rates using Markov chains are received. An overview of current combinatorial optimization techniques is presented.


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Growth of complexity and functional importance of integrated navigation systems (INS) leads to high losses at the equipment refusals. The paper is devoted to the INS diagnosis system development, allowing identifying the cause of malfunction. The proposed solutions permit taking into account any changes in sensors dynamic and accuracy characteristics by means of the appropriate error models coefficients. Under actual conditions of INS operation, the determination of current values of the sensor models and estimation filter parameters rely on identification procedures. The results of full-scale experiments are given, which corroborate the expediency of INS error models parametric identification in bench test process.


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The purpose of this paper is to explain the notion of clustering and a concrete clustering method- agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm. It shows how a data mining method like clustering can be applied to the analysis of stocks, traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange in order to identify similar temporal behavior of the traded stocks. This problem is solved with the aid of a data mining tool that is called XLMiner™ for Microsoft Excel Office.


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The paper is a description of information and software content of a computer knowledge bank on medical diagnostics. The classes of its users and the tasks which they can solve are described. The information content of the bank contains three ontologies: an ontology of observations in the field of medical diagnostics, an ontology of knowledge base (diseases) in medical diagnostics and an ontology of case records, and also it contains three classes of information resources for every division of medicine – observation bases, knowledge bases, and data bases (with data about patients), that correspond to these ontologies. Software content consists of editors for information of different kinds (ontologies, bases of observations, knowledge and data), and also of a program which performs medical diagnostics.


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In this paper it is explained how to solve a fully connected N-City travelling salesman problem (TSP) using a genetic algorithm. A crossover operator to use in the simulation of a genetic algorithm (GA) with DNA is presented. The aim of the paper is to follow the path of creating a new computational model based on DNA molecules and genetic operations. This paper solves the problem of exponentially size algorithms in DNA computing by using biological methods and techniques. After individual encoding and fitness evaluation, a protocol of the next step in a GA, crossover, is needed. This paper also shows how to make the GA faster via different populations of possible solutions.


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The principles of design of information-analytical system (IAS) intended for design of new inorganic compounds are considered. IAS includes the integrated system of databases on properties of inorganic substances and materials, the system of the programs of pattern recognition, the knowledge base and managing program. IAS allows a prediction of inorganic compounds not yet synthesized and estimation of their some properties.


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The article presents a new method to automatic generation of help in software. Help generation is realized in the framework of the tool for development and automatic generation of user interfaces based on ontologies. The principal features of the approach are: support for context-sensitive help, automatic generation of help using a task project and an expandable system of help generation.


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eLearning at universities is taking an increasingly larger part of academic teaching methodologies. In part this is caused by different pedagogical concepts behind interactive learning system, in part it is because of larger numbers of students that can be reached within one given course and, most important, actively integrated into the teaching process. We present here the development of a novel concept of teaching, allowing students to explore theoretical and experimental aspects of act of magnetic field on moving charge through real experiments and simulation. This problem is not only part of the basic education of physics students, but also element of the academic education of almost all engineers.