997 resultados para school trips
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
This document was developed for the schools of Iowa to use as a template to enhance current school safety programs; the creation of this document was a partnered effort at the state level between the aforementioned agencies. The purpose of this document is to give school districts and individual schools a planning resource to use when creating their school safety plans. Ultimately, schools can decide how much of this document they would like to incorporate into their current plan. The original document was created by the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security, and its use was granted to Iowa Homeland Security in 2011. Iowa pulled together a panel of experts to make this document specific to Iowa’s schools, and laws. It’s important to note the partnership created by this document is intended to continue through information sharing in relation to critical assets, infrastructure protection, and school safety. Iowa Homeland Security is a representative in the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Intelligence Fusion Center. This partnership allows for streamlined information sharing to the critical infrastructure owner/operators across the state. The current plan for information sharing is through the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Threat information and Infrastructure Protection Program (TIIPP) to the Iowa Department of Education for processing and dissemination statewide. Depending on the type of information being released it could be specific to a school, district or the education sector statewide.
The present study tested the effect of a school-based physical activity (PA) program on quality of life (QoL) in 540 elementary school children. First and fifth graders were randomly assigned to a PA program or a no-PA control condition during one academic year. QoL was assessed by the Child Health Questionnaire at baseline and postintervention. Based on mixed linear model analyses, physical QoL in first graders and physical and psychosocial QoL in fifth graders were not affected by the intervention. In first graders, the PA intervention had a positive impact on psychosocial QoL (effect size [d], 0.32; p < .05). Subpopulation analyses revealed that this effect was caused by an effect in urban (effect size [d], 0.38; p < .05) and overweight first graders (effect size [d], 0.45; p < .05). In conclusion, a school-based PA intervention had little effect on QoL in elementary school children.
Using a panel data for non-OECD countries covering the period 1970-2012, this chapter analyzes the impact of the duration of primary education on school enrollment, drop-out and completion rates. The empirical results show that for children in elementary school one ad- ditional grade of primary education have a negative impact on the enrollment rate, while the e ect on drop-outs is positive. Analogously, it is obtained that an additional grade in primary education reduces the enrollment rate in secondary education. These results are in line with the fertility model approach, that is, in developing and underdeveloped countries parents do not have incentive to send children to school given the high perceived economic value of children.
Audit report on Sheldon Community School District in Sheldon, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
Report on a special investigation of the Martensdale-St. Marys Community School District for the period July 1, 2009 through April 30, 2014
Report on a special investigation of the Mid-Prairie Community School District for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014
This issue review examines law changes made during the past three legislative sessions, 2006 through 2008, that directly impact the Iowa School Aid Formula.
Audit report on Clarke Community School District in Osceola, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
State school aid accounts for approximately 41.3 percent of the total general fund appropriations for fiscal year 2010. The current law estimate for fiscal year 2011 state school aid totals 2.689 billion dollars, an increase of 542.7 million dollars compared to the net fiscal year 2010 amount.This issue review provides an analysis of school aid funding for fiscal year 2010 and fiscal year 2011 and provides some alternatives that the General Assembly may wish to consider for fiscal year 2011.
Supplementary weightings for school districts are estimated to generate approximately 63.9 million dollars in funding in fiscal year 2011. This issue review provides an overview of all supplementary weightings currently available to school districts and examines the total funding amounts from fiscal year 2003 through fiscal year 2011.
During the recent economic crisis, school district budgets have been impacted by state school aid funding shortfalls and state aid reductions due to across-the-board general fund reductions in fiscal year 2009 and fiscal year 2010. Additionally, in fiscal year 2011, the state school aid appropriation was capped and was 156.1 million dollars short of fully funding the state portion of the school aid formula. This issue review examines the impact that the reductions in state aid have had on school district cash reserve levies.
Hi ha molts tipus d’escoles diferents, i fins i tot, podem constatar que cada escola és diferent de les altres. Per aquesta raó, quan parlem sobre l’aprenentatge de l’anglès, no podem generalitzar una manera de fer-ho, perquè cada una d’elles tracta aquesta llengua de manera diferent. A més, pel que fa a l’aprenentatge d’una llengua, hi ha diferents habilitats involucrades, i entre totes aquestes, he centrat aquest projecte en l’habilitat oral. Aquesta recerca esta basada en l’observació de tres exemples de tipus d’escoles, i per ser més precisos, té l’objectiu d’aprofundir com tracten l’Anglès. D’aquesta manera, el principal objectiu d’aquest projecte és comparar l’habilitat oral dels alumnes d’aquestes escoles, tot considerant les seves diferències. Així doncs, amb el desenvolupament d’aquesta recerca, vaig voler descobrir si hi havien alguns alumnes amb millors habilitats orals que d’altres, i trobar-ne la possible raó.
After 21 years of hosting the Creative Writing Seminar for Helping Professionals, in 2012 the School expanded its efforts to reach social workers and showcase their creativity through a national poetry competition. For more information about creative writing at Iowa, please go to page 42.
In recent years in both Iowa and nationally, there has been a strong focus on increasing salary levels for teachers. Iowa initiated the Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Program in fiscal year 2002 to improve the quality of K-12 teachers in Iowa schools. The program's funding to improve teacher salaries continues and is now part of the school-aid formula. During the same time period, there has been a growing focus on recruiting and improving the quality of school district superintendents and other school administrators. This issue review looks at the growth of salaries over the past ten years for Iowa's full-time teachers, superintendents and other administrators.