867 resultados para image processing and analysis
Background research consisted of a hospital case series of all adult burn patients (n = 162) admitted to John Sealy Hospital's burn unit from January 1978 to June 1979. Comparisons between occupationally and nonoccupationally burned adults demonstrated that occupationally burned adults were significantly more likely to have been active in the burn injury event and to have changed jobs during the prior year. They were significantly less likely to have physical or mental problems which contributed to sustaining the burn injury. Comparisons between occupational and nonoccupational burn injury events concluded that occupational burn injury events were significantly more likely to involve multiple sources of energy, sparks as the source of ignition and gases as the source of combustion. Other salient characteristics of occupational burn injuries indicated that subsequent research should focus upon lost workday occupational burns and other injuries sustained by blue-collar petrochemical workers employed in Galveston County, Texas.^ Subsequent research consisted of a historical cohort study of occupational injuries sustained in 1979 by a cohort of blue-collar petrochemical workers (n = 1771) who belonged to O.C.A.W. Local 4-449 in Texas City, Texas. Specific cohort injury rates included 15.08 occupational injuries per 100 person work-years, 11.98 lost workday occupational injuries per 100 person work-years, and 1.64 lost workday occupational burn injuries per 100 person work-years. Salient results from this study indicate that burn injuries are a very important type (in terms of both frequency and severity) of occupational injury sustained by blue-collar petrochemical workers, pipefitters are at greatest risk of lost workday injuries and lost workday burn injuries, company-specific experiences are comparable for lost workday occupational injuries, differences among company-specific nonlost workday occupational injury experiences may not be "safety-related", and minimal job-specific experience may not place employees at greater risk of lost workday burn injuries.^
Deregulation of kinase activity is one example of how cells become cancerous by evading evolutionary constraints. The Tousled kinase (Tsl) was initially identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as a developmentally important kinase. There are two mammalian orthologues of Tsl and one orthologue in C. elegans, TLK-1, which is essential for embryonic viability and germ cell development. Depletion of TLK-1 leads to embryonic arrest large, distended nuclei, and ultimately embryonic lethality. Prior to terminal arrest, TLK-1-depleted embryos undergo aberrant mitoses characterized by poor metaphase chromosome alignment, delayed mitotic progression, lagging chromosomes, and supernumerary centrosomes. I discovered an unanticipated requirement for TLK-1 in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning. Normally, in the newly-fertilized zygote (P0) the maternal pronucleus migrates toward the paternal pronucleus at the posterior end of the embryo. After pronuclear meeting, the pronuclear-centrosome complex rotates 90° during centration to align on the anteroposterior axis followed by nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). However, in TLK-1-depleted P0 embryos, the centrosome-pronuclear complex rotation is significantly delayed with respect to NEBD and chromosome congression, Additionally, centrosome positions over time in tlk-1(RNAi) early embryos revealed a defect in posterior centrosome positioning during spindle-pronuclear centration, and 4D analysis of centrosome positions and movement in newly fertilized embryos showed aberrant centrosome dynamics in TLK-1-depleted embryos. Several mechanisms contribute to spindle rotation, one of which is the anchoring of astral microtubules to the cell cortex. Attachment of these microtubules to the cortices is thought to confer the necessary stability and forces in order to rotate the centrosome-pronuclear complex in a timely fashion. Analysis of a microtubule end-binding protein revealed that TLK-1-depleted embryos exhibit a more stochastic distribution of microtubule growth toward the cell cortices, and the types of microtubule attachments appear to differ from wild-type embryos. Additionally, fewer astral microtubules are in the vicinity of the cell cortex, thus suggesting that the delayed spindle rotation could be in part due to a lack of appropriate microtubule attachments to the cell cortex. Together with recently published biochemical data revealing the Tousled-like kinases associate with components of the dynein microtubule motor complex in humans, these data suggest that Tousled-like kinases play an important role in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning.
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of the gynecologic malignancies. The development of endometriosis has been shown to increase one's risk of ovarian cancer. Numerous studies have investigated this association, yet none have synthesized the available data. In a pooled analysis of cohort and case-control studies, the association between endometriosis and ovarian cancer was strengthened. Women who developed endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer were more likely to develop an early stage clear cell or endometrioid ovarian cancer histotypes and were more likely to have a better overall prognosis. The prognostic differences between endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer without an associated endometriosis may indicate genetic and environmental differences between groups.^
New methods for quantification and analysis of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction data
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a sensitive gene quantitation method that has been widely used in the biological and biomedical fields. The currently used methods for PCR data analysis, including the threshold cycle (CT) method, linear and non-linear model fitting methods, all require subtracting background fluorescence. However, the removal of background fluorescence is usually inaccurate, and therefore can distort results. Here, we propose a new method, the taking-difference linear regression method, to overcome this limitation. Briefly, for each two consecutive PCR cycles, we subtracted the fluorescence in the former cycle from that in the later cycle, transforming the n cycle raw data into n-1 cycle data. Then linear regression was applied to the natural logarithm of the transformed data. Finally, amplification efficiencies and the initial DNA molecular numbers were calculated for each PCR run. To evaluate this new method, we compared it in terms of accuracy and precision with the original linear regression method with three background corrections, being the mean of cycles 1-3, the mean of cycles 3-7, and the minimum. Three criteria, including threshold identification, max R2, and max slope, were employed to search for target data points. Considering that PCR data are time series data, we also applied linear mixed models. Collectively, when the threshold identification criterion was applied and when the linear mixed model was adopted, the taking-difference linear regression method was superior as it gave an accurate estimation of initial DNA amount and a reasonable estimation of PCR amplification efficiencies. When the criteria of max R2 and max slope were used, the original linear regression method gave an accurate estimation of initial DNA amount. Overall, the taking-difference linear regression method avoids the error in subtracting an unknown background and thus it is theoretically more accurate and reliable. This method is easy to perform and the taking-difference strategy can be extended to all current methods for qPCR data analysis.^
The purpose of this research was development of a method of estimating nutrient availability in populations as approximated by supermarket purchase records. Demographic information describing 12,516 panel households was obtained from a marketing and advertising program operated by H. E. Butt Grocery Company of San Antonio, Texas. A non-probability sample of 2,161 households meeting expenditure criteria was selected and all purchases of dairy products for this sample of households were organized into a database constructed to facilitate the retrieval, aggregation, and analysis of dairy product purchases and their nutrient contents. Two hypotheses were tested: (1) no difference would be found between Hispanic and non-Hispanic purchases of dairy product categories during the study period and (2) no difference would be found between Hispanic and non-Hispanic purchases of nutrients contained in those dairy products during the thirteen-week study period.^ Food purchase records were used to estimate nutrient exposure on a weekly, per capita basis for Hispanic and non-Hispanic households by linking some 40,000 dairy purchase Universal Product code (UPC) numbers with food composition values contained in USDA Handbook 8-1. Results of this study suggest Hispanic sample households consistently purchased fewer dairy products than did non-Hispanic sample households and consequently had fewer nutrients available from dairy purchases. While weekly expenditures for dairy products among the sample households remained relatively constant during the study period, shifts in the types of dairy products purchased were observed. The effect of ethnicity on dairy product and nutrient purchases was significant over the thirteen-week period. A database consisting of customer, household, and purchase information can be developed to successfully associate food item UPC numbers with a standard reference of food composition to estimate nutrient availability in a population over extended periods of time. ^
The distribution of radioactivities in a large polymetallic encrustation (TECHNO) sampled from the Pacific sea floor has been studied in great detail. The study includes measurements of the long-lived U and Th decay series isotopes, alpha-particle tracks and SUP-10 Be and SUP-26 Al (Results on the latter two cosmonuclides have been reported by Guichard, Reyss and Yokoyama, 1978). The data are discussed in terms of their implication on age dating of the sample. Two interpretations of the data are presented leading to vastly different time scales for the formation of the sample. Here the opinion is divided among the authorship. One group, as well as Guichard et al (1978), favours the million-years scale and the other favors scale measured in thousands of years. The principal pros-and-cons aspects of the two views are mentioned.
On a cruise from the eastern into western Mediterranean Sea in November/December 1978 a total of 126 samples were collected from 8 vertical profiles and 7 coastal stations for trace metal analysis. The sampling, processing and analysis was performed under strict "clean room" conditions. The concentration of the open-sea samples are close to oceanic results gathered under similar conditions. The grand averages from all profiles (± st. dev. of the individual samples) of 0.40 ± 0.16 µg/l Zn, 17.4 ± 7.4 ng/l Cd, 0.21 ± 0.07 µg/l Cu, 0.21 ± 0.13 µg/l Mn and 0.25 ± 0.09 µg/l Fe indicate that a "metal problem" does not exist in the open Mediterranean. A biologically mediated deplition in surface waters or correlation with nutrients have not been observed under the conditions established on this cruise. This is probably due top low primary production and seasonal advection processes prevailing in this sea. The data for manganese show generally higher values in the surface layer (0-75 m) than in deep waters. This could evidently proved in the nearshore profile indicating a terrigenous source for manganese.