875 resultados para minimum and maximum pension


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Diese Studie befasst sich mit der Phylogenie und Biogeographie der australischen Camphorosmeae, die ein wichtiges Element der Flora arider Gebiete Australiens sind. Die molekularen Phylogenien wurden mit Hilfe Bayes’scher Statistik und „maximum likelihood”berechnet. Um das Alter der Gruppe und interner Linien abzuschätzen, wurden die Methoden „Nonparametric rate smoothing” und “penalized likelihood” benutzt. Morphologische Merkmale wurden nach Kriterien der Parsimonie auf den molekularen Baum aufgetragen. „Brooks parsimony analysis”, „cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism”, „dispersal-vicariance analysis”,„ancestral area analysis” und „weighted ancestral area analysis” wurden angewandt, um Abfolge und Richtungen der Ausbreitung der Gruppe in Australien zu analysieren.Von sieben getesteten Markern hatten nur die nukleären ETS und ITS genügend Variation für die phylogenetische Analyse der Camphorosmeae. Die plastidären Marker trnL-trnF spacer,trnP-psaJ spacer, rpS16 intron, rpL16 intron und trnS-trnG spacer zeigten kein ausreichendes phylogenetisches Signal. Die gefundenen phylogenetischen Hypothesen widersprechen der jetzigen Taxonomie der Gruppe. Neobassia, Threlkeldia, Osteocarpum und Enchylaena sollten den Gattungen Sclerolaena bzw. Maireana zugeordnet werden. Die kladistische Analyse der Fruchtanhängsel unterstützt die taxonomischen Ergebnisse der auf DNA basierenden Phylogenie. Allerdings hat die Behaarung, die bei anderen Gruppen der Chenopodiaceae als wichtiges taxonomisches Merkmal herangezogen wird, die Phylogenie nicht unterstützt. Vorfahren der heutigen Camphorosmeen sind im Miozän, vor ca. 8-14 Millionen Jahren, durch Fernausbreitung vermutlich aus Asien in Australien eingewandert. Anfängliche Diversifizierung fand während des späten Miozäns bis in das frühe Pliozän vor ca. 4-7 Millionen Jahren statt. Am Ende des Pliozäns existierten schon 45% - 72% der Abstammungslinien der jetzigen Camphorosmeen. Dies weist auf eine schnelle Ausbreitung hin. Das Alter stimmt mit dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung Australiens überein, und deutet darauf hin, dass die Ausbreitung der ariden Gebiete eine große Rolle bei der Diversifizierung der Gruppe spielte. Die Vorfahren der australischen Camphorosmeae scheinen die Südküste Australiens zuerst besiedeln zu haben. Dies geschah vor dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung des Kontinents. Die anschließende Ausbreitung erfolgte in verschiedene Richtungen und folgte der fortschreitenden Austrocknung im späten Tertiär und im ganzen Quartär. Durch ihre Anpassung an Trockenheit ist der Erfolg der Camphorosmeae in den ariden Gebieten zu erklären.Die Abwesenheit von klaren phylogenetischen und artspezifischen Signalen zwischen Arten der australischen Camphorosmeae ist auf das junge Alter und die schnelle Diversifizierung der Gruppe zurückzuführen, welche die Häufung von Mutationen und eine starke morphologische Differenzierung nicht zugelassen haben.


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A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.


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OBJECTIVES:: Widespread central hypersensitivity and altered conditioned pain modulation (CPM) have been documented in chronic pain conditions. Information on their prognostic values is limited. This study tested the hypothesis that widespread central hypersensitivity (WCH) and altered CPM, assessed during the chronic phase of low back and neck pain, predict poor outcome. METHODS:: A total of 169 consecutive patients with chronic low back or neck pain, referred to the pain clinic during 1 year, were analyzed. Pressure pain tolerance threshold at the second toe and tolerance time during cold pressor test at the hand assessed WCH. CPM was measured by the change in pressure pain tolerance threshold (test stimulus) after cold pressor test (conditioning stimulus). A structured telephone interview was performed 12 to 15 months after testing to record outcome parameters. Linear regression models were used, with average and maximum pain intensity of the last 24 hours at follow-up as endpoints. Multivariable analyses included sex, age, catastrophizing scale, Beck Depression Inventory, pain duration, intake of opioids, and type of pain syndrome. RESULTS:: Statistically significant reductions from baseline to follow-up were observed in pain intensity (P<0.001). No evidence for an association between the measures of WCH or CPM and intensity of chronic pain at follow-up was found. DISCUSSION:: A major predictive value of the measures that we used is unlikely. Future studies adopting other assessment modalities and possibly standardized treatments are needed to further elucidate the prognostic value of WCH and altered CPM in chronic pain.


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The resting and maximum in situ cardiac performance of Newfoundland Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) acclimated to 10, 4 and 0°C were measured at their respective acclimation temperatures, and when acutely exposed to temperature changes: i.e. hearts from 10°C fish cooled to 4°C, and hearts from 4°C fish measured at 10 and 0°C. Intrinsic heart rate (f(H)) decreased from 41 beats min(-1) at 10°C to 33 beats min(-1) at 4°C and 25 beats min(-1) at 0°C. However, this degree of thermal dependency was not reflected in maximal cardiac output (Q(max) values were ~44, ~37 and ~34 ml min(-1) kg(-1) at 10, 4 and 0°C, respectively). Further, cardiac scope showed a slight positive compensation between 4 and 0°C (Q(10)=1.7), and full, if not a slight over compensation between 10 and 4°C (Q(10)=0.9). The maximal performance of hearts exposed to an acute decrease in temperature (i.e. from 10 to 4°C and 4 to 0°C) was comparable to that measured for hearts from 4°C- and 0°C-acclimated fish, respectively. In contrast, 4°C-acclimated hearts significantly out-performed 10°C-acclimated hearts when tested at a common temperature of 10°C (in terms of both Q(max) and power output). Only minimal differences in cardiac function were seen between hearts stimulated with basal (5 nmol l(-1)) versus maximal (200 nmol l(-1)) levels of adrenaline, the effects of which were not temperature dependent. These results: (1) show that maximum performance of the isolated cod heart is not compromised by exposure to cold temperatures; and (2) support data from other studies, which show that, in contrast to salmonids, cod cardiac performance/myocardial contractility is not dependent upon humoral adrenergic stimulation.


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Low somatic cell count (SCC) is a reliable indicator of high-quality milk free of pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, an important goal in dairy practice is to produce milk with low SCC. Selection for cows with low SCC can sometimes lead to extremely low SCC in single quarters. The cells in milk are, however, predominantly immune cells with important immune functions. To investigate the mammary immune competence of quarters with very low SCC, healthy udder quarters of cows with normal SCC of (40-100) x 10(3) cells/ml and very low SCC of < 20 x 10(3) cells/ml were challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli. In the first experiment, SCC and cell viability after a challenge with 50 ng of LPS/quarter was investigated. In the second experiment, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in milk, and mRNA expression of various innate immune factors in milk cells were measured after a challenge with 100 mug LPS/quarter. LPS challenge induced an increase of SCC. SCC levels reached were higher in quarters with normal SCC and maximum SCC was reached 1 h earlier than in very low SCC quarters. The increase of TNF-alpha concentrations in milk in response to LPS challenge was lower in quarters with very low SCC than in quarters with normal SCC. The viability of cells and the LDH activity in milk increased in response to LPS challenge, however, without a difference between the groups. The mRNA expression of IL-1beta and IL-8 was increased in milk cells at 12 h after LPS challenge, whereas that of TNF-alpha and lactoferrin was not increased at the measured time points (12, 24 and 36 h after LPS challenge). No differences of mRNA expression of measured immune factors between normal and very low SCC samples were detected. The study showed that udder quarters with very low SCC responded with a less marked increase of SCC compared with quarters with normal SCC. This difference corresponded with simultaneously lower TNF-alpha concentrations in milk. However, the immune competence of the cells themselves based on mRNA expression of TNF-alpha, IL-8, IL-1beta, and lactoferrin, did not differ. The results may indicate that very low SCC can impair the immune competence of udder quarters, because the immune response in udder quarters with lower SCC is less efficient as fewer cells contribute to the production of immunoregulators.


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Endurance athletes have an increased risk of atrial fibrillation. We performed a longitudinal study on elite runners of the 2010 Jungfrau Marathon, a Swiss mountain marathon, to determine acute effects of long-distance running on the atrial myocardium. Ten healthy male athletes were included and examined 9 to 1 week prior to the race, immediately after, and 1, 5, and 8 days after the race. Mean age was 34.9 ± 4.2 years, and maximum oxygen consumption was 66.8 ± 5.8 mL/kg*min. Mean race time was 243.9 ± 17.7 min. Electrocardiographic-determined signal-averaged P-wave duration (SAPWD) increased significantly after the race and returned to baseline levels during follow-up (128.7 ± 10.9 vs. 137.6 ± 9.8 vs. 131.5 ± 8.6 ms; P < 0.001). Left and right atrial volumes showed no significant differences over time, and there were no correlations of atrial volumes and SAPWD. Prolongation of the SAPWD was accompanied by a transient increase in levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, proinflammatory cytokines, total leucocytes, neutrophil granulocytes, pro atrial natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity troponin. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with a transient conduction delay in the atria, acute inflammation and increased atrial wall tension. This may reflect exercise-induced atrial myocardial edema and may contribute to atrial remodeling over time, generating a substrate for atrial arrhythmias.


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We examined the impact of physical activity (PA) on surrogate markers of cardiovascular health in adolescents. 52 healthy students (28 females, mean age 14.5 ± 0.7 years) were investigated. Microvascular endothelial function was assessed by peripheral arterial tonometry to determine reactive hyperemic index (RHI). Vagal activity was measured using 24 h analysis of heart rate variability [root mean square of successive normal-to-normal intervals (rMSSD)]. Exercise testing was performed to determine peak oxygen uptake ([Formula: see text]) and maximum power output. PA was assessed by accelerometry. Linear regression models were performed and adjusted for age, sex, skinfolds, and pubertal status. The cohort was dichotomized into two equally sized activity groups (low vs. high) based on the daily time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA, 3,000-5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 1) and vigorous PA (VPA, >5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 2). MVPA was an independent predictor for rMSSD (β = 0.448, P = 0.010), and VPA was associated with maximum power output (β = 0.248, P = 0.016). In model 1, the high MVPA group exhibited a higher vagal tone (rMSSD 49.2 ± 13.6 vs. 38.1 ± 11.7 ms, P = 0.006) and a lower systolic blood pressure (107.3 ± 9.9 vs. 112.9 ± 8.1 mmHg, P = 0.046). In model 2, the high VPA group had higher maximum power output values (3.9 ± 0.5 vs. 3.4 ± 0.5 W kg(-1), P = 0.012). In both models, no significant differences were observed for RHI and [Formula: see text]. In conclusion, in healthy adolescents, PA was associated with beneficial intensity-dependent effects on vagal tone, systolic blood pressure, and exercise capacity, but not on microvascular endothelial function.


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Chronic heart failure (CHF) impairs quality of life (QoL) much stronger than other chronic diseases. The objective of this evaluation was to assess the effect of a new integrated comprehensive outpatients rehabilitation program on somatic parameters and quality of life in 51 patients with stable CHF. After rehabilitation, left ventricular ejection fraction, NYHA class, and parameters of sub-maximum and maximum exercise capacity improved significantly between 11 and 20%, and 6-minute walking distance by 58% on average (p < 0.0001). Non-disease specific QoL (Short Form-36 questionnaire) improved in only 2 of 8 subscales (physical functioning [effect size 0.38, p < 0.001], and role functioning [effect size 0.17, p < 0.05]), and a mental component score [effect size 0.47, p < 0.0001]. Disease-specific QoL (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire) improved in terms of sum score [effect size 0.24, p < 0.0001], and physical component score [effect size 0.35, p < 0.0001]. Improvement in exercise capacity correlated significantly with improvements in parameters of disease-specific QoL.


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Supervised exercise training has been shown to improve walking capacity in several studies of patients with intermittent claudication. However, data on long-term outcome are quite limited. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate long-term effects of supervised exercise training on walking capacity and quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication. Patients and methods: Sixty-seven consecutive patients with intermittent claudication who completed a supervised 12-week exercise training program were asked for follow up evaluation 39 +/- 20 months after program completion. Pain-free walking distance (PWD) and maximum walking distances (MWD) were assessed by treadmill test and several questionnaires. Results: Forty (60%) patients agreed to participate, 22 (33%) refused participation, and 5 (7%) died during follow-up. PWD and MWD significantly improved at completion of 12-weeks supervised exercise training as compared to baseline (PWD 114 +/- 100 vs. 235 +/- 248, p = 0.002; MWD 297 +/- 273 vs. 474 +/- 359, p = 0.001). Improvement of PWD and MWD could be maintained at follow up (197 +/- 254, p = 0.014; 390 +/- 324, p = 0.035, respectively) with non-smokers showing significantly better sustained PWD and MWD improvement as compared to baseline. Overall, walking capacity correlated with functional status of quality of life. Conclusions: Major findings of this investigation were that improvement in walking capacity is sustained after completion of supervised exercise training program with best results in patients who quitted or never smoked. Improved walking capacity is associated with increased functional status of quality of life.


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A post classification change detection technique based on a hybrid classification approach (unsupervised and supervised) was applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat Enhanced Thematic Plus (ETM+), and ASTER images acquired in 1987, 2000 and 2004 respectively to map land use/cover changes in the Pic Macaya National Park in the southern region of Haiti. Each image was classified individually into six land use/cover classes: built-up, agriculture, herbaceous, open pine forest, mixed forest, and barren land using unsupervised ISODATA and maximum likelihood supervised classifiers with the aid of field collected ground truth data collected in the field. Ground truth information, collected in the field in December 2007, and including equalized stratified random points which were visual interpreted were used to assess the accuracy of the classification results. The overall accuracy of the land classification for each image was respectively: 1987 (82%), 2000 (82%), 2004 (87%). A post classification change detection technique was used to produce change images for 1987 to 2000, 1987 to 2004, and 2000 to 2004. It was found that significant changes in the land use/cover occurred over the 17- year period. The results showed increases in built up (from 10% to 17%) and herbaceous (from 5% to 14%) areas between 1987 and 2004. The increase of herbaceous was mostly caused by the abandonment of exhausted agriculture lands. At the same time, open pine forest and mixed forest areas lost (75%) and (83%) of their area to other land use/cover types. Open pine forest (from 20% to 14%) and mixed forest (from18 to 12%) were transformed into agriculture area or barren land. This study illustrated the continuing deforestation, land degradation and soil erosion in the region, which in turn is leading to decrease in vegetative cover. The study also showed the importance of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to estimate timely changes in the land use/cover, and to evaluate their causes in order to design an ecological based management plan for the park.


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Many investigations have shown that the electrical resistance of soft annealed metals is usually smaller than that of metals in their hard, cold worked state. By annealing cold-worked metals, the electrical resistance decreases to a minimum and then increases upon continued annealing at higher temperatures. The work performed in this investigation upon silver, aluminum, copper, nickel, and soft steel corroborates this idea.


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OBJECTIVE: Vital exhaustion and type D personality previously predicted mortality and cardiac events in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Reduced heart rate recovery (HRR) also predicts morbidity and mortality in CHF. We hypothesized that elevated levels of vital exhaustion and type D personality are both associated with decreased HRR. METHODS: Fifty-one patients with CHF (mean age 58+/-12 years, 82% men) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) andard exercise testing before receiving outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. They completed the 9-item short form of the Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire and the 14-item type D questionnaire asking about negative affectivity and social inhibition. HRR was calculated as the difference between heart rate at the end of exercise and 1min after abrupt cessation of exercise (HRR-1). Regression analyses were adjusted for gender, age, LVEF, and maximum exercise capacity. RESULTS: Vital exhaustion explained 8.4% of the variance in continuous HRR-1 (p=0.045). For each point increase on the vital exhaustion score (range 0-18) there was a mean+/-SEM decrease of 0.54+/-0.26bpm in HRR-1. Type D personality showed a trend toward statistical significance for being associated with lower levels of HRR-1 explaining 6.5% of the variance (p<0.08). The likelihood of having HRR-1and type D personality were both independently associated with reduced HRR-1. The findings provide a hitherto not explored psychobiological explanation for poor cardiac outcome in patients with CHF.


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Reconstruction of a cleft lip leads inevitably to scar tissue formation. Scar tissue within the restored oral orbicular muscle might be assessed by quantification of the local contractility of this muscle. Furthermore, information about the contraction capability of the oral orbicular muscle is crucial for planning the revision surgery of an individual patient. We used ultrasound elastography to determine the local deformation (strain) of the upper lip and to differentiate contracting muscle from passive scar tissue. Raw ultrasound data (radio-frequency format; rf-) were acquired, while the lips were brought from normal state into a pout condition and back in normal state, in three patients and three normal individuals. During this movement, the oral orbicular muscle contracts and, consequently, thickens in contrast to scar tissue that will not contract, or even expand. An iterative coarse-to-fine strain estimation method was used to calculate the local tissue strain. Analysis of the raw ultrasound data allows estimation of tissue strain with a high precision. The minimum strain that can be assessed reproducibly is 0.1%. In normal individuals, strain of the orbicular oral muscle was in the order of 20%. Also, a uniform strain distribution in the oral orbicular muscle was found. However, in patients deviating values were found in the region of the reconstruction and the muscle tissue surrounding that. In two patients with a successful reconstruction, strain was reduced by 6% in the reconstructed region with respect to the normal parts of the muscle (from 22% to 16% and from 25% to 19%). In a patient with severe aesthetical and functional disability, strain decreased from 30% in the normal region to 5% in the reconstructed region. With ultrasound elastography, the strain of the oral orbicular muscle can be quantified. In healthy subjects, the strain profiles and maximum strain values in all parts of the muscle were similar. The maximum strain of the muscle during pout was 20% +/- 1%. In surgically repaired cleft lips, decreased deformation was observed.


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Buttressing is a trait special to tropical trees but explanations for its occurrence remain inconclusive. The two main hypotheses are that they provide structural support and/or promote nutrient acquisition. Studies of the first are common but the second has received much less attention. Architectural measurements were made on adult and juvenile trees of the ectomycorrhizal species Microberlinia bisulcata, in Korup (Cameroon). Buttressing on this species is highly distinctive with strong lateral extension of surface roots of the juveniles leading to a mature buttress system of a shallow spreading form on adults. This contrasts with more vertical buttresses, closer to the stem, found on many other tropical tree species. No clear relationship between main buttress and large branch distribution was found. Whilst this does not argue against the essential structural role of buttresses for these very large tropical trees, the form on M. bisulcata does suggest a likely second role, that of aiding nutrient acquisition. At the Korup site, with its deep sandy soils of very low phosphorus status, and where most nutrient cycling takes place in a thin surface layer of fine roots and mycorrhizas, it appears that buttress form could develop from soil-surface root exploration for nutrients by juvenile trees. It may accordingly allow M. bisulcata to attain the higher greater competitive ability, faster growth rate, and maximum tree size that it does compared with other co-occurring tree species. For sites across the tropics in general, the degree of shallowness and spatial extension of buttresses of the dominant species is hypothesized to increase with decreasing nutrient availability.


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In recent years, the ability to respond to real time changes in operations and reconfigurability in equipment are likely to become essential characteristics for next generation intralogistics systems as well as the level of automation, cost effectiveness and maximum throughput. In order to cope with turbulences and the increasing level of dynamic conditions, future intralogistics systems have to feature short reaction times, high flexibility in processes and the ability to adapt to frequent changes. The increasing autonomy and complexity in processes of today’s intralogistics systems requires new and innovative management approaches, which allow a fast response to (un)anticipated events and adaptation to changing environment in order to reduce the negative consequences of these events. The ability of a system to respond effectively a disruption depends more on the decisions taken before the event than those taken during or after. In this context, anticipatory change planning can be a usable approach for managers to make contingency plans for intralogistics systems to deal with the rapidly changing marketplace. This paper proposes a simulation-based decision making framework for the anticipatory change planning of intralogistics systems. This approach includes the quantitative assessments based on the simulation in defined scenarios as well as the analysis of performance availability that combines the flexibility corridors of different performance dimensions. The implementation of the approach is illustrated on a new intralogistics technology called the Cellular Transport System.