974 resultados para pressure sensor


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Instrumented indentation experiments on a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) in as-cast, shot-peened and structurally relaxed conditions were conducted to examine the dependence of plastic deformation on its structural state. Results show significant differences in hardness, H, with structural relaxation increasing it and shot peening markedly reducing it, and slightly changed morphology of shear bands around the indents. This is in contrast to uniaxial compressive yield strength, sigma(y), which remains invariant with the change in the structural state of the alloys investigated. The plastic constraint factor, C = H/sigma(y), of the relaxed BMG increases compared with that of the as-cast glass, indicating enhanced pressure sensitivity upon annealing. In contrast, C of the shot-peened layer was found to be similar to that observed in crystalline metals, indicating that severe plastic deformation could eliminate pressure sensitivity. Microscopic origins for this result, in terms of shear transformation zones and free volume, are discussed.


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Emissions of gases and particles from sea-faring ships have been shown to impact on the atmospheric chemistry and climate. To efficiently monitor and report these emissions found from a ship’s plume, the concept of using a multi-rotor or UAV to hover inside or near the exhaust of the ship to actively record the data in real time is being developed. However, for the required sensors obtain the data; their sensors must face into the airflow of the ships plume. This report presents an approach to have sensors able to read in the chemicals and particles emitted from the ship without affecting the flight dynamics of the multi-rotor UAV by building a sealed chamber in which a pump can take in the surrounding air (outside the downwash effect of the multi-rotor) where the sensors are placed and can analyse the gases safely. Results show that the system is small, lightweight and air-sealed and ready for flight test.


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This report summarises the development of an Unmanned Aerial System and an integrated Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), suitable for the real world application in remote sensing tasks. Several aspects are discussed and analysed to provide improvements in flight duration, performance and mobility of the UAV, while ensuring the accuracy and range of data from the wireless sensor system.


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We consider a single-hop data-gathering sensor network, consisting of a set of sensor nodes that transmit data periodically to a base-station. We are interested in maximizing the lifetime of this network. With our definition of network lifetime and the assumption that the radio transmission energy consumption forms the most significant portion of the total energy consumption at a sensor node, we attempt to enhance the network lifetime by reducing the transmission energy budget of sensor nodes by exploiting three system-level opportunities. We pose the problem of maximizing lifetime as a max-min optimization problem subject to the constraint of successful data collection and limited energy supply at each node. This turns out to be an extremely difficult optimization to solve. To reduce the complexity of this problem, we allow the sensor nodes and the base-station to interactively communicate with each other and employ instantaneous decoding at the base-station. The chief contribution of the paper is to show that the computational complexity of our problem is determined by the complex interplay of various system-level opportunities and challenges.


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In this paper we propose and analyze a novel racetrack resonator based vibration sensor for inertial grade application. The resonator is formed with an Anti Resonance Reflecting Optical Waveguide (ARROW) structure which offers the advantage of low loss and single mode propagation. The waveguide is designed to operate at 1310nm and TM mode of propagation since the Photo-elastic co-efficient is larger than TE mode in a SiO2/ Si3N4/ SiO2. The longer side of the resonator is placed over a cantilever beam with a proof mass. A single bus waveguide is coupled to the resonator structure. When the beam vibrates the resonator arm at the foot of the cantilever experiences maximum stress. Due to opto-mechanical coupling the effective refractive index of the resonator changes hence the resonance wavelength shifts. The non uniform cantilever beam has a dimension of 1.75mm X 0.45mm X 0.020mm and the proof mass has a dimension of 3mm X 3mm X 0.380mm. The proof mass lowers the natural frequency of vibration to 410Hz, hence designed for inertial navigation application. The operating band of frequency is from DC to 100Hz and acceleration of less than 1g. The resonator has a Free Spectral Range (FSR) of 893pm and produces a phase change of 22.4mrad/g.


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In this paper, we propose a new security metric for measuring resilience of a symmetric key distribution scheme in wireless sensor network. A polynomial-based and a novel complete connectivity schemes are proposed and an analytical comparison, in terms of security and connectivity, between the schemes is shown. Motivated by the schemes, we derive general expressions for security and connectivity. A number of conclusions are made using these general expressions.


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Biological systems present remarkable adaptation, reliability, and robustness in various environments, even under hostility. Most of them are controlled by the individuals in a distributed and self-organized way. These biological mechanisms provide useful resources for designing the dynamical and adaptive routing schemes of wireless mobile sensor networks, in which the individual nodes should ideally operate without central control. This paper investigates crucial biologically inspired mechanisms and the associated techniques for resolving routing in wireless sensor networks, including Ant-based and genetic approaches. Furthermore, the principal contributions of this paper are as follows. We present a mathematical theory of the biological computations in the context of sensor networks; we further present a generalized routing framework in sensor networks by diffusing different modes of biological computations using Ant-based and genetic approaches; finally, an overview of several emerging research directions are addressed within the new biologically computational framework.


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The sea level pressure (SLP) variability in 30-60 day intraseasonal timescales is investigated using 25 years of reanalysis data addressing two issues. The first concerns the non-zero zonal mean component of SLP near the equator and its meridional connections, and the second concerns the fast eastward propagation (EP) speed of SLP compared to that of zonal wind. It is shown that the entire globe resonates with high amplitude wave activity during some periods which may last for few to several months, followed by lull periods of varying duration. SLP variations in the tropical belt are highly coherent from 25A degrees S to 25A degrees N, uncorrelated with variations in mid latitudes and again significantly correlated but with opposite phase around 60A degrees S and 65A degrees N. Near the equator (8A degrees S-8A degrees N), the zonal mean contributes significantly to the total variance in SLP, and after its removal, SLP shows a dominant zonal wavenumber one structure having a periodicity of 40 days and EP speeds comparable to that of zonal winds in the Indian Ocean. SLP from many of the atmospheric and coupled general circulation models show similar behaviour in the meridional direction although their propagation characteristics in the tropical belt differ widely.


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Eclogites and their retrogressed equivalents from the eastern unit of the Glenelg-Attadale Inlier in NW Scotland preserve much microstructural evidence that indicates that very high-pressure/temperature eclogite facies conditions were reached, and followed by decompression and hydration during exhumation. Rutile exsolution in garnet and quartz exsolution in omphacite and titanite formed through mineral reactions during high P-T peak metamorphism. Isochemical phase diagrams modeled for samples from three different locations indicate that the outer part of the eastern unit preserves a peak metamorphic condition of c. 850-1000 degrees C at 18-25 kbar, whereas the central part has a similar pressure (c. 23 kbar), but a lower temperature (c. 670 degrees C). Due to the limitations in the phase diagram calculations the estimated P-T conditions represent the minimum conditions attained by the peak metamorphic assemblage, and the pre-exsoived peak assemblage probably stabilized at a higher pressure. This observation is strongly supported by the presence of exsolution microstructures. The present results demonstrate that the eastern unit experienced very high P-T conditions during peak metamorphism and a tight clockwise P-T trajectory and provide the first indication of possible ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Glenelg eclogites. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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How blood was able to reach the heads of the long-necked sauropod dinosaurs has long been a matter of debate and several hypotheses have been presented. For example, it has been proposed that sauropods had exceptionally large hearts, multiple ‘normal’ sized hearts spaced at regular intervals up the neck or held their necks horizontal, or that the siphon effect was in operation. By means of an experimental model, we demonstrate that the siphon principle is able to explain how blood was able to adequately perfuse the sauropod brain. The return venous circulation may have been protected from complete collapse by a structure akin to the vertebral venous plexus. We derive an equation relating neck height and mean arterial pressure, which indicates that with a mean arterial pressure similar to that of the giraffe, the maximum safe vertical distance between heart and head would have been about 12 m. A hypothesis is presented that the maximum neck length in the fossil record is due to the siphon height limit. The equation indicates that to migrate over high ground, sauropods would have had to either significantly increase their mean arterial pressure or keep their necks below a certain height dependent on altitude.


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We are concerned with maximizing the lifetime of a data-gathering wireless sensor network consisting of set of nodes directly communicating with a base-station. We model this scenario as the m-message interactive communication between multiple correlated informants (sensor nodes) and a recipient (base-station). With this framework, we show that m-message interactive communication can indeed enhance network lifetime. Both worst-case and average-case performances are considered.


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In this paper, we are concerned with energy efficient area monitoring using information coverage in wireless sensor networks, where collaboration among multiple sensors can enable accurate sensing of a point in a given area-to-monitor even if that point falls outside the physical coverage of all the sensors. We refer to any set of sensors that can collectively sense all points in the entire area-to-monitor as a full area information cover. We first propose a low-complexity heuristic algorithm to obtain full area information covers. Using these covers, we then obtain the optimum schedule for activating the sensing activity of various sensors that maximizes the sensing lifetime. The scheduling of sensor activity using the optimum schedules obtained using the proposed algorithm is shown to achieve significantly longer sensing lifetimes compared to those achieved using physical coverage. Relaxing the full area coverage requirement to a partial area coverage (e.g., 95% of area coverage as adequate instead of 100% area coverage) further enhances the lifetime.


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In this paper, we are concerned with algorithms for scheduling the sensing activity of sensor nodes that are deployed to sense/measure point-targets in wireless sensor networks using information coverage. Defining a set of sensors which collectively can sense a target accurately as an information cover, we propose an algorithm to obtain Disjoint Set of Information Covers (DSIC), which achieves longer network life compared to the set of covers obtained using an Exhaustive-Greedy-Equalized Heuristic (EGEH) algorithm proposed recently in the literature. We also present a detailed complexity comparison between the DSIC and EGEH algorithms.


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Imbalance is not only a direct major cause of downtime in wind turbines, but also accelerates the degradation of neighbouring and downstream components (e.g. main bearing, generator). Along with detection, the imbalance quantification is also essential as some residual imbalance always exist even in a healthy turbine. Three different commonly used sensor technologies (vibration, acoustic emission and electrical measurements) are investigated in this work to verify their sensitivity to different imbalance grades. This study is based on data obtained by experimental tests performed on a small scale wind turbine drive train test-rig for different shaft speeds and imbalance levels. According to the analysis results, electrical measurements seem to be the most suitable for tracking the development of imbalance.