683 resultados para musa


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Entre los modelos literarios que, en las epopeyas quinientistas acerca de la conquista de México, sirven para dar forma épica a la materia histórica tomada de las crónicas, la Eneida de Virgilio desempeña un papel fundamental. En el presente artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la identificación de Jerónimo de Aguilar con el Aqueménides virgiliano, que se encuentra por primera vez en el Carlo famoso de Luis Zapata, reaparece en Francisco de Terrazas, en Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega y en Antonio de Saavedra Guzmán, así como proponer algunas consideraciones acerca de las relaciones que se hayan podido dar entre las obras de estos poetas.


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The impacts of climate change are considered to be strong in countries located in tropical Africa that depend on agriculture for their food, income and livelihood. Therefore, a better understanding of the local dimensions of adaptation strategies is essential to develop appropriate measures that will mitigate adverse consequences. Hence, this study was conducted to identify the most commonly used adaptation strategies that farm households practice among a set of options to withstand the effects of climate change and to identify factors that affect the choice of climate change adaptation strategies in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. To address this objective, Multivariate Probit model was used. The results of the model indicated that the likelihood of households to adapt improved varieties of crops, adjust planting date, crop diversification and soil conservation practices were 58.73%, 57.72%, 35.61% and 41.15%, respectively. The Simulated Maximum Likelihood estimation of the Multivariate Probit model results suggested that there was positive and significant interdependence between household decisions to adapt crop diversification and using improved varieties of crops; and between adjusting planting date and using improved varieties of crops. The results also showed that there was a negative and significant relationship between household decisions to adapt crop diversification and soil conservation practices. The paper also recommended household, socioeconomic, institutional and plot characteristics that facilitate and impede the probability of choosing those adaptation strategies.


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Endophytic fungi, which live within host plant tissues without causing any visible symptom of infection, are important mutualists that mediate plant-herbivore interactions. Thrips tabaci (Lindeman) is one of the key pests of onion, Allium cepa L., an economically important agricultural crop cultivated worldwide. However, information on endophyte colonization of onions, and their impacts on the biology of thrips feeding on them, is lacking. We tested the colonization of onion plants by selected fungal endophyte isolates using two inoculation methods. The effects of inoculated endophytes on T. tabaci infesting onion were also examined. Seven fungal endophytes used in our study were able to colonize onion plants either by the seed or seedling inoculation methods. Seed inoculation resulted in 1.47 times higher mean percentage post-inoculation recovery of all the endophytes tested as compared to seedling inoculation. Fewer thrips were observed on plants inoculated with Clonostachys rosea ICIPE 707, Trichoderma asperellum M2RT4, Trichoderma atroviride ICIPE 710, Trichoderma harzianum 709, Hypocrea lixii F3ST1 and Fusarium sp. ICIPE 712 isolates as compared to those inoculated with Fusarium sp. ICIPE 717 and the control treatments. Onion plants colonized by C. rosea ICIPE 707, T. asperellum M2RT4, T. atroviride ICIPE 710 and H. lixii F3ST1 had significantly lower feeding punctures as compared to the other treatments. Among the isolates tested, the lowest numbers of eggs were laid by T. tabaci on H. lixii F3ST1 and C. rosea ICIPE 707 inoculated plants. These results extend the knowledge on colonization of onions by fungal endophytes and their effects on Thrips tabaci.


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El plátano es un cultivo de alta rentabilidad con aceptables índices de producción y calidad, representa un rubro alternativo de exportación en la región, principalmente para el mercado Centroamericano. Desde algún tiempo atrás, la seguridad que el cultivo proporciona a los pequeños, medianos y grandes productores se ha visto amenazada por un conjunto de plagas y enfermedades que afectan a la planta y sus frutos. Con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento científico de insectos plagas y enfermedades asociadas al cultivo del plátano (Musa paradisiaca. L), se realizó este estudio en el periodo comprendido de Enero a Septiembre del 2014 en Rivas. Se hicieron muestreos de insectos y colectas de material enfermo en seis fincas plataneras de Rivas. Los insectos y patógenos fueron identificados en los laboratorios del Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria en Rivas y confirmados en los laboratorios de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Las variables evaluadas en este estudio fueron, Número de picudos por trampa, fluctuación poblacional de picudos por finca, número de cochinillas arinosas por planta, fluctuación poblacional de cochinilla arinosa por finca, porcentaje de incidencia y severidad de daño de Sigatoka amarilla por planta, área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad de Sigatoka amarilla, porcentaje de incidencia de daño de las enfermedades pudrición acuosa de las musáceas y de punta de cigarro. Como resultados del estudio se identificaron los insectos asociados al plátano tales como Cosmopolites sordidus, Methamacius hemipterus, Rhinchosporum palmarum y Dysmicoccus grassi. Los principales patógenos asociados al platan identificados en este estudio fueron Micosphaerella fijiensis, Erwinia sp y Verticillium sp., de manera general se observó que la incidencia y severidad de todos los agentes causales de enfermedades reflejaron un comportamiento similar en las seis fincas, estos agentes se presentaron en todos los meses de muestreo, sin embargo, los mayores porcentajes de severidad se manifestaron en los meses de Agosto y Septiembre del 2014 con porcentajes que oscilaron entre el 60 y 67 %, la mayor área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad se presentó en la finca La Zopilota, seguido de San Alberto y La Granja, la menor área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad se presentó en la finca El Espíritu, El Trapiche y Valentina.


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Objective: The main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude among Pharmacy students of the University of Prishtina in regards to the antibiotics. Methods: 144 pharmacy students at the University of Prishtina were recruited in this study to complete a self-administered questionnaire. The total number of questions in this questionnaire was eight (8), covering two (2) major themes: self-report of the current and past antibiotic use and behavior; and anticipated prescription behavior of antibiotics upon graduation. The data was statistically analyzed through using SPSS for Windows. Descriptive analysis was employed, and the results were expressed in frequency and percentages. Results: The results showcased a good knowledge of antibiotic among students. The most common answer of students' knowledge about antibiotics was good or moderate (82 %), while 63.2% of the subjects used antibiotics by self-decision, most of them (45 %) for sore throat. Upon graduation, 56.9 % of the students will not sell antibiotics without prescription and 85.4% think that module for rational use of antibiotics is very necessary to be inside the pharmacy syllabus. Conclusion: The study showed good and moderate knowledge of pharmacy students regarding the antibiotics. Half of them use antibiotics by self-decision but the majority of them stated that they will not serve the antibiotics without medical prescription. Specific modules and training for proper antibiotic use should be implemented within the Pharmacy program in The Faculty of Medicine.


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Diseases, pests and environmental constraints pose a major threat to the sustainability of banana production globally. To address these challenges, the discovery and study of new sources of genetic resistance and adaptability are required, along with the general conservation of diversity. The Solomon Islands, located in the south-western Pacific region near Papua New Guinea, are a major center of banana diversity. Some collections had been made by nationals of some of the diversity present but little was known internationally of the rich genetic resource present. Two separate visits to the Solomon Islands characterized banana collections, documented and collected germplasm, recommended conservation strategies and provided training in cultivar characterization. A remarkable range of genetic diversity was found, including: many AA and AAA cooking types somewhat like those present in Papua New Guinea; nine Fei cultivars in relatively common usage, and two undescribed wild species as well as five AAB Pacific Plantains and four ABB cooking bananas belonging to the Kalapua subgroup. About six of the unique cultivars were successfully collected and established in the regional in vitro germplasm collection of SPC in Suva, Fiji. Nine Solomon Islanders were trained in the finer points of characterizing banana cultivars. Further collecting and study/evaluation of this rich diversity will promote its appreciation and potential utilization for meeting the challenges and opportunities ahead. Future studies could also determine the spread of the Awawe species and variability of morphological traits in the population. Community-based conservation could promote awareness of dietary diversity for better nutrition, via using the Fei bananas described in this paper. Establishing a virus-free regional field collection could help in comprehensively characterizing and evaluating regional Musa genetic resources. Existing sites could embrace the broader unique diversity of the Solomon Islands, and facilitate sharing this diversity in conjunction with a regional virus-tested in vitro collection.


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Major diseases, including Fusarium wilt tropical race 4, threaten banana production systems worldwide. New sources of genetic resistance are considered necessary in the fight against such diseases. The triangular region of Indonesia taking in Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands and Lesser Sunda Islands was prioritized by the Global Musa Genetic Resources Network, MusaNet for exploration and collecting. It is just east of the Wallace Line, which is recognized as a transition zone for flora in southeast Asia, and had been little explored. Bioversity International funded a team of scientists from Indonesia and Australia to make collecting missions in the triangle in October 2012 and February 2013. Suckers and seeds of 35 promising new accessions were collected. About 90% of these are either wild species or diploid cultivars of more direct use to breeding programs. These were morphologically characterized during the collecting missions and included a set of photographs recommended by Bioversitys Taxonomic Advisory Group. Cigar leaf samples were also collected and sent as fresh samples to the International Banana Genotyping Centre in the Czech Republic. Ploidy and DNA (SSR) genotyping determinations from these samples have been invaluable in quickly interpreting and better appreciating what has been discovered. The new accessions have been grown on at Solok field collection, West Sumatra and will be made available by Indonesia to the international community, including breeding programs, for evaluation and utilization. Information on wild Eumusa prompts a rethinking of the phytogeography of Musa acuminata. The variation within the Australimusa species M. lolodensis highlights the need for broader study of this Musa section. French Plantain-like edible AAs and prospects for the generation of African plantains in the region were identified. The mission indicated existence of local edible ABs in eastern Indonesia in association with balbisiana hybrids origins in the region. Further explorations in the region should add to Musa diversity knowledge.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar, 22 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) is a common procedure in patients with liver disease. Bleeding after PLB is rare, with an incidence of 0.35%. Most bleeding complications present within 24 h after biopsy. A 56-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to severe and sudden right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain 10 days after ultrasound (US)-guided PLB. CT study revealed both intrahepatic and intraperitoneal bleeding, and Hb levels decreased by 3.2 g/dl within a few hours. Such a prolonged delay in PLB-related bleeding has not been previously described in the medical literature.


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Research on mushroom production and products is gaining more grounds globally and in particular Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine nutritional relationship between the substrate used for cultivation and the fruiting body on each of the substrates. Agro-wastes, namely: palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) fruit shaft, plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) leaves, sawdust and kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) stem, were assessed for suitability as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus floridanus Singer ). The spawn of the mushroom was used to inoculate each of the substrates, using a complete randomised design, with five replicates for each substrate. Results showed that all the substrates supported mycelia growth and development of fruiting bodies of the fungus. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among substrates in terms of number of days to complete mycelia run, with the least recorded in palm fruit shaft (25.20), and the highest in kenaf (32.40). Total yield also differed significantly (P<0.05), with the highest in palm fruit shaft (51.4 g 100 g-1) and lowest in plantain leaves (6.0 g 100 g-1). There was also significant difference (P<0.05) in the nutritional content of fruiting bodies, the highest fat content being on plantain leaves (1.72 g 100 g-1) and the lowest on palm fruit shaft (0.55 g 100 g-1). The trend was similar for mushroom substrates, plantain leaves having (2.55 g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft, (0.41g 100 g-1). Starch content for fruiting bodies was highest on sawdust (5.31 g 100 g-1) and lowest on kenaf (2.66 g 100 g-1), while for mushroom substrates, kenaf was (0.33g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft was (4.45g 100 g-1). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.24) between the nutrient of fruiting bodies and that of the substrate on which it was cultivated.


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O objetivo deste experimento, realizado na cultura da banana (Musa spp.) no Vale do Ribeira, no município de Registro-SP, foi fazer um cadastramento fitossociológico das espécies de plantas daninhas sob duas formas de manejo do solo. A amostragem das espécies daninhas foi feita em duas áreas distintas de manejo, sendo uma com a cultura implantada em área de várzea drenada a 7 m de altitude e a outra com a bananicultura em área de sequeiro a 16 m de altitude. Na amostragem de um hectare, utilizou-se o método do quadrado inventário para cálculo de frequência, frequência relativa, densidade, densidade relativa, abundância, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância e índice de importância relativa. em ambas as áreas foram identificadas 10 famílias, distribuídas em 18 gêneros e 21 espécies. Na área de várzea drenada, 38% das famílias identificadas são monocotiledôneas e 62% dicotiledôneas, num total de 15 espécies, distribuídas em nove famílias. Na área de cultivo em sistema de sequeiro, foram identificados 50% de famílias monocotiledôneas e 50% de dicotiledôneas, num total de 11 espécies, distribuídas em seis famílias. As famílias com maior representatividade foram Poaceae, com sete espécies, seguida de Asteraceae, com três. Com o estudo realizado, verificou-se ainda grande diversidade de espécies nas áreas selecionadas.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da termoterapia (56 ºC por 6 min) e quimioterapia (propiconazole 250 ml.l-1) associado com temperatura de armazenamento (temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC) no controle de podridões de bananas (Musa spp.) 'Prata-Anã' (AAB) em pós-colheita. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças significativas na percentagem de área lesionada por fruto, perda de peso e coloração externa da casca em todas as temperaturas de armazenamento. A quimioterapia e a combinação termoterapia e quimioterapia evitaram a manifestação de podridões nas três condições de armazenamento, enquanto a termoterapia reduziu a percentagem de área lesionada por fruto de 98% para 11% em temperatura ambiente, de 8% para 7% em 18 ºC e de 10% para 0% em 13 ºC, sendo mais eficiente sob a temperatura de 13 ºC. Frutos não tratados perderam 25%, 10% e 3% de peso e atingiram a cor 7, 5 e 1 em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. Frutos tratados com termoterapia e quimioterapia perderam 24, 11 e 5% e 20, 10 e 3%, e atingiram índice médio de cor 4 e 3,5, respectivamente. O período de conservação foi estendido para 18, 24 e 45 dias em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. A combinação dos métodos evitou a manifestação de podridões, reduziu a perda de peso e manteve a cor da casca e a qualidade dos frutos.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a tolerância de banana (Musa spp.) 'Prata-Anã' (AAB) e do fungo Colletotrichum musae à termoterapia no controle de podridões em pós-colheita. Experimentos in vivo e in vitro foram instalados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, seguindo um esquema fatorial 4x5 (temperatura x tempo). Os tratamentos consistiram na imersão dos frutos (buquês) e do fungo (esporos e micélio) em água aquecida a 47, 50, 53 e 56 ºC, durante 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 min. A exposição dos frutos a 56 ºC durante 9 min causou escurecimento da casca nas extremidades dos frutos, porém, as características físicas e químicas dos frutos não foram alteradas pelos tratamentos. Frutos inoculados e tratados a 56 ºC durante 6 min não apresentaram podridões nem escurecimento da casca, enquanto aqueles não tratados apresentaram 64% da área lesionada / fruto. A partir das combinações 53 ºC / 9 mi. e 56 ºC / 3 min a germinação de esporos foi reduzida para 4% e 0%, respectivamente. A combinação 56 ºC / 12 min reduziu, mas não paralisou o crescimento micelial. O tratamento 56 ºC / 6 min retardou mas não paralisou o crescimento micelial in vitro, porém foi efetivo no controle completo das podridões in vivo. Esse tratamento evitou a manifestação de podridões no inverno (maio), mas não no verão (novembro), mostrando-se influenciado pelas condições climáticas próximas à colheita dos cachos. A termoterapia pode ser recomendada para controle de podridão em pós-colheita de banana devendo ser ajustada para diferentes estações do ano.


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There are reports that strobilurin besides having a fungicide effect can promote physiologic benefits to the plants. However, this effect on banana plants was not studied yet. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of strobirulins on the physiology of banana plantlets. For this purpose, cultivar Grand Naine banana plantlets were transferred to pots containing substrate and kept in a nursery with 50% shading. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three treatments (water, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin) and five replications. The treatments were applied at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after transplanting at a dose 100 g a. i. ha(-1) with manual spray. Plant height, pseudostem diameter, shoot dry matter in strobilurin treated plants were higher than the untreated plants, however, the effect of fungicide treatment was different, being the most pronounced effect of pyraclostrobin compared to azoxystrobin. Plants treated with pyraclostrobin had higher leaf area, nitrate reductase activity and chlorophyll content of leaf total nitrogen than the plants treated with azoxystrobin and water, which did not differ. Strobilurins affect the physiology of the banana plantlets differently, the effect being more pronounced by pyraclostrobin.


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The Vale do Ribeira, SP, main agricultural activity is the banana crop, which accounts for most of this fruit production in the State of São Paulo. The nutritional balance of the plant is one of the most important factors for the banana plant can complete the cycle and achieve high productivity. Aiming to evaluate the seasonal variation of leaf nutrient concentration in banana plants in Vale do Ribeira-SP, we used the results of 252 chemical analyses of plant tissue, collected from August 2009 to September 2010, in the 18 representative properties for the region, ten cultivated with subgroup Cavendish banana plant and eight of subgroup Prata banana plant. The largest variation between the macronutrient occurred for K and S, and among the micronutrients, especially for Fe and B. In some dates of evaluation, there was a higher leaf concentration of P, K, Ca and Zn, in subgroup Cavendish banana plants, while the subgroup Prata banana plants showed higher leaf concentration, especially of Mn, B and N. Climatic conditions, especially rain, influenced the leaf nutrient content, especially for K, N, S, B and Fe.