878 resultados para imports


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Access to Latin American and Caribbean Exports in the United States market, 2001-2002 is the seventh annual report released by the ECLAC Washington Office, updating information contained in previous reports. Its aim is to compile and make available information on trade inhibiting measures that Latin American and Caribbean exports encounter in the United States market. This report needs to be placed in the context of a trade relationship between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean, which has grown strongly over the years to the benefit of both economies. Moreover, it must be viewed against the background of the commitment to achieve the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), through which barriers to trade and investment will be progressively eliminated. In this regard, it is hoped that this report will further contribute to transparency and the elimination of obstacles to the free flow of trade in the Americas. The classification of trade inhibiting measures follows the definition used in the U.S. Trade Representatives (USTR) yearly publication National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers. Based on this structure, the report focuses on the three areas of greatest relevance for Latin America and the Caribbean: Imports Policies (e.g., tariffs and other import charges, quantitative restrictions, import licensing, customs barriers). Standards, testing, labeling and certification (e.g., unnecessarily restrictive application of phytosanitary standards). Export subsidies (e.g., export financing on preferential terms and agricultural export subsidies that displace other foreign exports in third country markets).


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Access to Latin American and Caribbean Exports in the United States market, 2001-2002 is the eighth annual report released by the ECLAC Washington Office, updating information contained in previous reports. Its aim is to compile and make available information on trade inhibiting measures that Latin American and Caribbean exports encounter in the United States market. This report needs to be placed in the context of a trade relationship between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean, which has grown strongly over the years to the benefit of both economies. Moreover, it must be viewed against the background of the commitment to achieve the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), through which barriers to trade and investment will be progressively eliminated. In this regard, it is hoped that this report will further contribute to transparency and the elimination of obstacles to the free flow of trade in the Americas. The classification of trade inhibiting measures follows the definition used in the U.S. Trade Representatives (USTR) yearly publication National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers. Based on this structure, the report focuses on the three areas of greatest relevance for Latin America and the Caribbean: Imports Policies (e.g., tariffs and other import charges, quantitative restrictions, import licensing, customs barriers). Standards, testing, labeling and certification (e.g., unnecessarily restrictive application of phytosanitary standards). Export subsidies (e.g., export financing on preferential terms and agricultural export subsidies that displace other foreign exports in third country markets).


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin contains the report prepared jointly in September 2005 by three ECLAC divisions (the Division of International Trade and Integration, the Economic Development Division and the Statistics and Economic Projections Division) on the consequences of Hurricane Katrina for the Latin American countries, especially in relation to international trade and macroeconomic impacts in the region. In addition, the web version of this issue includes two tables with data on United States imports from Latin American countries and the proportion that enters through the Port of New Orleans.  


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Available [in Spanish] at: http://www.cepal.org/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/0/23120/P23120.xml&xsl=/comercio/tpl/p9f.xsl&base=/tpl/top-bottom.xslt


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Includes bibliography.


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A edição 2014 do Panorama da Inserção Internacional da América Latina e do Caribe, “Integração regional e cadeias de valor num cenário externo desafiante”, se divide em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo examina os principais aspectos da conjuntura internacional e suas repercussões no comercio mundial e regional. O segundo capítulo apresenta uma análise da participação da América Latina e do Caribe nas cadeias globais de valor. Esse capítulo também analisa três aspectos microeconômicos centrais relativos à contribuição que a participação nas cadeias de valor podería representar para a mudança estrutural com maior inclusão. O capítulo três identifica diversos âmbitos em que a integração e a cooperação regional podem contribuir para fortalecer a integração produtiva entre as economias da América Latina e do Caribe. Finalmente, o quarto capítulo analisa as relações intrarregionais e extrarregionais dos países da Comunidade do Caribe (CARICOM), considerando a necessidade de fortalecer a integração regional no âmbito produtivo mediante o aproveitamento de outros vínculos além dos meramente comerciais. Também se examinam as diferenças existentes entre os países em matéria de renda, população e estrutura produtiva e exportadora, no contexto de uma acentuada vulnerabilidade macroeconômica.


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La edición 2014 del Panorama de la Inserción Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe “Integración regional y cadenas de valor en un escenario externo desafiante”, se divide en cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se revisan los principales rasgos de la coyuntura internacional y sus repercusiones en el comercio mundial y regional. En el segundo capítulo se presenta un análisis de la participación de América Latina y el Caribe en las cadenas internacionales de valor. En este capítulo también se analizan tres aspectos microeconómicos centrales relativos al aporte que representa la participación en las cadenas de valor para el cambio estructural con mayor inclusión. En el capítulo tres se identifican diversos ámbitos en que la integración y la cooperación regionales pueden contribuir a fortalecer la integración productiva entre las economías de América Latina y el Caribe. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo se analizan las relaciones intrarregionales y extrarregionales de los países de la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM), considerando la necesidad de fortalecer la integración regional en el ámbito productivo mediante el aprovechamiento de vínculos más allá de los meramente comerciales. También se pasa revista a las diferencias existentes entre países en materia de ingresos, población y estructura productiva y exportadora, en el contexto de una marcada vulnerabilidad macroeconómica.


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The 2014 edition of Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy: Regional integration and value chains amid challenging external conditions has four chapters. Chapter I examines the main features of the international context and their repercussions for world and regional trade. Chapter II looks at Latin American and Caribbean participation in global value chains and confirms that the region, with the exception of Mexico and Central America, has only limited linkages with the three major regional value chains of Asia, Europe and North America. This chapter also looks at how participation in value chains may contribute to more inclusive structural change, by analysing three core microeconomic aspects. Chapter III identifies various spheres in which regional integration and cooperation can help strengthen production integration between the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean. The fourth chapter explores the intra- and extraregional trade relations of the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and considers how to strengthen production integration in the subregion by taking advantage of linkages beyond trade and building on commercial and production complementarities among the members. The chapter also reviews the differences between the countries in terms of income, population and production and export structure, in a context of marked macroeconomic vulnerability.


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Incluye Bibliografía.