985 resultados para nuclear engineering


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Plutonium and (90)Sr are considered to be among the most radiotoxic nuclides produced by the nuclear fission process. In spite of numerous studies on mammals and humans there is still no general agreement on the retention half time of both radionuclides in the skeleton in the general population. Here we determined plutonium and (90)Sr in human vertebrae in individuals deceased between 1960 and 2004 in Switzerland. Plutonium was measured by sensitive SF-ICP-MS techniques and (90)Sr by radiometric methods. We compared our results to the ones obtained for other environmental compartments to reveal the retention half time of NBT fallout (239)Pu and (90)Sr in trabecular bones of the Swiss population. Results show that plutonium has a retention half time of 40+/-14 years. In contrast (90)Sr has a shorter retention half time of 13.5+/-1.0 years. Moreover (90)Sr retention half time in vertebrae is shown to be linked to the retention half time in food and other environmental compartments. These findings demonstrate that the renewal of the vertebrae through calcium homeostatic control is faster for (90)Sr excretion than for plutonium excretion. The precise determination of the retention half time of plutonium in the skeleton will improve the biokinetic model of plutonium metabolism in humans.


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Partial DNA sequences from two mitochondrial (mt) and one nuclear gene (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and C-mos) were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among the six extant species of skinks endemic to the Cape Verde Archipelago. The species form a monophyletic unit, indicating a single colonization of the islands, probably from West Africa. Mabuya vaillanti and M. delalandii are sister taxa, as indicated by morphological characters. Mabuya fogoensis and M. stangeri are closely related, but the former is probably paraphyletic. Mabuya spinalis and M. salensis are also probably paraphyletic. Within species, samples from separate islands always form monophyletic groups. Some colonization events can be hypothesized, which are in line with the age of the islands. C-mos variation is concordant with the topology derived from mtDNA.


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Report on a special investigation of the Engineering Communications and Marketing Department (ECM) of Iowa State University of Science and Technology for the period January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2007


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We study the impact of university-industry research collaborations on academicoutput, in terms of productivity and direction of research. We report findings froma longitudinal dataset on all the researchers from the engineering departments inthe UK in the last 20 years. We control for the endogeneity caused by the dynamicnature of research and the existence of reverse causality. Our results indicate thatresearchers with industrial links publish significantly more. Productivity, though,is higher for low levels of industry involvement. Moreover, growing ties with theindustry skew research towards a more applied approach.


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The granules which appear in the nucleolar area in apoptotic HL-60 cells after camptothecin administration (Zweyer et al., Exp. Cell Res. 221,27-40, 1995) were detected also in several other cell lines induced to undergo apoptosis by different stimuli, such as MOLT-4 treated with staurosporine, K-562 incubated with actinomycin D, P-815 exposed to temperature causing heat shock, Jurkat cells treated with EGTA, U-937 growing in the presence of cycloheximide and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and HeLa cells treated with etoposide. Using immunoelectron microscopy techniques, we demonstrate that, besides the already described nuclear matrix proteins p125 and p160, these granules contain other nucleoskeletal polypeptides such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a component of ribonucleoprotein particles, a 105-kDa constituent of nuclear spliceosomes, and the 240-kDa nuclear mitotic apparatus-associated protein referred to as NuMA. Moreover, we also found in the granules SAF-A/hn-RNP-U and SATB1 proteins, two polypeptides that have been reported to bind scaffold-associated regions DNA sequences in vitro, thus mediating the formation of looped DNA structures in vivo. Fibrillarin and coilin are not present in these granules or the PML protein. Thus, the granules seen during the apoptotic process apparently are different from coiled bodies or other types of nuclear bodies. Furthermore, these granules do not contain chromatin components such as histones and DNA. Last, Western blotting analysis revealed that nuclear matrix proteins present in the granules are not proteolytically degraded except for the NuMA polypeptide. We propose that these granules might represent aggregates of nuclear matrix proteins forming during the apoptotic process. Moreover, since the granules are present in several cell lines undergoing apoptosis, they could be considered a previously unrecognized morphological hallmark of the apoptotic process.


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The Work Package 4 of the ORAMED project, a collaborative project (2008-11) supported by the European Commission within its seventh Framework Programme, is concerned with the optimisation of the extremity dosimetry of medical staff in nuclear medicine. To evaluate the extremity doses and dose distributions across the hands of medical staff working in nuclear medicine departments, an extensive measurement programme has been started in 32 nuclear medicine departments in Europe. This was done using a standard protocol recording all relevant information for radiation exposure, i.e. radiation protection devices and tools. This study shows the preliminary results obtained for this measurement campaign. For diagnostic purposes, the two most-used radionuclides were considered: (99m)Tc and (18)F. For therapeutic treatments, Zevalin(®) and DOTATOC (both labelled with (90)Y) were chosen. Large variations of doses were observed across the hands depending on different parameters. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of the positioning of the extremity dosemeter for a correct estimate of the maximum skin doses.


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight scientific information resources that list journal and country rankings. These databases usually focus on the use of citation counts and number of publications to evaluate the interest, visibility and impact of research performance. The exposed resources are platforms that provide added value to authors improving their knowledge about research trends and also where to submit their papers.


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Distal myopathies represent a heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal muscle disorders. One type of adult-onset, progressive autosomal-dominant distal myopathy, frequently associated with dysphagia and dysphonia (vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness with distal myopathy [VCPDM]), has been mapped to chromosome 5q31 in a North American pedigree. Here, we report the identification of a second large VCPDM family of Bulgarian descent and fine mapping of the critical interval. Sequencing of positional candidate genes revealed precisely the same nonconservative S85C missense mutation affecting an interspecies conserved residue in the MATR3 gene in both families. MATR3 is expressed in skeletal muscle and encodes matrin 3, a component of the nuclear matrix, which is a proteinaceous network that extends throughout the nucleus. Different disease related haplotype signatures in the two families provided evidence that two independent mutational events at the same position in MATR3 cause VCPDM. Our data establish proof of principle that the nuclear matrix is crucial for normal skeletal muscle structure and function and put VCPDM on the growing list of monogenic disorders associated with the nuclear proteome.


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BACKGROUND: Living in a multisensory world entails the continuous sensory processing of environmental information in order to enact appropriate motor routines. The interaction between our body and our brain is the crucial factor for achieving such sensorimotor integration ability. Several clinical conditions dramatically affect the constant body-brain exchange, but the latest developments in biomedical engineering provide promising solutions for overcoming this communication breakdown. NEW METHOD: The ultimate technological developments succeeded in transforming neuronal electrical activity into computational input for robotic devices, giving birth to the era of the so-called brain-machine interfaces. Combining rehabilitation robotics and experimental neuroscience the rise of brain-machine interfaces into clinical protocols provided the technological solution for bypassing the neural disconnection and restore sensorimotor function. RESULTS: Based on these advances, the recovery of sensorimotor functionality is progressively becoming a concrete reality. However, despite the success of several recent techniques, some open issues still need to be addressed. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S): Typical interventions for sensorimotor deficits include pharmaceutical treatments and manual/robotic assistance in passive movements. These procedures achieve symptoms relief but their applicability to more severe disconnection pathologies is limited (e.g. spinal cord injury or amputation). CONCLUSIONS: Here we review how state-of-the-art solutions in biomedical engineering are continuously increasing expectances in sensorimotor rehabilitation, as well as the current challenges especially with regards to the translation of the signals from brain-machine interfaces into sensory feedback and the incorporation of brain-machine interfaces into daily activities.


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The distribution of three nuclear scaffold proteins (of which one is a component of a particular class of nuclear bodies) has been studied in intact K562 human erythroleukemia cells, isolated nuclei, and nuclear scaffolds. Nuclear scaffolds were obtained by extraction with the ionic detergent lithium diidosalicylate (LIS), using nuclei prepared in the absence of divalent cations (metal-depleted nuclei) and stabilized either by a brief heat exposure (20 min at 37C or 42C) or by Cu++ ions at 0C. Proteins were visualized by in situ immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Only a 160-kD nuclear scaffold protein was unaffected by all the stabilization procedures performed on isolated nuclei. However, LIS extraction and scaffold preparation procedures markedly modified the distribution of the polypeptide seen in intact cells, unless stabilization had been performed by Cu++. In isolated nuclei, only Cu++ treatment preserved the original distribution of the two other antigens (M(r), 125 and 126 kD), whereas in heat-stabilized nuclei we detected dramatic changes. In nuclear scaffolds reacted with antibodies to 125 and 126-kD proteins, the fluorescent pattern was always disarranged regardless of the stabilization procedure. These results, obtained with nuclei prepared in the absence of Mg+2 ions, indicate that heat treatment per se can induce changes in the distribution of nuclear proteins, at variance with previous suggestions. Nevertheless, each of the proteins we have studied behaves in a different way, possibly because of its specific association with the nuclear scaffold.


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By means of confocal laser scanning microscopy and indirect fluorescence experiments we have examined the behavior of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) within the nucleus as well as of a nuclear matrix protein (M(r) = 125 kDa) during a prolonged heat-shock response (up to 24 h at 42 degrees C) in HeLa cells. In control cells HSP70 was mainly located in the cytoplasm. The protein translocated within the nucleus upon cell exposure to hyperthermia. The fluorescent pattern revealed by monoclonal antibody to HSP70 exhibited several changes during the 24-h-long incubation. The nuclear matrix protein showed changes in its location that were evident as early as 1 h after initiation of heat shock. After 7 h of treatment, the protein regained its original distribution. However, in the late stages of the hyperthermic treatment (17-24 h) the fluorescent pattern due to 125-kDa protein changed again and its original distribution was never observed again. These results show that HSP70 changes its localization within the nucleus conceivably because it is involved in solubilizing aggregated polypeptides present in different nuclear regions. Our data also strengthen the contention that proteins of the insoluble nucleoskeleton are involved in nuclear structure changes that occur during heat-shock response.