821 resultados para nationalismi - etnografia - suomalaiset


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O objetivo deste estudo visa compreender como as crianças e os jovens se relacionam para aprender, num espaço de socialização cultural e de contexto educativo não-formal, no campo das artes plásticas, na comunidade de prática: Espaço das artes, no Funchal. Perceber se, nesse contexto educativo, há lugar a práticas pedagógicas inovadoras, susceptíveis de estimularem o desenvolvimento do conhecimento. Para interpretar o fenómeno educativo, recorri à metodologia etnográfica, no âmbito da abordagem qualitativa, observei os indivíduos no seu ambiente natural recorrendo à observação participante, o que implicou o contacto com alguma duração, para observar do ponto de vista de quem vai ser observado, tornando-me no outro, para depois compreender melhor pelo lado de quem está por dentro. A observação, o diário de bordo etnográfico, a fotografia, o áudio, conversas informais e entrevistas etnográficas foram os instrumentos utilizados; os dados foram sujeitos a análise de conteúdo e as categorias daí derivadas foram: o conhecimento, as competências sócio-afetivas e a inovação. Verifica-se que os aprendizes aprendem, com prazer, a desenvolver e expressar a sua capacidade criativa através do desenho e da pintura, num contexto de aprendizagem situada e colaborativa com monitores ou outros aprendizes mais capazes em determinada atividade e onde a instrução não é organizada. Conclui-se que há indícios fortes de inovação pedagógica.


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Este é um estudo de caso de natureza etnográfica sobre a prática discursiva desenvolvida no grupo dos Saraus Culturais da Associação Educativo-Cultural Tarcília Evangelista de Andrade, em Capim Grosso, - BA, e é estimulado pela reflexão sobre a necessidade de ruptura do paradigma tradicional que insiste em manter-se sobre as práticas pedagógicas, dentre elas as de produção discursiva, o que anuncia a urgência de inová-las, tornando-as suficientes à aprendizagem articulada com o contexto social dos sujeitos e pela qual estes são os principais responsáveis na negociação do conhecimento com o qual estão a lidar. Assim, procurou-se compreender o comportamento discursivo dos sujeitos no contexto das atividades do grupo pesquisado à luz dos pressupostos teóricos sobre Inovação Pedagógica defendidos pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira, os quais metodologicamente vinculam-se à pesquisa etnográfica, de forma que este estudo está associado à abordagem qualitativa pelos princípios metodológicos da etnografia, em especial a observação participante, a entrevista aberta e a análise de documentos. Buscou, ainda, no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise do Discurso, em sua vertente francesa, embasamento para interpretar o funcionamento do discurso na produção dos sentidos e explicitar o mecanismo ideológico que o dá sustentação, o que contribuiu para revelar que a prática discursiva engendrada pelo grupo pesquisado movimenta os sujeitos na história em direção a um comportamento mais crítico. Os dados coletados, entre agosto de 2012 e maio de 2013, permitiram compreender que o referido comportamento é suficiente às premissas da aprendizagem socialmente situada e revela gestos que desmontam o invariante cultural instituído sobre a escola e, ainda, um discurso articulado como prática de movimentação de sujeitos e de sentidos. Considerando essas conclusões principais, o trabalho revela uma proposta comprometida com a Inovação Pedagógica e que pode colaborar na articulação de outras que priorizem os mesmos pressupostos.


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Este estudo tem a intenção de descrever, entender e explicar processo deaprendizagem de uma turma de 4º Ano do Ensino Fundamental I, com proposta de utilizar objetos concretos na aprendizagem matemática, no qual procurou desvendar à luz da concepção de inovação de que maneira esses objetos constituem uma instigação à Inovação pedagógica. Mediante aos padrões culturais da turma pretende-se conhecer e verificar o impacto desta proposta, no cotidiano dos alunos, por meiodos saberes de cada um envolvidos. Uma vez que, é visível a complexidade e a desmotivação que o aluno do ensino fundamental I apresenta com a Matemática. A necessidade de tornar a aula mais interessante e motivadora é uma inquietação constante do professor, no qual a dissertação investiga a importância dos objetos concretos, sua funcionalidade e aplicabilidade, de modo que possa facilitar a aprendizagem, bem como, proporcionar subsídios para que o aluno desenvolva estratégias significativas e inovadoras, melhorando assim, a qualidade do aprendizado matemático e seja capaz de criar situações que promovam a curiosidade, a instigação e a busca de resoluções, possibilitando no seu cotidiano empregar o conhecimento científico. O estudo tem como alusão a construção do pensamento crítico dos alunos a partir das concepções trabalhadas na sala de aula. Nessa acepção, a presente investigação insere-se numa abordagem qualitativa, de caráter etnográfico. Desenvolve-se por intermédio da investigadora com a turma, com vista à descrição da realidade estudada, seus padrões culturais e significativos, visando a compreensão do ambiente analisado. Através dos recursos como a observação participante, a entrevista e os documentos foi possível o recolhimento de dados durante a estadia no contexto do estudo. As conclusões desta investigação apontam de certa forma para a interatividade e a compreensão de certos conceitos matemáticos, mas não induz a autonomia dos alunos, o seu projeto de vida, ou seja, não perfigura um desafio à Inovação Pedagógica.


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A Educação, nesse início de século, encontra-se ainda pouco vinculada à evolução tecnológica, resistindo sistematicamente à incorporação do desenvolvimento da mesma. Este estudo pretende analisar como a utilização das TIC pode produzir ambientes inovadores na aprendizagem dos alunos da ETE - Cícero Dias, objetivando investigar se a utilização das novas tecnologias confere inovação pedagógica, capaz de beneficiar a aquisição de conhecimentos que respondam às atuais necessidades e exigências da educação contemporânea. Este estudo justifica-se por proporcionar mais uma contribuição ao campo da inovação pedagógica. Fundamentando-se nos resultados teóricos, a pesquisa abona uma avaliação epistemológica no aprender mediado pela utilização das novas tecnologias com recomendações para novas práticas e novas pesquisas em educação. Para tanto, a investigação desenvolver-se-á dentro da metodologia de cunho qualitativo etnográfico, onde foi registrada a experiência de alunos e professores do curso profissionalizante de jogos digitais e eu, como investigador, envolvidos com o mundo digital. A pesquisa também apontou que a linguagem midiática torna-se mais eficaz quando a ação dos docentes é ativa para efetivar a inovação no âmbito cognitivo. Igualmente, foi verificado que, quando as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação proporcionam inovação pedagógica capaz de provocar mudança paradigmática, implica transformações nas bases conservadoras da educação.


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Esse trabalho tem como objetivo de pesquisar o uso do software Winplot nas aulas de matemática como instrumento auxiliar e fator de ruptura das práticas pedagógicas fundamentadas no paradigma fabril, criando ambientes favoráveis ao ensino e aprendizagem, dando maior ênfase a aprendizagem, proporcionando aos educandos serem construtores dos seus próprios conhecimentos, valorizando os seus significados, propiciando a formação de cidadãos críticos e autônomos e educadores como mediadores nesse processo. Para a realização desse trabalho de pesquisa foi adotada a metodologia qualitativa com fundamentos etnográficos, a observação participante e a utilização do diário de bordo eletrônico etnográfico que nos garantiu agilidade nos registros de campo, propiciando a descrição das ações reais de educador e educandos em função do uso desse software que assegurou o desejo dos educandos, educador e pesquisador nas mudanças das praxes pedagógicas que valorizam o educando como centro no processo de ensino e aprendizagem contribuindo para que a escola seja estimulada a adotar um currículo flexível propiciando uma educação contextualizada.


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This work considers a ethnography boarding on the Apãniekra Jê-Timbira group of Central Brazil - leaving of a proposal of agreement of the group in perspectives of historical situations, analyzing its social organization from situational approaches. Taking the ethnography as main tool of production of data, the focus of the research takes dimension, when in the course of the ethnography situation, they come out, from certain events, social dramas that if ramify in crises, conflicts, faccionalismo. I analyze the mechanisms elaborated for the group to neutralize these dramas , such as the constitution of a tribal court , composites for native mediators and external mediators, dynamics ritual processes and politicians.


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Ce travaille de dissertation (Master) est le résultat de trois ans de travaille auprès de Mirandas, endroit situé à 22 kilomètres de la ville de Caraúbas, région ouest de l Etat du Rio Grande do Norte. Pendant cette période, on a compris que les habitants de Mirandas se identifient et sont identifiés pour les autres comme des caboclos , catégorie de classification que dans le discours courant, soit à Mirandas ou dans la siège de la municipalité, a des rapports avec la vision que les tous premiers habitants de Mirandas sont venus de la ville du Cabo , dans l Etat de Pernambuco. Et pourtant ; l usage qu a été fait de cette version a fini pour cacher des éléments qui ont défini l identité de Mirandas, tel comme la probable descendance indigène que parfois est actionnée dans les narratives qui montrent des rapports entre les portugais et des femmes indiens qu ont été pris à casco de cavalo (cheval) . (MACÊDO, 2010; CAVIGNAC, 2003). Donc, cette ethnographie porte à la lumière des éléments que sont utilisés pour les mirandenses pour définir leur identité. Cette identité peut être bien visualisé a partir des éléments que les caboclos font des signes diacritiques (BARTH, 1998; OLIVEIRA, 1976), bien comme des rapports établis entre les habitants de Mirandas et ces de Caraúbas. Des rapports qui ont rendu possible les manifestations d affinité et de conflits et que, donc, nous aide à entendre comme cette identité se réactualise dans ces rapports d union et opposition que les mirandenses construisent avec les caraubenses. Cela arrive dans les rapports territoriaux, économiques et de façon plus marquante, dans les rapports religieux.


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The proposal of the present study is to get to know and to analyze the building up of the culture notion among the participants of the Paresi Kozarini group in the ethnodevelopment context. The main focus is the ethnographic study, presenting a description of Aldeia Rio Verde (Paresi Indigenous Land), understanding it as a synthesis of historic processes which explains the current moment of Paresi Indigenous group. By using the mentioned methodology, the processes and social relations produced along the contact path of this group with regional-national culture were focused, and how that contact affects the present. The research questions which concern the present study refer to the processes of identification of the researched subjects about themselves and in relation to others. According as almost the totality of the indigenous group we usually know as Paresi, recognize itself as Kozarini, the attention is directed to the manner how they see themselves and how they differ from the other Paresi groups, not indigenous people, and other indigenous groups; and which meanings of the prefix ethno- (which culture elements) they have elected to represent and manage external matters to their culture and society, in the context of discussions about ethnodevelopment


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Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)


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In view of a field research carried out by a team connected to the universe of body modification, it is possible to discern some uses and meanings linked to these forms of body interventions. Body modification or body change is part of the circuit of piercings and tattoos, although they are socially less thinned and more extreme, like scarifications, subcutaneous implants, bifurcated tongues, surfaces and body suspensions. The aim of this paper is to cast an anthropological glance on these practices, joining at the same context all the subjects involved with these techniques, placing them inside the same relational focus and capturing their journeys and trajectories. The discussions are concentrated on the notion of body building and urban life style. Ideas as personal distinctness and prestige imitation are also present in this universe, as well as matters attached to genre, pleasure, art, and to the so-called alternative circuit . This way, the ethnography so far presented here, reveals the complex and contemporaneous character of these practices of body markings in which the body appears as the central element in the experiences of the subjects of this study


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The subject of this research is the spiritual religious field, connected with the local cultural perspectives. Its basis is the analysis of two spiritual groups settled in Natal/RN: The Spiritual Group Evangelho no Lar and the Spiritual Center Garimpeiros da Luz . These two groups represent a point of convergence of several sectors of this religion, either through its insertion in the local sphere or in contact to nationally influent leaders, like the mediums Francisco Cândido Xavier and Divaldo Pereira Franco. Then, it aims to reach the potiguar singularities in their spiritualism approaches, looking for an analyses to possible connections between local values and themes from the spiritualism largely developed in Brazil. So, its objective is to act in the scope of influence, references, representations and adaptive practices in a local context, and they signalize special practices . The approaches until now developed refer only to the living of a Brazilian spiritualism, perfectly developed in contact with the catholic substrate, but there s still a gap about the local observation, with its peculiarities, which its research aims to disclosure. The option for a qualitative approach, in perfect relationship with the nature of the questions which were made was considered as an appropriate way to guide the study. To reach this, it will be made an ethnography of the studied groups, not only in the use of open interviews with its members but also in the contact and observation of its religious behavior, for example: meeting for studies of the doctrine, mediunic meetings, public lectures, helping the public in general. As results of this research we can point to the delimitation of local cultural references, which are undeniable, in relation to the identification of RN personalities who are considered coordinators or active spirits in the work performed by the groups. Thus, Auta de Souza, poetess and woman of great religiosity, Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão, martyr of the aeronautics, Father João Maria, object of popular devotion and Abdias Antônio de Oliveira, ex president of the Spiritual Federation of RN, present themselves as spiritual beings who lead the adaptability to the local context. In such a context, we have to point out the work of mediums, who, having a specific charisma, interacted with the groups in the establishment of these cultural bridges already made in their own contexts (national level), through the work equally possible to be locally reproduced. This and other facts, point out to perspectives of cultural circularity , including referring to a greater linking to sub layers in a true zone that converges and has circulation between an erudite spiritualism with another one, turned to the incorporation of local and popular elements


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This work aims at understanding of social suffering, caused by unsolved homicides in the black population. Thus, when the homicide occurs, family and friends become hidden or indirect victims of this crime. So, It will be made a historical imbalance of Afro-Brazilians to the capitalist system after slavery. Those who suffered from the absence of inclusive public policies. Also try to contextualize them within the current data with that place as the immediate victims of murder. Finally, reports from family members, through their life stories, and snippets from the ethnographic field notes were the methodologies used


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This research focuses on the fishery activity, aligned to knowledge of past generations, and the transformation to those who depend on this activity for their livelihood, at the seashore community of Pitangui in Extremoz municipality, which lies 40 km away from Natal, seat of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The intense modernization which has taking place during the last few years may be considered the result of a number of economic, social and cultural factors, as the introduction of new fishery technology. On the other hand, the present study seeks to show how this changing process happened, and to what extent those affected understand and evaluate this transformation. The methodology to carry out the ethnographic work was mainly adopted by qualitative methods and techniques - by participant observation, oral history, photography and the audiovisual records besides reference to data extracted under quantitative methods, as an important instrument of analyses. This induces a conclusion that the transformation of the community is a consequence of the globalized market, though still tied up to specific local relations. The emerging results are: the use of new fishery technology, and new ways of orientation and navigation; the opening to new jobs and occupational activity, the re-order of space s appropriation; changing sociability, larger access to consumer goods, besides bringing on some new conflicts land appropriation and the fishery and the protection of the environment. All this comprehended as a result of the movement of the local relations participating in the global spaces


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Parties are one of the most communicative languages, full of contents and symbolic meanings. The devotion to the saints is a kind of communication. In this thesis communicational processes, its languages and its flows are sought at the Saint Sebastian s party, at Alecrim neighborhood, in Natal/RN. The view is focused on the individuals and collective behaviors, in a dynamic which involves the saint s interlocutors at the party space, which supports the pre-novena, the novena and the procession. It tries to show through observation, ethnography and interviews the elements that composes the symbolic language present on the gestures, on the performances and bodies movements, on the clothing colors, as well as on what is said orally or in silence, on the spontaneous prayers or pre-elaborated ones, on the written messages that the devout addresses to the saint at the patron s festivity


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Cette recherche est ancrée dans les racines de la pédagogie de Célestin Freinet, un des plus importants éducateurs du XXème siècle, car ses propositions naissaient de la réalité de l élève lequel était, de ce fait, valorisé. Au début de ses recherches, Freinet s est rendu compte que pour pouvoir édifier une école qui, effectivement, atteigne les classes populaires, il devrait réaliser des changements dans le milieu scolaire. Notre travail le principe de coopération dans les actions développées par le professeur et ses élèves dans le quotidien de la salle de classe. Les décisions pour la réalisation de ce travail ont exigé, de notre part, une profonde et globale réflexion vis à vis des pas qui devraient être entamés, considérant que notre intention n était pas de faire une simple intervention dans le système scolaire avec une programmation pré-établie, sans instruments crées à priori pour le développement d actions dans le contexte scolaire. Comme questions principales nous pouvons souligner: Comment la coopération contribue pour le vécu des élèves? De quelle manière ce principe se réalise dans le quotidien de la salle de classe? Le principe coopératif, pourrait-il agir comme une alternative qui favorise la dynamique de la salle de classe et des relations entre les élèves? Le principe de la coopération exige la création d une ambiance en salle de classe dans laquelle il existe des éléments médiateurs dans la relation professeur-élève. Ainsi, l organisation de la salle a un caractère important; il faut considérer la participation des élèves dans la construction de ses connaissances. Pour cela, il est nécéssaire créer des structures qui doivent être complétées à partir de l activité des propres élèves. Dans la ligne de cette pensée nous avons, donc, comme objectifs spécifiques: 1) Investiguer, dans l action pédagogique du professeur, l utilisation de stratégies pour la consolidation du principe coopératif pour la salle de classe; 2) Faire une réflexion à propos de l organisation du travail coopératif développé par le professeur en observant comment celui-ci est réalisé en salle de classe; 3) Établir un répertoire des vécus de coopération construits en salle de classe par les élèves et le professeur. Ainsi, pour développer une interaction avec les sujets de la recherche [professeurs et élèves] des études ont été développés ancrés sur les principes de la recherche qualitative de type ethnographique pour considérer ce dernier un référentiel méthodologique plus indiqué à l utilisation des téchniques d observation, interviews et analyse de documents, car ces téchniques sont, traditionnellement, associées à l ethnographie. Cette recherche a pour but comprendre la vision de ce qui arrive quotidiennement dans la salle de classe observée et les multiples relations imbriquées dans le processus de motivation de l apprentissage utilisant la coopération