908 resultados para service development process
A great challenge of the Component Based Development is the creation of mechanisms to facilitate the finding of reusable assets that fulfill the requirements of a particular system under development. In this sense, some component repositories have been proposed in order to answer such a need. However, repositories need to represent the asset characteristics that can be taken into account by the consumers when choosing the more adequate assets for their needs. In such a context, the literature presents some models proposed to describe the asset characteristics, such as identification, classification, non-functional requirements, usage and deployment information and component interfaces. Nevertheless, the set of characteristics represented by those models is insufficient to describe information used before, during and after the asset acquisition. This information refers to negotiation, certification, change history, adopted development process, events, exceptions and so on. In order to overcome this gap, this work proposes an XML-based model to represent several characteristics, of different asset types, that may be employed in the component-based development. Besides representing metadata used by consumers, useful for asset discovering, acquisition and usage, this model, called X-ARM, also focus on helping asset developers activities. Since the proposed model represents an expressive amount of information, this work also presents a tool called X-Packager, developed with the goal of helping asset description with X-ARM
The field of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) is fast increasing and has attracted the interest of both the research community and the industry because of several factors, such as the applicability of such networks in different application domains (aviation, civil engineering, medicine, and others). Moreover, advances in wireless communication and the reduction of hardware components size also contributed for a fast spread of these networks. However, there are still several challenges and open issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve the full potential of WSAN usage. The development of WSAN systems is one of the most relevant of these challenges considering the number of variables involved in this process. Currently, a broad range of WSAN platforms and low level programming languages are available to build WSAN systems. Thus, developers need to deal with details of different sensor platforms and low-level programming abstractions of sensor operational systems on one hand, and they also need to have specific (high level) knowledge about the distinct application domains, on the other hand. Therefore, in order to decouple the handling of these two different levels of knowledge, making easier the development process of WSAN systems, we propose LWiSSy (Domain Language for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Systems), a domain specific language (DSL) for WSAN. The use of DSLs raises the abstraction level during the programming of systems and modularizes the system building in several steps. Thus, LWiSSy allows the domain experts to directly contribute in the development of WSANs without having knowledge on low level sensor platforms, and network experts to program sensor nodes to meet application requirements without having specific knowledge on the application domain. Additionally, LWiSSy enables the system decomposition in different levels of abstraction according to structural and behavioral features and granularities (network, node group and single node level programming)
The Reconfigurable Computing is an intermediate solution at the resolution of complex problems, making possible to combine the speed of the hardware with the flexibility of the software. An reconfigurable architecture possess some goals, among these the increase of performance. The use of reconfigurable architectures to increase the performance of systems is a well known technology, specially because of the possibility of implementing certain slow algorithms in the current processors directly in hardware. Amongst the various segments that use reconfigurable architectures the reconfigurable processors deserve a special mention. These processors combine the functions of a microprocessor with a reconfigurable logic and can be adapted after the development process. Reconfigurable Instruction Set Processors (RISP) are a subgroup of the reconfigurable processors, that have as goal the reconfiguration of the instruction set of the processor, involving issues such formats, operands and operations of the instructions. This work possess as main objective the development of a RISP processor, combining the techniques of configuration of the set of executed instructions of the processor during the development, and reconfiguration of itself in execution time. The project and implementation in VHDL of this RISP processor has as intention to prove the applicability and the efficiency of two concepts: to use more than one set of fixed instructions, with only one set active in a given time, and the possibility to create and combine new instructions, in a way that the processor pass to recognize and use them in real time as if these existed in the fixed set of instruction. The creation and combination of instructions is made through a reconfiguration unit, incorporated to the processor. This unit allows the user to send custom instructions to the processor, so that later he can use them as if they were fixed instructions of the processor. In this work can also be found simulations of applications involving fixed and custom instructions and results of the comparisons between these applications in relation to the consumption of power and the time of execution, which confirm the attainment of the goals for which the processor was developed
When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software
The occurrence of problems related to the scattering and tangling phenomenon, such as the difficulty to do system maintenance, increasingly frequent. One way to solve this problem is related to the crosscutting concerns identification. To maximize its benefits, the identification must be performed from early stages of development process, but some works have reported that this has not been done in most of cases, making the system development susceptible to the errors incidence and prone to the refactoring later. This situation affects directly to the quality and cost of the system. PL-AOVgraph is a goal-oriented requirements modeling language which offers support to the relationships representation among requirements and provides separation of crosscutting concerns by crosscutting relationships representation. Therefore, this work presents a semi-automatic method to crosscutting concern identification in requirements specifications written in PL-AOVgraph. An adjacency matrix is used to identify the contributions relationships among the elements. The crosscutting concern identification is based in fan-out analysis of contribution relationships from the informations of adjacency matrix. When identified, the crosscutting relationships are created. And also, this method is implemented as a new module of ReqSys-MDD tool
The component-based development of systems revolutionized the software development process, facilitating the maintenance, providing more confiability and reuse. Nevertheless, even with all the advantages of the development of components, their composition is an important concern. The verification through informal tests is not enough to achieve a safe composition, because they are not based on formal semantic models with which we are able to describe precisally a system s behaviour. In this context, formal methods provide ways to accurately specify systems through mathematical notations providing, among other benefits, more safety. The formal method CSP enables the specification of concurrent systems and verification of properties intrinsic to them, as well as the refinement among different models. Some approaches apply constraints using CSP, to check the behavior of composition between components, assisting in the verification of those components in advance. Hence, aiming to assist this process, considering that the software market increasingly requires more automation, reducing work and providing agility in business, this work presents a tool that automatizes the verification of composition among components, in which all complexity of formal language is kept hidden from users. Thus, through a simple interface, the tool BST (BRIC-Tool-Suport) helps to create and compose components, predicting, in advance, undesirable behaviors in the system, such as deadlocks
The use of technology tools for teaching and learning has grown increasingly in our daily life. In this context, a branch that has had tremendous growth is the area of teaching and learning language through computational tools. The study of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), accomplished in this research, aims to evaluate existing tools in this context, focused specifically on the Japanese language; and from this study, accomplish the development of a new computational tool that can assist teaching/learning of the Japanese language. As results, we present a wide survey on the subject in various technologies/devices, as well as the complete development process of a new tool, the Karuchā Ships Invaders game, that proposes to teach basic concepts of the language, blended with entertainment, and still, focusing on the Brazilian students of Japanese language audience. We will present all the concept phases of the game and its evolution through the research, as well as an interface evaluation. Still, we present proposal and validation of a method to evaluate motivational aspects of computational tools with educational focus, and results extracted from an experiment accomplished with prospective users
In the context of Software Engineering, web accessibility is gaining more room, establishing itself as an important quality attribute. This fact is due to initiatives of institutions such as the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the introduction of norms and laws such as Section 508 that underlie the importance of developing accessible Web sites and applications. Despite these improvements, the lack of web accessibility is still a persistent problem, and could be related to the moment or phase in which this requirement is solved within the development process. From the moment when Web accessibility is generally regarded as a programming problem or treated when the application is already developed entirely. Thus, consider accessibility already during activities of analysis and requirements specification shows itself a strategy to facilitate project progress, avoiding rework in advanced phases of software development because of possible errors, or omissions in the elicitation. The objective of this research is to develop a method and a tool to support requirements elicitation of web accessibility. The strategy for the requirements elicitation of this method is grounded by the Goal-Oriented approach NFR Framework and the use of catalogs NFRs, created based on the guidelines contained in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) proposed by W3C
This work presents an User Interface (UI) prototypes generation process to the softwares that has a Web browser as a plataform. This process uses UI components more complex than HTML elements. To described this components more complex this work suggest to use the XICL (eXtensinble User Interface Components Language). XICL is a language, based on XML syntax, to describe UI Components and IUs. XICL promotes extensibility and reusability in the User Interface development process. We have developed two compiler. The first one compiles IMML (Interactive Message Modeling Language) code and generates XICL code. The second one compiles XICL code and generates DHTML code
This work presents results derived from a study related to impact on non-controllable costs in the determination of energy taxes. This is done analyzing tax review practiced by concessionaries responsible for the distribution of electrical energy located in the Northeastern Region of Brazil, between 2003 and 2004. This Region was chosen as a study area due to the researcher s expectation in congregating companies that deliver services to markets that have similar social-economical profiles. A brief explanation related to the restructuring of the electrical sector in Brazil is presented, pointing out that there was privatization of the great majority of these companies. The study also points out the definition of regulating rules in service delivery process. The components of taxes that are practiced by these companies aimed at final consumers, as well as the market as a whole and the revision process that is executed by Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ANEEL for the definition of these taxes are demonstrated in the research. A brief historical of the concessionaires that were focus of the research is presented, totaling five companies. Some data used by ANEEL in the tax review process was analyzed as well as data on components of approved taxes. It is concluded that as a media 47, 49% of the components of taxes in the researched companies correspond to the non-controllable costs. These is done considering previous classification by ANEEL in the tax review process. Although, if it is considered that these companies since 2006, by the means of participation in energy auctions are able to negotiate energy prices for their own needs, it is concluded that these concession contracts guarantee the delivery of the service to the costumer in the total tribute. The percentage of non-controllable costs is 16, 27% average of the tax. This means, amongst other information, that the government has a great deal of responsibility in the formation of price practiced by these companies and its target markets
The present study has addressed the issues surrounding the Solidarity Economy and Tourism, their perspectives and contributions to the development process of local communities, as well as the connection point between the two. This study evaluated the extent to which social economy through cooperatives and associations in tourism has generated socio-economic improvements for the artisans of the tourist Seridó. The study made as to their objectives, was exploratory and descriptive, since it involved both standard techniques of data collection, questionnaires and systematic observation, and secondary research and case studies, which characterizes an exploratory research, according to Castro (2008 ). The results indicate significant improvements offered by the inclusion of members in groups (associations and cooperatives) in matters concerning health, education, interpersonal relationships, and access to consumer credit to the artisans. Through this study, one might also note that the inclusion of products and services in tourism is not a relevant factor for the socio-economic improvements observed for the elevated presence of middlemen in the marketing process
This study presents an approach to tourism activity from the perspective of the territory, analyzing the importance of the roles of the State and public policies for tourism development. Tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil begins to take its rise from the late 1970 through public policies, whose goal was to provide the necessary conditions for tourism development. The tourism public policies were the key elements in the production process of tourist territories in the region. In the state of Paraíba, the public authorities elected the coastline as the main attraction and the state capital, João Pessoa, as the locus for the tourism development, with the city receiving a series of public policies. In this context, this research aims to analyze the development process of three specific public policies for tourism development in João Pessoa: The (mega)Projeto Costa do Sol (1988), the PRODETUR/PB I and II (1997 e 2005) and the Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na Paraíba, the Plano Amanhecer (2000). This study was guided by the question that even having been contemplated by the tourism public policies, João Pessoa still remains in a peripheral position in the regional tourism market. The methodological procedures for this study were literature and documents research and semi-structured interviews with tourism public officials and representatives from local tourism trade. The research came to prove that the discontinuity between governmental administrations hampered the implementation process of the tourism public policies studied. It was observed that the implementation of tourism public policies in the long term depends on the interaction between governments, as well as the collective political will to develop tourism in Joao Pessoa
A trajetória profissional dos egressos permite analisar, compreender e refletir sobre o ensino superior e as características inerentes ao mercado de trabalho. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: apreender e analisar percepções de egressos de curso de graduação em Enfermagem de instituição privada em relação ao processo de formação, frente às condições de inserção no mercado de trabalho e às demandas vivenciadas no cotidiano profissional. O método utilizado foi o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os 104 egressos foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com a atuação após a graduação. A análise dos discursos possibilitou uma reflexão aprofundada dessa formação, indicando a necessidade de revisão do projeto pedagógico, destacando o ensino voltado para o desenvolvimento de competências nas quatro dimensões do processo de cuidar: gerência, assistência, educação e pesquisa.
O processo da reforma psiquiátrica requer a implementação de políticas públicas que garantam a inserção laboral de portadores de transtorno mental. Para tal, é necessário que o trabalho seja compreendido como promotor de autonomia, de emancipação e de cidadania. O objetivo deste estudo é refletir acerca de concepções teóricas relacionadas à inserção social pelo trabalho, a fim de explorar o campo da inclusão de portadores de transtorno mental no mundo do trabalho. Foram escolhidos os conceitos de empresa social e de economia solidária como fundamentais para o estudo. Na empresa social, o sujeito é entendido como ser social, enfocando-se seu processo de formação no sentido da emancipação. Na economia solidária, objetiva-se o desenvolvimento de uma forma de economia mais justa que tem como característica a igualdade e a solidariedade. Sugerimos que a discussão desses conceitos possa contribuir para embasar a implantação de projetos de inclusão social pelo trabalho.
Pode-se afirmar que a evolução tecnológica (desenvolvimento de novos instrumentos de medição como, softwares, satélites e computadores, bem como, o barateamento das mídias de armazenamento) permite às Organizações produzirem e adquirirem grande quantidade de dados em curto espaço de tempo. Devido ao volume de dados, Organizações de pesquisa se tornam potencialmente vulneráveis aos impactos da explosão de informações. Uma solução adotada por algumas Organizações é a utilização de ferramentas de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação, recuperação e análise dos dados. No âmbito científico, essas ferramentas são desenvolvidas para armazenar diferentes padrões de metadados (dados sobre dados). Durante o processo de desenvolvimento destas ferramentas, destaca-se a adoção de padrões como a Linguagem Unificada de Modelagem (UML, do Inglês Unified Modeling Language), cujos diagramas auxiliam na modelagem de diferentes aspectos do software. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma ferramenta de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação dos dados das Organizações por meio de metadados e destacar o processo de modelagem de software, por meio da UML. Será abordado o Padrão de Metadados Digitais Geoespaciais, amplamente utilizado na catalogação de dados por Organizações científicas de todo mundo, e os diagramas dinâmicos e estáticos da UML como casos de uso, sequências e classes. O desenvolvimento das ferramentas de sistemas de informação pode ser uma forma de promover a organização e a divulgação de dados científicos. No entanto, o processo de modelagem requer especial atenção para o desenvolvimento de interfaces que estimularão o uso das ferramentas de sistemas de informação.