890 resultados para knowledge-based systems


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This paper argues that two of the major problems facing local courseware developers and educators in creating culturally-sensitive lCT-based learning environments are the difficulties of representing cultural artefacts in courseware and of having a model of 'culture' that can be implemented in lCT-based systems. A developing learning-object model is presented; one that can be adopted to address aspects of this problem by providing a systematic way to approach implementing and representing cultural artefacts in courseware. This also provides a basis for some aspects of computer-based cultural preservation initiatives. While this approach may have higher short term development costs, the potential long term cultural benefits to the society far outweigh short term considerations.


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We describe how object estimation by a stationary or a non-stationary camera can be improved using recently-developed robust estimation ideas. The robustness of vision-based systems can be improved significantly by employing a Robust Extended Kalman Filter (REKF). The system performance is also enhanced by increasing the spatial diveristy in measurements via employing additional cameras for video capture. We describe a normal-flow based image segmentation technique to identify the object for the application of our proposed state estimation technique. Our simulations demonstrate that dynamic system modelling coupled with the application of a REKF significantly improves the estimation system performance, especially when large uncertainties are present.


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In this paper, we use recently developed robust estimation ideas to improve object tracking by a stationary or nonstationary camera. Large uncertainties are always present in vision-based systems, particularly, in relation to the estimation of the initial state as well as the measurement of object motion. The robustness of these systems can be significantly improved by employing a robust extended Kalman filter (REKF). The system performance can also be enhanced by increasing the spatial diversity in measurements via employing additional cameras for video capture. We compare the performances of various image segmentation techniques in moving-object localization and show that normal-flow-based segmentation yields comparable results to, but requires significantly less time than, optical-flow-based segmentation. We also demonstrate with simulations that dynamic system modeling coupled with the application of an REKF significantly improves the estimation system performance, particularly, when subjected to large uncertainties.


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In data-intensive distributed systems, replication is the most widely used approach to offer high data availability, low bandwidth consumption, increased fault-tolerance and improved scalability of the overall system. Replication-based systems implement replica control protocols that enforce a specified semantics of accessing the data. Also, the performance depends on a number of factors, the chief of which is the protocol used to maintain consistency among object replica. In this paper, we propose a new low-cost and high data availability protocol called the box-shaped grid structure for maintaining consistency of replicated data on networked distributed computing systems. We show that the proposed protocol provides high data availability, low communication costs, and increased fault-tolerance as compared to the baseline replica control protocols.


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In data-intensive distributed systems, replication is the most widely used approach to offer high data availability, low bandwidth consumption, increased fault-tolerance and improved scalability of the overall system. Replication-based systems implement replica control protocols that enforce a specified semantics of accessing the data. Also, the performance depends on a number of factors, the chief of which is the protocol used to maintain consistency among object replica. In this paper, we propose a new low-cost and high data availability protocol called the box-shaped grid structure for maintaining consistency of replicated data on networked distributed computing systems. We show that the proposed protocol provides high data availability, low communication costs, and increased fault-tolerance as compared to the baseline replica control protocols.


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Implementation of integrated catchment management (ICM) is hampered by the lack of a conceptual framework for explaining how landowners select farming systems for their properties. Benefit–cost analysis (a procedure that estimates the costs and benefits of alternative actions or policies) has limitations in this regard, which might be overcome by using multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). MCDA evaluates and ranks alternatives based on a landowner's preferences (weights) for multiple-criteria and the values of those criteria. A MCDA approach to ICM is superior to benefit–cost analysis which focuses only on the monetary benefits and costs, because it: 1) recognizes that human activities within a catchment are motivated by multiple and often competing criteria and/or constraints; 2) does not require monetary valuation of criteria; 3) allows trade-offs between criteria to be measured and evaluated; 4) explicitly considers how the spatial configuration of farming systems in a catchment influences the values of criteria; 5) is comprehensive, knowledge-based, and stakeholder oriented which greatly increases the likelihood of resolving catchment problems; and 6) allows consideration of the fairness and sustainability of land and water resource management decisions. A MCDA based on an additive, multiple-criteria utility function containing five economic and environmental criteria was used to score and rank five farming systems. The rankings were based on the average criteria weights for a sample of 20 farmers in a US catchment. The most profitable farming system was the lowest-ranked farming system. Three possible reasons for this result are evaluated. First, the MCDA method might cause respondents to express socially acceptable attitudes towards environmental criteria even when they are not important from a personal viewpoint. Second, the MCDA method could inflate the ranks of less profitable farming systems for the simple reason that it allows the respondent to assign non-zero weights to non-economic criteria. Third, the MCDA might provide a better framework for evaluating a landowner's selection of farming systems than the profit maximization model.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce a wireless web-based ordering system called iMenu in the restaurant industry. Design/methodology/approach – By using wireless devices such as personal digital assistants and WebPads, this system realizes the paradigm of pervasive computing at tableside. Detailed system requirements, design, implementation and evaluation of iMenu are presented.

Findings – The evaluation of iMenu shows it explicitly increases productivity of restaurant staff. It also has other desirable features such as integration, interoperation and scalability. Compared to traditional restaurant ordering process, by using this system customers get faster and better services, restaurant staff cooperate more efficiently with less working mistakes, and enterprise owners thus receive more business profits.

Originality/value – While many researchers have explored using wireless web-based information systems in different industries, this paper presents a system that employs wireless multi-tiered web-based architecture to build pervasive computing systems. Instead of discussing theoretical issues on pervasive computing, we focus on practical issues of developing a real system, such as choosing of web-based architecture, design of input methods in small screens, and response time in wireless web-based systems.


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World wide there is a transition towards knowledge-based economies In order to foster them, many economies have built frameworks in conjunction with world forums that promote international cooperation. Our research focuses on Australia, an economy that has been named by the OECD as knowledge-based. Specifically, the paper appraises the transition towards knowledge economies in general. We then examine the Australian context through the implemented eEurope framework with the intent of providing suggestions to Australia in its transition towards building its knowledge management


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In agent-based systems, the performance of middle agents not only relies on the matchmaking algorithms employed by them, but also the architecture that organizes them with suitable organizational structure and coordination mechanism. In this paper, we contribute a framework and develop a couple of middle agents with logical ring organizational structure to match requester agents with service provider agents. The middle agent is of the features of proliferation and self-cancellation according to the sensory input from its environment. The token-based coordination mechanism of middle agents is designed. Two kinds of middle agents, namely, host and duplicate, are designed for promoting the scalability and robustness of agent-based systems. We demonstrate the potentials of the architecture by case study.


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It is not a simple matter to develop an integrative approach that exploits  synergies between knowledge management and knowledge discovery in   order to monitor and manage the full lifecycle of knowledge and provides  services quickly, reliably and securely. One of the main problems is the heterogeneity of the involved resources that represent knowledge. Data mining systems produce knowledge in a form meant to be understandable  to machines and on the other hand in knowledge management systems the  priority is placed on the readability and usability of knowledge by humans.  The Semantic Web is a promising platform to unify this heterogeneity and, in conjunction with novel techniques for Web Intelligence it could offer more  then just knowledge - wisdom. The Wisdom Autonomic Grid is an original proposal of a knowledge based Grid that is able to configure and reconfigure itself under varying and unpredictable conditions and optimize its working, performs something akin to healing and provides self-protection, as  visioned in the IBM Autonomic Computing initiative. This paper presents an original framework for creating advanced applications to integrate  knowledge discovery and knowledge management in the Autonomic Grid  and Web environments.


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The adoption of simulation as a powerful enabling method for knowledge management is hampered by the relatively high cost of model construction and maintenance. A two-step procedure, based on a divide and conquer strategy, is proposed in this paper. First, a simulation program is partitioned based on a reinterpretation of the model-view-controller architecture. Individual parts are then connected, in terms of abstraction, to guard against possible changes that resulted from shifting user requirements. We explore the applicability of these design principles through a detailed discussion of an industry case study. The knowledge-based perspective guides the design of architecture to accommodate the need of emulation without compromising the integrity of the simulation program. The synergy between simulation and a knowledge management perspective, as shown in the case study, has the potential to achieve the objectives of rapid development of models, with low maintenance cost. This could, in turn, facilitate an extension of the use of simulation in the knowledge management domain.


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Sustainability is a critical aim of Malaysian public policy and an important aim in education. Nonetheless, what sustainability means as it relates to education and the relationship between education and a sustainable future is unclear. In this paper I shall investigate the role that Universities in Malaysia play in shifting the practice and culture of innovation and creativity towards more sustainable values and outcomes. Sustainable education is based on ensuring that the capacities of students and the broader society are reengaged and empowered through connecting education to the needs and aspirations of civil society and moving away from neoliberal ideas of education as a practice of consumption towards, sustainable values of advancing human dignity.

Creativity and innovation within such an educational framework are goals and practices deeply connected and embedded within sustainable commitments to social justice, the public good, as well as individual growth and development which provide a critical legitimizing principle for university research and teaching. One of the key theoretical influences in making this argument will draw from the arguments of Amartya Sen whose theorization of capability may provide us with a way of thinking about social growth and development that is not possessively individualistic but rather socially concerned. I will discuss this in reference to the approach of University Sains Malaysia which provides an example of a public University seeking to engage sustainability and tie educational creativity and innovation back to the common good and a sustainable future.

The philosophical aim of this paper is to show how universities can pursue creativity and innovation as socially useful practices for advancing humane and sustainable values throughout Malaysian society and avoid the fusion of creativity with possessive individualism, consummerization and social irresponsibility. In this respect this paper addresses directly the theme of the conference: ‘Thinking Minds: Nurturing the Design of a Better Future'. '

To realise our national aspirations, a concerted effort is needed to increase our nation’s competitiveness, productivity and innovativeness. Attributes such as desire for knowledge, innovative thinking, creativity and competitiveness must be imbued within our people. The inculcation of moral values, progressiveness and performance-based cultures must also be instilled if we are to nurture successful individuals of the highest quality. This will determine our success as a knowledge-based economy.’ (Badawi 2007)


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It is argued in this chapter that we live in the knowledge economy, a term coined by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development in a report entitled The Knowledge Based Economy (1996). According to this report, the economy has become a hierarchy of networks fuelled by the rapid rate of change in all aspects of life, including learning, which in turn has compressed the world, encouraging the merging of the world's economic and cultural systems. Contemporary economic and social contexts coupled with competing perspectives on the "future" place significant demands upon educators and educational leaders who are increasingly expected to act in futures-oriented ways whilst also remaining true to the professional standards of their present environments (Faculty of Education and Creative Arts, 2003). In response to these issues and internal organisational reviews of Central Queensland University, the revision and renewal of a number of degrees currently being offered by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education have become increasingly necessary. The Bachelor of Learning Management (BLM) is one program that is claimed to be a new and innovative pre-service teaching degree. This chapter explores a project that was undertaken to investigate current student perceptions of the extent to which the BLM has met these claims. Of particular interest was, firstly, student satisfaction with and achievement in the degree and, secondly, the extent to which the BLM has managed to broker the change needed to deliver the required client outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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Current ammunition Doppler radar systems use Fourier spectrogram for the joint time-frequency analysis (JFTA) of the radar signals. Two wavelet-based systems are presented for the JFTA of the radar signals. This research concludes that the proposed wavelet-based implementations are able to overcome this resolution limitation of the Fourier spectrogram method.


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The thesis addresses the issue of a limited success of knowledge management systems in spite of substantial investments in their development and implementation. Through the research, core reasons for this situation were identified and an innovative user-centered solution that focuses knowledge management on supporting professional activities is presented.