950 resultados para polypyromellitimide molding powder
A new and original reagent based on the use of highly fluorescent cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots (QDs) in aqueous solution is proposed to detect weak fingermarks in blood on non-porous surfaces. To assess the efficiency of this approach, comparisons were performed with one of the most efficient blood reagents on non-porous surfaces, Acid Yellow 7 (AY7). To this end, four non-porous surfaces were studied, i.e. glass, transparent polypropylene, black polyethylene, and aluminium foil. To evaluate the sensitivity of both reagents, sets of depleted fingermarks were prepared, using the same finger, initially soaked with blood, which was then successively applied on the same surface without recharging it with blood or latent secretions. The successive marks were then cut in halves and the halves treated separately with each reagent. The results showed that QDs were equally efficient to AY7 on glass, polyethylene and polypropylene surfaces, and were superior to AY7 on aluminium. The use of QDs in new, sensitive and highly efficient latent and blood mark detection techniques appears highly promising. Health and safety issues related to the use of cadmium are also discussed. It is suggested that applying QDs in aqueous solution (and not as a dry dusting powder) considerably lowers the toxicity risks.
This study aimed to analyze the final fermentation culture of Bacillus sphaericus 2362, standardize it and develop an active tablet formulation for use in urban mosquito breeding sites. It was performed in three phases: analysis and standardization of a B. sphaericus fermented culture; physical, chemical, and biological analysis of the active powder (solubility, residual humidity, particle size, resting angle, flowing off time, compacted density, and biological activity against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae); and the development of fast-disintegrating tablets. Five formulations with differing compositions were developed and a UV protector was added to the selected formulation. The formulation products with or without UV protector, as well as the active powder caused 100% larval mortality from 1 day to 2 months after a single treatment under simulated field conditions. These results show that the UV protector does not affect the initial larvicide activity of B. sphaericus, nor its persistence over a period of two months.
Mechanically ventilated patients in hospitals are subjected to an increased risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia that sometimes has a lethal outcome. One way to minimize the risk could be to make the surfaces on endotracheal tubes antibacterial. In this study, bacterial growth was inhibited or completely prevented by silver ions wet chemically and deposited onto the tube surface. Through the wet chemical treatment developed here, a surface precipitate was formed containing silver chloride and a silver stearate salt. The identity and morphology of the surface precipitate was studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Leaching of silver ions into solution was examined, and bacterial growth on the treated surfaces was assayed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type (PAO1) bacteria. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration of silver ions was determined in liquid- and solid-rich growth medium as 23 and 18 microM, respectively, for P. aeruginosa.
The dispersal pattern of the sand fly Lutzomyia neivai was studied through mark-release-recapture experiments in an American cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic rural area in Southeastern Brazil. Over 6500 specimens were marked with fluorescent powder and released in forest edge and peridomicile habitats from August to November 1999, February and April 2000. Recapture attempts were made using Shannon and CDC traps up to eight successive nights after releases. A total of 493 (7.58%) specimens were recaptured. The number of recaptured males and females of L. neivai in CDC traps was not affected by the distance between the trap and the release points. Approximately 90% of males and females recaptured in CDC traps were caught up to 70 m from the release points. The maximum female flight range recorded was 128 m. The average flight range per day was less than 60 m for males and females. Of the flies released in forest edge, approximately 16% of the recaptured females were caught in Shannon traps in the peridomicile habitat. The results indicate that the movements of L. neivai are spatially focal and the possibility of dispersion from forest to peridomicile habitat may be an important way of contracting leishmaniasis in dwellings.
This booklet provides new safety information on the preparation and storage of infant formula milk and is aimed at minimising the risk of infection from bacteria that may sometimes be present in the milk powder. It explains how to sterilise feeding equipment and make up formula milk, and highlights the safety precautions that need to be observed.
The Ru-Sn liquid-solid and some solid-solid equilibria have been completely revised by means of differential thermal analysis, X-ray powder diffraction and microprobe investigations. The existence of two intermetallic phases has been clearly established: Ru(0.4)Sn(0.6)decomposed by a peritectic reaction at 1266(+/-4)degrees C and Ru0.3Sn0.7 congruently melting at 1257(+/-2)degrees C.
The profiling of MDMA tablets can be carried out using different sets of characteristics. The first type of measurements performed on MDMA tablets are physical characteristics (i.e. post-tabletting characteristics). They yield preliminary profiling data that may be valuable in a first stage for investigation purposes. However organic impurities (i.e. pre-tabletting characteristics) are generally considered to bring more reliable information, particularly for presentation of evidence in court. This work aimed therefore at evaluating the added value of combining pre-tabletting characteristics and post-tabletting characteristics of seized MDMA tablets. In approximately half of the investigated cases, the post-tabletting links were confirmed with organic impurities analyses. In the remaining cases, post-tabletting batches (post-TBs) were divided in several pre-tabletting batches (pre-TBs), thus supporting the hypothesis that several production batches of MDMA powder (pre-TBs) were used to produce one single post-TB (i.e. tablets having the same shape, diameter, thickness, weight and score; but different organic impurities composition). In view of the obtained results, the hypotheses were discussed through illustrating examples. In conclusion, both sets of characteristics were found relevant alone and combined together. They actually provide distinct information about MDMA illicit production and trafficking.
Detection of fi ngermarks at a crime scene or on related items is of prime interest for forensicinvestigators, mainly for identifi cation purposes. Most of the fi ngermarks are invisible to thenaked eye, however. The application of detection techniques is required to establish visual contrastbetween the secretion residue and the underlying substrate. We give here a review of thefi eld related to the concept of using stains to detect fi ngermarks. A distinction has been madebetween the physically driven classical detection techniques, the chemically driven ones, andthose based on nanostructured materials, an emerging fi eld in forensic science.
A transportable Raman spectrometer was tested for the detection of illicit drugs seized during border controls. In a first step, the analysis methodology was optimized using reference substances such as diacetylmorphine (heroin), cocaine and amphetamine (as powder or liquid forms). Adequate focalisation distance and times of analysis, influence of daylight and artificial light sources, repeatability and limits of detection were studied. In a second step the applications and limitations of the technique to detect the illicit substances in different mixtures and containers was evaluated. Transportable Raman spectroscopy was found to be adequate for a rapid screen of liquids and powders for the detection and identification of controlled substances. Additionally, it had the advantage over other portable techniques, such as ion mobility spectrometry, of being non-destructive and capable of rapid analysis of large quantities of substances through containers such as plastic bags and glass bottles.
El estudio desarrollado en la tesis doctoral profundiza en las relaciones existentes entre la microestructura y el comportamiento a rotura y fatiga de tres tipos de Aceros de Herramienta para trabajo en Frío, dos obtenidos por colada y un tercero mediante pulvimetalúrgia. En primer lugar se evaluaron los aspectos microestructurales relacionados con las dos vias de procesamiento empleadas, además del efecto del cambio en la composición química. Asimismo se documentó la influencia del trabajado en caliente sobre la isotropía microestructural. Considerando las caracteristicas microestructurales se evaluó el comportamiento a rotura en tres orientaciones referidas al sentido de la deformación en caliente. Para ello , se empleó la Mecánica de la Fractura Elástica Lineal como marco analítico. Los resultados fueron tratados siguiendo la estadística de Weibull. Para el caso de los aceros colados se implementa un analisis de curva-R para explicar el crecimiento subcrítico de grietas observado experimentalmente. El estudio del comportamiento a fatiga incluyó la determinación del limite a fatiga para todas la orientaciones microestructurales escogidas y el estudio de la cinetica de propagación de fisuras físicamente pequeñas para la orientación con mejor respuesta mecánica.
The ceramic shell is a material mainly used for making foundry molds. This research demonstrates that ceramic shell can be used for making sculptures with exceptional definition in its finish. The research has identified a number of advantages of the material to meet the challenges of an artist during the making of a sculpture. The research has been developed in six stages: In the first stage data were collected from the chaff as the process material. This was the starting point for research. In the second stage, we have set the appropriate composition of the slurry, both in percentage and type of binder, and firing curve. To this end, we evaluated the application characteristics, thickness, drying, mechanical strength, the reduction coefficient and porosity. In the third stage it was observed that the husk is suitable for all types of materials acting as support. It was also found that the slurry can be used with various sculptural processes: modeling, molding using silicone or plaster mold, shuttering, with internal metal frame, and so on. In addition, we have established methods to repair and modify the husk by hand and power tools. In the fourth stage we have found ways to modify the surface of the husk with other minerals that affect the structure: introduction of filing of copper, bronze and iron in the slurry ceramics, different staining procedure in hot or cold, by enamel slip, and so on. In the fifth stage sculptures were made using the methods established in the previous stages, to verify this hypothesis. The sixth stage, which is annexed, contains a new method to process the ceramic shell as a mold in casting that emerged from the proven methods in the investigation.
The objective of this project consists of designing and constructing a RTM mould for a loose flange of glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP). The design phase has the mission to realise a quality and simple design of the RTM mould, with the objective to obtain an easy and economic phase of construction and the more possible great characteristics of the loose flange. In fact this RTM mould will be a mould prototype, which will be developed in the future to obtain an RTM mould able to support a loose flange production. Therefore when more steps are developed in this project, then the future objective will be near
In many European countries, image quality for digital x-ray systems used in screening mammography is currently specified using a threshold-detail detectability method. This is a two-part study that proposes an alternative method based on calculated detectability for a model observer: the first part of the work presents a characterization of the systems. Eleven digital mammography systems were included in the study; four computed radiography (CR) systems, and a group of seven digital radiography (DR) detectors, composed of three amorphous selenium-based detectors, three caesium iodide scintillator systems and a silicon wafer-based photon counting system. The technical parameters assessed included the system response curve, detector uniformity error, pre-sampling modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Approximate quantum noise limited exposure range was examined using a separation of noise sources based upon standard deviation. Noise separation showed that electronic noise was the dominant noise at low detector air kerma for three systems; the remaining systems showed quantum noise limited behaviour between 12.5 and 380 µGy. Greater variation in detector MTF was found for the DR group compared to the CR systems; MTF at 5 mm(-1) varied from 0.08 to 0.23 for the CR detectors against a range of 0.16-0.64 for the DR units. The needle CR detector had a higher MTF, lower NNPS and higher DQE at 5 mm(-1) than the powder CR phosphors. DQE at 5 mm(-1) ranged from 0.02 to 0.20 for the CR systems, while DQE at 5 mm(-1) for the DR group ranged from 0.04 to 0.41, indicating higher DQE for the DR detectors and needle CR system than for the powder CR phosphor systems. The technical evaluation section of the study showed that the digital mammography systems were well set up and exhibiting typical performance for the detector technology employed in the respective systems.
OBJECTIVE:: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are used in food industries as probiotic agents. The aim of this study is to assess the potential health effects of airborne exposure to a mix of preblend (LAB and carbohydrate) and milk powder in workers. METHODS:: A medical questionnaire, lung function tests, and immunologic tests were carried out on 50 workers. Occupational exposure to inhalable dust and airborne LAB was measured. RESULTS:: Workers not using respiratory masks reported more symptoms of irritation than workers using protection. Workers from areas with higher levels of airborne LAB reported the most health symptoms and the immune responses of workers to LAB was higher than the immune responses of a control population. CONCLUSIONS:: Measures to reduce exposure to airborne LAB and milk powder in food industries are recommended.
Premature deterioration of slip formed portland cement concrete (PCC) barriers is an ongoing problem in the Iowa Primary and Interstate highway system. The requirement to have a concrete mix which can be sufficiently pliable to be readily molded into the barrier shape and yet be sufficiently stiff to maintain a true shape and height immediately after molding is difficult to meet. A concrete mix which is stiff enough to maintain its shape immediately after molding is usually difficult to work with. It often contains open or hidden tears and large voids. One way to minimize the molding resistance is by additional vibration. If intensive vibration is applied, the entrapped air voids and tears in the concrete can usually be eliminated, however, in that process, the essential entrained air content can also be lost. In the evaluation of slip formed PCC barriers, it is common to find large voids, tears and a low entrained air content, all contributing to premature deterioration. A study was initiated to evaluate core samples taken from good and from bad appearing areas of various median barriers. Evaluations were done covering visual appearance, construction information, air content and chloride content.