905 resultados para marks assignement
This paper studies the applicability of a model to the evolutive dynamics of Pantanal physiography. The Miranda-Aquidauana Pantanal has developed as a pre-existent fluvial plain in the beginning, from Paraguay river, whose ancient marks, recognized by weathering alteration volumes, show components that make possible its relative age determination and consequently permit the comprehension of the ancient and recent dynamic evolutions, that are responsible for the present physiographic form.
We studied the statistical distribution of candidate's performance which is measured through their marks in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) for years 1998, 1999, and 2000. All students are divided in three groups: Physical, Biological and Humanities. We paid special attention to the examination of Portuguese language which is common for all and examinations for the particular area. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in Physical and Biological sciences. This indicate the presence of strong positive feedback in sciences. We are able to explain completely these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions which we developed recently to explain statistical behavior of financial market. The statistical distribution in case of Portuguese language and humanities is close to normal distribution. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.
The year 2000 marks 500 years of massive destruction for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, as a consequence of the European colonization of Brazil. Today, the Atlantic Forest is restricted to ca 98,800 km2 of remnants, or 7.6 percent of its original extension. The Atlantic Forest continues to suffer under severe anthropogenic pressure, risking imminent extinction of the remaining species. Our current knowledge indicates that this complex biome contains a species diversity higher than most of the Amazon forests, and also has high levels of endemism. The 13 selected articles in this special issue present data on the natural history, ecology, sustainable management, and conservation of the Atlantic Forest. These articles represent a sample of the research conducted to date in the region and suggest avenues of future research, particularly with regard to conservation alternatives for the remaining portions of the Atlantic Forest. This special issue represents one of the first general references pertaining to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
The main structural and geomorphological features along the Amazon River are closely associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic events. The Mesozoic tectonic setting is characterised by the Amazonas and Marajó Basins, two distinct extensional segments. The Amazonas Basin is formed by NNE-SSW normal faults, which control the emplacement of dolerite dykes and deposition of the sedimentary pile. In the more intense tectonic phase (mid-Late Cretaceous), the depocentres were filled with fluvial sequences associated with axial drainage systems, which diverge from the Lower Tapajós Arch. During the next subsidence phase, probably in the Early Tertiary, and under low rate extension, much of the drainage systems reversed, directing the paleo-Amazon River to flow eastwards. The Marajó Basin encompasses NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW strike-slip faults, with the latter running almost parallel to the extensional axes. The normal faults controlled the deposition of thick rift and post-rift sequences and the emplacement of dolerite dykes. During the evolution of the basin, the shoulder (Gurupá Arch) became distinct, having been modelled by drainage systems strongly controlled by the trend of the strike-slip faults. The Arari Lineament, which marks the northwest boundary of the Marajó Basin, has been working as a linkage corridor between the paleo and modern Amazon River with the Atlantic Ocean. The neotectonic evolution since the Miocene comprises two sets of structural and geomorphological features. The older set (Miocene-Pliocene) encompasses two NE-trending transpressive domains and one NW-trending transtensive domain, which are linked to E-W and NE-SW right-lateral strike-slip systems. The transpressive domains display aligned hills controlled by reverse faults and folds, and are separated by large plains associated with pull-apart basins along clockwise strike-slip systems (e.g. Tupinambarana Lineament). Many changes were introduced in the landscape by the transpressive and transtensive structures, such as the blockage of major rivers, which evolved to river-lakes, transgression of the sea over a large area in the Marajó region, and uplift of long and narrow blocks that are oblique to the trend of the main channel. The younger set (Pliocene-Holocene) refers to two triple-arm systems of rift/rift/strike-slip and strike-slip/strike-slip/rift types, and two large transtensive segments, which have controlled the orientation of the modern drainage patterns. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the prototype of a low-cost terrestrial mobile mapping system (MMS) composed of a van, two digital video cameras, two GPS receivers, a notebook computer, and a sound frame synchronisation system. The imaging sensors are mounted as a stereo video camera on top of the vehicle together with the GPS antennae. The GPS receivers and the notebook computer are configured to record data referred to the vehicle position at a planned time interval. This position is subsequently transferred to the road images. This set of equipment and methods provide the opportunity to merge distinct techniques to make topographic maps and also to build georeferenced road image databases. Both vector maps and raster image databases, when integrated appropriately, can give spatial researchers and engineers a new technique whose application may realise better planning and analysis related to the road environment. The experimental results proved that the MMS developed at the São Paulo State University is an effective approach to inspecting road pavements, to map road marks and traffic signs, electric power poles, telephone booths, drain pipes, and many other applications important to people's safety and welfare. A small number of wad images have already been captured by the prototype as a consequence of its application in distinct projects. An efficient organisation of those images and the prompt access to them justify the need for building a georeferenced image database. By expanding it, both at the hardware and software levels, it is possible for engineers to analyse the entire road environment on their office computers.
Biometric analysis of the maxillary permanent molar teeth and its relation to furcation involvement.
A high rate of root exposure and consequently the exposure of the furcation area is usually observed in multirooted teeth. In maxillary molar teeth, this fact may endanger the three existent furcations (buccal, mesial and distal), causing serious problems. In this research, distance measures from the buccal furcation to the mesial (F1M) and distal (F1D) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and disto-buccal roots; from the mesial furcation to the buccal (F2B) and palatal (F2P) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and palatal roots and from the distal furcation to the buccal (F3B) and palatal (F3P) surfaces of the disto-buccal and palatal roots, respectively were established. One hundred maxillary first molar teeth were used, 50 of the right and 50 of the left side. Reference marks and demarcations were determined on the furcations and also on the root surfaces involved in the measures. We concluded that these measurements are important because they may effectivelly contribute to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal problems.
A 55-year-old man was attacked by a Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) after surprising and stabbing the animal in his corn plantation. The victim received deep bites in the thighs, neck, and cervical areas, resulting in severe hemorrhage and death. This is the first report of a tapir incident resulting in death and is of interest because of the severity of the contusions and lacerations caused by the provoked animal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic technique used to study some physiological parameters associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For this purpose it applies an AC magnetic field and measures the response originating from magnetic marks or tracers. This paper presents an equipment based on the ACB which uses anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors and an inexpensive electronic support. The ACB-AMR developed consists of a square array of 6x6 sensors arranged in a firstorder gradiometer configuration with one reference sensor. The equipment was applied to capture magnetic images of different phantoms and to acquire gastric contraction activity of healthy rats. The results show a reasonable sensitivity and spatial-temporal resolution, so that it may be applied for imaging of phantoms and signal acquisition of the GI tract of small animals. © 2010 IEEE.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Objectives. One of the concerns of Sports Sciences is the search for methodologies that can help discover potential athletes. In this sense, some initiatives have been taken in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic profile of dermatoglyphic marks (fingerprints). The present work has the objective of understanding the distribution of quantitative dermatoglyphic indicators in basketball players with different levels of performance compared to non-players. Methods. The subjects observed constituted 125 individuals, divided into five numerically equal groups, three of which were composed of professional basketball players according to their level of participation (Brazilian Team, National Championship and São Paulo Championship) and the last two formed by weekend players and non-players, respectively. Eleven dermatoglyphic variables were analysed in the descriptive level by means of measurement of position, variability and limits of confidence of the median, and, in inferential terms, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was adopted. Results. The more expressive ones were: TRC, counting lines a-b and A'-d, behave differently between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusion. Studies about this kind of analysis should be continued, calling on resources that take into consideration all variables simultaneously as a multivariate study. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.
The feeding choices of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus for various mangrove plant leaves (Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle) at different ages (mature, senescent pre-abscission, and decomposing leaves) were examined. In a controlled experiment set in a mangrove area, we evaluated crab selection for different plant leaves by analyzing foraging rate (number of leaves with predation marks) and leaf consumption. Crabs were housed individually in plastic containers and after a 3-day fast supplied with leaf fragments every 24 h for 72 h. Uneaten leaves were removed before each new food offering. No food selection was observed in the first day, but after this period, senescent leaves, which have a high polyphenol content, were rejected. On the third day, an interactive effect between plant species and leaf age was shown to affect leaf selection, with mature leaves of A. schaueriana and L. racemosa being more selected than the other treatments. This observation was consistent across crab sexes and ages. Our results show that food selection by this mangrove crab changes through time in fasted animals, suggesting that this variable must be controlled in food preference studies. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
In the neighborhood of the city of Boqueirão do Leão (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) a set of three big-sized tunnels has been found. One of the tunnels is only partially filled with sand and accessible along its entire length. It is horizontal, slightly sinuous, 36 m long, up to 4.2 m wide and up to 2.0 m high. The surface morphology of the walls is composed of anthropogenic marks, speleothems, black incrustations and traces like digging scratches and smoothed surfaces. The 2nd tunnel has its entrance blocked by sand and sandstone cobbles, but the end of the tunnel is only partially clogged and therefore accessible. This accessible portion is 12 m long, 3 m wide and 1.5 m high. The 3rd tunnel is completely filled and collapsed and is nowadays only indicated by concave roof features at its end. The general features of the tunnel system and the analysis of the surface morphology of the walls of the accessible portions permit to conclude that the tunnels were produced by ground sloths of the Cenozoic South American megafauna. The size of the tunnels suggests that its excavation was gradually carried out by successive generations of sloth herds, and not by a single individual animal. The primary function of the tunnels probably was not protection from predators, which had easy access to structures of this size, but to shelter during a drier climate. However, it is not yet possible to relate the tunnels to a specific ground sloth genus, a task that depends on the discovery of better-preserved tunnel systems. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.
Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.