1000 resultados para ilha da madeira
Objetivando caracterizar a produção e a qualidade de bananas produzidas em diferentes condições de cultivo na ilha de Tenerife, foram estudadas três regiões da ilha (Cueva del Polvo, Hoya Melleque e Canaria Forestal), onde se produzem bananas ao ar livre das cultivares Gruesa, Gran Enana e Laja. Nas áreas de Cueva del Polvo e Hoya Melleque, emprega-se o cultivo convencional e, na propriedade Canaria Forestal, pratica-se o orgânico. Os espaçamentos adotados foram de 1,67 x 5,0 m, com duas plantas por cova; 1,3 x 3,0 m, com uma planta por cova, e 2,0 x 5,0 m, com duas plantas por cova, respectivamente, para as propriedades em Cueva del Polvo, Hoya Melleque e Canaria Forestal. Diante dos dados observados, é possível verificar que as plantas da cv. Gran Enana apresentam maior altura e as da cv. Gruesa, maior espessura de pseudocaule. Também se pode inferir que, dentre as áreas e cultivares estudadas, não houve grande variabilidade nas características físicas dos frutos. A produtividade média encontrada foi de 99,8 t.ha-1, valor considerado adequado.
This study has shown that Eucalyptus tar and creosote can be used in phenolic adhesive formulations (resols) for wood products bonding. Some adhesives were prepared substituting 0; 17.7; 35.0 and 67.0% of the phenol by anhydrous tar and 0; 15.0 e 28.5% by creosote. In gluing Brazilian pine veneers, eucalypt tar and creosote based adhesives required longer pressing times for curing than conventional phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. By using 13C NMR, the number of carbons in side chains and hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl and methoxyl groups related to 100 aromatic rings could be estimated in tar and creosote. In creosote, after reaction with excess formaldehyde in alkaline medium, only 0,28 hydroxymethyl groups was detected per phenolic ring. This low amount of hydroxymethylation explains the lack of reactivity in curing observed when creosote was introduced in a standard adhesive formulation.
Adopting the perspective of human health risk assessment, an interdisciplinary research group has been investigating since 1998 the quality of mussels and oysters cultivated in coastal zones of Santa Catarina State. Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters considered relevant in measuring the degree of eutrophication showed values compatible with the dynamics of well balanced environmental systems. Concentrations of metallic and semi-metallic elements in seawater and bivalves were found to be similar to or lower than those found in Chile, Greenland and the USA. Further investigations focusing upon sediments will provide new and useful data for the management of sustainable mariculture strategies in Brazil.
Heavy-metal concentration in sediment is an important parameter for identifying pollution sources and assessing pollution levels in aquatic ecosystems. In this context, the present study aimed at determining concentrations of heavy metals in sediments from the Vitória estuarine system, Brazil. Twenty nine stations were surveyed to assess the spatial distribution of heavy metals. The metals for silt-clay fractions (<63 µm) were analyzed through atomic absorption spectrometry. A discriminant analysis segregated the stations in four groups representing four areas within the estuarine system. The Espírito Santo Bay showed the lowest metal concentrations, while the Vitória harbor canal showed the highest. We concluded that concentrations of heavy metals reflect natural conditions and the contribution of human activities from sewage and industrial effluents. It was not possible to directly associate metal concentrations to specific pollution sources.
Wet (n = 21) and dry (n = 23) deposition samples were collected from March to September 2002 at the southern coast of Ilha Grande. Rainwater pH varied from 4.3 to 6.3 and ionic concentrations (in µmol L-1) decreased in the order Cl- > Na+ > Mg2+ > SO4(2-) > NO3- ~ NH4+ > K+ ~ H+ > Ca2+. Scavenging of sea-salt aerosols was the major source of Cl-, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+. Half of total SO4(2-) was non-sea-salt SO4(2-). Total deposition fluxes of NH4+, NO3-, and non-sea-salt SO4(2-) were respectively 9.3, 17.8, and 16.0 mol ha-1 month-1.
Total Hg content in soils of Baixada Santista, affected by different sources of pollution, and Cardoso Island, which is almost free of anthropogenic activities, were determined by CVAAS. To explain the fate of Hg in the ecosystem, pH, Eh, AVS, Stotal and Total Organic Carbon were also obtained throughout the soil profiles. With the exception of two sampling sites the average content of Hg in samples obtained for Baixada Santista was 0.34 ± 0.20 mg kg-1, which was close to the average data at Cardoso Island (0.30 ± 0.21 mg kg-1). Both of them were below the limit established by CETESB - 0.50 mg kg-1.
Caracterização das O-acetil-(4-O-metilglicurono)xilanas isoladas da madeira de Eucalyptus urograndis
The O-acetyl-4-O-methyl-(glucurono)xylans were isolated from E. urograndis by extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide, analysed for monosaccharide composition and structurally characterized by NMR spectroscopy. These xylans contained one 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid substituent and 5.5 acetyl groups for approximately 10 xylose residues. About 10% of 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid (MeGlcA) units were branched at O-2. The O-acetyl-4-O-methyl-(glucurono)-xylans were composed of the following (1 → 4)-linked β-D-xylopyranosyl structural elements: unsubstituted (51 mol%), 2-O-acetylated (12 mol%), 3-O-acetylated (20 mol%), 2,3-di-O-acetylated (6 mol%) and [MeGlcA α-(1 → 2)] [3-O-acetylated] (11 mol%). The weight-average molar mass and polydispersity of this xylan were 34.9 kDa and 1.16, respectively, as measured by size-exclusion chromatography.
Four flavonoids, 3,7,4'-trihydroxyflavanone (garbanzol), 7,4'-dihydroxyflavone, 7,4'-dihydroxy-3'-methoxyflavone (geraldone) and 3,4,7,4'-tetrahydroxyflavane (Rel-2R,3S,4S-leucoguibourtinidine, guibourtacacidine) were isolated from the wood of Schizolobium parahyba (Leg., Caesalpinoideae) together with lignan balonofonine, sitosterol, and stigmasterol. The structures were established by IR, NMR and mass spectral data analysis and comparison with literature values.
Over the last decade, evidences have been shown that the wood biodegradation by fungi is not only a result of the action of their enzymatic machinery but also of various low molecular weight non-enzymatic compounds, especially in fungi that promote brown and white decay, which in nature are the major wood decaying microorganisms. The present review focuses on the recent theories involving these low molecular weight compounds that act direct or synergistically with lignocellulolytic enzymes to attack the wood main macromolecular constituents, their relevance as potential degradative systems, in the overall wood biodegradation, and also outlines their potential biotechnological applications.
Wood is the main raw material used in the pulp and paper industry. It is a material that presents heterogeneous structure and complex composition, which results in a relatively resistant material to the biodegradation process. In the present review, we attempted to summarize the structural characteristics of wood and describe the chemical nature of its major components to, afterwards, comment about its biodegradation. The role of the enzyme manganese peroxidase in the lignin degradation by a selective white-rot fungus, Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, was highlighted.
This work proposes an analytical procedure for direct determination of calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in buffalo milk by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Samples were diluted with a solution containing 10% (v/v) of water-soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C) at pH 8. For comparison, buffalo milk samples were digested with HNO3 and H2O2. According to a paired t-test, the results obtained in the determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in digested samples and in 10% (v/v) CFA-C medium were in agreement at a 95% confidence level. The developed procedure is simple, rapid, decrease the possibility of contamination and can be applied for the routine determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in buffalo milk samples without any difficulty caused by matrix constituents, such as fat content, and particle size distribution in the milk emulsion.
In the present work, the crude ethanol extract from wood of G. macrophylla was submitted to liquid/liquid partition between hexane, CH2Cl2, EtOAc and n-BuOH. Each phase was individually chromatographed over silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 or Amberlite XAD-2 to give eight terpene derivatives, such as five sesquiterpenoids (caryophyllene oxide, guai-6-en-10β-ol, spathulenol, aromadendrane-4β,10α-diol and aloaromadendrane-4α,10β-diol) as well as three triterpenoids (cicloart-24-ene-3β,23(R*)-diol, cicloart-24-ene-3β,23(S*)-diol, and cicloart-23E-ene-3β,25-diol). Additionally, were isolated three fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic and stearic), two steroids (sitosterol and stigmasterol) and sacarose. The structures of all these compounds were characterized by spectrometric analysis, mainly mass spectrometry and NMR and comparison of these data described in the literature.
Behavior of mercury in soil profiles with archaeological black earth (ABE) and surroundings area (SA) from Sítio Ilha de Terra, Caxiuanã, can provide information on anthropogenic activity of the Amazonian habitat. The samples of ABE and SA soil profiles were submitted to mineralogical chemical (total and sequential) analysis. The data show that the Hg occurs mainly in goethite and kaolinite in the two soil profiles. The highest concentrations of Hg and Fe are observed in the SA profile. These results indicate that the prehistoric human occupation contributed to the decrease of the concentration of Hg in soil ABE from Caxiuanã.
Samples of shells of oysters and mussels from sea farm around the Santa Catarina Island in south Brazil were collected and analyzed by DRX, FRX, SEM, CHN-S, FTIR, TG, AAS/Flame and AAS /GF. The results showed that the crystalline structure of mussel's shells is mainly formed by aragonite and the oyster's shells by calcite. The calcium percentage in both shells species was in the range of 33 to 35% and also 850 and 1200 mg/kg of strontium was detected in the shells of oysters and mussels, respectively. The content of organic matter was larger in the mussel's shells and the thermal degradation of both shells species occurred by three events at different temperatures from 250 to 830 ºC.
Pulp hemicelluloses can be extracted with NaOH and quantified by colorimetric and gravimetric techniques. However the most usual methods to measure eucalyptus pulp hemicelluloses have been through the pentosan method or through xylan analyses by GC or HPLC techniques. In this study a comparison was made between the more traditional methods and indirect method of NaOH 5% extraction followed by colorimetric analyses. It was observed that the content of NaOH 5% extract correlates very well with pulp xylan content and reasonably well with the pentosan content. It is concluded that the 5% NaOH solubility method can be used in replacement of the other two, since it is faster, simpler and less costly to carry out than the others.