946 resultados para paralytic shellfish poisoning


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In this study several parameters critical to the success of cryopreserving Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) larvae were investigated. They were: (1) cryoprotectants (10% dimethyl sulfoxide and 10% propylene glycol). (2) freezing protocols (with or without the seeding step). (3) larval concentrations (1,000, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000, 30,000 individuals mL(-1)). and (4) larval ages (6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h old). The survival rates were determined as percentages of postthaw larvae performing active movements for the 6 and 12 h larvae or active cilia movement for the 24, 48 and 96 h larvae. Analyses showed that the difference in survival rates between different age classses was significant in all the experiments conducted, with the maximum survival rate being achieved in the 24-h-old larvae the postthaw survival rates of larvae cryopreserved with 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (93.1 +/- 0.2%) were significantly higher (P < 0.001) that those with 10% propylene glycol (81.5 +/- 0.4%). Differences in postthaw survival rates between different concentrations (1,000 30,000 individuals mL(-1)) were not significant within each of the three larval age classes (6-, 12-, and 24-h-old ) used.


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滤食性贝类以水体中的浮游植物和有机碎屑为主要食物,养殖海域的初级生产力水平、水动力学特性等生态环境因子的差异,不仅直接影响养殖贝类的产量,而且也与贝类养殖活动对生态环境的压力密切相关。由于养殖的种类、密度、方式及养殖海域的特性不同,关于贝类对生态环境的影响往往有不同的结果。本文以我国北方大连獐子岛扇贝底播海区和荣成桑沟湾贝类筏式养殖区为研究对象,采用现场调查、室内受控实验及生态数值模型模拟方法,分析研究了滤食性贝类对海域生态系统的影响,对这两个海域贝类养殖的生态容量进行了初步的评价。 主要结果: 1. 獐子岛海域底播贝类养殖活动对该海域生态系统的影响较小。非参数统计—符号检验的结果显示,养殖区与非养殖区之间的溶解性无机氮、磷酸盐浓度、氮磷摩尔比及浮游植物群落结构没有统计学上的差异(p>0.05)。但是从变化的趋势上来看,贝类养殖活动对水域环境的某些参数有一定程度的影响。例如,獐子岛底播贝类养殖海域的溶解性无机氮以氨氮为主,可能与贝类的代泄活动有关;不论是叶绿素浓度,还是网采浮游植物的生物量都是贝类高密度养殖区<贝类低密度养殖区<非养殖区(7月份除外),这种趋势可能与贝类的摄食压力有关。 桑沟湾各环境指标表现出明显的区域性。除春季外,非养殖区的DIN浓度高于各养殖区。在春季和冬季,贝类区的磷酸盐浓度显著降低;而硅酸盐浓度在夏季和秋季显著增大。综合分析DIN、PO4-P及SiO3-Si三个参数的四季变化,海带区、贝藻区及贝类区发生显著性变异的概率分别为25%,42%和50%,贝类区的变异较大。浮游植物、小型浮游动物的生物多样性指数都是以非养殖区为最高,贝类区的多样性指数最低。尤其是浮游动物的丰度,贝类区显著低于非养殖区。 2. 利用挪威的MOM (Modelling-Ongrowing fish farms-Monitoring)评价系统,评价了桑沟湾长期大规模的贝藻筏式养殖活动对底质环境的压力。在桑沟湾设10个取样站位,共获得66个底泥样品。比较了MOM-B评价系统的3组参数的季节变化特性。结果显示,底质条件属于1级,说明桑沟湾贝藻长期大规模的养殖活动对底质环境的压力较低。结合桑沟湾的环境及养殖特点,分析了压力较低的原因。 3. 经计算,2006年中国海水养殖的贝类和藻类使用浅海生态系统的碳可达396万吨,并通过收获从海中移出至少136.9万吨的碳。从1995年至2006年,养殖大型藻类和贝类累计移出的碳分别约为365万吨和893万吨,总计达1258万吨。证明了浅海的贝类和藻类养殖活动直接或间接地使用了大量的海洋碳,提高了浅海生态系统吸收大气CO2的能力。 4. 采用模拟现场生物沉积法测定了虾夷扇贝的滤水率、摄食率等生理指标及其与贝类个体大小、水温的关系。虾夷扇贝单位个体的滤水率与组织干重的关系符合幂函数方程CR=a×DWb,b值在0.45~0.65范围内;水温对虾夷扇贝滤水率的影响极其显著(p<0.01),温度(T)与滤水率(CR)呈抛物线的关系:CR=-0.0009T2+0.0188T-0.0306,水温为10℃时,虾夷扇贝的滤水率、摄食较大。 5. 采用模拟现场流水法测定了3种滤食性贝类的食物选择性。紫贻贝、长牡蛎及栉孔扇贝分别对直径4m, 6m 和 8m颗粒的保留效率达到最大值;对小颗粒(直径2m)的保留效率分别为17%, 19% 和 8%。栉孔扇贝对食物数量和质量浓度的变化相对敏感,随着数量浓度的增加,栉孔扇贝倾向于摄食较大的颗粒;随着颗粒食物质量浓度的增加,倾向于摄食较小的颗粒。 6. 獐子岛海域四个航次的调查结果显示,叶绿素浓度在1.23~2.85mg.m-3范围内,均值为1.78±0.57 mg.m-3;初级生产力的变化范围为30.4~117.0 mg C. m-2.d-1,平均值为76.6±41.9 mg C. m-2.d-1。通过虾夷扇贝生物量断面调查,获得了虾夷扇贝的壳高频率分布情况,7月份的众数值出现在100 mm,10月份壳高的众数值为80 mm。利用以上测定的虾夷扇贝的滤水率等基本生物学特性,结合虾夷扇贝的年产量、海域面积和有关的水文状况等数据,计算了滤水效率、摄食压力、调节比率3个食物限制性指标参数,全年的均值分别为0.048, 0.31和 0.16,都小于1,说明目前该海域虾夷扇贝的养殖量未达到养殖容量。 7. 利用STELLA软件,建立的桑沟湾贝藻养殖的数值模型,模拟了叶绿素a浓度及氮磷营养盐的周年变化情况,及其对贝类养殖生物量变化的响应。以叶绿素a浓度为指标,初步探讨了桑沟湾贝类的生态容量。


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沉积物再悬浮作为一个比较普遍的物理现象,对浅海生态系统污染物的生物地球化学循环具有强烈的干扰作用。本研究以我国北方重要养殖海湾——桑沟湾为研究对象,从物理、化学、生物三个角度出发,研究了沉积物再悬浮的发生过程以及再悬浮介质-沉积物的源汇转换角色及其与养殖藻类的关系,构建了波流耦合模型和再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。主要研究结果如下: 1)桑沟湾的海湾动力比约为1.54,沉积物具有发生再悬浮的潜在动力条件;推导出波流耦合切应力的计算公式。 2)悬浮颗粒物浓度(SSC)与浊度(NTU)之间符合线性方程SSC=15.908×ln(NTU)+7.0888(n=33,R2=0.7209);碎屑有机碳库是桑沟湾养殖生态系统中最大的有机碳库,占总POC库储量的81.87%。 3)沉积物再悬浮的临界切应力在0.059 N/m2左右,耦合切应力与悬浮颗粒物浓度符合方程= 238.06 SSC + 25.215(n=25,R2 = 0.7298);最大剪切深度可达8.81 cm;桑沟湾沉积物再悬浮通量的数量级在10-5~10-6 kg·m-2·s-1之间,再悬浮临界风速约为5.51 m/s,全年约有171天沉积物处于再悬浮状态;构建了沉积物再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。 4)桑沟湾表层沉积物总氮的含量范围313.09~1094.44µg/g,有机氮是总氮的主要形态,平均占总氮的60.86%;交换态氮是无机氮的主要形式,平均占无机氮的71.40%,交换态氮中NO3--N的含量最大;桑沟湾表层沉积物的TOC/TN比值为9.38,表明沉积物中有机质具有混合来源的特征;无机磷是桑沟湾表层沉积物中磷的主要形态,平均占总磷的73.33%,钙结合磷是无机磷的主要赋存形态;表层沉积物中潜在生物有效性磷的含量占总磷的86.54%,具有很强的释磷潜力。桑沟湾重金属的潜在生态危害指数RI约为36.17,表明重金属的潜在生态危害轻微。 5)再悬浮过程中沉积物春季表现为氮磷源,释放溶解无机氮和磷酸盐;夏、秋季表现为氮汇磷源,释放磷酸盐而吸附溶解无机氮;冬季表现为氮磷汇,吸附磷酸盐和溶解无机氮。


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本研究分别于2006、2007年5月在东海沿岸海域22个站位采集牡蛎、贻贝、四角蛤蜊、文蛤、花蛤5种贝类样品,采用荧光分光光度法和气相色谱法检测贝类体内的石油烃(TPHs)和有机氯农药(HCHs和DDTs) 含量,分析东海沿岸海域贝类体内的TPHs、HCHs和DDTs的时空分布特征和HCHs、DDTs的组分特征,比较不同贝类体内污染物含量的差异,探讨HCHs和DDTs的来源,并对贝类进行初步海洋生物质量评价和人体健康风险评价。研究结果表明: (1)东海沿岸海域贝类体内TPHs含量范围为0.40 74.40 mg kg-1,平均含量为9.42 mg kg-1;HCHs含量为ND~5.42×10-3mg kg-1,平均含量为1.47×10-3 mg kg-1;DDTs含量为2.09×10-3~197.66×10-3mg kg-1,平均含量为38.05×10-3 mg kg-1。其中,TPHs含量在长江口及邻近海域较高, HCHs和DDTs含量在江苏省的如东、海门和浙江省的各海域含量较高。与2006年相比,2007年贝类体内TPHs含量与2006年基本持平,HCHs含量有稍微降低,但是DDTs含量有明显升高趋势。 (2)HCHs和DDTs组分分析表明,α-HCH和β-HCH占HCHs总量的绝大多数,γ-HCH和δ-HCH仅有极少量检出,大多数区域的α-HCH/γ-HCH比值在4-7之间,说明研究区域内有新的HCHs污染源; DDTs 中O,P’-DDT/P,P'-DDT的比值远高于工业DDTs中O,P’-DDT/P,P'-DDT的比值,分析认为其与周围区域使用三氯杀螨醇密切有关。 (3)贝类体内的TPHs、HCHs和DDTs与水体、沉积物中的相应有机物存在正相关性。相对于TPHs和HCHs,DDTs更容易在贝类体内富集;牡蛎对TPHs和HCHs、DDTs的累积能力明显高于四角蛤蜊和贻贝。 (4)质量评价显示TPHs在局部海域超标,HCHs未超标,DDTs含量超标严重。人体健康风险评估结果显示,东海沿岸海域贝类体内HCHs和DDTs的致癌风险和暴露风险均在可接受的范围之内,消费者因食用监测海域的贝类而受到HCHs和DDTs危害的可能性不大。 (5)与世界其他海域比较表明,东海海域贝类TPHs和HCHs含量处于中等水平, DDTs含量处于比较高的水平。


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附着生物又称污损生物,是附生在海洋设施和生物体表面的动物、植物和微生物等生物的总称(Azis et al., 2001)。附生在养殖器材和生物体表面的数量巨大的附着生物,对贝类养殖和海湾生态系统内的物质和营养盐循环等多个方面产生影响。本研究以北方重要的养殖海湾----桑沟湾为研究对象,对贝藻养殖区附着生物的群落演替及其生态效应进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: ① 2007年5月至2008年5月,采用挂网的方法对桑沟湾栉孔扇贝和海带混养区的附着生物的季节变化进行了研究。结果显示挂网上的附着生物具有显著的季节变化特征,网片上的附着生物湿重与水温的变化相一致,生物量为3~1210 g•m-2。2月份附着生物的生物量最低,8月份最高。2007年9月至11月,对栉孔扇贝养殖笼上和贝壳上的附着生物种类和数量进行了研究。结果显示9月份养殖笼上附着生物的湿重约为1.94 kg,10月份降至0.99 kg,11月份又稍有增加,为1.03 kg。扇贝壳上的附着生物变化趋势与养殖笼上的相同,9~11月份壳上附着生物的数量约0.49~2.09 g。扇贝养殖笼上可鉴定的大型附着生物约23种,包括藻类、海鞘类、苔藓虫类、环节动物、腔肠动物、软体动物、甲壳动物和海绵动物等。玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘、紫贻贝和苔藓虫等是附着生物群落中的优势种。 ② 通过在栉孔扇贝和虾夷扇贝上壳上添加不同重量的“模拟附着生物”(速凝水泥)的方法,研究了贝壳上附着生物的重量对这两种扇贝生长和存活的影响。结果显示水泥重量是上壳重0.5-3倍的各组实验组扇贝的生长和存活与对照组(未添加水泥的扇贝)之间没有显著差异。说明贝壳上附着生物重量为上壳的3倍重时,也不会显著影响扇贝生长存活。9-11月份贝壳上的自然附着生物的重量约为1.47-2.09 g,为上壳重的28.16 (±38.6)%—31.29 ± (31.63)%。因此,贝壳上附着的生物重量不太可能对扇贝的生长存活造成显著的负面影响。 ③ 在桑沟湾现场测定了玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的生物沉积速率。9月份(水温约24℃)玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的生物沉积速率分别为32.14和90.06 mg•ind-1•d-1或(858.99 和467.76 mg•gdw-1•d-1),据此计算,养殖笼上的两种海鞘的生物沉积速率约为84.29 mg•m-2•d-1。海区的自然沉积速率为41.49 mg•m-2•d-1;玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘沉积物中有机质含量分别为14.34%和13.77%,对照组海区自然的有机质含量为14.36%;以上三者有机碳的含量分别为24.72%,23.74%和24.76%;氮的含量分别为0.27%和0.25%,自然沉积物中的氮含量为0.30%。9月份扇贝养殖笼上附着的海鞘将产生2588.16吨的沉积物,即向底部沉积363.77吨的有机物、6.99吨的氮和1.79吨的磷。 ④ 通过测定扇贝养殖笼上优势种附着生物--玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝的摄食、呼吸和排泄,研究了这些优势种类对贝类养殖和海湾环境的影响。9月份(水温约24.5℃)玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘对颗粒有机物(POM)的摄食率分别为14.30 和17.01 mg• h-1•ind-1。根据实验结果计算这两种海鞘摄取的颗粒有机物相当于312个扇贝的摄取量,大于笼内养殖的扇贝的摄取量;玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的耗氧率分别约为0.32和0.18 mg•h-1•ind-1,养殖笼上的这两种海鞘消耗的溶解氧约等于75个扇贝消耗的溶解氧。栉孔扇贝、玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝的排氨率分别为33.66 ±11.34,117.90±23.46,35.91±6.22,28.08±3.41 ug NH4-N•gdw-1•h-1。以此估算,9月份玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝每天排泄的氨氮约为654.08 kg,相当于16467吨栉孔扇贝(鲜重)排泄的氨氮。海鞘和贻贝排泄的氨氮可提供浮游植物等所需的2.75%的氮,可以提供1204吨海带的生长所需的氮。 ⑤ 一个养殖笼内的栉孔扇贝和全部附着生物(Scallop Culture Unit, SCU)在夏季(6-9月)对颗粒有机物的摄食速率约为43.13-98.94 mg/h,平均74.05 mg/h,期间桑沟湾养殖的栉孔扇贝及附着生物摄取的POM约为1279.58吨;同期,SCU对氨氮和磷(PO4-P)的排泄速率分别为125.59-1432.23 μmol•h-1和76.2-252.89μmol•h-1,期间桑沟湾养殖扇贝及附着生物排泄的氮磷分别为211.09 吨和83.79 吨。一串牡蛎及吊绳和牡蛎壳上的附着生物(Oyster Culture Unit, OCU),夏季摄食率为5-41.43μmol•h-1,耗氧率为16.54-41.76μmol•h-1,对氨氮和磷(PO4-P)的排泄速率分别为35.56-489.34μmol•h-1 和9.92-16.68μmol•h-1。以此估算,夏季OCU可摄取POM535.68吨,消耗溶解氧955.58吨,排泄氮磷分别为62.37 吨和15.50 吨。


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TO understand possible reproductive interaction between Crassostrea ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) and C. sikamea (Amemiya, 1928), which coexist ill estuaries of China and Japan, we conducted 2 X 2 factorial crosses between the two species. Asymmetry in fertilization success was observed where C. sikamea eggs can be fertilized be C. ariakensis the receprocal cross resulted in no fertilization. Fertilization Success ill C.sikamea female X C. ariakemvis male (SA) crosses was lower than that in the two intraspecific crosses and produced larvae that had similar growth the rate as their maternal species during the first nine days because of maternal effects. After that, genome incompatibility casted negative effects on the growth and survival of the hybrid larvae. Most hybrid larvae died during metamorphosis. but a small number of spat survived. Genetic analysis revealed that the survived SA spat contained DNA from both species and were the hybried. This study demonstrates that hybridization between C. ariakensis and C. sikamea is possible in one direction.


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In many molluses, it has been found that Ca2+ signaling pathway is involved in the resumption of meiotic maturation in oocytes. To better understand the possible role of Ca2+ signaling pathway in regulating meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria, free extracellular Ca2+, A23187 (calcium ionophore), verapamil (calcium channel blocker), and trifluoperazin (calmodulin antagonist) were used to incubate oocytes or serotonin-induced oocytes by pharmacological methods. Results show that extracellular Ca2+ (50 similar to 200 mM) and A23187 (1 similar to 10 mu M) can stimulate the meiotic maturation. In addition, verapamil (1 similar to 100 mu M) and trifluoperazin (10 similar to 1,000 mu M) could inhibit serotonin-induced oocyte maturation. Therefore, Ca2+ is essential for the reinitiation of meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog. Moreover, an increase i [Ca2+]i can promote meiotic maturation.


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We report an apparently novel toxic effect of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, manifested by inhibition of the egg hatching success of the scallop, Chlamys farreri. The hatching rate of C. farreri approached only 30% of controls when its fertilised eggs were exposed for 36 h to A. tamarense cells or cellular fragments at a concentration of 100 cells/ml, and the hatching rate was just 5% after exposure to A. tamarense of 500 cells/ml. Similar exposures of the fertilised scallop eggs to two other algal species, the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the raphidophyte Heterosigma carterae, resulted in no such toxicity or inhibitory effects.. Likewise, exposure of eggs to standard STX toxin. as well as to A. tamarense cell contents (supernant of re-suspended algal cells following ultrasonication and centrifugation), did not elicit this inhibitory response. However, exposure of the scallop eggs to cell cultures, intact algal cells, or cell fragments of A. tamarense produced marked toxicity. The alga also influenced larvae at early D-shape stage of scallop. The survival rates began to decrease significantly after exposed for 6 days at concentration of 3000 cells/ml and above: no larvae could survive after 14-day exposure to A. tamarense at 10,000 cells/ml or 20-day at 5000 cells/ml. The results indicated the production of novel substances from A. tamarense which can cause adverse effects on egg hatching and survival of the scallop larvae, The experiment also found that the developmental stages before blastula was the developmental period most sensitive to the A. tamarense toxin(s) and the alga at early exponential stage had the strongest effect on egg hatching comparing with other growth phases. The adverse effect of A. tamarense on early development of scallops may cause decline of shellfish population and may have further impact on marine ecosystem. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Food Sources of three filter-feeding bivalves from two habitats (intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas, mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. and subtidal cultured scallop Chlamys farreri) of Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao,China) were determined by fatty acid and stable isotope in analysis. Cultured scallop was characterized by significant diatom markets such as 16:1/16:0 close to 1 and high ratio of 20:5(n - 3)/22:6(n - 3), hence we assume that the scallop mainly feeds on diatoms. Fatty acid biomarkers specific to bacteria and terrestrial materials were also found in considerable amounts in scallop tissue, which suggested that there were Substantial bacterial and terrestrial input into the food of the species. Intertidal oyster and mussel, however, exhibited significant flagellate marker. 22:6(n - 3). and lower level of diatom markers. which indicated that flagellates are also part of intertidal bivalves' Planktonic food Sources: meanwhile, high level of Chlorophyta fatty acid marker, Sigma 18:2(n - 6) + 18:3(n - 3), suggested that Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta) seaweed bed supplied important food sources to intertidal bivalves. Additionally, result of stable isotope analysis showed that phytoplankton contributed 86.2 to 89.0% to intertidal bivalves' carbon budget; macroalga U. pertusa origin source had a contribution of MIX, to 11.0%, which indicated its role Lis in important supplemental food source to intertidal bivalves. From this study. it is concluded that the dietary difference of three bivalves probably relates to the different potential food sources in the scallop farm and intertidal zone in Jiaozhou Bay.


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Substantial nutritional and energetic demands m-e associated with immune activation and the maintenance of an efficient immune system. One-year-old Chlamys farreri (Jones and Preston) scallops were maintained ill lantern nets ill different nutritional conditions (satiation and starvation) for 40 days. After the 40-day treatments, the condition index and the total hemocyte count (THC) decreased significantly in the starved group compared with the satiated and initial control groups. The percentage of phagocytic hemocytes also was significantly reduced with starvation. In contrast. no significant effect of starvation was observed oil reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The acid phosphatase (ACP) activities in cell-free hemolymph increased significantly in scallops in starved and satiated treatments compared with the initial control. whereas ACP activity in hemocyte lysate was significantly lower ill the starved group. These results indicate that starvation stress compromises immunological activities of scallops.


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Extracellular superoxide dismutase (ECSOD) is a major extracellular antioxidant enzyme that protects organs from damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). We cloned a novel ECSOD from the bay scallop Argopecten irradians (AiECSOD) by 3' and 5' RACE. The full-length cDNA of AiECSOD was 893 bp with a 657 bp open reading frame encoding 218 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contained a putative signal peptide of 20 amino acids, and sequence comparison showed that AiECSOD had low degree of homology to ECSODs of other organisms. The genomic length of the AiECSOD gene was about 5276 bp containing five exons and six introns. The promoter region contained many putative transcription factor binding sites such as c-Myb, Oct-1, Sp1, Kruppel-like, c-ETS, NF kappa B, GATA-1, AP-1, and Ubx binding sites. Furthermore, tissue-specific expressions of AiECSOD and temporal expressions of AiECSOD in haemocytes of bay scallops challenged with bacteria Vibrio anguillarum were quantified using qRT-PCR. High levels of expression were detected in haemocytes, but not in gonad and mantle. The expression of AiECSOD reached the highest level at 12 h post-injection with V. anguillarum and then returned to normal between 24 h and 48 h post-injection. These results indicated that AiECSOD was an inducible protein and that it may play an important role in the immune responses against V anguillarum. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Superoxide dismutases are an ubiquitous family of enzymes that function to efficiently catalyze the dismutation of superoxide anions. Two unique and highly compartmentalized bay scallop Argopecten irradians superoxide dismutases: MnSOD and ecCuZnSOD, have been molecularly characterized in our previous study. To complete characterize the SOD family in A. irradians, a novel intracellular copper/zinc SOD from the A. irradians (Ai-icCuZnSOD) was obtained and characterized. The full-length cDNA of Ai-icCuZnSOD was 1047 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding 152 amino acids. The genomic length of the Ai-icCuZnSOD gene was about 4279 bp containing 4 exons and 3 introns. The promoter region containing many putative transcription factor binding sites were analyzed. Furthermore, quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis indicated that the highest expression of the Ai-icCuZnSOD was detected in gill and the expression profiles in hemocytes of bay scallops challenged with bacteria Vibrio anguillarum and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were different. The result presented an increased expression after injection with LPS whereas no significant changes were observed after V. anguillarum injection. A fusion protein containing Ai-icCuZnSOD was produced in vitro. The rAi-icCuZnSOD is a stable enzyme, retaining more than 80% of its activity between 10 and 60 degrees C and keeping above 88% of its activity at pH values between 5.8 and 9. Ai-icCuZnSOD is more stable under alkaline than acidic conditions. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chromosomal location of the 5S ribosomal RNA gene was studied in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Metaphase chromosomes were obtained from early embryos, and the FISH probe was made by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification of the 5S rRNA gene and labeled by incorporation of digoxigenin-1 1-dUTP during PCR. Hybridization was detected with fluorescein-labeled antidigoxigenin antibodies. Two pairs of FISH signals were observed on metaphase chromosomes. Karyotypic analysis showed that the 5S rRNA gene cluster is interstitially located on short arms of chromosomes 5 and 6. On chromosome 5, the 5S rRNA genes were located immediately next to the centromere, whereas on chromosome 6, they were located approximately half way between the telomere and the centromere. Chromosomes of C. virginica are difficult to identify because of their similarities in size and arm ratio, and the chromosomal location of 5S rRNA genes provides unambiguous identification of chromosomes 5 and 6. Previous studies have mapped the major rRNA gene cluster (18S-5.8S-28S) to chromosome 2. and this study shows that the 5S rRNA gene cluster is not linked to the major rRNA genes and duplicated during evolution.


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A novel manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was cloned from bay scallop Argopecten irradians by 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The full-length cDNA of MnSOD was of 1207 bp with a 678 bp open reading frame encoding 226 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contained a putative signal peptide of 26 amino acids. Sequence comparison showed that the MnSOD of A. irradians shared high identity with MnSOD in invertebrates and vertebrates, such as MnSOD from abalone Haliotis discus discus (ABG88843) and frog Xenopus laevis (AAQ63483). Furthermore, the 3D structure of bay scallop MnSOD was predicted by SWISS-MODEL Protein Modelling Server and compared with those of other MnSODs. The overall structure of bay scallop MnSOD was similar to those of zebrafish Danio rerio, fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, human Homo sapiens, and had the highest similarity to scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis and abalone H. discus discus. A quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was developed to detect the mRNA expression of MnSOD in different tissues and the temporal expression in haemocytes following challenge with the bacterium Vibrio anguillarum. A higher-level of mRNA expression of MnSOD was detected in gill and mantle. The expression of MnSOD reached the highest level at 3 h post-injection with V. anguillarum and then slightly recovered from 6 to 48 h. The results indicated that bay scallop MnSOD was a constitutive and inducible protein and thus could play an important role in the immune responses against V anguillarum infection. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), the primary member of HSPs that are responsive of thermal stress, is found in all multicellular organisms and functions mostly as molecular chaperon. The inducible HSP70 cDNA cloned from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), was highly homologous to other HSP70 genes. The full-length cDNA of the Pacific abalone HSP70 was 2631 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 90 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 573 by with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1968 bp. The HSP70 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 655 amino acids with an ATPase domain of 382 amino acids, the substrate peptide binding domain of 161 amino acids and a C-terminus domain of 112 amino acids. The temporal expression of HSP70 was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after heat shock and bacterial challenge. Challenge of Pacific abalone with heat shock or the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio anguillarum resulted in a dramatic increase in the expression of HSP70 mRNA level in muscle, followed by a recovery to normal level after 96 h. Unlike the muscle, the levels of HSP70 expression in gills reached the top at 12 h and maintained a relatively high level compared with the control after thermal and bacterial challenge. The upregulated mRNA expression of HSP70 in the abalone following heat shock and infection response indicates that the HSP70 gene is inducible and involved in immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.